NE TYLER GOODRICH: Missing from Lincoln, NE - 3 Nov 2023 - Age 35 *Found Deceased*

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Missing Lincoln man has ‘gone off the grid’, sheriff’s office says​

After leaving his home in southwest Lincoln on Friday, there has been no sign of 35-year-old Tyler Goodrich.

Deputies from the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office were initially called to the Yankee Hill neighborhood Friday at 7:45 p.m. for a verbal disagreement between Goodrich and his husband Marshall Vogel. However, upon arrival, Goodrich had already left, and since no criminal activity was found, LSO left the area.

Vogel then called LSO at 9:35 p.m. the following day to report Goodrich as missing. Goodrich is 6′2, 180 pounds and was last seen wearing running shorts, a sweatshirt that zips, gray running shoes, and a Garmin watch, with his phone and wallet in hand.

“The reason we are so concerned is because he has gone off the grid,” said Chief Deputy Benjamin Houchin. “We do not have any information. His phone is not on and we know that he has not had any financials.”

LSO said the family has cooperated in the investigation and even organized a search party with some friends on Sunday. People close to Goodrich said his phone last pinged near Southwest 10th and West Van Dorn streets. On Sunday, they searched that area for Goodrich, but didn’t find anything.

MEDIA - TYLER GOODRICH: Missing from Lincoln, NE - 3 Nov 2023 - Age 35
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I guess we will see. Yeah NOW he was 100% cooperative.

No time here but what are NE's court records like? Anyone know? Online accessible because a guess is there is some sort of history here. Of course if charges were dropped or never followed through, nothing may show.

I'd also wonder why so quickly reported missing. While in a good relationship there is reason, in a bad one this is unusual because there have probably been occasions where one didn't come home for a day or two, I mean they'd just had a "verbal disagreement" with cops called hours before...
Yes, he was 100% cooperative AND had an attorney. This is exactly what makes me believe they were making him feel like he needed to get an attorney. They had no problem asking him questions WITH representation if they really had wanted to ask him only real questions they knew he could help with and were not able to harass him. They need to quit declaring to the public that somebody is "no longer" cooperating because with many recent cases, that means an innocent person WAS cooperating. They also need to quit emphasizing the person got an attorney in the first place. It's their right to get one, whether they are innocent or guilty and I am a firm believer that an innocent person NEEDS an attorney far greater than an guilty one.

He was also 100% cooperative at the start and willingly let them search the home SEVERAL times without a warrant. That also needs to be said.
It was said. I still think there had to be enough for a warrant. Some reason. If not, then I agree with you.
Yes, he was 100% cooperative AND had an attorney. This is exactly what makes me believe they were making him feel like he needed to get an attorney. They had no problem asking him questions WITH representation if they really had wanted to ask him only real questions they knew he could help with and were not able to harass him. They need to quit declaring to the public that somebody is "no longer" cooperating because with many recent cases, that means an innocent person WAS cooperating. They also need to quit emphasizing the person got an attorney in the first place. It's their right to get one, whether they are innocent or guilty and I am a firm believer that an innocent person NEEDS an attorney far greater than an guilty one.

He was also 100% cooperative at the start and willingly let them search the home SEVERAL times without a warrant. That also needs to be said.
Yeah, that's the way I understand it too. He started off 100% cooperative. They started making him feel like he was a POI so he retained an attorney (any normal person would at this point, I think). The attorney told him to stop talking. So he became "uncooperative", but via the attorney, they said he would still cooperate. And now he is 100% cooperative again (with his attorney).

If Tyler was seen running from the home, that's pretty significant. However, I remember one case where the cops said a missing child was seen on camera leaving the home. And they straight up lied because she had been dead for weeks. Also doesn't mean he couldn't have returned at some point, since he wasn't reported missing until more than 24 hours later. (I'm not saying that's super significant. If they had a history of arguing/fighting it wouldn't be uncommon to wait and see if they came back the next day IMO.)

Also strange that his phone last pinged around the time he was last seen. Did the battery just happen to die at the same time? He thought to turn it off before running from the home? The phone wasn't found at the home so....if it was on when he ran, why would it have not pinged?
Yeah, that's the way I understand it too. He started off 100% cooperative. They started making him feel like he was a POI so he retained an attorney (any normal person would at this point, I think). The attorney told him to stop talking. So he became "uncooperative", but via the attorney, they said he would still cooperate. And now he is 100% cooperative again (with his attorney).

