WV ANGEL OVERSTREET: Missing from Huntington, WV - 8 May 2021 - Age 3 months *ARREST*


Police in West Virginia are searching for a missing infant last seen in early May​

Police in West Virginia are searching for a three-month-old baby who hasn’t been seen since early May.

On Tuesday, the Huntington Police Department shared photos of Angel Nichole Overstreet that can be viewed at the top of this article.

“Angel has a strawberry-shaped mark on the back of her neck,” police wrote on Facebook. “Her whereabouts cannot be confirmed since approximately May 8, 2021. Anyone who has information regarding Angel’s whereabouts is advised to immediately call 911. Anyone with general information about the case is asked to call the Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Bureau at 304-696-4420. "

The photos were shared with the public a day after representatives with West Virginia Child Protective Services contacted police saying they had been asked to follow-up with Angel’s father, Shannon Overstreet, regarding custody issues stemming from Kentucky. Investigators are not able to confirm the alleged custody exchange between the girl’s father and child protective services.


MEDIA - ANGEL OVERSTREET: Missing from Huntington, WV since 8 May 2021 - Age 3 months
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So Kentucky CPS reported the child missing? Is the child under their custody? Why was Shannon Overstreet arrested in West Virginia? There is something I must be missing, or is this all the facts we've been provided by MSM? It breaks my heart that a 3 month old has fallen thru the cracks, again.
So Kentucky CPS reported the child missing? Is the child under their custody? Why was Shannon Overstreet arrested in West Virginia? There is something I must be missing, or is this all the facts we've been provided by MSM? It breaks my heart that a 3 month old has fallen thru the cracks, again.
From what I’m understanding, “dad” said that CPS took her. But, CPS says they didn’t. At least that’s what I think happened.
So Kentucky CPS reported the child missing? Is the child under their custody? Why was Shannon Overstreet arrested in West Virginia? There is something I must be missing, or is this all the facts we've been provided by MSM? It breaks my heart that a 3 month old has fallen thru the cracks, again.
There is something missing here. I don't know what it is but there is.

One thing is why this child was with this man to begin with and why so much time elapsed since the child was last known to be okay. But that's not all of it imo.
It was West Virginia CPS who reported to the police that they had been asked to follow up with “dad”, but they had not been the ones that had taken her.
but, Kentucky is involved somehow. The only reason I can think for “dad” to get custody is if mom was not fit....
It was West Virginia CPS who reported to the police that they had been asked to follow up with “dad”, but they had not been the ones that had taken her.
but, Kentucky is involved somehow. The only reason I can think for “dad” to get custody is if mom was not fit....
And even then, with his supposed history, I am surprised they would think him fit...
So Kentucky CPS reported the child missing? Is the child under their custody? Why was Shannon Overstreet arrested in West Virginia? There is something I must be missing, or is this all the facts we've been provided by MSM? It breaks my heart that a 3 month old has fallen thru the cracks, again.
Sounds like Kentucky CPS contacted West Virginia CPS, and then West Virginia CPS contacted police. (See video below) I believe she was born and lived mostly with her mother in Kentucky, but was visiting who she thought was the father in West Virginia. My assumption is that mom contacted Kentucky CPS when she couldn't get ahold of "dad" or confirm Angel was safe, and so Kentucky reached out to West Virginia CPS to do the welfare check cause it's in their state. So when WV CPS couldn't confirm her whereabouts or safety, they contacted police.

Also of note, the police chief states he is the "father listed on the birth certificate", not the "biological father".

Piecing together that with comments from earlier, it sounds like he had visitation because they thought he was the father. Not sure if the visitation was court ordered or just mutually agreed upon between the "parents". But then they found out that he was not the father, and suddenly she's gone. Sounds like his story may be "well, I'm not the dad so CPS came to get her, and that's why I don't have her".

