Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

Last edited by a moderator:
I don't want to be accused of never linking anything lol. There has been quite a flurry of activity the last few months and I think it should be pointed out too that the judge actually sides against the P a fair amount and for the D, as she also has been come down on here quite a bit, by people. Same thing occurred in in Delphi, where Gull also sided with the D a fair amount but you'd never hear that...

Anyhow I was looking for something else but came upon this timeline and just sharing.

It is 3:52 a.m. I am tired as HE77, my legs hurt to no end, and I hope all are in a nice mood because I'm sure not. Even so, here you go with the link.

"How long to die in the cold?" Google result. An hour max apparently.

Good morning Tresir! Well here, it is, about 4 a.m.

You typed it wrong, it is to be "hos" long. Jk, being light, getting tired of serious things and people so attempt a bit of humor.

I just ate pizza rolls and am thinking of boiling some eggs. I can't sleep at all, it is 4 a.m. dark as heck and I'd have rather had egg salad so think I will get on making more. I will say however that the sauce I made for pizza rolls is pretty darned bomb. I will keep a bottle of pizza sauce on hand for in a pinch but I generally make it if I can. I just take tomato sauce and start dumping in a ton of hers and spices until it is GOOD. I prefer it by far over the manufactured and then I freeze some too, etc. However with all going on lately, I was out of any homemade.

So that this is on topic and not off, yeah, hypothermia. It has always been my personal belief Karen went home knowing and quite panicked. I think she went home to sober up and try to figure out how to save herself. Well to try to, not sure that is what went on... Her BAC is another thing and point of contention...

As far as the search of hos long to die in the cold, for me, it always fit perfectly in with when Karen got friends looking for him. Isn't it interesting in both cases, Delphi the other, quite a few things are similar... Both have challenges to phone records... Other things as well. Judge is criticized and come down on... They have to come up with, in my opinion, alternate stupid theories that re beyond believable. In one it was allowed, in the other it was not if I have it right...

OMG I was sitting here in the dark, the quiet, trying to let legs unstiffen and Frank woke up and is now up here and active... Sigh...I was needing and liking the quiet.

Smartest thing would have been to head back to sleep but I didn't have that sense, and lately am not getting much sleep. Instead of heading back to bed, I had pizza rolls... Now I'm awake enough I probably will not be going back to sleep.

Shall see. right now I need to go put my pizza sauce in the frig and even though it is just a few feet away, my legs say it's a long walk and they are saying NO, don't make us.

I am not entirely on point on case, I realize. I asked work by the way to see the video of my fall and I got told I can't, per policy! Uhm, I'm the one in it who got injured, several others have seen it, why can't I...???

O'Keefe was left to die by Karen Read imo. Nothing about this case is about the victim. The victim is all but forgotten as is his family. It is beyond disgusting. It is the Karen Read show.

In Delphi, the victim's families somehow have managed to somewhat be thought of yet and are strong. Many, many there though ignore them too. It is all the poor RA show.

It is PAST time there be some movement on victim rights and enough of the defendants and the games, delays and leaks and such by the D. There is no balance here that all these days and it needs to end.

I am going to take a moment to say a man was left to DIE here and IS dead. Ms. Smirky is NOT the victim no matter how far it gets twisted. And she would do well to try to control her smirk and her need for attention. Do you know who she reminds me of? Lori Daybell. She could use some Botox. If she ever does sit in jail or prison, she is going to age very fast just as Lori has, without access to hair color, Botox, makeup.

Anyhow, early morning, very early morning, wanderings... I'd best stop.
In your opinion, which i disagree with and i will make my mind up on what i watch. You yourself said you haven't watched the trial, only a 2 hour recap on court TV each day. I read these threads instead of watching hours of trial. So quit telling me to do something you haven't even done yourself.
With Vinnie no less. Just saying...
I don't want to be accused of never linking anything lol. There has been quite a flurry of activity the last few months and I think it should be pointed out too that the judge actually sides against the P a fair amount and for the D, as she also has been come down on here quite a bit, by people. Same thing occurred in in Delphi, where Gull also sided with the D a fair amount but you'd never hear that...

Anyhow I was looking for something else but came upon this timeline and just sharing.

It is 3:52 a.m. I am tired as HE77, my legs hurt to no end, and I hope all are in a nice mood because I'm sure not. Even so, here you go with the link.

Pretty good. I will copy pasta the timeline and divide it into two posts
1. the mistrial
2. Preps for the new trial
Because two idiots thought she was innocent. It happens.

You will entertain my opinion blah blah - don't be condescending. Maybe two jury members thought lìke you, yet ten agreed with me. So i will tell you what, you should go watch the trial maybe.
I am pretty certain too he said if one looks back up a ways the 10 out of 12 were the other way around. Twisting it, putting out false info. Was it not 10 out of 12 leaning to guilt on that charge? Someone said the opposite just recently as if almost fully acquitted, pretty sure it was him. When in fact, she was almost convicted.

