MA ANGELO "ANDY" PUGLISI: Missing from Lawrence, MA - 21 August 1976 - Age 10

Angelo Gene Puglisi


Angelo, circa 1976; Age-progression to age 50 (circa 2015); Charles Pierce; Wayne Chapman; Chapman's converted van
  • Missing Since 08/21/1976
  • Missing From Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Classification Non-Family Abduction
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 09/02/1965 (54)
  • Age 10 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'0, 65 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A bathing suit, a towel and sneakers.
  • Medical Conditions Angelo is mildly epileptic. He will need hospital treatment if he has a seizure.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Angelo has three scars along his spine and a skin discoloration on his chest. His nickname is Andy.
Details of Disappearance
Angelo was last seen at the Higgins Memorial Swimming Pool, a public pool approximately 100 yards from his family's home near their home at the Stadium Housing Projects on East Dalton Street in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August 21, 1976.

His mother told investigators that he called home at about 3:30 p.m. that day and spoke to one of his brothers; Angelo gave no indication that anything was wrong at the time. A lifeguard at the pool reported that he saw Angelo walking around the area at approximately 5:45 p.m.; that was the last time anyone has seen him.

Investigators initially believed Angelo was a runaway. He was the product of a broken home and they speculated that he might have felt torn between his parents. Foul play is now suspected in Angelo's disappearance. His parents were both considered suspects in his case and have not officially been removed from the list of possible offenders, but investigators doubt either one was involved in his disappearance.

One suspect in Angelo's disappearance is Charles Pierce, who was a resident of Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1976. A photo of Pierce is posted with this case summary. He confessed to two abductions that occurred in the 1970s: one was the case of Janice Pockett, a girl who disappeared from Connecticut in 1973; and another case involving an unidentified boy from Lawrence, Massachusetts.

It's believed that Pierce was referring to Angelo's case by that description. He claimed that he sexually assaulted and buried the unidentified boy in a grave near Janice's; neither body has been discovered.

Pierce was familiar with the Lawrence area and was a suspect in more than a dozen children's disappearances from the 1950s through the 1970s in New England. He was convicted of a Massachusetts murder and was serving a 20-year prison term when he died in 1999.

Another suspect in Angelo's case is Wayne W. Chapman, a Providence, Rhode Island native who may have been a pedophile associate of Pierce. Chapman was arrested in Waterloo, New York in September 1976, while driving a converted van that had once been a blue delivery truck.

Chapman's vehicle closely resembled the description of a van one of Angelo's friends observed near the pool area where Angelo was last seen. Photos of Chapman and his vehicle are posted with this case summary. A witness told authorities that he and another boy found a large pit in the woods near the pool; the friend stated that the hole could have been large enough to hold a child's body. When he returned to the area a few days later, the pit had been filled in. This spot has never been proven to be a gravesite.

Investigators also found child pornography materials, a starter pistol and a sock which appeared to be bloodstained in Chapman's van. The sock was eventually lost and it was never proven whether the substance on it was blood. Chapman was later convicted of the 1975 rapes of two boys; he lured both boys from the same swimming pool Angelo would later vanish from.

Rhode Island police have a letter stating that Chapman was working in that state at the time of Angelo's disappearance. Chapman has never been charged in connection with Angelo's case. He served his prison sentence, and was civilly committed as a sexually dangerous offender, but he was released in 2019. He is in his seventies and has Parkinson's Disease, and after his release he sent to a a Boston medical facility, although his sex offender registration lists him as "homeless."

Angelo's childhood friend, Melanie Perkins, produced a documentary about his case entitled Have You Seen Andy?. Two excavations near Lawrence in 1999 failed to locate Angelo's remains. His case remains open and unsolved.

NamUs The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
NCMEC Have you seen this child? Angelo Puglisi

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There is players on the site you don't have to use a special one..... just listen in order from pilot episode on...... but take care when listening
it's so disturbing. I am not even kidding that you guys should listen to Melanie's podcast Open Investigation. It starts with Andy Puglisi but what she uncovers is just unbelievable!!!! Especially in regards to all the cold cases up here, NAMBLA, the Catholic Church scandal and more
It's becoming clear there's a lot going on there and HAS been a lot going on there. I'm not getting to many longer things and listens these days. There are still those I'd like to listen to on Melissa's case and haven't. The Catholic CHurch, now there's one...!

OMG I had to look up NAMBLA not knowing what it was. I know there's been hints for years or a push to make the pedo thing "okay" AND even join it with another group or two I'll not mention.


