WA OAKLEY CARLSON: Missing from Oakville, WA - 10 Feb 2021 - Age 5

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Parents in custody after 5-year-old Grays Harbor County child goes missing​

The parents of a missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County are in custody and considered persons of interest as the search for their daughter continues.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Oakley Carlson, an Oakville resident.

Her parents were arrested Monday on charges of obstruction of law enforcement and first-degree manslaughter.

Detectives consider the circumstances surrounding the child's disappearance suspicious.

Detectives and search and rescue workers are searching the home and property where Carlson lives. The investigation is in its initial stages.

Law enforcement became involved when they were asked to check on the welfare of Carlson by a concerned person.

An exact date of when the child was last seen has not been verified.

MEDIA - OAKLEY CARLSON: Missing from Oakville, WA - Date Unknown - Age 5
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Update: Police Investigating House Fire After 5-year-old Vanishes, Parents Never Call for Help​

New details have emerged in the case of a Washington state girl who remains missing after social services gave her back to her biological parents.

As CrimeOnline previously reported, neighbors of 5-year-old Oakley Carlson said they have not seen the child “in quite some time.” One person in the Oakland neighborhood said that it had been so long since Oakley was seen that the school bus eventually stopped coming to pick her up.

Investigators are now looking into a fire that started on the couple’s 300-acre property in November. Fox 13 reports that the suspects said they didn’t call for help about the fire because they could not find their cellphones. A friend set up a GoFundMe account for the pair.

“It’s unusual that a fire department wasn’t called, I would say,” Undersheriff Brad Johansson said, adding that there is a possibility that the child may be deceased.

Update: Police Investigating House Fire After 5-year-old Vanishes, Parents Never Call for Help​

New details have emerged in the case of a Washington state girl who remains missing after social services gave her back to her biological parents.

As CrimeOnline previously reported, neighbors of 5-year-old Oakley Carlson said they have not seen the child “in quite some time.” One person in the Oakland neighborhood said that it had been so long since Oakley was seen that the school bus eventually stopped coming to pick her up.

Investigators are now looking into a fire that started on the couple’s 300-acre property in November. Fox 13 reports that the suspects said they didn’t call for help about the fire because they could not find their cellphones. A friend set up a GoFundMe account for the pair.

“It’s unusual that a fire department wasn’t called, I would say,” Undersheriff Brad Johansson said, adding that there is a possibility that the child may be deceased.
Burning evidence of foul play?
This couple owns 300 acres? They both couldn't find their cell phones to call about a fire? No neighbor called about the fire? Someone started a GoFundMe for them? I wonder how much was collected. It doesn't make any sense to me that neighbors noticed no school bus, a child not around but not a fire.

She was raised apparently from an infant to 3 years was it by a foster family who it seems were concerned about her with her parents and loved her. So unless they saw her regularly in those years, this child was yanked from a foster home she had always known and placed with parents she had never known?

What a system. We have bad foster parents and people adopting who should never have been approved but then when there apparently is a good foster home/parents, the child is taken from that security she has known for years. Seems pretty arse backwards doesn't it....
This couple owns 300 acres? They both couldn't find their cell phones to call about a fire? No neighbor called about the fire? Someone started a GoFundMe for them? I wonder how much was collected. It doesn't make any sense to me that neighbors noticed no school bus, a child not around but not a fire.

She was raised apparently from an infant to 3 years was it by a foster family who it seems were concerned about her with her parents and loved her. So unless they saw her regularly in those years, this child was yanked from a foster home she had always known and placed with parents she had never known?

What a system. We have bad foster parents and people adopting who should never have been approved but then when there apparently is a good foster home/parents, the child is taken from that security she has known for years. Seems pretty arse backwards doesn't it....
The GoFundMe is linked in post #11 on the first page. They raised $2,323. There was a picture of a burned area of a house, but I have no idea if that's actually a picture of their fire or just a generic house fire picture.

There is no reason to not call the fire department when your damn house is on fire unless you don't want them looking into the fire for some reason.
Was it because they simply had drugs there? Was it because Oakley was already gone and they didn't want anyone asking questions? Was it because they were covering up evidence?

Missing Grays Harbor County girl hasn't been seen for a year by family members, court documents say​

A missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County hasn't been seen by family members since December 2020, according to court documents.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department previously held Oakley Carlson's parents, identified as Andrew Carlson and Jordan Bowers, on probable cause for manslaughter in the first degree, according to court documents. However, they have not been formally charged.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office said Oakley’s parents are currently held on charges of abandonment of a dependent person in the second degree after investigators discovered evidence the parents have not been providing medication prescribed to their other daughter for 15 months.