Not wanting to argue here or anywhere but yes condescending and with wrong facts. Or purposely wrong facts, what is the case @Cousin Dupree you demanded tag you or you don't see and so I am doing so.

10 out of 12 were for guilt, am I wrong? You said the opposite just recently, pretty certain...

You did not watch the trial, you watched Vinnie at best.

I learned what news was and shows like that for the kazillionth time in Delphi. When GOOD YTers finally got the chance to get on and cover what they say and noted, oh man was it far different than news channel coverage each day... I was working and could not watch and so did listen to news bytes but boy was it far from the full story. Vinnie is a joke. I watch him, don't get me wrong. Now he is trying to do his own channel aside from Court TV and very late in the YT game...You didn't like it as I recall with his long lead ins and his dorky buddies and all the b.s. music and sh*t...
Courtesy Gbear CBS post 2882 above
1. The mistrial - copied from above link.

By Matt Schooley

Updated on: January 29, 2025 / 1:36 PM EST / CBS Boston

BOSTON – The high-profile Karen Read murder trial that got underway on April 16 at Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Massachusetts ended months later in a mistrial due to a hung jury.

Read is accused of killing her boyfriend, Boston police officer John O'Keefe, with her SUV in 2022. Her defense argues she is the victim of an elaborate coverup and is being framed by a group of people that includes law enforcement.

Here is a look at the timeline of events in the Karen Read investigation and trial.

January 29, 2022 – the night John O'Keefe died​

Shortly after midnight: Karen Read, John O'Keefe and a group of friends went to the Waterfall Bar and Grill in Canton on the night of January 28, 2022. According to prosecutors, Read consumed several alcoholic beverages. Read drove O'Keefe to the home of Boston police officer Brian Albert. That is where police said people from the bar were meeting back up.

1 a.m.: Court documents later revealed that in the weeks before and even the hours leading up to the night out, text messages between Read and O'Keefe as well as voicemails showed a strained relationship. Investigators said that around 1 a.m. on January 29, Read allegedly left O'Keefe a voicemail that said "...you are a f------ loser, f--- yourself" and "John, I f------ hate you."

4-5 a.m. – At 4:23 a.m. while heavy snow was falling, O'Keefe's niece called Jennifer McCabe, Brian Albert's sister-in-law and a friend of O'Keefe's. She said Read was "distraught" because O'Keefe had not come home and was not answering his cellphone. According to court documents, McCabe said she heard Read screaming "John didn't come home. We had a fight." Around 5 a.m. Read called another woman whose husband was friends with O'Keefe. Prosecutors alleged that Read said while they searched "What if he's dead? What if a plow hit him? … I don't remember anything from last night, we drank so much I don't remember anything."

John O'Keefe was found dead outside a Canton home on January 29, 2022.CBS BOSTON
5:07 a.m. – Read, McCabe, and the third woman went to look for O'Keefe. Prosecutors said Read mentioned to the women that she had a crack in her tail light and wondered if she could have hit O'Keefe. At 5:07 a.m., a surveillance camera at O'Keefe's house shows Read's SUV coming "extremely close" to O'Keefe's SUV in the driveway. Prosecutors say no tail light pieces were found in the driveway. Read's defense argues the vehicle did strike SUV, breaking the tail light and providing an explanation for damage to SUV.

6 a.m. – Around 6 a.m., Read sees O'Keefe lying in the snow outside Brian Albert's home. An emergency responder said that while hysterical and inconsolable, Read repeatedly says "I hit him. I hit him." The defense argues that one of the first responding officers from Canton police gave "false and deceptive testimony" to the grand jury that would later indict Read.

January 29, 2022 – Prosecutors and defense attorneys agree that at some point the morning O'Keefe was killed, someone googled "hos (sic) long to die in cold." The sides disagree on when the search was made. Prosecutors say the search happened at 6:23 a.m. and 6:24 a.m. after O'Keefe's body was found. The defense says a federal forensic expert determined the search was made at 2:27 a.m., before police were alerted that O'Keefe's body had been found.

How did John O'Keefe die?​

January 29, 2022 – Police say they found a broken cocktail glass and pieces of tail light at the scene. A forensic toxicologist estimated that Read's blood alcohol content (BAC) would have been around .13-.29 around 12:45 a.m., more than the legal limit.

January 31, 2022 – An autopsy is completed on O'Keefe. Prosecutors said the medical examiner ruled the cause of death was blunt impact injuries to the head and hypothermia. They say the medical examiner did not find "any obvious signs of an altercation or a fight."