If Tyler was seen running from the home, that's pretty significant. However, I remember one case where the cops said a missing child was seen on camera leaving the home. And they straight up lied because she had been dead for weeks. Also doesn't mean he couldn't have returned at some point, since he wasn't reported missing until more than 24 hours later. (I'm not saying that's super significant. If they had a history of arguing/fighting it wouldn't be uncommon to wait and see if they came back the next day IMO.)

Also strange that his phone last pinged around the time he was last seen. Did the battery just happen to die at the same time? He thought to turn it off before running from the home? The phone wasn't found at the home so....if it was on when he ran, why would it have not pinged?
I know when I have an issue with one family member that wants to constantly and consistently call back repeatedly when we have a disagreement and I'm just done with the conversation, I turn mine off. Some people with bad attitudes throw and/or otherwise destroy them, whether on purpose or not. Could be one of those options, then ran off.

Read somewhere he was seen just an hour or so before this incident at a store and then he was witnessed running off, say right now, I'm saying he at least took off voluntarily. Not sure at all what happened after that. Laying low still? Misadventure after taking off? Suicide?

No clue.
I couldn't find it either, but only had a moment to glance. I just hadn't seen who called.
Read two yesterday I believe and it was never said. I read them quickly but think they did not provide that info. I can only guess I assumed it was because he called to report him missing, that part is clear but I could swear i read it was him on both parts. Either way though, cops responded over what was then alleged to be a "verbal disagreement". This for me sure sounds like a DV situation wherein one side plays things down and the other has fear of that partner. Could be wrong. Anyone great with court records and time would be a bonus here as to any DV history, etc. Of course if charges never resulted, there could be none.

And of course it may not even be that. They could have had a loving usually almost perfect relationship and something else could have happened.

I'd still like to know though then what a warrant was based on for cause...
Yes, he was 100% cooperative AND had an attorney. This is exactly what makes me believe they were making him feel like he needed to get an attorney. They had no problem asking him questions WITH representation if they really had wanted to ask him only real questions they knew he could help with and were not able to harass him. They need to quit declaring to the public that somebody is "no longer" cooperating because with many recent cases, that means an innocent person WAS cooperating. They also need to quit emphasizing the person got an attorney in the first place. It's their right to get one, whether they are innocent or guilty and I am a firm believer that an innocent person NEEDS an attorney far greater than an guilty one.

He was also 100% cooperative at the start and willingly let them search the home SEVERAL times without a warrant. That also needs to be said.
I don't disagree with you generally. Not one bit. Innocent people are too trusting and feel if they just give LE what they want then how could anything go wrong as they are innocent so they cooperate and help all they can.

I don't think we know enough here, at least I don't, for me to assume he WAS 100 percent and even if he wasn't, I agree he does not have to be. There are things that stick and either they got a warrant on a very flimsy basis or there were REAL reasons and that should not be discounted. If it was flimsey then LE and the judge are going to pay for that and that will be said. It hasn't been though by the guy's attorney.

We do not know enough about this family, their history but more pertinent WHAT happened that night, what neighbors saw or heard and what the hub said and if found to be lies etc. or limiting some access so they got a warrant for it. I at least do not know enough.

Yes lawyering up, innocent or guilty, I can't disagree with and yes it is always played you must be hiding something and even the public thinks so.

In the very little we know here though there are some serious questions.

I'm just not there yet. Any person has a right to an atty. Agreed. And it means nothing on its face. Agreed. Even smart to get one. Agreed.

It does not however mean a thing in this case as to what LE has, if there is already reason for a warrant, that there is reason he is suspect, etc. To me.

LE can even say now he was 100 percent cooperative. That too means nothing to me and can be said for reasons OR he truly was and answered all questions, even if not truthful, he "cooperated" and answered. And of course they'd have interest in keeping him cooperative.

So I don't disagree with you on lawyering up and don't jump to guilt because he did, I wonder about all the other things, one is CAUSE for a warrant and of course the details we don't know and the ones we do like boom Tyler's phone quit right at the house and never again has been active. And the verbal disagreement the night before, who called, what they saw, what others heard, etc. Verbal disagreement sounds like just such a polite normal debate between spouses that I am so surprised cops would be called.