The medication is necessary for the 6-year-old's health, and going without it puts them at risk of physical impairment, which could eventually result in death, investigators said.

Investigators have not found any evidence Oakley has been seen alive since Jan. 27, 2021. Her parents claim the last time they saw Oakley alive was Nov. 30. Detectives believe Oakley's disappearance is "criminal in nature."

Andrew Carlson told officers Oakley was with his parents but said he didn't know his father's phone number and could not remember the address of his father's home. Officers reached out to Andrew Carlson's father, who said he had not seen Oakley since December 2020, according to court documents.

Investigators spoke to Oakley's sibling who said their parents told them not to talk about Oakley with anyone, according to court documents. Another one of Oakley's siblings told investigators their parents would put Oakley in the closet or under the stairwell, and they had witnessed Bowers beat Oakley with a belt, according to documents.
The sibling also told investigators they were worried about Oakley starving. The sibling said everyone got out of the fire at their home, but Oakley, court documents show.
Investigators conducted a forensic interview with one of Oakley's siblings, who said they had not seen Oakley in a long time. They said Bowers told them Oakley had gone out into the woods and was eaten by wolves, according to court documents.

During a search of the family's home, toys and clothing were located for all of the children except Oakley, according to court documents. Blood was found on the blinds and the front door, as well as a handprint on the wall in the downstairs hallway.

Missing Grays Harbor County girl hasn't been seen for a year by family members, court documents say​

A missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County hasn't been seen by family members since December 2020, according to court documents.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department previously held Oakley Carlson's parents, identified as Andrew Carlson and Jordan Bowers, on probable cause for manslaughter in the first degree, according to court documents. However, they have not been formally charged.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office said Oakley’s parents are currently held on charges of abandonment of a dependent person in the second degree after investigators discovered evidence the parents have not been providing medication prescribed to their other daughter for 15 months.

The medication is necessary for the 6-year-old's health, and going without it puts them at risk of physical impairment, which could eventually result in death, investigators said.

Investigators have not found any evidence Oakley has been seen alive since Jan. 27, 2021. Her parents claim the last time they saw Oakley alive was Nov. 30. Detectives believe Oakley's disappearance is "criminal in nature."

Andrew Carlson told officers Oakley was with his parents but said he didn't know his father's phone number and could not remember the address of his father's home. Officers reached out to Andrew Carlson's father, who said he had not seen Oakley since December 2020, according to court documents.

Investigators spoke to Oakley's sibling who said their parents told them not to talk about Oakley with anyone, according to court documents. Another one of Oakley's siblings told investigators their parents would put Oakley in the closet or under the stairwell, and they had witnessed Bowers beat Oakley with a belt, according to documents.
The sibling also told investigators they were worried about Oakley starving. The sibling said everyone got out of the fire at their home, but Oakley, court documents show.
Investigators conducted a forensic interview with one of Oakley's siblings, who said they had not seen Oakley in a long time. They said Bowers told them Oakley had gone out into the woods and was eaten by wolves, according to court documents.

During a search of the family's home, toys and clothing were located for all of the children except Oakley, according to court documents. Blood was found on the blinds and the front door, as well as a handprint on the wall in the downstairs hallway.
The GoFundMe is linked in post #11 on the first page. They raised $2,323. There was a picture of a burned area of a house, but I have no idea if that's actually a picture of their fire or just a generic house fire picture.

There is no reason to not call the fire department when your damn house is on fire unless you don't want them looking into the fire for some reason.
Was it because they simply had drugs there? Was it because Oakley was already gone and they didn't want anyone asking questions? Was it because they were covering up evidence?
My thoughts run the same. I hadn't looked at the link but it does sound like a cover up of something. If one is looking for insurance money, they'd want the place to burn down one would think but maybe that is what they were hoping with no calling... However, I agree, it probably relates more likely to this sweet girl sadly. Another thought I did have though is they may not have called if they were messed up on alcohol or drugs or even slept through it... Maybe they are under some kind of conditions or rules or court orders... I mean there is some reason they never had this child in her first years. But more likely, yes, it probably relates to the missing child I imagine.

