WV ANGEL OVERSTREET: Missing from Huntington, WV - 8 May 2021 - Age 3 months *ARREST*


Police in West Virginia are searching for a missing infant last seen in early May​

Police in West Virginia are searching for a three-month-old baby who hasn’t been seen since early May.

On Tuesday, the Huntington Police Department shared photos of Angel Nichole Overstreet that can be viewed at the top of this article.

“Angel has a strawberry-shaped mark on the back of her neck,” police wrote on Facebook. “Her whereabouts cannot be confirmed since approximately May 8, 2021. Anyone who has information regarding Angel’s whereabouts is advised to immediately call 911. Anyone with general information about the case is asked to call the Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Bureau at 304-696-4420. "

The photos were shared with the public a day after representatives with West Virginia Child Protective Services contacted police saying they had been asked to follow-up with Angel’s father, Shannon Overstreet, regarding custody issues stemming from Kentucky. Investigators are not able to confirm the alleged custody exchange between the girl’s father and child protective services.


MEDIA - ANGEL OVERSTREET: Missing from Huntington, WV since 8 May 2021 - Age 3 months
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Law enforcement will conclude the search of a Carter County, Kentucky, pond for clues on what happened to missing 3-month-old Angel Nichole Overstreet, but Huntington police remain mum on what, if anything, was found.

The pond was drained so investigators could search the water and the surface below for evidence in the infant’s disappearance. The search was expected to conclude Friday evening.

Anything recovered in the search will be analyzed to assess its evidentiary value, Cornwell said.

Okay just playing devils advocate here but what if someone posing as a CPS worker did come and take the baby? I have heard of that happening before. Although it is rare i'm sure but in my opinion it is still a remote possibility someone who wanted a baby but couldn't have one of their own or maybe someone thought they could give this child a better life? I don't know but it would be a better outcome than most of these cases we see here.

Okay just playing devils advocate here but what if someone posing as a CPS worker did come and take the baby? I have heard of that happening before. Although it is rare i'm sure but in my opinion it is still a remote possibility someone who wanted a baby but couldn't have one of their own or maybe someone thought they could give this child a better life? I don't know but it would be a better outcome than most of these cases we see here.
Yes, it’s happened. And in this case, I hope so because that means Angel is still out there!
Facebook page aims to keep case of missing Huntington infant in the public eye
It was her age and the unusual circumstances of Angel Overstreet's disappearance that led one woman from Florida with no ties to Angel or even Huntington to create a Facebook page dedicated to her case.

“I started the group the first day she went missing because I was expecting it to blow up and so I thought it would be a good page for everybody to follow along," Cheyenne Monk, the creator the Facebook page, said.

Back in May, Angel Nichole Overstreet was, at the time, three months old when she was reported missing in Huntington after Child Protective Services went to her father, Shannon Overstreet’s, house on custody issues.

Shortly after, Shannon was arrested on unrelated charges of battery and malicious wounding in another case, and no one has been charged in Angel’s disappearance.

As four months have passed, Angel has now been unaccounted for for most of her life. The women say the posts are becoming fewer and the active members in their group dwindling, but they say they will press on until they get some closure.

“We’ll never give up until there’s somebody held responsible and there’s some sort of closure to it," Monk said.

This is still an active investigation as they are still processing evidence from the pond. Shannon Overstreet still remains in Western Regional Jail on the unrelated charges of battery and malicious wounding.

HPD: Investigation into Angel Nichole Overstreet’s disappearance ‘remains active’​

The case of an infant girl, missing since May, remains an active investigation among many law enforcement agencies, the Huntington Police Department said Wednesday.

Three-month-old Angel Nichole Overstreet was last seen May 2. Investigators have conducted search warrants in Kentucky and West Virginia and have interviewed several people about her disappearance.

The Huntington Police Department released the following statement Wednesday:

“The Huntington Police Department would like to thank the public for their continued support in our investigation into the disappearance of Angel Nichole Overstreet, the infant missing since early May 2021.

For this investigation, we have partnered not only with the public, but also with the Kentucky State Police; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Cabell County Prosecutor’s Office; Olive Hill (KY) Volunteer Fire Department; Carter County (KY) Attorney Brian Hayes; David Castle, the West Virginia State Police Crime Scene Response Team coordinator; and the West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center.

“We also want to ensure the public our investigation remains active and ask for anyone having any knowledge of Angel Overstreet to contact the Huntington Police Department at 304-696-4420 or contact the HPD anonymous tip line at 304-696-4444.”

