Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I'll admit there is a helluva lot of weird phone sh*t in this case lol. However, none of it breaks the law. Or proves anyone else killed him.
I don't think it's weird, just something that happens. I know it's happened to me but what's been weird is when I've answered an inadvertently made call and heard what's going on on the other end and I find myself eavesdropping, lol!
Well, what about it?
The number was Higgins' and he called back.

If you asked all of your friends and random people on the street if they kept their phone in the bed with them or on a nightstand to charge. How many do you think would answer in the bed with me? I'd gamble on zero.

The call back was 22 seconds and was answered. What did they talk about?
I don't think it's weird, just something that happens. I know it's happened to me but what's been weird is when I've answered an inadvertently made call and heard what's going on on the other end and I find myself eavesdropping, lol!
There's a LOT of phone "issues" in this case. I wouldn't think much perhaps of one or two. I don't however think they relate to a conspiracy where they or one of "them" killed the defendant.
If you asked all of your friends and random people on the street if they kept their phone in the bed with them or on a nightstand to charge. How many do you think would answer in the bed with me? I'd gamble on zero.

The call back was 22 seconds and was answered. What did they talk about?
You'd be wrong if I or my daughters were in that group asked. I go to bed with my phone every single night. I keep it charged and my main charging up of it is in the evening before bed. Mothers do this, grandmothers do this, others do this that may have to be reached or WANT to be able to hear the phone if something would happen. Do you know the ONE night I did not take my phone to bed with me what happened? And I missed a call and a text, not that I could have changed anything. My granddaughter was ambulanced to the ER and then life flighted to a bigger crisis hospital (helicoptered). I did connect with my mom BEFORE she was flown out I think. You all know how that all ended.

Yes I SLEEP with my phone, ALWAYS. When my daughter stays over she does the same. She stays up on it for awhile in bed using it and then it is on the bed beside her.

So that one I don't find odd at all. Not saying it IS what happened but people do do this.
You'd be wrong if I or my daughters were in that group asked. I go to bed with my phone every single night. I keep it charged and my main charging up of it is in the evening before bed. Mothers do this, grandmothers do this, others do this that may have to be reached or WANT to be able to hear the phone if something would happen. Do you know the ONE night I did not take my phone to bed with me what happened? And I missed a call and a text, not that I could have changed anything. My granddaughter was ambulanced to the ER and then life flighted to a bigger crisis hospital (helicoptered). I did connect with my mom BEFORE she was flown out I think. You all know how that all ended.

Yes I SLEEP with my phone, ALWAYS. When my daughter stays over she does the same. She stays up on it for awhile in bed using it and then it is on the bed beside her.

So that one I don't find odd at all. Not saying it IS what happened but people do do this.
I do, too. I almost always sleep with my phone on the bed but not for any particular reason, it's just the way it is, lol!
But I don't nor wouldn't leave my phone on charger overnight- certainly not on purpose- because I was advised not to, that it's bad for the battery to charge longer than necessary.
Like you, I make sure my phone's sufficiently charged before I go to bed.
If you asked all of your friends and random people on the street if they kept their phone in the bed with them or on a nightstand to charge. How many do you think would answer in the bed with me? I'd gamble on zero.

The call back was 22 seconds and was answered. What did they talk about?
You're asking the wrong person; if you'll recall, I said that I don't think that that call was answered, in other words, I don't think they talked, period.
There's a LOT of phone "issues" in this case. I wouldn't think much perhaps of one or two. I don't however think they relate to a conspiracy where they or one of "them" killed the defendant.
One issue raised by the defense is that people got rid of their phones but that wasn't until a significant amount of time after the fact...
Bottom line for me is that I don't think the defense had a right to obtain any one of those peoples phones in the first place.
I do, too. I almost always sleep with my phone on the bed but not for any particular reason, it's just the way it is, lol!
But I don't nor wouldn't leave my phone on charger overnight- certainly not on purpose- because I was advised not to, that it's bad for the battery to charge longer than necessary.
Like you, I make sure my phone's sufficiently charged before I go to bed.
Yep it's the key time I keep mine charged and it is charged up before bed. The overcharging thing I heard back in the day, not so much any longer but I don't worry about overcharging. Agree otherwise. So there's several of us already who would ruin his zero if you polled us on who sleeps with their phone. In my case it isn't that I am using it either, ever. I want to be able to be reached if needed and likewise if I needed to call for help it is near me when sleeping.
One issue raised by the defense is that people got rid of their phones but that wasn't until a significant amount of time after the fact...
Bottom line for me is that I don't think the defense had a right to obtain any one of those peoples phones in the first place.
Got rid of phones and also a lot of deleted messages and a lot of butt dials, etc. There is a lot.

Good and interesting point though about the right to obtain such or whether such right should have been granted...

