PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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The "killer legal scion"? Well, hat is quite the name.

Personally I don't think the murders were to "distract" although that may have been part of it. I also have never seen one shred of evidence that Alex was addicted to opiates. Could be. Don't know.

I still find it ironic they can cite pretrial publicity when much of the publicity comes from them, for one scheduling a press conference with startling overhyped (imo) claims of jury tampering and about the clerk. Also they and Alex were sneaking out info and pics etc. for a SHOW. In one they called on the press and in the other they are helping to make a TV SHOW. Funny they can create it and then USE it to gripe about or as an excuse to move or delay a trial. Not funny really.

If I never see the pic of Alex shirtless again it will be too soon.

I wonder if this will ever reach a point they exhaust all and he goes off and serves his sentences quietly. I seriously doubt it ever will.

I myself am tired of hearing about Alex Murdaugh when there are NUMEROUS VICTIMS here but he doesn't seem to realize that to this day. Poor Alex. Poor Alex. What an example he is of a white overindulged glutton of all vices of a man. Selfish. Coddled. Corrupt. The man can't even see himself for what he is. Or if he does, he still thinks all is his right in his me da KING brain.

Is it too much to wish he could see himself for the circus side show he is? He is special as are his family and those around him. They are special all right. There isn't one thing normal about them. A classic example of what wealth, power, and name can do to you. Let you never mature beyond a lying, thieving, murderous, stupid, gluttonous, immature puke. I don't know that I have ever seen a poorer actor and it is hard for me to understand how people around him fell for a thing or believed his lies. Even when he tries to beam with love and pride in court of Buster, it comes across as so put on it isn't even funny. Yeah I killed your mom and bro but I love you son, I NEED you son is more like it.

Sorry I am just fed up with this man. Not amused with his team either. Not amused with the sheer voluminous number of VICTIMS in this case and despite their thinking so, Fleming and Lafitte are NOT victims of Alex NOR are his former law partners. I also think there is a reason Poot can't take a break from Alex and defends him so staunchly. Just an educated guess. Just speculation. Yah it is just belief in the innocence of Alex, love of the family and loyalty to them. Uh huh. Except for Maggie and Paul I guess. Does he ignore the admitted guilt of this man with defrauding POOR victims who were both grieving and in need of funds? They know darned well their client is guilty of all including murder. Maybe that is what disgusts me so much. And think they are special. Poot himself puts down others, ya know on those back road,s dirt roads of Colleton County, areas he has not seen and never travels... That the poor man had to travel, having doors slammed in his face... Into POOR country outside of city or town limits. Is HE writing a book or trying to be seen as some colorful southern character whose poor car that costs more than the people's homes gets dusty and muddy traveling those thar back roads where he may have to use an outhouse since no running water and indoor toilet? Oh my. Pompous and condescendng. ALSO comes across as an obvious male chauvinist on many an occasion.

Anyhow just another case where it is the poor defendant. Gloria S. is DEAD. Mallory Beach is DEAD. Paul M is DEAD. Maggine M is DEAD. Tons are defrauded, grieving and STRUGGLING but ya know Alex needs a certain brand of underwear. THEY continue to make this the Alex show and continue to I think ENJOY it, Alex eats it up, one can see it. They continue to make a mockery of SC and justice.

OH I trust it will all work out in the end and Alex will have to do his time but probably never silently but maybe not. Make no mistake about it, this is the Good Ol' Boys trying to maintain and keep hold and power. They'd be wiser all to cut from Alex but they CAN'T. That's my opinion...

I am tired. I am not unwound nor have I had a chance to relax or rest and it is back to a heck of a number of weeks and heavy schedule. I'm disgusted with Alex M. I am disgusted in Delphi and disgusted with Asa in LISK. And surrounding shows, books, lies and ridiculous side shows. And I don't even have time to watch or follow a lot and still feel that way. Oh well.

There are a ton of victims in this case. Someone really needs to tell Alex and team that he is NOT ONE.
Now I do see I responded to one that said he pled guilty. I swear that was not the one I saw when I started replying hours ago. Oh well. Anyhow I did not know he pled until just the last few minutes.
I actualy never saw these posts of yours until just this second. Probably as I was showering, typing my last post, etc.

