MA ANGELO "ANDY" PUGLISI: Missing from Lawrence, MA - 21 August 1976 - Age 10

Angelo Gene Puglisi


Angelo, circa 1976; Age-progression to age 50 (circa 2015); Charles Pierce; Wayne Chapman; Chapman's converted van
  • Missing Since 08/21/1976
  • Missing From Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Classification Non-Family Abduction
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 09/02/1965 (54)
  • Age 10 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'0, 65 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A bathing suit, a towel and sneakers.
  • Medical Conditions Angelo is mildly epileptic. He will need hospital treatment if he has a seizure.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Angelo has three scars along his spine and a skin discoloration on his chest. His nickname is Andy.
Details of Disappearance
Angelo was last seen at the Higgins Memorial Swimming Pool, a public pool approximately 100 yards from his family's home near their home at the Stadium Housing Projects on East Dalton Street in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August 21, 1976.

His mother told investigators that he called home at about 3:30 p.m. that day and spoke to one of his brothers; Angelo gave no indication that anything was wrong at the time. A lifeguard at the pool reported that he saw Angelo walking around the area at approximately 5:45 p.m.; that was the last time anyone has seen him.

Investigators initially believed Angelo was a runaway. He was the product of a broken home and they speculated that he might have felt torn between his parents. Foul play is now suspected in Angelo's disappearance. His parents were both considered suspects in his case and have not officially been removed from the list of possible offenders, but investigators doubt either one was involved in his disappearance.

One suspect in Angelo's disappearance is Charles Pierce, who was a resident of Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1976. A photo of Pierce is posted with this case summary. He confessed to two abductions that occurred in the 1970s: one was the case of Janice Pockett, a girl who disappeared from Connecticut in 1973; and another case involving an unidentified boy from Lawrence, Massachusetts.

It's believed that Pierce was referring to Angelo's case by that description. He claimed that he sexually assaulted and buried the unidentified boy in a grave near Janice's; neither body has been discovered.

Pierce was familiar with the Lawrence area and was a suspect in more than a dozen children's disappearances from the 1950s through the 1970s in New England. He was convicted of a Massachusetts murder and was serving a 20-year prison term when he died in 1999.

Another suspect in Angelo's case is Wayne W. Chapman, a Providence, Rhode Island native who may have been a pedophile associate of Pierce. Chapman was arrested in Waterloo, New York in September 1976, while driving a converted van that had once been a blue delivery truck.

Chapman's vehicle closely resembled the description of a van one of Angelo's friends observed near the pool area where Angelo was last seen. Photos of Chapman and his vehicle are posted with this case summary. A witness told authorities that he and another boy found a large pit in the woods near the pool; the friend stated that the hole could have been large enough to hold a child's body. When he returned to the area a few days later, the pit had been filled in. This spot has never been proven to be a gravesite.

Investigators also found child pornography materials, a starter pistol and a sock which appeared to be bloodstained in Chapman's van. The sock was eventually lost and it was never proven whether the substance on it was blood. Chapman was later convicted of the 1975 rapes of two boys; he lured both boys from the same swimming pool Angelo would later vanish from.

Rhode Island police have a letter stating that Chapman was working in that state at the time of Angelo's disappearance. Chapman has never been charged in connection with Angelo's case. He served his prison sentence, and was civilly committed as a sexually dangerous offender, but he was released in 2019. He is in his seventies and has Parkinson's Disease, and after his release he sent to a a Boston medical facility, although his sex offender registration lists him as "homeless."

Angelo's childhood friend, Melanie Perkins, produced a documentary about his case entitled Have You Seen Andy?. Two excavations near Lawrence in 1999 failed to locate Angelo's remains. His case remains open and unsolved.

NamUs The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
NCMEC Have you seen this child? Angelo Puglisi

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Well this is a tough one but yes it is believed at this point that he was a homicide victim. That's basically due to the facts that Andy and other boys were running from someone so there are witnesses and also the witnesses are fairly sure of the suspect they were running from.... also Andy never turned up injured or victimized but alive so it is believed he is deceased likely from homicide. The sick sick man discussed in the thread that is deceased now is the likely suspect but it could be an affiliate of his or even a SR that looked like him..... we don't know if that pos killed kids but it seems likely rather than not
So he is thought to be the culprit? The SR... By other boys? I'm very sorry not up on all of it. There were several running from someone?