Many are all about rights but they play both ways don't they... Some only see them though in one direction and it depends on their bias and opinion... Which may even differ case to case...
You'd be wrong if I or my daughters were in that group asked. I go to bed with my phone every single night. I keep it charged and my main charging up of it is in the evening before bed. Mothers do this, grandmothers do this, others do this that may have to be reached or WANT to be able to hear the phone if something would happen. Do you know the ONE night I did not take my phone to bed with me what happened? And I missed a call and a text, not that I could have changed anything. My granddaughter was ambulanced to the ER and then life flighted to a bigger crisis hospital (helicoptered). I did connect with my mom BEFORE she was flown out I think. You all know how that all ended.

Yes I SLEEP with my phone, ALWAYS. When my daughter stays over she does the same. She stays up on it for awhile in bed using it and then it is on the bed beside her.

So that one I don't find odd at all. Not saying it IS what happened but people do do this.

I would think it's harder to hear a phone under your covers than on a table beside you, but that's just me.

Don't you have to look around for it when it's under the covers? I know exactly where mine is.
One issue raised by the defense is that people got rid of their phones but that wasn't until a significant amount of time after the fact...
Bottom line for me is that I don't think the defense had a right to obtain any one of those peoples phones in the first place.
Well it is said two were got rid of right before a what was it called, order to retain such, I mentioned the right term in another post but forget now, seemingly they are indicating someone gave them a heads up and so they ditched them.

Why do I think I already answered this post, I don't think I did, I think I saw it on break and work and was thinking about doing so later (like now). Anyhow if it is my second response, lol, that's what happens when I look at both places and on both devices.

It was the second part I most thought about and wanted to talk of.

Yeah, there's a point there as to what cause was there for a warrant or however it came about to obtain all such info? I'm not sure I agree or disagree but I really don't know the right to do so there nor enough cause to do so... With all anyhow... Not saying there wasn't, just that I don't know enough. Wasn't it fought? Or no?

I'm kind of looking at it this way, if I was living at my property and some friend and her hub drove up and she dropped him off and then he ended up murdered and either disposed of on my lawn or was killed there unbeknownst to me, what does it take or should it take to get a warrant for my phone or a search of my home when no evidence he ever entered nor did I know of it. and so on depending on which person and their records we are talking of.

Am I wrong and don't know the details and over time there was enough cause? Karen's and John's phones make perfect sense, not sure about any of the rest.

Another things, were these WORK phones or personal phones? Because BIG difference.

Again I'm not disagreeing or agreeing on this part, just wondering as to how it came about and more.
I would think it's harder to hear a phone under your covers than on a table beside you, but that's just me.

Don't you have to look around for it when it's under the covers? I know exactly where mine is.
I don't put mine under the covers. I place it on the other half of the bed that is made UP on top of the spread. I do this even I am at a hotel. There's no grabbing it and knocking it off the night stand where I also have water and I sure don't need another phone doused with spilled water nor a laptop or anything like it. Been there, done that I also wouldn't keep it charging and plugged in on a nightstand as you grab it and then you've got the cord and trouble knocking whatever over. That's a hotel though. At home there IS no nightstand next to the bed so the place IS the other half of the bed.

I do at times sleep on my couch and then where it goes is tucked under the couch with just a bit sticking out right down from my pillow on the floor and if it rings or I have an alarm set I reach down and know where it is and grab it. The reason for this is because couch isn't double like the bed. There is no big total space next to me to place it and again always near where I can hear it best, my head.

Funny that I didn't know what he said about this and today I caught a part of his testimony only because Vinnie was playing it and at lunch because he had Daybell too, I threw his show on but never did hear the Daybell part but heard some Read. And the guy SAID just what I said and I NEVER KNEW this, when you have kids you want to be able to be reached. I said kids and grandkids but sh*t even with all our losses and my dad's health for years before he died, I NEVER not have my phone near me.

Believe me it is not unusual to have it on or in your bed. And I don't know what generation all these people are but one of my daughters is early 40s and the other is in the latter part of her 30s and BOTH have always had their phone in bed. For one they use it right up until sleeping. I don't do that, my reason is to be able to be reached. And may habit is to fully charge it before bed time each day so it is also good for the next work day or day off or whatever.

I've been called in some many crises in my life but thank God I could be reached. My ex was one to never have his near and intentionally did the opposite and he'd have never even got the message in the middle of the night his dad had died but for me. THAT is why you keep them in bed with you. Okay it can be on a night stand but not for me. That's where generally the lamp is, a glass of water, cords, all of which can be knocked over if started away at 3 a.m. with a call which for most of us you know is NOT going to be a good call.
The cat would be knocking mine into the floor. Guaranteed.
My cats would knock it off a night stand before they ever would the bed and never have. From the bed. If it is on a crowded night stand or kitchen table and has a cord attached, all bets are off though. Lol.

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