So no, I don't disagree with what you say or the right to a lawyer or lawyering up. It does not mean someone is guilty but it sure the he77 doesn't mean he is innocent either nor does 100 percent cooperation mean someone isn't guilty. That's where I'm at, that's where I hang. Cops and news do what they do and LE has to in some respects use what they can.

New case and I'm never where I have time but if I am not mistaken there has been no PC with LE stating things has there? Just these news articles.

Has LE come out and said he lawyered up so he is guilty? Lol.

As in all cases, I'd like to know the more mundane which we NEVER have. How long have they been together and married? Has either been married before? Are they THEIR children? What is their history with LE involvement on either or as a couple? Where have they lived before? Are there any exes? Was either having an affair? Had they ever been separated? Etc., etc. Like in every case, are the kids adopted? Belong to one? From a former relationship of one?

Who is the female referred to in the one article? That's news for ya, very vague. I infer some female is pointing at the hub and they blame her but perhaps she has a reason? It really does not say enough to be sure...
I know when I have an issue with one family member that wants to constantly and consistently call back repeatedly when we have a disagreement and I'm just done with the conversation, I turn mine off. Some people with bad attitudes throw and/or otherwise destroy them, whether on purpose or not. Could be one of those options, then ran off.

Read somewhere he was seen just an hour or so before this incident at a store and then he was witnessed running off, say right now, I'm saying he at least took off voluntarily. Not sure at all what happened after that. Laying low still? Misadventure after taking off? Suicide?

No clue.
An hour before what? Before the domestic "disagreement" was called in? The little in this case that is here and it is little is full of running. But it is said hew as a runner of several miles a day. So my point is, is this two different running incidents? Running from a store and then running from the home after simultaneously shutting his phone off, an hour or more apart on the running? Or is the video of him running this store one you now bring up? Or are they completely different and an hour or more apart? And what witnessed him running off from the store? A camera? A bystander? A witness? An employee?

And if separate times of running, let's go to the one where video caught him running from the home. WHOSE camera? Could this have been their own or was it that of a business or neighbor? If their own is the time on it right? Was it prior?

IS there really a video that shows a time and that he was EVEN HOME and ran off from there?

Let's remember when cops got there, he was already gone. They NEVER saw him. But for alleged video for all we know the man could have been killed a day or three before.

We don't know enough. Imo.

I don't do SM and wouldn't have time if I did. IF there is more info, I'd not mind hearing it.

I don't know why but for some reason so far I am not taking video and sighting now at a store as fact. Or that the time frame works. Hard to say. Again don't know enough.
Did any of the articles say how old the kids are? Surely they’ve been interviewed, if possible.
I don't think ages are given nor details of whose they are, his, theirs, etc. I think one of the issues hinted at where he was NOT a hundred percent cooperative was not allowing the kids to be interviewed.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shares video of missing Lincoln man leaving home​

The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shared a video showing Tyler Goodrich leaving his home on the evening of Nov. 3.

Goodrich, 35, was last spotted at the home near Southwest 12th and West Burnham Streets on Nov. 3 around 7:41 p.m.

“We are continuing to conduct interviews and searches and reviewing digital evidence,” Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said Wednesday.

The security camera overlooks a driveway on the west side of the home, according to the sheriff’s office.

“It’s dark and the quality is low,” Houchin said. “From all the evidence we currently have. There is no reason not to believe this is Tyler Goodrich.”

During the press briefing, Houchin made it clear that Goodrich is not in trouble for anything that has happened.

“If he is hiding and thinking he’s in trouble, he can come out and not be,” Houchin said.

What I'm confused about is if he took off AS LE was getting there? Before? After? It kind of seems to be as or right before. Could the call have been about them having a fight and Tyler taking off and threatening self harm? It makes it make more sense for them to hurry there for a domestic that only involved yelling and why his husband would call after just having a verbal fight.

TIMELINE from that page:

Timeline of known events - to help clarify questions or misconceptions. We will edit and update this timeline if any information is shared with family that is relevant.