Karen Read arrested​

February 2, 2022 – Read appears in Stoughton District Court for the first time, pleading not guilty to manslaughter, motor vehicle homicide, and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle collision causing death.

Karen Read was brought into Stoughton District Court, Feb. 2, 2022. (WBZ-TV)
June 10, 2022 – A Norfolk County grand jury indicts Karen Read on charges of second-degree murder, manslaughter while operating under the influence of alcohol, and leaving the scene of personal injury and death. Read is arraigned on the new charges in O'Keefe's death. She pleaded not guilty in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham and was ordered held on $100,000 bail. Read made bail and has been out on release since.

Karen Read's defense claims she was framed​

May 3, 2023 - Defense attorneys Alan Jackson and David Yannetti allege that O'Keefe was involved in a fight inside Brian Albert's home. They claim O'Keefe was beaten and his body was later dumped outside. Jackson and Yannetti focused on wounds to O'Keefe's arms, which they said showed he was attacked by Albert's dog during the fight.

"This is not just fishing," Jackson said during the May 3 hearing. "We've got a fish on the hook, we just need the court to help us reel it in." Norfolk Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally argued that O'Keefe never went in the home and added "There is no evidence that Mr. O'Keefe was beaten and left for for dead."

Karen Read
Karen Read's defense attorney Alan Jackson shows John O'Keefe's autopsy photo at court hearing May 3, 2023.CBS BOSTON
May 24, 2023 – During a pretrial hearing, Read's attorneys laid out what they allege to be a coverup by law enforcement.

"Certainly the Massachusetts State Police is involved. There are people that were in that house that are involved," Jackson said. "Brian Albert is involved. Jennifer McCabe is involved. The rest of the folks that were in that house, there's some level of involvement by every one of them. Every single one of them. We're not going to rest until we get to the bottom of exactly who's behind this coverup. Not only Karen Read deserves this. John O'Keefe deserves this, and has deserved this from moment one. And that's why they're not going to rest."

Following the dramatic hearing, Read spoke to reporters for the first time.

"We know who did it. We know. And we know who spearheaded this coverup. You all know," Read said on the courthouse steps. "I tried to save his life. I tried to save his life at 6 in the morning, I was covered in his blood. I was the only one trying to save his life."

Courtroom battles over evidence​

August 1, 2023 – Judge Beverly Cannone denied a prosecution request for a gag order in the case. The Norfolk District Attorney's office had asked for the gag order saying witnesses were being harassed. Yannetti countered by saying it was prosecutors who are "controlling the narrative."

Judge Beverly J. Cannone oversees a hearing in the Karen Read case at Norfolk Superior Court.JONATHAN WIGGS/THE BOSTON GLOBE VIA GETTY IMAGES
August 25, 2023 – Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey released a video statement slamming what he described as "absolutely baseless" harassment of witnesses in the case.

"Conspiracy theories are not evidence," Morrissey said. "The idea that multiple police departments, EMTs, Fire personnel, the medical examiner, and the prosecuting agency are joined in, or taken in by, a vast conspiracy should be seen for what it is - completely contrary to the evidence and a desperate attempt to re-assign guilt."

Why was "Turtleboy" arrested?​

October 11, 2023 – Aidan Kearney, the blogger who operates the site "Turtleboy News," was arrested on charges of witness intimidation related to the Karen Read case. Kearney had been covering the case for months, often recording himself confronting witnesses. His defense attorney told the judge that Kearney was exercising his First Amendment right.

Aidan Kearney sits with his attorney, Timothy Bradl during a court appearance. MATT STONE/MEDIANEWS GROUP/BOSTON HERALD VIA GETTY IMAGES
December 26, 2023 – A judge revoked Kearney's bail amid new assault and battery charges. Kearney allegedly went to his ex-girlfriend's home, demanded to see her phone, then shoved her during a confrontation. Kearney remained in jail for nearly two months but was later released on personal recognizance.

Evidence under scrutiny​

February 22, 2024 – In court filings, prosecutors said they have DNA evidence recovered from a broken tail light that implicates Read in O'Keefe's death. They said the tail light is the same material from Read's SUV, and that the DNA matched O'Keefe's. They also said broken tail light material was found on O'Keefe's clothing.

March 12, 2024 – Read's defense team said that a federal investigation into the case led to an FBI expert concluding that evidence does not support the theory that O'Keefe died after being hit by an SUV.

"The damage on the car was inconsistent with having made contact with John O'Keefe's body. In other words, the car didn't hit him, and he wasn't hit by the car," Jackson said. Prosecutors disagreed, accusing Read's attorney of "defense by obfuscation."

