AL RONALD DUMAS: Missing from Huntsville, AL - 15 Dec 2024 - Age 37


Missing Alabama realtor Ronald Dumas was abducted, Huntsville police say: 5 suspects sought​

The case of missing 37-year-old Huntsville realtor Ronald Leslie Dumas Jr. has escalated from a missing person case to an active abduction investigation, according to the Huntsville Police Department (HPD).

“HPD obtained critical new evidence indicating that [Dumas] was abducted on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024,” the release reads.

“This development marks a significant shift in the investigation, which has now escalated from a missing person case to an active abduction investigation.”

Dumas was last seen on surveillance footage entering a liquor store with two women on Dec. 15, according to the release.

It continues that he left the store with them, appearing unharmed.

Through the investigation, HPD says they received information that led to the identification of the women and traced them to their apartment. Further investigation confirmed their connection to Dumas and revealed additional evidence of his abduction.

As the case progressed, the police determined multiple individuals were involved in the incident

“Since uncovering these findings, HPD investigators have worked diligently to establish probable cause and hold those responsible accountable,” the release says.

As a result, arrest warrants have been issued for the following individuals:
  • Quintarius Shikelion White, 32, of Memphis is wanted for first degree kidnapping.
  • Toure Laron McLaurin, 33, of Memphis is wanted for first degree kidnapping.
  • Sabrina Rochelle Chambers, 27, of Huntsville is wanted for first degree kidnapping.
  • Kierra Symone Clark, 27, of Memphis is wanted for conspiracy to commit kidnapping.
  • Carissa Cash, 33, of Memphis is wanted for first degree receiving stolen property.
“HPD is working alongside the U.S. Marshal’s Task Force to apprehend these individuals and urges anyone who recognizes or encounters them to report their whereabouts immediately to local law enforcement,” the release says.

“With assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a credible lead identifying a 450-acre area south of Memphis, TN, and extending into northern Mississippi, as a potential location for Dumas.”

“A coordinated search effort was conducted on Thursday, Feb. 6, by 20 investigators, including crime scene personnel and drone operators, from HPD, the Memphis Police Department, the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office and Southeastern Search Dogs to gather evidence and potentially locate Dumas,” the release continues.

This remains an active investigation and additional charges may follow as more information emerges, according to the police.

“HPD remains committed to pursuing all leads and ensuring justice for Dumas and his family,” the release reads.

Media - RONALD DUMAS: Missing from Huntsville, AL - 15 Dec 2024 - Age 37
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I wonder what info led the PI to the liquor store... It might seem minor but think about it, what would lead you to a certain store or area, etc...? He wasn't even wearing what they described. Someone knew his habits perhaps? Did the liquor store call the PI and they knew his name? That seems unlikely, why wouldn't they just call LE. Something led him there. Just curious as to what...
Bank transactions?
Bank transactions?
Good thought. That's a possibility IF he was with someone or married and they had a joint account or she had the log in and password, etc. It's not clear if he was with one of the mothers of his children or married or remarried, etc. at least not that I've noted. Have you picked up that info? I've seen nothing to indicate his living situation. They couldn't access bank transactions as he's an adult unless someone had access or had a shared account. I'd say IF he was a living with or married to a woman, there's a very good chance they had a joint account, that would allow access through her. IF it showed on bank records and if this liquor store was a regular stop, she'd have also already have known that I'd say then too if it routinely showed up on their bank account, meaning it was no "secret".

I looked this up not long ago, the date, and believe it was a Sunday. We don't really know why he was out and about do we? Maybe he simply was picking up drinks for football? Do we know time of day? I can't recall. I know they don't know what time he went missing or didn't at least at first but when he left home and when he should have been home? Was he simply out running errands?

I mean I guess that maybe if he has a partner, they knew he was heading to the liquor store and something that simple pointed him there...
This is just effed up that the family wasn't informed before LE went to the media.

Ronald Dumas, Jr. added to Alabama list of Missing and Endangered Persons​

Dumas, Jr. has been missing since December. Previously, he was only on ALEA's Missing Persons list.

Huntsville Police says that new evidence points to Dumas being abducted on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024. During the news conference, family representative Troy Styles said that the family was not given this information before it was released to the media. He also said that the family's private investigator found some of the same names listed by HPD.