Vigil held for missing Huntington baby on what would be her first birthday
Angel Overstreet, a missing infant from Huntington, has not been seen since May of last year. On what would be her first birthday, community members came together in front of the Cabell County Courthouse for a candlelight vigil on Friday night.

“I just wanted to find a way to honor her today and not make it about anything else but her birthday," Brumfield said. "She should be home waddling around opening presents, and instead she’s missing and you don’t hear nothing about it.”

Angel went missing last May after Child Protective Services paid a visit to her father, Shannon Overstreet, over custody issues. Investigators say he told them at the time that he had already handed the baby over to Child Protective Services. CPS could not verify that. That’s when Huntington Police launched the investigation calling her a missing baby. Shannon Overstreet was taken into custody not long after for unrelated charges and remains in jail.

“She was three months old when anyone saw her last, so who knows what she would look like now," Coulter said. “I just want her name to be out there. She’s just always stayed with me. I think about her a lot.”

Her story’s garnered not only local attention as people came together on Friday night from across the Tri-State but also from people around the country following along on social media tuning in virtually to Friday's vigil.

“Her being a baby, her family not really reaching out and trying to help. It just seems like she had nobody, and as a community we wanted to come together and be her family," Brumfield said.

Those in attendance say the lack of updates has been frustrating. Back in the fall, a pond on Shannon Overstreet’s property in Kentucky was searched for days, but that was the last update.

“I hope the worst didn’t happen to her. I realize that’s a possibility. There’s probably things we don’t know that the police have to keep to themselves to solve a case, and I understand that," Coulter said.

Huntington Police released the following statement on Friday:

"The Huntington Police Department would like to thank the public for their continued support in our investigation into the disappearance of Angel Nichole Overstreet, the infant missing since early May 2021.

For this investigation, we have partnered not only with the public, but also with the Kentucky State Police; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Cabell County Prosecutor’s Office; Olive Hill (KY) Volunteer Fire Department; Carter County (KY) Attorney Brian Hayes; David Castle, the West Virginia State Police Crime Scene Response Team coordinator; and the West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center.

We also want to ensure the public our investigation remains active and ask for anyone having any knowledge of Angel Overstreet to contact the Huntington Police Department at 304-696-4420 or contact the HPD anonymous tip line at 304-696-4444."

Coulter says she hopes the vigil was one way to get Angel's face and story back out there.

“If she is out there, maybe she’ll look back and see that there are people who cared about her. That’s all we can hope and just have her be remembered," Coulter said.
Case of infant missing since May 2021 still an active investigation
It's been about 10 months since 3-month-old Angel Nicole Overstreet has been seen.

Last May, police reported the baby was in the custody of her father Shannon Overstreet. Overstreet reported turning Angel over to Child Protective Services, but CPS claims they have no record of that happening.

Today things are quiet around a pond in Carter County, Kentucky. In June, the FBI, Huntington police, West Virginia and Kentucky State Police were all combing the pond, looking for any clues as to where Angel Overstreet could be. The property is owned by Angel's father, Shannon Overstreet.

"We really want the family to know that we are still pursuing this investigation," Huntington Police Chief Karl Colder said.

Colder reported that investigators review the case on a weekly basis and work with other agencies.

"This has gone across state lines into other jurisdictions so we are just trying to continue our efforts," Colder said. "We really continue to ask the public to help us in this if they have any information."
Case of missing Huntington baby still active one year after her disappearance
It has now been a year since Angel Overstreet's disappearance. Investigators announced in late May last year that a 3-month-old baby from Huntington had not been accounted for since May 8.

One year later, it still remains an active investigation as her location is still unknown at this time.

“She’s our baby. She’s everybody’s baby," Ceil Butera, a member of "Angel Overstreet's Missing" Facebook page, said. "You just cannot lose a 3-month-old child.”

While there have been few updates since last May, a Facebook page has remained strong as 2,000 people from across the country post there daily.

Members of that Facebook page have now come together to buy an Angel Overstreet billboard in Huntington. The billboard is set to go up next week at the corner of Eighth Street and Seventh Avenue.

“Not everybody’s on social media, so our hope is that somebody driving by will remember something. Whether it’s big or small, something that might lead to something more or something that might lead us to find Angel because I think that at this point it is that missing piece of the puzzle," Monk said.
Angel was last seen in Huntington, West Virginia sometime in early May 2021; her date of disappearance is usually given as May 7 or May 8, but the last time anyone actually saw her was on May 1. She was in the care of her father, Shannon Patrick Overstreet, at the time.