March 13, 2024 – In a brief statement, Massachusetts State Police said they have opened an internal investigation into "a potential violation of department policy" by Trooper Michael Proctor, who was the lead investigator in the case. Police did not say what prompted the investigation, but said he remains on full duty. Read's defense attorneys said the federal investigation showed Proctor hid personal ties to people involved in the case. In a statement, Proctor's attorney Michael DiStefano denied any wrongdoing.

"Trooper Proctor has been fully cooperative in responding to the investigations conducted by the US Attorney's Office and the Massachusetts State Police Internal Affairs Unit," DiStefano said. "To be clear, Trooper Proctor remains steadfast in the integrity of the work he performed investigating the death of Mr. John O'Keefe. To the extent that Trooper Proctor's personal text messages are alluded to in court proceedings regarding Ms. Read, he respectfully submits that the objective investigative steps he and members of his unit took are in no way undermined by the content of the personal messages."

Karen Read arrives at Norfolk Superior Court for jury selection in her murder trial. SUZANNE KREITER/THE BOSTON GLOBE VIA GETTY IMAGES

Karen Read murder trial takes center stage​

March 26, 2024 – Judge Cannone denied a defense motion to dismiss the case. Cannone said she was denying the motion due to "extensive evidence supporting the indictments."

April 12, 2024 – During the final pretrial hearing in the case, Cannone heard 30 different motions on which she had to rule, listening to arguments from both sides on many of them.

Among them was an argument by Read's attorneys that they should be able to make a third-party culprit defense during the trial. They say Brian Albert, Colin Albert, and Brian Higgins, all of whom were present at the party John O'Keefe was at the night he died, could have killed O'Keefe.

Prosecutor Lally called it a "fanciful story," but told the judge "there's actually no actual evidence."

Jury selection begins​

April 16, 2024 – Karen Read's second-degree murder trial began with jury selection. A total of four jurors were added on the first day.

April 17, 2024 – Jury selection continued for a second day, with seven more jurors added.

April 17, 2024 – A third day of jury selection wrapped without a full jury seated. Two more jurors were added, but one from a previous day was excused, bringing the total number of jurors seated so far to 12.

April 24, 2024 A jury was seated on the fifth day of jury selection over the course more than a week. The trial is scheduled to last 6-8 weeks once a jury is seated.

Testimony underway​

April 29, 2024 Opening statments and testimony got underway with the first witnesses called. John O'Keefe's brother Paul and his wife Erin were the first two on the stand. Canton police officer Steve Saraf also began his testimony. Prosecutors showed video from Saraf's dashboard camera as he arrived on scene.

April 30, 2024 A Canton paramedic who treated John O'Keefe the day he died testified that he heard a woman saying "I hit him, I hit him." Read's defense team argued that the man's testimony has changed over time.

May 2, 2024 Four paramedics and firefighters testified about what they heard Read say the morning O'Keefe's body was found.

May 6, 2024 Jurors heard the 911 calls from the day O'Keefe's body was found. Police who responded to the scene testified as well on the fifth day of testimony.

May 7, 2024 Several Canton police officers testified about their handling of the crime scene. Among them was Sgt. Michael Lank, who Read's defense team argued had personal connections to the home where John O'Keefe's body was found in 2022.

May 10, 2024 There was a pause in the trial as Judge Cannone heard arguments about whether Aidan Kearney, who publishes as "Turtleboy" for his site, TB Daily News, should be allowed in the courtroom. He is facing charges of witness intimidation involving people in the Read case. The judge ruled that Kearney must leave the courtroom when certain witnesses take the stand.

Also that day, retired Boston police officer Brian Albert took the stand. He owned the home where O'Keefe's body was found. Albert testified that O'Keefe and Read never entered his home the night of the incident.

May 14, 2024 A woman who was at Brian Albert's Fairview Road home the night O'Keefe died said she saw a "black blob" in the lawn as she was leaving. The defense called it a "made-up story."

May 15, 2024 Allie McCabe, a prosecution witness, broke down in tears on the stand describing harassment in the case. Colin Albert, who the defense claims could have been involved in a fight that killed O'Keefe, was also called as a witness.

May 16, 2024 Colin Albert finished his testimony with cross-examination that focused on what defense attorneys claim is a history of violent behavior.

May 17, 2024 Jennifer McCabe, a key witness in the case, took the stand. She was with Read the morning O'Keefe's body was found. McCabe testified that Read asked her to Google how long it would take someone to die in the cold. Defense attorneys argue the search actually happened before O'Keefe's body was found. Court ended for the day before Read's attorneys began to cross-examine McCabe.

May 21, 2024 Jennifer McCabe was back on the stand, this time for several hours of contentious cross-examination by Alan Jackson. This day marked the first time Kearney's "Turtleboy" site has been directly referenced.