I always do admit when not read up on or up on. And I'm not. On this one.

I get when not found, etc., they may go to homicide but we also see where they don't when they don't have a body or reason enough to know.

I'm not a big fan of our system and the variations these days.

Yet I will do nothing but say good about our team, however, that does not mean the system is great and it sure varies. I am as angered as anyone in some of the mistakes in big known cases by LE, etc. I don't jump to it being corruption though, it's lack of training and more most of the time imo and just not having dealt with such.

That's another subject though.

I think it's good when any thread has activity. I have vowed to quit such but it is hard at times. For my own reasons. I recognized this name but did not recall the case. Good to give it a bump.
So he is thought to be the culprit? The SR... By other boys? I'm very sorry not up on all of it. There were several running from someone?

I always do admit when not read up on or up on. And I'm not. On this one.

I get when not found, etc., they may go to homicide but we also see where they don't when they don't have a body or reason enough to know.

I'm not a big fan of our system and the variations these days.

Yet I will do nothing but say good about our team, however, that does not mean the system is great and it sure varies. I am as angered as anyone in some of the mistakes in big known cases by LE, etc. I don't jump to it being corruption though, it's lack of training and more most of the time imo and just not having dealt with such.

That's another subject though.

I think it's good when any thread has activity. I have vowed to quit such but it is hard at times. For my own reasons. I recognized this name but did not recall the case. Good to give it a bump.
Yes WC now deceased is still thought to be the one.... though I'm sure it's possible it could be someone else but with what the other kids said that day and from what surviving victims of wc said and areas he offended etc the majority feel it was likely wc but we could be wrong so many pedophiles out there even back then
My personal opinion is that it was wc and my gut instinct is that Andy isn't alive
Yes WC now deceased is still thought to be the one.... though I'm sure it's possible it could be someone else but with what the other kids said that day and from what surviving victims of wc said and areas he offended etc the majority feel it was likely wc but we could be wrong so many pedophiles out there even back then
My personal opinion is that it was wc and my gut instinct is that Andy isn't alive
Kind of what I figured and seems quite likely. Didn't have a chance to do a total dive or refresh but it sure makes sense.

Yeah there are plenty of peds around or at least SOs but I don't think really it happened so much back like 50 years ago. I'm not saying it couldn't, but he seems the most and very likely one.

Of course that doesn't mean proven.

We live not next to but in an area not so far of where the Jacob Wetterling case happened. That's a case I recall so well as a child, then teenager, etc. I forget the name I think St. Joseph, the town or LE agency has said they messed up. And he was quite the predator in a very rural it seems area. When I talk close, I mean within a state generally, sometimes within a few hours. Seems like the stuff was right under the noses and kids had things to say about the man. Of course his mom went on to run for office and try to change things. Pretty well known.

It's a sick world, and now pedos can actually get together online, target children, etc. AND SKS even arrested for goodness sakes. I mean what the heck?

I don't know if you've looked at Soto at all but boy.... There are two Soto cases, I mean Madeline. The other one was very much about drugs imo.

I really am more and more appreciative of the area I live in, not that it is crime free, just shared one or two with a radius. I hate winter but I feel relatively safe. Although in some ways that took a long time for various reasons too, but just not an area USUALLY such happens in.

So they have not found this poor boy's body for one right? The guy suspected is dead? If it is going to be solved now would be the time imo. Just was watching about the hair technology nowadays on the LISK thing. It was Court TV but some of the guests seemed pretty informed. All cases are hard but kid cases are so hard imo. They take such a toll imo.

I do older cases and am aware of many, coming up with the names is hard but Johnny Gosch, the little girl who went to the store, another to the ice cream truck, can't think of the names, tons of them. Hard though and so many current ones and during Covid OMG it went nuts with cases on kids. I can't even name them all. And that saddens me.

I hope an answer here comes. I every day feel for those that don't know and don't have answers. Or justice. In ours we knew and had an answer, but the sentence was b.s. but we don't live with the lack of knowing. Such has to be soooo hard. And not having them back.

I'm pretty long-winded last couple of days. Had no Christmas and just trying to get through I guess. A lot of people are going through a lot right now. I'm sure I don't know of all but do of some and that others don't know of all either.

I will bump a case with you or anyone anytime by the way. So long as I see it. They all deserve attention.
The Playlist in chronological order begins at the bottom. This is Melanie's continuing investigation into what happened to Andy and the unbelievable things she has discovered. It's BEYOND disturbing so fair warning. I'm listening now....