On May 24, West Virginia's Child Protective Services (CPS), reported Angel missing. They said they'd asked Shannon his daughter's whereabouts and he said he had turned the baby over to the care of two CPS workers about two weeks earlier.

CPS didn't have Angel, however, and even after checking with CPS agencies in the neighboring states of Kentucky and Ohio, they still couldn't find her. Shannon couldn't produce any evidence of the alleged custody exchange, and the agency was concerned for Angel's safety.

After Huntington police launched an investigation, Shannon was arrested on unrelated charges of felony malicious wounding and a battery: he had allegedly severely beaten his own mother and dragged her by the hair across the yard. She had to be hospitalized and treated for bleeding in the brain. Shannon has a prior criminal record for multiple violent offenses, including forcibly tattooing his name on a woman.

Authorities searched Angel's mother's residence, where Shannon had sometimes been known to stay, and they drained and searched a pond on his property in Olive Hill, Kentucky, looking for evidence in Angel's case, but found nothing. Authorities stated they're in touch with Angel's mother and they don't think she was in the area when Angel disappeared or knows what happened to her.

Shannon is considered a person of interest in his daughter's disappearance, but not a suspect, for lack of evidence as to what occurred. The circumstances of Angel's disappearance are unclear.

Angel was last seen in Huntington, West Virginia sometime in early May 2021; her date of disappearance is usually given as May 7 or May 8, but the last time anyone actually saw her was on May 1. She was in the care of her father, Shannon Patrick Overstreet, at the time.

On May 24, West Virginia's Child Protective Services (CPS), reported Angel missing. They said they'd asked Shannon his daughter's whereabouts and he said he had turned the baby over to the care of two CPS workers about two weeks earlier.

CPS didn't have Angel, however, and even after checking with CPS agencies in the neighboring states of Kentucky and Ohio, they still couldn't find her. Shannon couldn't produce any evidence of the alleged custody exchange, and the agency was concerned for Angel's safety.

After Huntington police launched an investigation, Shannon was arrested on unrelated charges of felony malicious wounding and a battery: he had allegedly severely beaten his own mother and dragged her by the hair across the yard. She had to be hospitalized and treated for bleeding in the brain. Shannon has a prior criminal record for multiple violent offenses, including forcibly tattooing his name on a woman.

Authorities searched Angel's mother's residence, where Shannon had sometimes been known to stay, and they drained and searched a pond on his property in Olive Hill, Kentucky, looking for evidence in Angel's case, but found nothing. Authorities stated they're in touch with Angel's mother and they don't think she was in the area when Angel disappeared or knows what happened to her.

Shannon is considered a person of interest in his daughter's disappearance, but not a suspect, for lack of evidence as to what occurred. The circumstances of Angel's disappearance are unclear.

Well, doesn't he sound like such a wonderful guy? :sigh:
Angel was last seen in Huntington, West Virginia sometime in early May 2021; her date of disappearance is usually given as May 7 or May 8, but the last time anyone actually saw her was on May 1. She was in the care of her father, Shannon Patrick Overstreet, at the time.

On May 24, West Virginia's Child Protective Services (CPS), reported Angel missing. They said they'd asked Shannon his daughter's whereabouts and he said he had turned the baby over to the care of two CPS workers about two weeks earlier.

CPS didn't have Angel, however, and even after checking with CPS agencies in the neighboring states of Kentucky and Ohio, they still couldn't find her. Shannon couldn't produce any evidence of the alleged custody exchange, and the agency was concerned for Angel's safety.

After Huntington police launched an investigation, Shannon was arrested on unrelated charges of felony malicious wounding and a battery: he had allegedly severely beaten his own mother and dragged her by the hair across the yard. She had to be hospitalized and treated for bleeding in the brain. Shannon has a prior criminal record for multiple violent offenses, including forcibly tattooing his name on a woman.

Authorities searched Angel's mother's residence, where Shannon had sometimes been known to stay, and they drained and searched a pond on his property in Olive Hill, Kentucky, looking for evidence in Angel's case, but found nothing. Authorities stated they're in touch with Angel's mother and they don't think she was in the area when Angel disappeared or knows what happened to her.

Shannon is considered a person of interest in his daughter's disappearance, but not a suspect, for lack of evidence as to what occurred. The circumstances of Angel's disappearance are unclear.

I don't have time to read up on the links but I do have to say the agency sure painted themselves blameless. Not that he isn't likely to blame but this record of his and doing what he did to his mom and all, when was all this and yet he was in charge of this infant??? Maybe they are blameless, she wasn't very old so their involvement as to her couldn't have been long term.... Just guessing that the child was failed all the way around. But again just talking from reading recent posts, didn't refresh on the case.