Jennifer McCabe said defense attorney Alan Jackson had put the information out on social media, but Jackson said he had not. "I'm sorry. Turtleboy did," the witness responded. Earlier in the day, Jennifer McCabe referred to Kearney as "some named blogger that I think the defense is very familiar with."

May 24, 2024 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Brian Higgins was on the stand. Prosecutors presented "flirty" text messages he and Read shared in the weeks leading up to O'Keefe's death. Defense attorneys have said Higgins is one of three men they claim could have been responsible for killing O'Keefe during a fight.

May 28, 2024 Brian Higgins completed his testimony. Other witnesses were called, including O'Keefe's niece and nephew. They testified about a strained relationship between Read and O'Keefe.

June 3, 2024 – Testimony focused on broken taillight pieces that were found at the scene of O'Keefe's death.

June 5, 2024 – Several videos were played that prosecutors say show Read drinking numerous cocktails in the hours before O'Keefe died. They also focused on what they say was a broken taillight in Read's SUV.

June 6, 2024 – Defense attorney Alan Jackson told reporters that Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor, who Read's attorneys have tried to show could have planted evidence to help friends who are witnesses in the case, will take the stand as a witness for the prosecution. There had been uncertainty when and how Proctor would testify, as he is listed on the defense and prosecution's witness lists. Proctor is currently under investigation by Massachusetts State Police for his conduct in the case, though the specific reason is not known and he has denied wrongdoing. It is not yet known when Proctor will take the stand.

The same day as Jackson's comments, Judge Beverly Cannone told jurors "I can safely say that you will get this case for your deliberation sometime in the last week in June."

June 10, 2024 – Cannone heard arguments from both sides without the jury present about the prosecution's motion to exclude testimony from a witness who is expected to testify that scratches on O'Keefe's arm were consistent with injuries from a dog attack.

Trooper Proctor also took the stand that day, reading derogatory text messages he sent to friends and colleagues about Read while investigating the case.

June 12, 2024 – Proctor completed tense cross-examination and stepped down from the witness stand. During his testimony, Proctor was grilled over a text message he sent about Read saying "hopefully she kills herself."

June 14, 2024 – Testimony focused on Read's SUV traveling in reverse the night of O'Keefe's death, as well as the time of when Jennifer McCabe search on Google how long it would take a person to die in the cold.

June 20, 2024 – Prosecutors played angry voicemails that Read left for O'Keefe not long after prosecutors say she hit and killed him.

Karen Read murder trial ends, deliberations begin​

June 21, 2024 – The prosecution rested its case and defense attorneys began calling witnesses.

June 24, 2024 The defense rested its case after calling its final three witnesses.

June 25, 2024 Attorneys presented closing arguments and jurors began deliberating.

June 26, 2024 Day two of juror deliberations ended without a verdict after about seven hours. While jurors deliberated, Read's attorneys question the verdict slip, leading to a tense moment with Judge Beverly Cannone.

June 28, 2024 Jurors sent a note to Judge Cannone, telling her they are deadlocked. The judge responded that she did not believe they had deliberated long enough, and asked them to continue trying to reach a verdict.

Mistrial declared in Karen Read murder trial​

July 1, 2024 The jury sent another note to Judge Cannone, for a second time telling her they are unable to reach a unanimous verdict. The jury said they are "deeply divided," and Cannone asked them to return for one final round of deliberations. Later in the day, a mistrial was declared due to the hung jury.

July 1, 2024 Hours after the mistrial was declared, Massachusetts State Police announced that Trooper Michael Proctor, the lead investigator in the case, has been "relieved of duty."

July 3, 2024 In an exclusive interview with WBZ-TV, John O'Keefe's brother addressed the mistrial.

Fallout from the Karen Read trial​

July 8, 2024 Read's defense attorneys filed a motion to dismiss for two charges. In the filing, they claim the jury unanimously agreed that Read was not guilty on those counts while being deadlocked on a third charge.

July 8, 2024 Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor was suspended without pay following a duty hearing.

July 9, 2024 The union for Massachuestts State Police troopers responded to the suspension, calling it "disappointing."

July 9, 2024 The Board of Selectmen announced that Canton police officer Kevin Albert was put on leave related to Proctor's testimony during the trial.

July 10, 2024 In a new court filing, Read's attorneys say another juror told them there was a unanimous agreement that Read was not guilty on two counts.

July 12, 2024 - Prosecutors fired back at the defense's attempt to get two of the three charges against Read dismissed, saying she consented to the mistrial.

July 18, 2024 - An unnamed juror in the case said in a court filing that they fear for their safety.

July 22, 2024 - An anonymous juror tells WBZ-TV that the jury didn't know how to communicate to the judge that they had unanimously agreed to acquit Read of two charges. Judge Cannone sets a new trial date for Jan. 27, 2025.