Styles said the family did most of the "heavy lifting" to get federal officials involved and get the word out about Dumas's disappearance and that they sent tips to HPD, who did not communicate whether or not they were received. Styles also says the HPD investigator did not keep them updated on progress.
No kidding! It’s heartless.

‘We want him home’: Two months after Ronald Dumas’ disappearance and family members are remaining hopeful​

Saturday marks two months since Huntsville realtor Ronald Dumas was last seen.

His family said they can do nothing but wait, and hope that some miracle brings him home.

“Everybody wants him home,” Ronald’s younger sister Deanna Dumas said. “Like we want to know where he is.”

His sister, Deanna Dumas, said that when she first heard that her brother might be missing, she hopped on a plane to Huntsville. Then, she began her own search by calling hospitals and morgues, as well as driving around to look for him and his car.

“I’m all for a miraculous story like the lifetime movies,” Dumas said. “I’m all for him just popping up and being like ha gotcha. I’m going to cry. I’m going to hug you. Then I’m going to beat you for stressing me. But I would love for that to be the story.”

However, Deanna said that she knows that after two months, and police now saying they have evidence of foul play, that she cannot let herself hope too much.

Deanna Dumas said she knew from the very beginning that this was more than a missing person’s case. Investigators, at first, ruled it just a missing person’s case, not an abduction. Last week, it was upgraded from a missing person search to an abduction investigation. Deanna said that she was frustrated that investigators were not listening to her when she told them there was no way he would run away.

“This is not a hoax,” Dumas said. “This is not him running off and don’t know how to come back. This is him in trouble and I’ve screamed it since day one and no one would listen.”

She said that both her and her family are still waiting for Huntsville Police to do more.

She has a message for Ronald Dumas if he is listening.

“I love you,” Deanna said, hoping her brother hears it. “I really want you to come home. If he could just tell us where he is. I would love that. I post on his Facebook wall all the time. I used to text his phone but they don’t deliver anymore. ”

Deanna Dumas said she has a message for the people who might have been involved, too.

“They need to tell us where he is,” Dumas said. “We need closure at this point. I think today is like day 60. It’s two months in. We want closure at this point. I just want my brother back. I want him home.”

Deanna said that Ronald is a great human being and an even better father. She said that he would never leave his children behind.

Mother of missing man's child wanted for assault in Huntsville​

A local woman faces an aggravated assault warrant following a shooting incident that left two women injured.

Shakeria Lashae Samples, 33, is wanted on a first-degree aggravated assault charge after a shooting that occurred February 23 in the 2000 block of Poole Drive, according to the Huntsville Police Department.

HPD officers responded to a shooting in progress around 4:00 a.m. that day, discovering one woman with a gunshot wound. A second female victim had already been transported to the hospital by a personal vehicle with a similar injury.

Both women sustained non-life-threatening injuries from the shooting, which occurred after a fight according to HPD.

The case gains additional complexity as Samples is the mother of one of the children of Ronald Dumas Jr., who has been missing since December.
It fails to say if she is in jail. If she is, who is the poor child with, both parents are out of the picture.

Not a good look. The mothers have made efforts to get out there, show them as a good cohesive unit, the mothers of his children getting along, saying he's a good father and would never not come home but thanks to this, one has to wonder now what is going on here. People just don't shoot others. At least hopefully and in most worlds, that isn't a common occurrence or reaction.

What are we talking here? What was it about?

Ronald Dumas Jr. advocates left with unanswered questions after HPCAC meeting​

It’s been 89 days since Huntsville Realtor Ronald Dumas Jr. went missing, and still little to no answers.

Talia Berryhill, the mother of Dumas’ daughters, said the lack of information from law enforcement is nothing new.

“The communication, or lack thereof, has really impacted us,” Berryhill said. “We are in despair. We would like to know what is happening. We need some sort of information at this moment. There isn’t any.”

Advocates for the case showed up to a Huntsville Police Citizen Advisory Council Public Listening Session Tuesday night in hopes of bridging that communication gap. They said officials within the council approached them outside of the Johnson Legacy Center saying specifics of the case cannot be discussed.

“When I got here tonight, the chairman of this group was accompanied by another member of the council, who met me in the parking lot to let me know that we would not be able to ask any questions or gain any dialog tonight,” Dumas family spokesperson Troy Styles said.