Yes. GOOD. And I do remember well law partners and cronies such as a banker and lwyer were involved or seemingly too stupid to see what was going on which I really don't buy (like wit the law partners). Are you saying that lightens his acts? I am pretty positive that is not what you mean but it kind of comes across that way. I have never lessened the role of the others.
They are all a bunch of crooks but to my knowledge, Alex is the only murderer.

So good news I guess although I don't think it over by any means. They had to do this or chance the trial AND be ready in short order. I'm going to guess at some point they will try to undo all but then who knows.... Maybe Alex is happy now... Nah.

They'll likely just claim something later like all the publicity, they could not get it delayed, etc., etc. or some sweet deal was struck.

I am happy about it but over the moon is a bit far. As I don't believe it is the end of any of it.. It is strategy or again putting out a looming fire for the moment while they deal with more important ones. Now if he'd only admit to killing his family members...
No it doesn't lessen the crimes but it would not have been possible without those other two and the lack of any auditing anywhere - either in the bank, Alex's firm or the accountant. This had gone on for 9 or 10 years right? And the woman in the firm (Lafitte's wife's in law- Oh yeah) finally questions it?

I wonder how much in taxes he owes?

What's that quote?

"For evil to succeed, just needs good men to do nothing."
No it doesn't lessen the crimes but it would not have been possible without those other two and the lack of any auditing anywhere - either in the bank, Alex's firm or the accountant. This had gone on for 9 or 10 years right? And the woman in the firm (Lafitte's wife's in law- Oh yeah) finally questions it?

I wonder how much in taxes he owes?

What's that quote?

"For evil to succeed, just needs good men to do nothing."
Oh I agree, they are as bad as he is and used and abused their positions and harmed victims they had no right to harm. Yeah I listened tot he woman, their accounts person in the firm, forget her title, but a big one.Jeanie something wasn't it? She testified beautifully as did most of his law partners do fine as betrayed individuals, etc. BUT they also were not challenged by Poot or Griffin.

I find it impossible to believe this woman picked up on nothing being she was chief financial book woman, auditor, etc. in the firm and it took lower staff to notice something...

I also can't prove but don't buy his brother/s, and partners in the firm. I think the patrners turned a blind eye at minimum. He was a Murdaugh. Respect, his heritage, more. And heck wasn't hurting them right...? I recall one of the friends (of the kids) saying heck they all could stop by the law firm and get liquor and parents knew it, etc. and provided and this was the kids of other partners too. Now that doesn't make them guilty of murder or swindling or fraud but there's just plenty to wonder about...

I also do not think we will ever know the depth and other things and connections/crimes/payoffs, more.

But back to your question, I agree. Alex's scheme needed a Fleming and Lafitte, etc. and they are guilty. He also seems to be very fortunate his firm and their chief auditor woman with the books who was shown to be so experienced, etc. was so clueless as were his partners...

But there are bigger fish here, if I RECALL, Bank of America and I think another big bank, etc. was involved and turned a blind eye, helped... There is so much more and many others if you ask me on small scale, one crime or case or all, drug running, fraud, bribery, influence...

Entirely different cases but think Epstein for instance. And Maxwell. Yeah we know about them but what about ALL the others... The connections... Again different and a constant phrase of mine lately but I am tired. I don't have the words for it right now.

Just saying I agree with you and I agree that the CFO, is that her title, Chief Financial Officer? is a bit hard to believe too (came across good but) or was NOT dialed in and on top of things that just one lower staff member paying attention as she should to her job picked up on...
So does that change how you feel at all?
Well I think there is always a reason. i don't think he all of a sudden had a change of who he is and is going to quite fighting the jury tampering, the murder, any of it. I think he is putting he financial crimes at bay, apparently finishing them but not necessarily, they can be fought later OR at least sentencing is less and/or can argue later for release, etc. They were also, weren't they, denied an extension on trial and it was imminent where it could have went much worse.

