NC WADESBORO JANE DOE: WF, 33-50, found in wooded area in Wadesboro, NC - 12 May 2022 - Seen when alive *AMBER JOHNSTON*

Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP114419
Female, White/Caucasian
Date Body Found: May 12, 2022
Location Found: Wadesboro, North Carolina
Estimated Age Range: 33-50 Years

On 8/22/2021, a white female was observed on a trail camera set up in the area for hunters. Still photographs are attached. In February 2022, near where the remains were discovered, a backpack was found by rabbit hunters who removed an undisclosed amount of cash from it and left the backpack in the woods. It was not able to be located after the remains were found.
Black bra (Secret Treasures Size 34 C), fragments of panty hose/leggings. Deterioration of fabric prevents color/size determination.


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That's what the article says, too. They've got about 94.5% certainty in this case but not one hundred percent.

I don't know what's going on with the DNA. Some of the detective's comments sound like the remains were quite damaged and had to be sent for extra processing. Amber Johnson's detective implied the same thing.
I must have missed the 94.5 thing and I read all links. So the detective said that much? I didn't see it. That's good if he did because I wasn't buying It otherwise but still I didn't see that.

The DNA isn't making any sense. And why does Amber's detective make it sound as if they are waiting for answers on the testing and Tice makes it sound as if they aren't even looking at Amber or testing such?
I must have missed the 94.5 thing and I read all links. So the detective said that much? I didn't see it. That's good if he did because I wasn't buying It otherwise but still I didn't see that.

The DNA isn't making any sense. And why does Amber's detective make it sound as if they are waiting for answers on the testing and Tice makes it sound as if they aren't even looking at Amber or testing such?

Okay, now I don't see the 94.5% thing either. It might have been on this decedent's thread in "that other place". But that number is in the ballpark with other cases I've seen where the remains were somewhat ambiguous.

I'm not sure why you think they aren't investigating. "Detective Tice confirms that Johnston has not been ruled out and the department is working in conjunction with investigators from Arizona, as well as other relevant jurisdictions." I took the comment about not waiting for results to mean that they're going ahead as if the remains are Amber's, not that they're waiting before they do anything.

Honestly, the DNA issues make me think that possibly the remains aren't those of the woman in the picture. Both the DNA and the clothing seem to be far more deteriorated than you would expect after only two years.
If the woman on the camera is someone else, I wonder if she knew something about the remains? Or just happenstance she was in that area? There’s so much mystery around this case.

(edited because half my earlier comment was removed by my iphone)
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I'm at a loss why it would be thought there's no DNA? They say it is being waited on, the results, as to Amber. Of course Tice didn't say that, the detective on her case did. I find that hard to believe after two years unless someone is intentionally stalling it.

I'm just lost as to why you think that? DNA can be pulled from bone and more. Yes it can deteriorate and such.

We see cold cases every day way older that are being solved with the genetic genealogy, bodies tons of years beyond how long she laid out there.

I could be clueless, I've had a long several days and we had our late blizzard of the year after an almost balmy winter that no one was complaining about.

Personally I think they know these answers but they aren't sharing. They for SURE know he likelihood from many a thing even if nothing scientificall solid to share but I see no reason they should't have that by now either after TWO years.
It can't be extracted in some cases due various reasons. It often depends on the condition they were found in. They are getting better at it. Some jurisdictions also don't have the funding or capability to do it and need private places to volunteer to do it for them, which is also a possibility here. This is a rural area that very well might not have the resources to do it.
Okay, now I don't see the 94.5% thing either. It might have been on this decedent's thread in "that other place". But that number is in the ballpark with other cases I've seen where the remains were somewhat ambiguous.

I'm not sure why you think they aren't investigating. "Detective Tice confirms that Johnston has not been ruled out and the department is working in conjunction with investigators from Arizona, as well as other relevant jurisdictions." I took the comment about not waiting for results to mean that they're going ahead as if the remains are Amber's, not that they're waiting before they do anything.

Honestly, the DNA issues make me think that possibly the remains aren't those of the woman in the picture. Both the DNA and the clothing seem to be far more deteriorated than you would expect after only two years.
Yeah I guess I didn't or am not seeing the same thing as you. Seems to me he kind of somewhat dismissed the Amber thing and said they are looking at locals and I never saw the 90 something percent.