That left advocates both disappointed and with unanswered questions.

“The U.S. Marshals Task Force, where are they?” Styles said. “What is taking them so long? Who is involved in this investigation? How actively are they working it? Are they looking for Ronnie or are they just looking for fugitives? Are they actually looking for them, or are they just waiting on them to make contact with law enforcement?”

Wiley Day, chairman of the Huntsville Police Citizen Advisory Council, said the meeting Tuesday focused on five questions regarding safety in the community, not one specific case. He said it is part of an effort to connect communication between HPD and the community. The meeting, taking place in District 1, is the start of this ongoing effort.

As the tally of days since Ronnie’s disappearance continues, the message remains clear: family and friends want to find him and bring him home.

“His girls remind me every night that they want their daddy to come home,” Berryhill said. “So for us, the ideal outcome is for him to be returned alive, to be returned to us.”
You know, I'm going to stick up for LE for once here. They have to clear families, they have to know the person's lifestyle or his family's and anything they might be into. They need to know family members were not involved, etc. They don't share info even when sure or all of info, and if not sure, they certainly don't.

I usually advocate for as this says, the "gap" between LE and P and victim families but WTH? Now we have a mom in trouble?

People may get sick of hearing it but in our case to be sure no defense could come in and make something else of it by him, my daughter had to be cleared and she was quickly with flying colors, his parents had had our granddaughter for some hours and they had to be cleared, any other things that could possibly be not him a D attorney could later say or blame. I don't know if they faced it but he actually tried to skew things towards his own mother when trying to get out of what HE DID. Meaning they live in denial that he tried to say such.

This family here is being fairly proactive and I give them credit and kudos to them BUT we just had a mom here in a post above wanted for assault.

He deserves to be found and deserves justice BUT it isn't a good look and makes me wonder what may have been really going on.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm definitely undecided on this one.

90 days since the disappearance of Ronald Dumas Jr.​

Police reports out of Memphis don’t typically make Huntsville headlines, but as the search for Ronald Dumas Jr. continues, the community is desperately seeking answers.

A body found by a utility worker in Memphis on Tuesday prompted what Dumas family representative Troy Styles described as over 100 social media messages to his office, all wondering if the remains were Ronald’s.

Styles said the family does not believe the body is connected due to clothing and other indicators. Memphis Police has not yet identified the body.

Wednesday marks 90 days since the disappearance of Ronald Dumas Jr. He was last seen leaving a liquor store off of University Drive on December 15. His car was found abandoned on I-40 near Camden, Tennessee, on December 16, and his phone pinged heading towards Memphis hours later.

Police say they are looking for five people in connection to Ronald’s abduction, including four from Memphis. HPD said authorities were last searching for Dumas in a 450-acre area south of Memphis.

Styles said this is not the first time the family has been contacted about such a grim finding, noting Memphis and Nashville authorities are aware of Ronald’s case.

“Any time that these cases happen where decedents are found, without identification or they haven’t been identified yet, and it does make it to the news, it certainly does create a sense of panic for the families who are looking for their loved ones so desperately without answers,” Styles said.

Styles stressed the communication gap between the family and HPD, saying they have not received many updates from police in the last several weeks. He added that a Dumas family member requested an Internal Affairs Investigation within HPD because of that lack of information.
I talk on this a lot, maybe too much, about the communication gap between victim families and LE. HOWEVER I also get that LE needs to be sure no family is involved, know they won't react and talk out of grief, share too much to the wrong person, and so on.

There are two sides to it imo.

When clear though there is what I call yes, a gap, LE and Ps live it every day and live in a life of cases and courtrooms and know how it works and families do not, they are reeling, and LE needs to solve the case and get charges and then see it tried and I truly believe most care, but a family is in very personal grief, it's just different.

I'm a big advocate of it needs to be done better BUT again LE needs to know too and clear everyone... Maybe it was hyped but wasn't one of the moms here just in trouble?

I'm sure it is scary as heck when a body is found but there may also be a reason there is a gap here. I don't know, we can't know. All we know is the news we get or are given.

Anyhow, so now they are looking for five people and four from Memphis.

I'm not jumping to conclusions in this one but I think there is maybe more to it than we know. There usually is.