Like a criminal who has three murder charges, two assault charges, a domestic, a child abuse and a felon possessing a firearm, you and yours (attorneys) are going to have to address the biggest first and what if they are all or some coming down at once or close together...You have to settle, deal or try to keep 50 balls in the air so you can address and fight the biggest...Also maybe a hope it will look a little bit good as a bonus that you 'fessed up so later can get some mercy. Also just how many cases and amount of time can Poot and Griff give Alex, love of him or corrupt connections or not...Not saying that's fact but just saying... I think connections and dirt on others run deep in the low counrtry, at least the Murdaugh et al part of it...
I agree on the financial crimes - he has already served a couple of years off the sentence for that and he will now have a go at the murder retrial. He has nothing to lose there.
True and he did have something to lose here I'd say as a jury pretty likely would have found him guilty and Newman would be the sentencing judge. I have that right don't I? Yes, it was Newman and the State charges. It also would have been a long and dry trial quite honestly I'd say. And he already confessed... I think they made that last ditch effort to get it delayed a YEAR and then when that did not work, he made a deal and probably had already planned to if the delay was not granted.

This appears to indicate that the 27 years sentence for the state financials has already been agreed with no appeal allowed. Just needs Judge Newman to rubber stamp it on the 28th.

Alex Murdaugh strikes a deal, pleading guilty in state's financial fraud cases​

South Carolina Public Radio | By Victoria Hansen
Published November 17, 2023 at 6:26 PM EST
Convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney, Dick Harpootlian, in Beaufort, S.C. on Friday, Nov. 17, 2023. A pretrial hearing is scheduled Friday on state charges that Murdaugh stole money from his legal clients.

James Pollard
Convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney, Dick Harpootlian, in Beaufort, S.C. on Friday, Nov. 17, 2023, during a pretrial hearing on state charges he stole money from his legal clients.

Alex Murdaugh agrees to plead guilty to stealing millions from former clients, colleagues and friends in exchange for a 27-year state prison sentence.​

Alex Murdaugh smiled as he made his way into a Beaufort County courtroom Friday morning. It’s where he was expected to soon stand trial on charges that he stole millions from the family of his late housekeeper.
His attorneys had wanted the trial delayed or a change of venue, arguing they could not seat an impartial jury following the convicted killer’s infamous murder trial earlier this year. They had even asked the judge who presided over that trial to recuse himself from this case.
But just as the hearing began, Judge Clifton Newman recessed for more than three hours while prosecutors and the defense hammered out a deal. A jury was no longer needed.
Murdaugh agreed to plead guilty to charges in all of the state’s financial fraud cases against him in exchange for a 27-year-state prison sentence.
“I do agree that I wrongly took all of that money your honor and did all of those crimes,” Murdaugh said.
Judge Newman must still formally accept the plea but said he expected to do so during sentencing which he set for Nov. 28.
Then prosecutor Creighton Waters meticulously laid out the details of the crimes going back to 2011.
Murdaugh’s smile faded, his lips pursed as Waters described “an insatiable desire for money” he says drove the disbarred attorney to steal $9 million dollars from personal injury clients, colleagues and friends. Waters spoke of victims who both trusted and feared Murdaugh, a man whose family dynasty as prosecutors dates back 100 years.
“He used his power and his influence and his law license to steal for over a decade,” Waters said.
The plea agreement essentially settles a slew of state financial fraud charges in multiple counties that include breach of trust, money laundering and forgery. Murdaugh’s attorneys say he has long wanted to plead guilty.
“Really the only impediment was would we have plea terms that would give him an opportunity to get out of prison,” defense attorney Jim Griffin said. “And today we got those terms.”
Murdaugh is serving two consecutive life sentences for the murders of his wife Maggie and 22-year-old son Paul. But he’s fighting for a new trial, alleging the Colleton County Clerk of Court improperly influenced jurors to reach a guilty verdict during his six-week-long murder trial.
If granted a new trial and found not guilty, Murdaugh’s attorneys say he could be released after serving 22 years. He’s also awaiting sentencing on similar federal charges which he pleaded guilty to earlier this year.
State Attorney General Alan Wilson released a statement following the hearing.
“This is a win for the victims and for justice in South Carolina,” Wilson said.
“We hope the families he betrayed and stole from feel a little peace that he is going to serve time for those crimes. It doesn’t matter your last name, your position, or your connections- no one is above the law in South Carolina.”
Victims and their families are expected to attend Murdaugh’s sentencing at month's end. Meantime, Murdaugh has waived his right to appeal as part of the plea agreement.
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What's the gist of this? Which jurors?
Ok I am listening to this and it is very interesting - only 41 minutes. The jurors were asked questions by SLED in questionnaires and gave their written answers.

