NE RYAN LARSEN: Missing from La Vista, NE - 17 May 2021 - Age 11


Endangered Missing Advisory issued for Omaha boy​

The Nebraska State Patrol has issued an Endangered Missing Advisory for a boy with autism missing from La Vista, near Omaha.

According to a release, Ryan Larsen, 11, was last seen leaving school Monday at La West Elementary.

‘Ultimate game of hide-and-seek,’ search for missing La Vista child continues​

The Nebraska State Patrol issues an Endangered Missing Advisory for a La Vista boy.

Ryan Larsen was last known to be in the area of 78th Street and Terry Drive in La Vista around 12:00 pm on Monday.

Authorities say Ryan has autism, is an 11-year-old white male, 5′ 8″, about 125 lbs with brown hair and hazel eyes. Ryan was wearing a black jacket, blue jeans, an Old Navy shirt, and had a polka-dotted umbrella.

“We have no reason to suspect anything other than he walked away,” commented a spokesperson for the La Vista Police Department. “Right now we are just looking for a little boy who is playing the ultimate game of hide-and-seek.”

The official explained that La Vista police has dealt with Larsen before.

“He does like to hide he does like to get away, he likes to hide in small places.”

Larsen is a high-functioning child on the autism spectrum, who police say is non-verbal with anyone he is uncomfortable around. They believe he was in between classes when he slipped away from the school.

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Seems to be about an hour's drive away.

Lancaster County Sheriff's Office said Friday preliminary autopsy results have identified the deceased that was located at Pawnee Lake on Thursday.

The family of the deceased has requested the identity be withheld until tomorrow.

Investigators say the cause and manner of death is still undetermined pending toxicology results, which could take 4-6 weeks.

Lancaster Sheriff Terry Wagner stated in a news conference that the body was discovered in a field by a wooded area. He said the body was covered, but not buried.

Asked whether the remains are linked to the disappearance of Carly Schaaf or Ryan Larsen, Wagner said, "we're certainly keeping that in mind."
Seems to be about an hour's drive away.

Lancaster County Sheriff's Office said Friday preliminary autopsy results have identified the deceased that was located at Pawnee Lake on Thursday.

The family of the deceased has requested the identity be withheld until tomorrow.

Investigators say the cause and manner of death is still undetermined pending toxicology results, which could take 4-6 weeks.

Lancaster Sheriff Terry Wagner stated in a news conference that the body was discovered in a field by a wooded area. He said the body was covered, but not buried.

Asked whether the remains are linked to the disappearance of Carly Schaaf or Ryan Larsen, Wagner said, "we're certainly keeping that in mind."
Well, whoever it is it was not natural causes most likely if the body was "covered". If it is him, something is really wrong. How could he be an hour away without a ride or someone seeing him?

For Carly Schaaf the distance is only about 11 miles. I did not use the street address but just went from Lincoln NE to Pawnee Lake to get mileage. No way to know for sure but it seems more likely it is her rather than Ryan.
Another person who "may have information" was being sought. He has been identified.

I don't understand how a child with special needs could just escape from school and walk away without anyone noticing he was making a break for the door. I honestly thought that our kids were more closely monitored than that. However, even after the fact of him running away from the school it seems odd that with all the places that have security cameras these days there haven't been more sightings of him. It's been over a month now and still nothing new is coming along something just doesn't add up but I can't figure it out.
I don't understand how a child with special needs could just escape from school and walk away without anyone noticing he was making a break for the door. I honestly thought that our kids were more closely monitored than that. However, even after the fact of him running away from the school it seems odd that with all the places that have security cameras these days there haven't been more sightings of him. It's been over a month now and still nothing new is coming along something just doesn't add up but I can't figure it out.
Imo we assume too much. I used to. Many still do. If LE says it, or some national someone or a doctor, or it is a school, they are not to be questioned. We like to believe we are safe and such things are in place and work and our children are as well. I myself am so well past believing that. And special needs? Yes one would think even more so. Or adoptive placement, etc. After all it is professionals doing such things and they are following up or knowing where they are placing a child and it is all good... I am not talking so much specific to this case but generally.

In this case, as they say, I have not left the school. Yes, there are or is an alleged account or two of him being seen after that or who they "think" was Ryan. I am sure in this one LE knows things we do not but clearly not enough to find him or get there or to a result.

I never left the facility with Serenity Dennard, SD. Mm-hmm, there was allegedly a sighting or two...

Whatever it is, there is something not being shared in this case. Searching seven miles away for a LONG and intensive search. No sightings in between school and this area that we know of... Did he ride a bus, walk seven miles, get a ride? I mean really, there has to be some explanation... Someone would have seen him, a camera, a bus driver, etc.