It's these things that made me feel they aren't doing or following up on investgating like with Amber and such. I am only going but what I thought I read and saw. That's all I know of it, what is here.

I do think seemingly keeping the fact a body was found for this long (if indeed that is true) from their own community is absolutely not okay. I know news can fully get some things wrong in the beginning and so on but that's sure what it sounds like.

I'm not going against what you are saying, I took things different and I am going by only what I saw here on this case. Not sure I saw the part you quoted, so I will look back at it when I get a moment.

Your last sentence confuses me but this is new and I just got back from a rare day off and 24 hour trip back and forth. How can they know if the DNA is that of the womani in the pic is what my tired brain and person isn't probably getting right now? As far as we know, the woman in the pic isn't known right? Thus far, to our knowledge?

I think if she ran or laid or was beaten or dragged herself in mud, woods, field, etc., the clothing could be worse off than one would think. It is bad already on the woman in the pic, The leggings or hose are anyhow. if she was assaulted, chased, etc. ANd then tried to make it. And in the elements for two years? I don't know, it sure is a case that I didn't mean to have do it, but makes one question and now I'm interested.

Again I'm tired and clueless so not sure how you think DNA from the body doesn't match the DNA of the woman on cam as how would they have that or know who she is to compare?

Finally, if it is not her, then what is going on back behind this armory or whatever it is or this land with a trail cam and hunters that there would be TWO women? That's more alarming imo.

Glad you posted this and yes it does sound like they kept a lot of this hush and I don't agree with that IF they kept even finding a body hush or announced it but then let it go quiet. Their community wasn't answers and has problems with that the way it sounds.

I am sucked into this one now, it is very different. It isn't that old and her on trail cam is so very different. No way though would I not go back to who the trail cam belonged to, the land belonged to, the hunters that found a back pack and took money... And none of that does it seem like would maybe be ever shared plus pics and info on the find of the body. I guess that's where I get to (which ask a few people) I don't go that easily as to corrupt or protecting someone.

This is like TWO YEARS after. Did the have the trail cam? It was saved by whoever? The hunters and so on and "theft" of money or found money.

This is WEIRD and there is something wrong here. I don't know what but there is.

If it IS Amber, I'm sorry why is that not known yet? And the story of her getting off a bus hereabouts... I think the money in a backpack if true fits with someone traveling is one thing that sticks out...

I don't know. I just find it interesting, sad and haunting.
If the woman on the camera is someone else, I wonder if she knew something about the remains? Or just happenstance she was in that area? There’s so much mystery around this case.

(edited because half my earlier comment was removed by my iphone)
So in that case, I am trying to follow this that would mean cops know who she is? Know her name, somehow have her DNA? What am I missing? IF they do, that's just more that they didn't share or clear with even though NOW actual pics are out of her on a trail cam... That would mean her own family could recognize her that way but LE never gave forewarning. I think I'm missing something on how this could be determined. If she isn't the woman on trail cam the woman on trail cam hasn't been found and how could they compare DNA?
If the woman on the camera is someone else, I wonder if she knew something about the remains? Or just happenstance she was in that area? There’s so much mystery around this case.

(edited because half my earlier comment was removed by my iphone)
And yes, I agree with you on happenstance. Seems very unlikely.

And not only that, if it isnt' her, then there were TWO out there in dire straits at whatever time and THEN what Is going on here?
Your last sentence confuses me but this is new and I just got back from a rare day off and 24 hour trip back and forth. How can they know if the DNA is that of the womani in the pic is what my tired brain and person isn't probably getting right now? As far as we know, the woman in the pic isn't known right? Thus far, to our knowledge?
Again I'm tired and clueless so not sure how you think DNA from the body doesn't match the DNA of the woman on cam as how would they have that or know who she is to compare?
snipped by me

I'm sorry, I think I didn't explain it very clearly. No, there isn't any DNA or anything about the woman in the hunter's camera, and yes, she's not known, and I did not mean to make it sound like she was.

My point about the DNA of the remains is that based on comments from both Tice and Amber's detectives, it seems the DNA in the remains is quite deteriorated or otherwise hard to obtain. This is generally though not always a characteristic of older remains. But if the remains belong to the woman seen on camera, they would only have been about two years old, which is not generally old enough to damage DNA, which made me wonder if the remains are of another, unknown woman wearing similar clothing.
And yes, I agree with you on happenstance. Seems very unlikely.