August 9, 2024 - The case returned to court for a dismissal hearing as the defense tried to convince the judge to throw out two charges against Read. Judge Beverly Cannone took arguments under consideration, but did not make a ruling.

August 23, 2024 - Judge Cannone rejects Karen Read's attempt to get two of the charges against her dismissed. Read's attorneys plan to appeal.

September 11, 2024 - Karen Read's legal team files an appeal to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

September 12, 2024 - Canton police officer Kevin Albert, the brother of Brian Albert, is back on the job after being placed on leave during the trial.

September 18, 2024 - Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey appoints Special Assistant District Attorney Hank Brennan to lead the Commonwealth's retrial of Karen Read.

September 20, 2024 - Karen Read's appeal of two charges will be heard by the full panel of Massachusetts' highest court, but it could delay her trial.

September 23, 2024 - Discipline was announced for two people connected to the Karen Read investigation. Canton Police detective Kevin Albert was suspended without pay for three eight-hour shifts. An investigation found that the detective, whose brother Brian Albert owned the home where John O'Keefe's body was found, behaved in a way that was unbecoming of a police officer and violated department policies about alcohol consumption or possession on the job.

Massachusetts State Police announced the same day that Sgt. Yuri Bukhenik, who was one of the lead investigators in the case, forfeited five vacation days following an internal affairs investigation. Bukhenik was in one of the group chats in which Trooper Michael Proctor sent the inappropriate text messages.

October 17, 2024 - Massachusetts State Police say they spent $258,278.94 on security for Karen Read's first trial.

October 18, 2024 - Prosecutors seek phone records from Karen Read's father. When her second trial begins, prosecutors plan to call William Read as a witness.

October 18, 2024 - Detective Lieutenant Brian Tully, the subject of an ongoing internal affairs investigation, was transferred out of the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office. Tully testified during Read's first trial.

October 28, 2024 - Lawyers for Karen Read want a wrongful death lawsuit against her to be delayed until after her second criminal trial, an issue they argued before Judge William White, Jr. in Plymouth Superior Court in Brockton.

October 29, 2024 - Vanity Fair releases the first part of its highly anticipated Karen Read interview. She told the magazine she owes at least $5 million in legal fees.

October 30, 2024 - The second part of Vanity Fair's interview with Karen Read is released. She responds to criticism from the O'Keefe family, including directly responding to quotes from Paul O'Keefe's interview with WBZ-TV in July.

November 1, 2024 - The judge overseeing the wrongful death lawsuit against Karen Read rules that she will not have to be deposed in the civil case until after her second criminal trial is over.

October 17, 2024 - Massachusetts State Police say they spent $258,278.94 on security for Karen Read's first trial.

October 18, 2024 - Prosecutors seek phone records from Karen Read's father. When her second trial begins, prosecutors plan to call William Read as a witness.

October 18, 2024 - Detective Lieutenant Brian Tully, the subject of an ongoing internal affairs investigation, was transferred out of the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office. Tully testified during Read's first trial.

October 28, 2024 - Lawyers for Karen Read want a wrongful death lawsuit against her to be delayed until after her second criminal trial, an issue they argued before Judge William White, Jr. in Plymouth Superior Court in Brockton.

October 29, 2024 - Vanity Fair releases the first part of its highly anticipated Karen Read interview. She told the magazine she owes at least $5 million in legal fees.

October 30, 2024 - The second part of Vanity Fair's interview with Karen Read is released. She responds to criticism from the O'Keefe family, including directly responding to quotes from Paul O'Keefe's interview with WBZ-TV in July.

November 1, 2024 - The judge overseeing the wrongful death lawsuit against Karen Read rules that she will not have to be deposed in the civil case until after her second criminal trial is over.

Last edited:
From link - courtesy of Gbear CBS post 2882 above.

2 The Retrial,

Preparations for Karen Read's second trial​

November 4, 2024 - The prosecution and defense teams filed a motion in court calling for Read's second criminal trial, scheduled to start on Jan. 27, 2025, to be postponed until April 1, 2025.

November 6, 2024 - Read's attempt to get some criminal charges against her thrown out on the grounds of double jeopardy came before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Attorneys for both sides made their case during the hearing. No decision has been announced yet.

November 7, 2024 - The Norfolk County District Attorney's Office requests the unredacted audio recordings, notes, and texts between Karen Read and a Boston Magazine reporter.

November 26, 2024 - During an evidentiary hearing, prosecutors asked the judge to allow them to obtain phone records for Karen Read's parents. The defense called the request a "fishing expedition." Judge Beverly Cannone did not rule on the request and took arguments under advisement.

November 29, 2024 - Judge Cannone rejects the prosecution's request for the phone records of Karen Read's parents.