It seems the clerk did actually say watch his body language.

Point about graphic photos could be prejudicial.

"No smoke breaks" meant hurry up.

This shouldn't take long, no smoke breaks, be sequestered and could go to a hotel.

Pretty interesting and it looks like there could be enough evidence to warrant a retrial IMO.
OMG. I can't even do this any longer. :thud:

WIRETAPPING?? Works for the county in technology. Misconduct alleged in the IT department. That is as far as I've went before sharing.

I don't even have a response right now, I've had it, other than to say as should not be surprising we have two sides at LEAST that are splitting and corrupt and some of WHOM may have at one time been on the same page, who the heck can even tell any longer, as they all try to rise and save themselves... I think all the GOOD people of the area should get out while the boats of the rest sink and the rats and crooks and corrupt die and then they can move back when it is entirely exterminated...

Ok I am listening to this and it is very interesting - only 41 minutes. The jurors were asked questions by SLED in questionnaires and gave their written answers.

It seems the clerk did actually say watch his body language.

Point about graphic photos could be prejudicial.

"No smoke breaks" meant hurry up.

This shouldn't take long, no smoke breaks, be sequestered and could go to a hotel.

Pretty interesting and it looks like there could be enough evidence to warrant a retrial IMO.
I like her. She's good. NIce balance, not dull at all but not some sensationalistic person/channel either.

I didn't see it quite as you did. Mainly it was the key jurors the defense has but yes, there is a bit of other. I was at work by the time you asked the gist of it and then seen you watched it anyhow. NOW have you heard of Becky Hill's son's arrest and of course I don't think we knew he also worked for the county.....? This lawyer too is worth a watch. He is a defense lawyer. Maybe it is in print news but I went to YT after having dinnfer with my daughter after a long day, just got on here and saw this, came here, saw no mention so sharing what I have. I haven't even watched it all yet myself. Just the first minutes, description.
OMG he was recording conversations of the deputy county administrator who served and was a liason in the Murdaugh case between court and county... Common sense here tells me these were not her only duties,, case, etc. but that was one of them. I haven't listened to all yet. ILLEGALLY recording are the allegations...
Not clear if arrest directly related to Murdaugh trial or not. Yeah when dust settles, but big news at moment and TIMING is interesting no doubt...
HmmMMM a search warrant for a cell phone owned by Becky Hill per the news he is quoting n connecton to this, her son's arrest and Hill turned over her cell phone.... Tuesday evening...
This lawyer makes a good point as things that discuss do. Her son's IP address shows he illegally listened to a conversation in July so WHY do they need Becky Hill's cell phone since it seems to be traced to him/his computer... NO clear evidence yet that it relates to Murdaugh but I am still listening... Either way it is a Hill and she is somehow connected or her phone is... ALLEGEDLY....
OMG. I can't even do this any longer. :thud:

WIRETAPPING?? Works for the county in technology. Misconduct alleged in the IT department. That is as far as I've went before sharing.

I don't even have a response right now, I've had it, other than to say as should not be surprising we have two sides at LEAST that are splitting and corrupt and some of WHOM may have at one time been on the same page, who the heck can even tell any longer, as they all try to rise and save themselves... I think all the GOOD people of the area should get out while the boats of the rest sink and the rats and crooks and corrupt die and then they can move back when it is entirely exterminated...


Rats always leave a sinking ship. I wondered about your comment on the Delphi thread so came here to get up to date. WTH is all this about?
I screenshot the affidavit from the video. The offence was on 20th July 2023. So what was going on in court that day, I wonder? Was he recording stuff for her book perhaps ? Several articles on line so I'll have look and post one on here. Will look to see what was happening on that date.
ETA Had a quick look and I cannot find anything Murdaugh related for 20th July so far but it could have been something to do with Fleming or Lafitte. BTW i did find out that Fleming is appealing his verdict and sentence. Will put that in a separate post.

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