Missing Grays Harbor County girl hasn't been seen for a year by family members, court documents say​

A missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County hasn't been seen by family members since December 2020, according to court documents.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department previously held Oakley Carlson's parents, identified as Andrew Carlson and Jordan Bowers, on probable cause for manslaughter in the first degree, according to court documents. However, they have not been formally charged.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office said Oakley’s parents are currently held on charges of abandonment of a dependent person in the second degree after investigators discovered evidence the parents have not been providing medication prescribed to their other daughter for 15 months.

The medication is necessary for the 6-year-old's health, and going without it puts them at risk of physical impairment, which could eventually result in death, investigators said.

Investigators have not found any evidence Oakley has been seen alive since Jan. 27, 2021. Her parents claim the last time they saw Oakley alive was Nov. 30. Detectives believe Oakley's disappearance is "criminal in nature."

Andrew Carlson told officers Oakley was with his parents but said he didn't know his father's phone number and could not remember the address of his father's home. Officers reached out to Andrew Carlson's father, who said he had not seen Oakley since December 2020, according to court documents.

Investigators spoke to Oakley's sibling who said their parents told them not to talk about Oakley with anyone, according to court documents. Another one of Oakley's siblings told investigators their parents would put Oakley in the closet or under the stairwell, and they had witnessed Bowers beat Oakley with a belt, according to documents.
The sibling also told investigators they were worried about Oakley starving. The sibling said everyone got out of the fire at their home, but Oakley, court documents show.
Investigators conducted a forensic interview with one of Oakley's siblings, who said they had not seen Oakley in a long time. They said Bowers told them Oakley had gone out into the woods and was eaten by wolves, according to court documents.

During a search of the family's home, toys and clothing were located for all of the children except Oakley, according to court documents. Blood was found on the blinds and the front door, as well as a handprint on the wall in the downstairs hallway.
Scum never ceases to amaze me. Clearly, the father would throw his own father or anyone under the bus. Like Lori Daybell with Melanie Gibb claiming she had JJ. Anything to save themselves. This shows the mother and father very well may turn on each other imo....

This is so different than most cases, I can't believe the info provided by the minor siblings is being shared with the public. In the case of Summer Wells for instance, it takes time and the right people talking to traumatized children generally and then they don't share what the children said with the public...

It is clear why they are pretty sure this child is dead. Smh.

Missing Grays Harbor County girl hasn't been seen for a year by family members, court documents say​

A missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County hasn't been seen by family members since December 2020, according to court documents.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department previously held Oakley Carlson's parents, identified as Andrew Carlson and Jordan Bowers, on probable cause for manslaughter in the first degree, according to court documents. However, they have not been formally charged.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office said Oakley’s parents are currently held on charges of abandonment of a dependent person in the second degree after investigators discovered evidence the parents have not been providing medication prescribed to their other daughter for 15 months.

The medication is necessary for the 6-year-old's health, and going without it puts them at risk of physical impairment, which could eventually result in death, investigators said.

Investigators have not found any evidence Oakley has been seen alive since Jan. 27, 2021. Her parents claim the last time they saw Oakley alive was Nov. 30. Detectives believe Oakley's disappearance is "criminal in nature."

Andrew Carlson told officers Oakley was with his parents but said he didn't know his father's phone number and could not remember the address of his father's home. Officers reached out to Andrew Carlson's father, who said he had not seen Oakley since December 2020, according to court documents.

Investigators spoke to Oakley's sibling who said their parents told them not to talk about Oakley with anyone, according to court documents. Another one of Oakley's siblings told investigators their parents would put Oakley in the closet or under the stairwell, and they had witnessed Bowers beat Oakley with a belt, according to documents.
The sibling also told investigators they were worried about Oakley starving. The sibling said everyone got out of the fire at their home, but Oakley, court documents show.
Investigators conducted a forensic interview with one of Oakley's siblings, who said they had not seen Oakley in a long time. They said Bowers told them Oakley had gone out into the woods and was eaten by wolves, according to court documents.

During a search of the family's home, toys and clothing were located for all of the children except Oakley, according to court documents. Blood was found on the blinds and the front door, as well as a handprint on the wall in the downstairs hallway.
"They said Bowers told them Oakley had gone out into the woods and was eaten by wolves, according to court documents."

New charges filed against parents of missing Grays Harbor County girl​

Charges of abandonment have been filed against Andrew Carlson and Jordan Bowers, the parents of missing 5-year-old Oakley Carlson.

The Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office said Thursday that neither Carlson or Bowers gave Oakley’s older 6-year-old sister her medicine for nearly 15 months, the result of which could have killed her.