The Playlist in chronological order begins at the bottom. This is Melanie's continuing investigation into what happened to Andy and the unbelievable things she has discovered. It's BEYOND disturbing so fair warning. I'm listening now....

Unable to listen now, but I appreciate you providing a link so I can check it out later on.
Season 2 of Melanie's podcast will launch in March.....
The state of MA will be proposing a bill to end the statute of limitations on reporting csa all together. Currently it is reportable until the victim is age 53. The bill will propose that there will be NO limit as to when a victim can come forward.
I hope this passes once the bill is refiled and brought before the legislation
I'd really like to see the HBO documentary. I've listened to the Vanished podcast and have read a few articles but there's info I wonder about such as why Andy called home and whether he was expected to be home by a particluar time.
Considering how long he'd been at the pool and that his towel and sneakers were also gone, it looks to me like he may have just headed home on his own.
I'd really like to see the HBO documentary. I've listened to the Vanished podcast and have read a few articles but there's info I wonder about such as why Andy called home and whether he was expected to be home by a particluar time.
Considering how long he'd been at the pool and that his towel and sneakers were also gone, it looks to me like he may have just headed home on his own.
If you see have you seen andy it will make more sense. Also the podcast elaborates on that too
I believe the reason they think Andy is dead is because of this guy's confession where he said he buried two victims in a field in Lawrence, Mass. The girl victim is thought to be Janice Kathryn Pockett but no bodies have ever been found, as i understand it.

From the link-

During the interview, which lasted about two hours, Pierce told the horrific story of how he allegedly killed a boy he had befriended at the old Strand Theater in Lawrence and buried the child's body in a nearby field.

Pierce also said that sometime in the eight months prior to that killing, he had abducted a girl in Connecticut, murdered her and buried her body in the same field, about 30 feet from the boy.

Pierce, originally from Haverhill, gave vague directions to the field, leading investigators to what is now a ball field on West Street.

But before proceeding, police say they want to put together some of the many problematic pieces of Pierce's story.

For example, while the name of the girl Pierce gave is similar to the name of a girl who disappeared in Connecticut, that abduction happened in the early 1970s - not in the 1950s.

"Did he kill (the children)? Possibly. Is he mixing up locations? Possibly," said Molchan, adding that Pierce often became confused or fell asleep during the interview.

To confuse matters further, Pierce has a history of confessing to things and later recanting.

For now, police said, they'll dig through old newspaper articles, interview Pierce's acquaintances and hope the case sparks someone's memory.
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I believe the reason they think Andy is dead is because of this guy's confession where he said he buried two victims in a field in Lawrence, Mass. The girl victim is thought to be Janice Kathryn Pockett but no bodies have ever been found, as i understand it.

From the link-

During the interview, which lasted about two hours, Pierce told the horrific story of how he allegedly killed a boy he had befriended at the old Strand Theater in Lawrence and buried the child's body in a nearby field.

Pierce also said that sometime in the eight months prior to that killing, he had abducted a girl in Connecticut, murdered her and buried her body in the same field, about 30 feet from the boy.

Pierce, originally from Haverhill, gave vague directions to the field, leading investigators to what is now a ball field on West Street.

But before proceeding, police say they want to put together some of the many problematic pieces of Pierce's story.

For example, while the name of the girl Pierce gave is similar to the name of a girl who disappeared in Connecticut, that abduction happened in the early 1970s - not in the 1950s.

"Did he kill (the children)? Possibly. Is he mixing up locations? Possibly," said Molchan, adding that Pierce often became confused or fell asleep during the interview.

To confuse matters further, Pierce has a history of confessing to things and later recanting.

For now, police said, they'll dig through old newspaper articles, interview Pierce's acquaintances and hope the case sparks someone's memory.
Even though he was known to recant things, etc. I think I'd tend to believe this... Yet they haven't dug things up?
I believe the reason they think Andy is dead is because of this guy's confession where he said he buried two victims in a field in Lawrence, Mass. The girl victim is thought to be Janice Kathryn Pockett but no bodies have ever been found, as i understand it.

From the link-

During the interview, which lasted about two hours, Pierce told the horrific story of how he allegedly killed a boy he had befriended at the old Strand Theater in Lawrence and buried the child's body in a nearby field.