Friday, Nov. 3
*Tyler went to work in Omaha (confirmed by his coworkers).
*Tyler was seen on camera at Costco in Lincoln around 5:30 p.m.
*LSO has confirmed as well that Tyler was home Friday evening. His car is still at home so we believe he left on foot.
*Tyler and his husband have an argument. LSO was called due to a disturbance, Tyler leaves the house on foot with his Samsung flip phone and ridge wallet. At the time Tyler was wearing grey shorts, zip up sweatshirt and his running shoes. Tyler responds to a text message and makes a phone call (UNANSWERED) around 7:30 p.m. Tyler leaves the house on foot, confirmed by cameras (runs south). LSO show up to the house at 8:00 p.m. and talk with husband, Tyler is not there. According to the LSO press release there was no crime so they left. No further calls or messages from Tyler’s phone. It is believed at this time it had been shut off (time estimate is 7:45 p.m.). This is the last known ping from the phone was at Tyler’s home.

Saturday, Nov. 4
*Saturday morning husband contacts friends looking for Tyler, but no one had seen him
*Friend of the couple shared a Snapchat location screenshot (area of SW 10th & W. Van Dorn) which had shown 13hrs prior. The screenshot of the snapchat was taken at 8:43 a.m. Saturday, which would put Tyler's phone on around 7:45 p.m. (night before)
*Husband files missing person report at 9:35 a.m. and property is searched for Tyler. Friends and family start looking for Tyler in the area.

Friends and family continue walking trails of the last pinged location starting around noon knowing Tyler knew the trails well and ran them frequently ⁃ Sheriff’s search property and home ⁃ Search party spread all throughout trails near and around home and last pinged location; both LSO as well as LPD are heavily involved doing their part, brining in helicopters, drones, etc. investigating all avenues and taking this very seriously. The investigation is being organized and proper protocols taken. They are looking at every angle and have brought in 2 people from the FBI to assist as well as using scent dogs.

**We also know Tyler missed a speaking engagement Saturday morning that he previously confirmed he would be at and also did not show up to the Good Life Halfsy race which he had been training for.

TIMELINE from that page:

Timeline of known events - to help clarify questions or misconceptions. We will edit and update this timeline if any information is shared with family that is relevant.

Friday, Nov. 3
*Tyler went to work in Omaha (confirmed by his coworkers).
*Tyler was seen on camera at Costco in Lincoln around 5:30 p.m.
*LSO has confirmed as well that Tyler was home Friday evening. His car is still at home so we believe he left on foot.
*Tyler and his husband have an argument. LSO was called due to a disturbance, Tyler leaves the house on foot with his Samsung flip phone and ridge wallet. At the time Tyler was wearing grey shorts, zip up sweatshirt and his running shoes. Tyler responds to a text message and makes a phone call (UNANSWERED) around 7:30 p.m. Tyler leaves the house on foot, confirmed by cameras (runs south). LSO show up to the house at 8:00 p.m. and talk with husband, Tyler is not there. According to the LSO press release there was no crime so they left. No further calls or messages from Tyler’s phone. It is believed at this time it had been shut off (time estimate is 7:45 p.m.). This is the last known ping from the phone was at Tyler’s home.

Saturday, Nov. 4
*Saturday morning husband contacts friends looking for Tyler, but no one had seen him
*Friend of the couple shared a Snapchat location screenshot (area of SW 10th & W. Van Dorn) which had shown 13hrs prior. The screenshot of the snapchat was taken at 8:43 a.m. Saturday, which would put Tyler's phone on around 7:45 p.m. (night before)
*Husband files missing person report at 9:35 a.m. and property is searched for Tyler. Friends and family start looking for Tyler in the area.

Friends and family continue walking trails of the last pinged location starting around noon knowing Tyler knew the trails well and ran them frequently ⁃ Sheriff’s search property and home ⁃ Search party spread all throughout trails near and around home and last pinged location; both LSO as well as LPD are heavily involved doing their part, brining in helicopters, drones, etc. investigating all avenues and taking this very seriously. The investigation is being organized and proper protocols taken. They are looking at every angle and have brought in 2 people from the FBI to assist as well as using scent dogs.