Perhaps this high functioning child just holed up somewhere and hid somewhere where he did not survive. And perhaps not.

Something is just "off" in this one. Can't say what as we don't know. I am not even convinced he was at school, how do we know? I am sure LE does and hopefully that did not come from just one source/teacher. But I don't know. Nothing has been shared that convinces me of a darned thing. Not that it's their job to convince the public nor share it, the job is to investigate and protect the investigation, just saying I have seen no actual confirmation of one darned thing that I have any reason to believe in any scenario in this one.

I don't even have any opinion as to what or who or if there even is a perp. It is just STRANGE the lack of sightings and searching again, seven miles away, seriously for more than one day by far... With no indication of why or how he would have gotten there to center on that area so hard...

And I have to wonder, if this child had access to tech and had autism and was searching things like how to hide from the police, did his parents not monitor him or was this only realized and found once he was missing? Not saying or blaming the parents, it is hard to keep up with children and their knowledge of tech and life but he was known to run, etc. and had before... Wouldn't you monitor that? And back to the beginning, wouldn't the school be extra concerned and careful to know his whereabouts when at school if known to take off, run or do such? Apparently not.

Something is just "OFF" in this case. Doesn't smell right. In fact, I am starting to think it reeks. Not with LE necessarily, just that something else is up.
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I don't understand how a child with special needs could just escape from school and walk away without anyone noticing he was making a break for the door. I honestly thought that our kids were more closely monitored than that. However, even after the fact of him running away from the school it seems odd that with all the places that have security cameras these days there haven't been more sightings of him. It's been over a month now and still nothing new is coming along something just doesn't add up but I can't figure it out.
Some kids, especially many with special needs, are escape artists. I'd be interested to know if Ryan had a 1:1 para or if he was more independent. I know many kids with autism in our school system. Some move about their days pretty independently, while others are with an adult 100% of the time. And others are somewhere in between. Either way, we know that he was determined to get away and to stay "hidden" from the police. He had worn tracking bracelets in the past but had always cut them off.

I do wonder about the cameras. They're pretty certain they captured him at least a few times. But I do wonder if they have other video they haven't released yet. Perhaps something that led them to search so far away? IMO, there's no way he walked 6 miles across town with NO other cameras picking him up. So either they DO have video they haven't released yet, they searched the area based on a whim because he'd been there before, or they are on an entirely different path that we aren't privy to.

I'm inclined to believe, at least right now, that he got himself into an area that he couldn't get out of, or got lost.
Some kids, especially many with special needs, are escape artists. I'd be interested to know if Ryan had a 1:1 para or if he was more independent. I know many kids with autism in our school system. Some move about their days pretty independently, while others are with an adult 100% of the time. And others are somewhere in between. Either way, we know that he was determined to get away and to stay "hidden" from the police. He had worn tracking bracelets in the past but had always cut them off.

I do wonder about the cameras. They're pretty certain they captured him at least a few times. But I do wonder if they have other video they haven't released yet. Perhaps something that led them to search so far away? IMO, there's no way he walked 6 miles across town with NO other cameras picking him up. So either they DO have video they haven't released yet, they searched the area based on a whim because he'd been there before, or they are on an entirely different path that we aren't privy to.

I'm inclined to believe, at least right now, that he got himself into an area that he couldn't get out of, or got lost.
yes, I am thinking a series of unfortunate events happened to him. Most of the pics shown of him show him with outdoor gear so I do believe he is comfortable with the outdoors - maybe even more comfortable outdoors than indoors.
If his mom moved out of the home I wonder if anyone else is checking on the home to see if decided to go back? Or have I confused this case with the one in Iowa? :thinking:
I don't understand how a child with special needs could just escape from school and walk away without anyone noticing he was making a break for the door. I honestly thought that our kids were more closely monitored than that. However, even after the fact of him running away from the school it seems odd that with all the places that have security cameras these days there haven't been more sightings of him. It's been over a month now and still nothing new is coming along something just doesn't add up but I can't figure it out.
Good question And I see @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed answered it down the road. In my experience, it was harder for my son to go and hide when he was having his meltdowns because he had a TA with him during unmonitored times. And of course if he walked out of a classroom the teacher would’ve noticed. The reason that he had it though was because of his tendency to be overstimulated by social interactions and hiding. So they gave him a TA to keep him monitored.
Good question And I see she who answered it down the road. In my experience, it was harder for my son to go and hide when he was having his meltdowns because he had a TA with him during unmonitored times. And of course if he walked out of a classroom the teacher would’ve noticed. The reason that he had it though was because of his tendency to be overstimulated by social interactions and hiding. So they gave him a TA to keep him monitored.
Quoting myself because I didn’t really say the bottom line is that it depends on his IEP Which spells out the special needs of each child that has been designated to be on the spectrum.

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