December 3, 2024 - Prosecutors are asking Judge Cannone to keep expert testimony about an alleged dog attack out of Karen Read's second trial.

December 5, 2024 - Judge Beverly Cannone approved a request from prosecutors to get access to unedited and off-the-record recordings from interviews with Karen Read and her family.

December 9, 2024 - After just over a month, Judge Cannone approved the joint motion by the defense and prosecution to delay the start of Karen Read's second trial.

December 30, 2024 - Former Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz, who alerted Massachusetts State Police to taillight evidence during the investigation, died.

January 2, 2025 - Prosecutors asked to exclude testimony from defense expert Richard Green surrounding Jen McCabe's "ho[w] long to die in cold" Google search.

January 6, 2025 - According to a court filing, Trooper Michael Proctor has a misconduct hearing scheduled for January 15.

January 15, 2025 - Trooper Michael Proctor's misconduct hearing got underway at Massachusetts State Police headquarters in Framingham.

January 23, 2025 - Karen Read's legal team wants the state to pay for travel expenses for one of her defense experts. Read's attorneys say that the Canton Police Department did not preserve video footage, but that was not disclosed. As a result, they say their expert wasted his time.

January 29, 2025 - John O'Keefe's family provided a statement to WBZ-TV as they marked three years since his death. "It has been 3 years since Johnny was senselessly taken from us. The void in our lives grows with each passing day, week, month and year. His absence is profound and we will continue to seek justice for him. He is always in our hearts," the O'Keefe family said.
Listen, i personally know about police officers drunk driving so no need to lecture me. It happens everywhere. Two wrongs don't make a right though. In this case somebody was killed so they stood trial and the jury could not get their agreement required by law. Now they get to try the case again. That is the trial that matters.
I think many of us do. Police officers and drinking and driving is far from unusual. It is common in fact. Every town, every place know what their local officers are doing...

I can tell you the bars in our county who our officers trust and they kind of cater to them and hide the fact they are out drinking, and illegally they stay open after hours... For the cops... I think most everywhere know such about their cops...

Like you said it happens everywhere.

And Karen Read was "one of them". Dated the cop, thought herself immune with drunken driving, I'm sure JO/bf did as well... But YES there is a man dead. And she has not even done jail over a DUI.

Okay it is 5:30 and I have a couple yelling at each other big time.... Not sure which apartment, downstairs maybe.... Now he is telling her to get out of here... Oh God, getting worse... Big time...

Sorry, totally lost my train of thought. Wondering if I should call 911... yes, it is the apartment below me...
Oh cripes... All I heard was him for awhile then seemed to be maybe calming down now erupted again both of them big time...If it is the two I have seen, she is a beautiful hottie, quite honestly. Both young, Hispanics. On occasion though I hear what I think is an old man down there...Never have figured out the situation... And days will go by or weeks where you swear no one lives there. Never hear anyone... Quite odd.

O/T. Sorry. Now it is totally silent and that worries me.

Anyhow I had some remarks on this case but totally lost my train of thought with the big thing downstairs...
Okay they either passed out or perhaps are having make up sex.

I tell ya... Sigh. This place...

I was on this case and had some remarks but they have fled entirely...

Later. I need some cooking or something... That was not needed, the fight downstairs...
If you're basing your reason for not watching testimony based on it being a mistrial, I'd think you'd like to see what the jury saw that caused a mistrial. You need to realize the facts go against your theories (The theories of the prosecution.)
You haven't even watched it yourself. Just a 2 hr Court TV recap daily.
Just woke up from I guess what one would call a short nap. one can't call what I have had this past week sleep or a night's sleep.

Earlier I had a couple of points and then the neighbors started arguing and my thMy oughts flew out the window for here. I hope to heck they aren't home for the weekend... Pretty sure they have been passed out since thank God.

My thoughts will likely come back to me, or points, or whatever they were. Nothing that is going to change the mind soft any of us with differing opinions I am sure.

Right now, yes I will say that many were not watching the trial but watching talking heads who love the sh*t in these cases and the views...

I see even people like Gray Hughes shaming his people for not doing enough nightly money since Delphi is mostly over... I give him credit he never stupidly jumped on or took advantage as many did, like Vinnie of the D or RA bandwagon though but think he is struggling to find another case that will be like Delphi. He covered DelphI for years on END...

Delphi taught me news is junk. INcluding Court TV and other shows.. I already was a non news watcher of probably close to 30 years... and knew it as biased sensationalistic junk. However, I gave it a chance in Delphi as there was no live feed,,etc. and YTers could not get all out right away, I thought some of it seemed fairly good until the first good YTer got a show out and I was like no one has a clue about this trial or this case who is only listening to news which sadly is still a lot of people these days... They were MISSING SO VERY, etc MUCH. Get it out first, that's news. it is NOT get it all out, it is choose your threme and get that out...