Of course I don't need to point out our mainstream media doesn't touch this stuff... Such things and what Melanie is doing should be HUGE news and all should know of these things but nope...
Was there a place nearby to be able to walk to for snacks or drink? We had a DQ a block or two from our public pool and we used to walk down there when we were dropped off. It was cheaper (and far better) than the pool concessions.
there were but not sure what exactly they were
If I had a kid today, I think I'd be keeping them locked up at home unless with me at all times. I realize this was long ago but it only gets worse and worse. I'd be even more aware in places kids go like pools, beaches, movie theaters, bowling alleys, schools, parks because sadly they are the very places the pedos go. A kid walking alone down the road or street. Nope. Of course we dont' know for sure what happened here but just saying...

Public bathrooms too. Where I work I've seen as old as probably an 8 or 9 year old boy in the woman's bathroom. I have no issue with that and mom is in there waiting for him. She can't go into the men's with him.

Just saying...

I think the talk of pedo rings and such this morning and these cases just have me wanting to keep every child safe. I always feel that way but it's a bit more hyped up on it right now. Also has me thinking of past cases...

It's just awful. And sad.
I recall the towel but wasn't that found outside the locker or am I wrong? Like on the concrete around the pool or on a chair or some such...?
The doc briefly shows a newspaper article reporting that "a towel believed belonging to the boy was found in a parking space between the pool and his home" but his mother (who said she didn't see him leave) said that nothing was found, "no towel, no clothing, nothing", so at this point, I'm not positive that Andy even had a towel.:cautious:
The doc briefly shows a newspaper article reporting that "a towel believed belonging to the boy was found in a parking space between the pool and his home" but his mother (who said she didn't see him leave) said that nothing was found, "no towel, no clothing, nothing", so at this point, I'm not positive that Andy even had a towel.:cautious:
Or if the towel found was a very common kind that many had the same kind at the pool. It was in the same time frame that we used to get dropped off at our public pool and so many of the same towels everywhere.
The doc briefly shows a newspaper article reporting that "a towel believed belonging to the boy was found in a parking space between the pool and his home" but his mother (who said she didn't see him leave) said that nothing was found, "no towel, no clothing, nothing", so at this point, I'm not positive that Andy even had a towel.:cautious:
Well my memory isn't all bad stuffing too many cases in and this one that was a long time since I read on--I thought it was not found in the locker but outside. Or as GW says it was a common pool provided towel. I recalled the towel being talked of though and we are before the days of security cams, etc. but I seem to recall it pretty widely accepted or thought to be the towel he had or used.

I'd like to see this case and Noone's get some major attention or renewed attention. All these cases in Lawrence from the 70s or around there...
Well my memory isn't all bad stuffing too many cases in and this one that was a long time since I read on--I thought it was not found in the locker but outside. Or as GW says it was a common pool provided towel. I recalled the towel being talked of though and we are before the days of security cams, etc. but I seem to recall it pretty widely accepted or thought to be the towel he had or used.

I'd like to see this case and Noone's get some major attention or renewed attention. All these cases in Lawrence from the 70s or around there...
our pool defintely NEVER provided towels. I only know of that option in high end country club pools or hotels.
our pool defintely NEVER provided towels. I only know of that option in high end country club pools or hotels.
School pools did. I recall small white ones with a blue stripe down the middle. Rough texture. Not very big. Our school pool was and wasn't a school pool. Funding and politics but once built near the school we had swimming added to gym and I think some kind of payt. went on back and forth, it was a school pool but it wasn't... You know that funding political crap. It was also a pool that could be used by the community and paid for.

I don't know. A community near us had an outdoor pool in a park, not sure about towels. Another had a nice beach, concessions, not sure about towels, lifeguard on duty only at certain posted hours, doubtful there were towels unless paid for at concessions. A very short walk took one to the DQ. Just up the hill, very short, so your point about walking somewhere else for treats made me remember that... I drove my kids to that beach, put our bikes in the car, we rode the area, did the DQ, they swam when LG on duty, etc.

Anyhow back to this case, I think as I recall they figured the towel was Andy's.

Been a bit laid up and sore last few days and am trying to resist my urge to chat online and sidetrack as can't do much but to bring myself back to it, I'd agree that in general towels aren't just given, if an option at all they were probably paid for/rented so to speak.

I just seem to recall they've always thought it to be "his" towel meaning he dropped it left it they figured as I recall? Long time since I looked back at the details in this one but I know he disappeared when at a pool and a towel was found. Not sure I recalled his pants being in a locker. So there were lockers... Changing rooms then for sure... If I get a chance I'll look back at it but I do recall the basic details but I do remember most.

Nowadays the towel if preserved would show his DNA likely but probably no perp if it was left or dropped...

I don't generally do very old cases but sometimes and nothing wrong with giving them some activity, discussion and maybe getting some interest in them.

As we were saying Lawrence seems to have more than their fair share of cases like this, and unsolved ones...
I've found where the documentary, Have You Seen Andy?, is available but be prepared that there're rather long advertisements and subtitles in a foreign language, lol.

Lol his friend Melanie is the producer director lead correspondent on it. She's a great person

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