Manslaughter Charges Dropped for Parents of Missing 5-year-old Girl ‘Eaten by wolves’: Police​

On Friday, police dropped the manslaughter charges against Jordan Bowers and Andrew Carlson, identified as the parents of 5-year-old Oakley Carlson, who was reported missing Monday. They were initially charged with suspicion of manslaughter after they failed to provide police details about Oakley’s whereabouts.

The pair is now facing “abandonment of a dependent person in the second-degree” charges, with bail set at $150,000 for each, according to the Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office.

Police are trying to determine the last time Oakley was seen. As of now, the last confirmed sighting of Oakley happened on January 27, 2021.

Oakley’s parents told investigators that the last they saw her alive was on November 30. They didn’t provide any information about where the child could be, police said.

“The parents have given no indication that Oakley is in the care of an adult and cannot account for her whereabouts or condition,” police said in a news release. “Investigators believe Oakley would be unable to survive on her own for this length of time.”https://www.crimeonline.com/author/legan/

Search for missing Oakville 5-year-old continues across 300-acre property near parents' home​

Gray's Harbor County Sheriff's Deputies continued searching Friday for missing 5-year-old Oakley Carlson.

Investigators are asking anyone who saw Oakley after Jan. 27, 2021, to come forward as they work to narrow down the date she went missing. Detectives have not found evidence that she was seen alive since that date.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office is currently searching for the girl in the area surrounding the family's property, which covers approximately 300 acres of land, according to Undersheriff Brad Johansson.

Johansson said the ground search of the property has been "extensive," and the sheriff's office has also brought in divers and aircraft.

"We're still there today because it's such a massive area," Johansson said. "We just want to make sure we've covered every inch that we can."

Undersheriff Johansson says the office has received some tips, but not as many as it expected to get, considering the amount of time since she was last seen and the amount of attention this case has received.

"So anyone who has seen her, we really want to talk to you and let us know what you saw and the last time you saw her alive," Johansson said.
They had to drop the manslaughter charge? That is a huge bummer! I don’t want these people out. This case is starting to remind me of Cody Haynes. 😡 I say that because Cody was abused for a long period of time, and then disappeared. In the meantime, his horrible father has passed and his wicked stepmother is still out there enjoying life.
They had to drop the manslaughter charge? That is a huge bummer! I don’t want these people out. This case is starting to remind me of Cody Haynes. 😡 I say that because Cody was abused for a long period of time, and then disappeared. In the meantime, his horrible father has passed and his wicked stepmother is still out there enjoying life.
That doesn't mean that they cant be recharged
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Parents in custody after 5-year-old Grays Harbor County child goes missing​

The parents of a missing 5-year-old girl from Grays Harbor County are in custody and considered persons of interest as the search for their daughter continues.

The Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Oakley Carlson, an Oakville resident.

Her parents were arrested Monday on charges of obstruction of law enforcement and first-degree manslaughter.

Detectives consider the circumstances surrounding the child's disappearance suspicious.

Detectives and search and rescue workers are searching the home and property where Carlson lives. The investigation is in its initial stages.

Law enforcement became involved when they were asked to check on the welfare of Carlson by a concerned person.

An exact date of when the child was last seen has not been verified.

MEDIA - OAKLEY CARLSON: Missing from Oakville, WA - Date Unknown - Age 5
Former foster parents saw her 2 yrs ago and they want to speak to anyone who saw her after January of this year?!. What a sibling said "Oakley is no more". Is very telling. These 2 shouldn't have gotten their children back. Another great move by CPS. Yeah. Child PROTECTIVE services. Psh.

Search for Oakley Carlson called off, detectives still investigating​

Detectives have called off the search for missing 5-year-old Oakley Carlson, according to Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Brad Johansson.

The search for Oakley had been ongoing in early December, and detectives combed through the Carlsons' Oakville property.

Crews called off the search at the property after finding nothing.

"The search at the residence is complete and she was not located. Detectives are still actively investigating this case. There are no searches underway at this point," Johansson said in an email to FOX 13 News.

Johansson said last week that the likelihood of Oakley Carlson being alive is "not very good at this point."

He went on to explain that the time frame of when she was missing, her age and the fact that she does not appear to be in the care of an adult, does not make for a good outlook of the situation.

However, he said law enforcement will continue to investigate until they solve the case.

As part of the initial search of the house, detectives said “there was also blood splatter on the blinds near the front door, on the front door and a handprint on the wall in the downstairs hallways,” according to court documents.

Undersheriff Johansson said they are doing a DNA test on that substance.

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