We had nothing out and they were the first with it... He77 the YTers had to get line sitters or sleep overnight to even get a seat and then they had better not leave or they'd lose it. Reporters did not have to but basically whined they were to be covering politics and had fit this case in (cared less).

It took a few days before their stuff started coming out...FAR better, FAR more detailed coverage...

I watch all the junk shows and channels on occasion. Vinnie, Court TV, L & C, NN, etc. Never though do I think I am getting the full story and I always keep that in mind. Come on they are going for the views and the hype.

Never ever would I watch Vinnie Politan and think I knew a case or trial inside out. NEVER.
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In your opinion, which i disagree with and i will make my mind up on what i watch. You yourself said you haven't watched the trial, only a 2 hour recap on court TV each day. I read these threads instead of watching hours of trial. So quit telling me to do something you haven't even done yourself.

No, I said I didn't watch the entire trial, I watched all of the Sallyport video and all of the defenses witnesses.

I also watched "Closing Arguments" that had been expanded to two hours every night because there was so much to unpack each day. They had pro prosecution, pro defense and people who analyzed the testimony with no bias.

A lot of trial testimony has been posted, how much have you watched? The fact it was a mistrial should make you want to watch more. My life didn’t permit me to spend 8 hours a day watching. You won't even watch only two hours of the most important evidence presented.

Because two idiots thought she was innocent. It happens.

You will entertain my opinion blah blah - don't be condescending. Maybe two jury members thought lìke you, yet ten agreed with me. So i will tell you what, you should go watch the trial maybe.

No, you aren't paying attention. The one count they couldn't agree on had TWO members of the jury who wouldn't vote to acquit on ONE of the charges. It was 10-2 for acquittal on that charge. So the two idiots you speak of wouldn't agree with the other ten that she was NOT GUILTY on that charge.

From link - courtesy of Gbear CBS post 2882 above.

2 The Retrial,

Preparations for Karen Read's second trial​

November 4, 2024 - The prosecution and defense teams filed a motion in court calling for Read's second criminal trial, scheduled to start on Jan. 27, 2025, to be postponed until April 1, 2025.

November 6, 2024 - Read's attempt to get some criminal charges against her thrown out on the grounds of double jeopardy came before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Attorneys for both sides made their case during the hearing. No decision has been announced yet.

November 7, 2024 - The Norfolk County District Attorney's Office requests the unredacted audio recordings, notes, and texts between Karen Read and a Boston Magazine reporter.

November 26, 2024 - During an evidentiary hearing, prosecutors asked the judge to allow them to obtain phone records for Karen Read's parents. The defense called the request a "fishing expedition." Judge Beverly Cannone did not rule on the request and took arguments under advisement.

November 29, 2024 - Judge Cannone rejects the prosecution's request for the phone records of Karen Read's parents.

December 3, 2024 - Prosecutors are asking Judge Cannone to keep expert testimony about an alleged dog attack out of Karen Read's second trial.

December 5, 2024 - Judge Beverly Cannone approved a request from prosecutors to get access to unedited and off-the-record recordings from interviews with Karen Read and her family.

December 9, 2024 - After just over a month, Judge Cannone approved the joint motion by the defense and prosecution to delay the start of Karen Read's second trial.

December 30, 2024 - Former Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz, who alerted Massachusetts State Police to taillight evidence during the investigation, died.

January 2, 2025 - Prosecutors asked to exclude testimony from defense expert Richard Green surrounding Jen McCabe's "ho[w] long to die in cold" Google search.

January 6, 2025 - According to a court filing, Trooper Michael Proctor has a misconduct hearing scheduled for January 15.

January 15, 2025 - Trooper Michael Proctor's misconduct hearing got underway at Massachusetts State Police headquarters in Framingham.

January 23, 2025 - Karen Read's legal team wants the state to pay for travel expenses for one of her defense experts. Read's attorneys say that the Canton Police Department did not preserve video footage, but that was not disclosed. As a result, they say their expert wasted his time.

January 29, 2025 - John O'Keefe's family provided a statement to WBZ-TV as they marked three years since his death. "It has been 3 years since Johnny was senselessly taken from us. The void in our lives grows with each passing day, week, month and year. His absence is profound and we will continue to seek justice for him. He is always in our hearts," the O'Keefe family said.

July 22, 2024

I know all of that already.
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Just ignore it then. This is a reminder for me or anyone else who needs a reminder.

Have you watched the "Canton Confidential" video yet, or would you prefer to just ignore everything and hold tight to your beliefs without seeing the contradicting evidence?
let me add I think I know a case and trial inside and out because I watched Vinnie P? I don't think so I. Sorry.

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