I do agree that if a family has someone missing and a body is found that LE should be in contact but I also get they aren't social workers and again there IS a gap and vic advocates are supposed to fill it for instance but there's a whole lot more to it than that...

I soooo appreciated an almost weekly probably hour long talk in our case with a detective but I also get over that time that man they have real jobs to do. And then later they have to appear in court and testify, travel, and then perhaps leave and go back to work on another case...

BUT for the families, it is so different...

Anyhow just saying even though I urge a better system, there are reasons sometimes things are not shared...

Does anyone here have an opinion of what happened? I again don't do things like FB but there are a few red flags imo or just a leaning because of a couple of things... Could be due to LE, could be due to family.

The clothing was wrong, but family blamed that on LE, family I think wasn't it found the liquor store video? So there yeah LE isn't looking good however on the other hand of course family cares SO much they do such things and feel LE isn't looking for their missing loved one, etc... It's their only concern, but LE has to do all the stuff and other cases...

Again I'm not jumping to any conclusions here, not enough reason but I do feel there are things not known to us, but that's always the case.

Listened to major thunder tonight, very unexpected and it's dark but I can hear the rain. We are still between is it winter or spring so I sure didn't expect that plus I can hear someone's AC running, are you kidding me? The heat is still on and temps haven't hit summer ones yet, not even 60 lol.

Of course in this place maybe they turned the AC unit on (not central air, unit) because the heat is uncontrollable. It either is way too hot or one is freezing.

Sidetracking, anyhow, sleep patterns are very off. I kind of liked the sound of the thunder and now the rain.

I hope they get answers here. I hope he left rather than is dead or something on that order. I don't have any strong leaning in this one. I am however wondering about a couple of things.

100 days since Ronald Dumas Jr. was abducted: what's next?​

Tuesday marked 100 days since police say Huntsville Realtor Ronald Dumas Jr. was abducted.

WAAY 31 spoke with the family’s private investigator, James Andrews, on Tuesday. He says the biggest development right now is that Dumas' family is meeting with the Huntsville Police Department later this week. Andrews is hopeful it may bring some answers.

"Everybody is really excited about that—it seems like that situation may get itself repaired. I think with that meeting, the family may get a lot of answers and just try to repair that communication gap that had gone on between HPD and the family," said Andrews.

Andrews says he’s still speaking to people who might have crucial information, but overall, tips have slowed down.

He believes most people with information have already come forward to him or the Huntsville Police Department. Despite that, he says they’re trying to stay positive and hold onto hope that Dumas is still out there.

"Hopefully, the worst-case scenario is that he is just being held somewhere against his will, and we can get some leads—at least find a house that he's being kept in or something like that. We don't know. We're open to everything; we're looking at every possibility," said Andrews.

He says after this meeting, they’re hoping to put together a new game plan, possibly expanding search efforts into other states to cover as much ground as possible.

Andrews added, "It’s stretching across multiple states. You’ve got multiple people, multiple families involved, and even multiple deceased individuals connected to this case."

WAAY 31 reached out to HPD for an update, and they provided this statement:

"We understand that as time passes, more questions arise about the abduction of Ronald Leslie Dumas Jr. While it is deeply disheartening that this case remains unsolved, please know we remain fully committed to uncovering the truth as we continue to work with numerous local and state law enforcement agencies, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Marshals Service.

Our investigative team is continually gathering and assessing new information, making progress, and uncovering promising leads. Our priority remains the same: locating the five individuals connected to Ronald’s abduction and, most importantly, bringing him home.

Information is what breaks cases open. If anyone has any information regarding this case or the individuals involved, please report it. You can do so anonymously through Huntsville Area Crime Stoppers or by contacting Investigator Stephen Gibbs at 256-427-5448."

As of now, Huntsville police are still searching for the five suspects they say are connected to his abduction. They urge anyone with information to contact their department.
Well at least they are trying to close the communication gap with the family, that's a good thing. I suspect there may be reasons for some of it.

It's certainly a strange one. I don't even know what to think in this one. Maybe there's more info out there but if so, I haven't seen it so no idea. A grown man abducted and being held against his will for what purpose or he was abducted and killed, or he left and wants it thought he was abducted seem to be the options here... Any motive there is not even a hint of as to taking him, keeping him, etc.. Why would anyone... Yet it is continually called an abduction...

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