**We also know Tyler missed a speaking engagement Saturday morning that he previously confirmed he would be at and also did not show up to the Good Life Halfsy race which he had been training for.
Ahhh, I hadn't realized there were two different calls and he wasn't back from the first call so reported missing the next morning. That makes a little bit more sense now. I don't do fb and had not seen this info in the few articles i've read or they were as clear as mud about it.
Ahhh, I hadn't realized there were two different calls and he wasn't back from the first call so reported missing the next morning. That makes a little bit more sense now. I don't do fb and had not seen this info in the few articles i've read or they were as clear as mud about it.
Yeah I just found it after you had asked about the timeline.
Also, the original article in the report says the missing persons report was filed at 9:35 pm, but the Facebook says 9:35 am. I think am is more likely but would be nice to clarify.
or not allowed to be interviewed without representation.
Right he may well have had his reasons. OR he may not have wanted them talked to under ANY circumstances. Hard to say. I just recall it mentioned. She asked their ages and if they'd been interviewed and I responded with the little I knew.

I can even understand a parent NOT wanting them interviewed even with representation or with a parent present even, I mean the are children and most any of us would want to protect them from any effects of dad missing and questions from cops, etc. However, it can also mean they are concerned about what their children may share.

I didn't give an opinion and I don't have one as we don't know enough. Do we even know the men's ages?

I lean heavily to there is a DA or DV situation here but not 100 percent on who the abusive one is... And it seems likely the kids are not unaware of this if they live in the home and cops were called over a verbal argument which, by the way, I don't believe. But we don't know who called, could have been a neighbor or EVEN one of their children. I'd also hazard a guess the missing man is the abusive one and ran off before cops could come and he possibly face arrest.

I also more than suspect the other one think he may be missing voluntarily. But I haven't ruled out the other either as some things just don't make sense. He very well could have come back to the home if that was him running off. We know what he looks like, do we know what the other guy looks like?

Are these the bio children of one dad but not the other or are the adopted? If there IS DV, or a histsory of such, has CPS ever been involved? I mean I am sorry but there IS a lot to wonder about here...These things aren't known by us but likely are by cops and neighbors and family quite possibly. Were they in the midst of some problem or their relationship on the outs?

If missing man is missing by choice, he sure has brought this family front and center and it is only getting started. And is putting his mate and children through heck. That much is clear.

What I do not believe is he ran off and some stranger ran into him and killed him, etc. He is missing voluntarily or the hub did something to him. I guess he could have ran off and suicided but I don't find that likely either. I read some here while at work today so I have already seen a few of the following posts. I know he had a text and a call, or something like that, not long before leaving or made one (I only had seconds, not 100 percent which way that was until I read it again). Hopefully shortly.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shares video of missing Lincoln man leaving home​

The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shared a video showing Tyler Goodrich leaving his home on the evening of Nov. 3.

Goodrich, 35, was last spotted at the home near Southwest 12th and West Burnham Streets on Nov. 3 around 7:41 p.m.

“We are continuing to conduct interviews and searches and reviewing digital evidence,” Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said Wednesday.

The security camera overlooks a driveway on the west side of the home, according to the sheriff’s office.

“It’s dark and the quality is low,” Houchin said. “From all the evidence we currently have. There is no reason not to believe this is Tyler Goodrich.”

During the press briefing, Houchin made it clear that Goodrich is not in trouble for anything that has happened.

“If he is hiding and thinking he’s in trouble, he can come out and not be,” Houchin said.

He appears to have a light on him? Is that the cell phone? I thought they said the last *ping for the cell phone was at home? I’m a little confused there.

I’m leaning toward he was distraught and something happened to him when he ran off. Are there bodies of water nearby or anything like that?

*corrected iPhone interpretation
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He appears to have a light on him? Is that the cell phone? I thought they said the last paying for the cell phone was at home? I’m a little confused there.

I’m leaning toward he was distraught and something happened to him when he ran off. Are there bodies of water nearby or anything like that?
They've supposedly searched the body of water that would have been on the path he presumably was running towards.

I'm not sure about the light. We have two night time runners in my neighborhood that have a light they run with for visibility. Theirs don't look quite like that, but I've never looked at them running by on a camera with night vision, either to know exactly how the cameras pick it up. It does also look like it could be a phone. Maybe that's when he was turning it off. That pic appears to be right near the home, so if they were going by pings, it might show as at or near the home. I was curious about that light, too.

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