Pierce also said that sometime in the eight months prior to that killing, he had abducted a girl in Connecticut, murdered her and buried her body in the same field, about 30 feet from the boy.

Pierce, originally from Haverhill, gave vague directions to the field, leading investigators to what is now a ball field on West Street.

But before proceeding, police say they want to put together some of the many problematic pieces of Pierce's story.

For example, while the name of the girl Pierce gave is similar to the name of a girl who disappeared in Connecticut, that abduction happened in the early 1970s - not in the 1950s.

"Did he kill (the children)? Possibly. Is he mixing up locations? Possibly," said Molchan, adding that Pierce often became confused or fell asleep during the interview.

To confuse matters further, Pierce has a history of confessing to things and later recanting.

For now, police said, they'll dig through old newspaper articles, interview Pierce's acquaintances and hope the case sparks someone's memory.
Pierce told alot of bs stories and it's been proven Janice couldn't have been there in the van with Andy like she would have been dead already.
Also he was an associate of Chapman the only known suspect in Andy's case.
Listen to the season of the open investigation podcast I linked up thread by Melanie. Andy's friend. It will literally blow your mind what she has uncovered and the disgusting pedophile ring that was operating in my area at the time of Andy's disappearance......literally mind blowing
Pierce told alot of bs stories and it's been proven Janice couldn't have been there in the van with Andy like she would have been dead already.
Also he was an associate of Chapman the only known suspect in Andy's case.
Listen to the season of the open investigation podcast I linked up thread by Melanie. Andy's friend. It will literally blow your mind what she has uncovered and the disgusting pedophile ring that was operating in my area at the time of Andy's disappearance......literally mind blowing
I don't know that I could read much detail on that guy. He was a necrophiliac right? Which made me wonder that was why his dates were off. Eg he could have kept the girl for some time after she disappeared and buried them at the same location. They have found neither her or Andy. I have read her thread on here too.

Link to her thread

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Pierce told alot of bs stories and it's been proven Janice couldn't have been there in the van with Andy like she would have been dead already.
Also he was an associate of Chapman the only known suspect in Andy's case.
Listen to the season of the open investigation podcast I linked up thread by Melanie. Andy's friend. It will literally blow your mind what she has uncovered and the disgusting pedophile ring that was operating in my area at the time of Andy's disappearance......literally mind blowing
Do you mean a pedo ring in the 1970s? That's disturbing. How did they group up do you think, that's long before internet? Pedos must have some "signal" mostly only they recognize? I'd have never thought rings were rampant back then, and I'm far from naive, I'm cynical lol. I would have believed there were plenty of pedos but not rings necessarily. Do you think they were common throughout?

I think I'm just realizing there are a lot of cases up in that area aren't there...?
I don't know that I could read much detail on that guy. He was a necrophiliac right? Which made me wonder that was why his dates were off. Eg he could have kept the girl for some time after she disappeared and buried them at the same location. They have found neither her or Andy. I have read her thread on here too.

Link to her thread

I didn't know you followed these, I'm not that up on them I have to admit, or are these guys.

Did you see the one Regina started on Cheryl Noone I believe it is. I'll see if I can find it. I'm not saying it is related but also in Lawrence.

I didn't know you followed these, I'm not that up on them I have to admit, or are these guys.

Did you see the one Regina started on Cheryl Noone I believe it is. I'll see if I can find it. I'm not saying it is related but also in Lawrence.

Yeah i have only just looked at both of these. It does look like Lawrence and the surrounding area had its fair share of paedos then doesn't it?
Do you mean a pedo ring in the 1970s? That's disturbing. How did they group up do you think, that's long before internet? Pedos must have some "signal" mostly only they recognize? I'd have never thought rings were rampant back then, and I'm far from naive, I'm cynical lol. I would have believed there were plenty of pedos but not rings necessarily. Do you think they were common throughout?

I think I'm just realizing there are a lot of cases up in that area aren't there...?
yup actually NAMBLA was founded right here in Massachusetts..... disgusting huh??
Pedos yes and missing or dead children too for sure. More than the fair share--by far--it would seem.
it's so disturbing. I am not even kidding that you guys should listen to Melanie's podcast Open Investigation. It starts with Andy Puglisi but what she uncovers is just unbelievable!!!! Especially in regards to all the cold cases up here, NAMBLA, the Catholic Church scandal and more

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