And not only that, if it isnt' her, then there were TWO out there in dire straits at whatever time and THEN what Is going on here?

It is kind of creepy. Definitely.

The general area where the camera is and the remains were found is near a known trail frequently used by people fishing, hunting, or just hiking. It's not very far from a main highway. It's near the armory on one side and a high school and a medical facility on the other side. There's supposedly a historic cemetery right net to the armory where some people go to trace ancestors. So quite a lot of people go through there.

Some possibilities I thought of for either the deceased woman or the woman in the photo:

Maybe the woman in the photo had been hiking or fishing, slipped in the water and lost her gear, and got lost trying to limp back to the road, but made it okay. Or maybe she didn't, and succumbed to the elements.

Maybe the woman who died was doing drugs with somebody and she OD'd and they left her.

Maybe somebody pulled off the highway, parked on the side road, and carried her back into the woods to dispose of her body.

Some of the community websites in the area mention homeless people camping out; maybe she was one of them.

There are quite a few houses in the area; maybe she was a domestic violence victim whose partner dragged her out into the woods.

Though personally I'm fairly convinced it's Amber.
It can't be extracted in some cases due various reasons. It often depends on the condition they were found in. They are getting better at it. Some jurisdictions also don't have the funding or capability to do it and need private places to volunteer to do it for them, which is also a possibility here. This is a rural area that very well might not have the resources to do it.

I wonder if anybody has contacted the detective to let them know there are resources available to help pay for that sort of thing?


Jane Doe Part Three: Giving Jane back her name​

With a heavy heart, Sharon Johnston, the mother of missing woman Amber Johnston has confirmed the news no parent ever wants to receive. On Monday, March 10 Sharon received a phone call from a detective with the Anson County Sheriff’s Office who is in charge of the Wadesboro Jane Doe case. It was during this call, as Sharon has since shared with the Anson Record, that she learned her daughter Amber has been positively matched with the DNA of the unidentified woman whose body was found behind the National Guard Armory May 2022.

Johnston says, “The news about Amber being identified was an emotional breakdown for me. I am glad that I can bring her home and she can rest in the cemetery beside her grandfather and grandmother, they were very close.”

She adds the last three and a half years have been hard on her and Amber’s five children.

“Her children and I knew that Amber would never quit calling and texting them. And I was hoping she was coming home. When I got the news she bought a ticket to Pittsburgh, Penn., and never got on that bus, I knew it was bad,” remembers Sharon.

Johnston acknowledges she does feel some amount of closure in finally having an answer for where her daughter has been all this time.

“Amber is gone and it’s real, and it’s heartbreaking. The horrific pictures on the deer cam will never leave me. But they were part of identifying and bringing my daughter home and that I am thankful for,” she said. “Many families are still searching after many years for their loved ones.”

Looking ahead, Johnston says she doesn’t know what she thinks the next steps in the investigation into her daughter’s disappearance will be, but she is hopeful law enforcement will not give up on finding the answers to Amber’s story.

“I do know Amber did not get to that location on her own. She had no belongings, no phone, no shoes, no clothes,” she said.

Johnston does have some ideas on next steps she would like to see law enforcement take now an identification has been made.
“The living person that used her snap benefits while she was laying to rot in those woods needs to be questioned,” she said. “Her picture should be shown in the area, [because] someone saw something. Someone knows something. Hopefully someday, someone comes forward with information.”

Through the heart breaking journey to find Amber and bring her home, Johnston said she has learned a thing or two about the kindness of strangers — even those from other countries who have reached out to offer prayers, love and support.

“I want to thank all of the people that helped search for her, and spent countless hours from the start of this journey,” she said. “The posters, podcasts and boots on the ground from Dutchy (Dutchess Discussions Youtube channel and Facebook page for the missing) and Angela Mimi. Rae Law in North Carolina going down from Winston-Salem to Charlotte videotaping the way and posting flyers everywhere. A dear person in Myrtle who attached flyers and met me to discuss the missing case with the Myrtle Beach Police Department. The Charley Project, the Anson Record, and so many more people helping, praying and sending me hope, clues and support and sharing Amber’s story. I just want everyone to know that Amber had her struggles, but Amber was a kind soul. She loved us all. She was coming home to her family and friends, but something or someone sidetracked her along the way. She will be coming home in a different way. And we shall visit her and know where she is now. Home.”

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