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I don't know how things work in other states but I would imagine if your child was missing, you would call LE, not CPS. And then LE would call LE in the other state to do a welfare check, not CPS. Unless, of course, CPS was already involved in the case or life of the child.

Just the fact the "named" father said two CPS workers took the child hints at or shows CPS involvement prior? Did someone or some legal process inform the "named" father the child was not his while he had custody of the baby which I don't find wise if so... Was he ordered to turn the child over?

We don't seem to have a case of the mother claiming he had the child when he did not, as he himself says he had her basically by stating he turned the child over to two CPS workers. While I don't believe his story, this is a different and unique claim in cases such as this... It's a pretty ballsy (for lack of a better word) claim that two CPS workers took her if untrue.

I would like to think if he cared about the child, when he found she was not his, he could not turn off that emotion and harm her. Likewise if he did not care about the child, and found she was not his, one would think he would be glad to give her up and have no responsibility for her. But then I guess that is applying "logic" and "love" to a situation and someone that it may not apply to.

I am sick to death and totally sick at heart over the continual harming of children and by supposed adults. She didn't ask for this situation nor cause it. No child does.

IF CPS was involved prior, I would still like to know how and why she was with him because if all said at TCS is true, then it is difficult to believe she would be entrusted to his care.
According to comments on the True Crime Facebook post (click on links posted and go down the rabbit hole), it appears that “dad” had custody of Angel. There was a paternity test done and “dad” isn’t bio dad. Bio dad filed to get Angel right before this happened. There is a screenshot of what is supposed to be “dad” posting when he got the court papers about paternity (commonwealth of Kentucky). I’m not sure if I can post that over here since it hasn’t been released by LE or MSM.

I’m going to have to read everything in this thread over again to line it out in my mind.
Posted Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:13 am
“HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — Police in West Virginia are looking for a 3-month-old girl who was reported missing by child protective services, authorities said.
West Virginia Child Protective Services reported Angel Nichole Overstreet missing Monday after checking with her father regarding custody issues stemming from Kentucky, Huntington Police said in a statement.”

So, custody issues stemming from Kentucky.....
This can go one of two ways, I think. Either something happened to the baby and CPS is the cover story, or some fake CPS workers showed up and convinced him to give up the baby. Using it as a cover story seems pretty stupid, since it'd be easy to verify. But also, who would know of his involvement with CPS to use it against him? Or were they just taking a stab at it?

Also, what are these "custody issues stemming from Kentucky"? Is there another parent involved who may have set something up?
Interesting theory. I have heard of it happening. Not often. But it has.

Police roundup: Huntington police search for missing child at father's Kentucky pond​

The Huntington Police Department is working with multiple agencies to search a pond on the property of a father whose 3-month-old baby, Angel Nichole Overstreet, has been missing for more than a month.

According to Huntington communication director Bryan Chambers, the police department is working with multiple agencies to search a pond in Carter County, Kentucky. The pond is located on property owned by Shannon Overstreet, the father of the missing baby.

Police roundup: Huntington police search for missing child at father's Kentucky pond​

The Huntington Police Department is working with multiple agencies to search a pond on the property of a father whose 3-month-old baby, Angel Nichole Overstreet, has been missing for more than a month.

According to Huntington communication director Bryan Chambers, the police department is working with multiple agencies to search a pond in Carter County, Kentucky. The pond is located on property owned by Shannon Overstreet, the father of the missing baby.
wouldn't that seem to be one of the first places to search? Did they just get info on this property?

Investigators expect lengthy search for clues at Carter County pond
Multiple law enforcement agencies were back at a pond in Carter County, Kentucky, for the second day in a row Thursday searching for clues to the disappearance of Angel Overstreet.

Crews are continuing to search in and around a pond owned by the infant’s father, Shannon Overstreet.

What may seem insignificant during the meticulous search process could be a major break in the case. That’s why investigators are combing the area for any evidence.

It’s unclear how long investigators will be on the property, but officials expect it to be a lengthy process due to the terrain and muddy conditions.

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