Questions remain unanswered as search continues for West Virginia infant​

The latest update on the case came from HPD back in December 2021. At the time, officials stated the case will remain active until new information comes to light.

13 News followed up with HPD on Friday, Jan. 13, 2023, and officials say the case is still active.

Angel’s name has not been forgotten though, as over 2,000 people on social media continue to post about her disappearance, still looking for answers.

Right now, many say they are still left with more questions than answers.

By Martina Bills
Published: Jan. 12, 2023 at 2:40 PM EST

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) - A man from Huntington accused of badly beating his mother entered a plea in court.

Shannon Patrick Overstreet was charged after a March 2021 incident at his mother’s home. She suffered a “significant brain bleed” from the attack, investigators with the Huntington police department said.

On Jan. 12, 2023, Overstreet entered a Kennedy plea in Cabell County Circuit Court to a charge of malicious wounding. A charge of attempted first-degree murder was dropped as part of the plea. Overstreet also entered a Kennedy plea to a forgery charge. Investigators said Overstreet signed his mother’s name to a check and then cashed it.

A Kennedy plea allows someone to accept punishment for a crime without having to admit guilt.

Overstreet was sentenced on the malicious wounding charge to two to ten years in prison. He was sentenced to one to 10 years on the forgery charge. The sentences will be served at the same time and he will be given credit for time already served.
Huntington Police say missing baby case still remains active two years later
Two years have passed since a three-month-old baby went missing in Huntington. It was first believed by police that Angel Overstreet was last accounted for on May 8, 2021. This was before she was reported missing weeks later, and she still has not been found.

Huntington Police say this is still a "very active" investigation, but at this point, there are no new updates that can be released to the public.

As the years go on, Angel’s advocates lose hope that she is still out there, and even if she is, they say it would be hard to imagine what the once three-month-old baby looks like now.

"Now she's two - over two, but she was a three-month-old baby. How can you not tell someone what you know?" Butera said.

In a statement, Huntington Police thanked the public for the help so far in the investigation and encourage anyone with any information about Angel to call the police department at (304) 696-4420 or call the anonymous tip line at 304-696-4444.

By The Associated Press
December 2, 2023, 10:15 AM

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. -- A West Virginia prison inmate whose infant daughter has been missing for more than two years has been indicted on murder and other charges, authorities said.

A grand jury in Cabell County indicted Shannon Patrick Overstreet on charges of murder; death of a child by a parent by child abuse, and concealment of a deceased human body, Huntington police said Friday in a news release.

Without elaborating, the statement said investigators collected evidence indicating Overstreet was responsible for the death of Angele Nichole Overstreet and for concealing and disposing of her remains.

The girl was 3 months old when she last was seen in May 2021. Her disappearance led to an investigation involving the Huntington police department, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service, and state police and other agencies from West Virginia and Kentucky.
He beat his own mother!!! Causing a "Significant brain bleed". In March "2021". Not even 2 months before his daughter. :mad:
Unbelievable!!! He should NEVER SEE A PINHOLE OF LIGHT EVER AGAIN!!!
Scum. Beats mom, kills child. Protects neither and instead is the cause of their injuries/death. Scum.

This case makes me think of Amiah and others so young with absolutely no defenses and words. The age ours was too so it hurts extra, they are entirely at someone's mercy, can't even run or walk or scream a word. Full stop. I can't.

I haven't been to Amiah's thread in ages and she will likely never be found. This child likely won't either. I mean often the perp is dumb enough they are found and easily but if they WANT to have them never found and have the time, well this age of a human, a baby, is pretty darned small. To dispose of, to hide, to move and even to get rid of basically all. It isn't like they have to drag some adult body around or even out of their house in a carpet that may be noticeable, etc or need a 100 gallon tote (don't know sizes just picking one) for an adult or even a grade school aged child. A child this age would fit in an average tote bag, in the smallest piece of luggage, easily in a duffel and even in a bowling bag, etc. Point is they are looking for smaller than the proverbial needle in a haystack and particularly if they have no leads or phone pings, sightings, etc.

SCUM. I swear i am going to create a word bad enough or words bad enough for some of these evil pieces of garbage/sh*t. But then I try or think on it and there just isn't anything bad enough.

Cretin. Heathen. Evil MFer (and that's a term I don't) use. NONE of the existing ones are adequate. I also think with what we have been seeing CPS should be exterminated but then there would be nothing. I'm not sure sometimes that that would be worse as they take and place from not great to WORSE in many a case.

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