UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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So I am still watching the Heavy D one in minutes here and there as a lot to do in life yet. :(

So mom is saying as we know that he never called grandma back Saturday so she got Don Sunday to go check on him and he went and reported the truck was locked, we can't tell if his guns are in there, he hasn't been here...

First it is plural with guns and at first I thought she meant in the camper but she might mean in the truck. She also started out saying "the camper" when Don got there as if she was going to say the camper was locked or something with the camper but then switched to the truck...

Maybe nothing but is there a reason the guns at that point already were a focus and was the camper locked like the truck or not? And would you keep two or more guns in the truck or did she mean the camper?

So then they get a hold of Jim and both went and looked again.

Mom gets called from best friend JD on Monday saying grandma etc. are looking for Dylan and asks the mom if she heard that or from grandma and she hadn't.

From Sat. night until mom got out there Monday, Don and Jim had supposedly been looking for Dylan mom says. What?? Grandma didn't call Don until Sunday... So why would the two have been looking for him since Saturday night...? Supposedly per mom...?

I don't really have a point. I guess just watching it even though it is from a couple of weeks ago and commenting on these things also puts it in the record here and for discussion, etc. somewhat.

I'm surprised they get right out there and say starting with Heavy D that maybe Don and Jim were at the shop/shed when Dylan brought the grain there and something happened from there... And the two are pointing towards town as in nothing happened out here... Hmmm.
So mom is saying as we know that he never called grandma back Saturday so she got Don Sunday to go check on him and he went and reported the truck was locked, we can't tell if his guns are in there, he hasn't been here...

So then they get a hold of Jim and both went and looked again.

From Sat. night until mom got out there Monday, Don and Jim had supposedly been looking for Dylan mom says. What?? Grandma didn't call Don until Sunday... So why would the two have been looking for him since Saturday night...? Supposedly per mom...?
Perhaps the grandmother called Don twice; Sat night, at which time he went to Dylan's alone, and again Sun morn, at which time Don got Jim and they went there together.
I don't think I would call this a huge update though

Definitely not the best article. They say he was last seen working on his farm and that isn't true is it? SEEN working? Don't think so.

They say he didn't give the strange man a ride and that i thought was wrong and/or that some say he did.

Maybe family's reward is $20,000 but I just saw $100,000 last night although I didn't watch or read on up it so don't know who offered it, etc.

I agree nothing much new in it at all.
Boy it has been a few weeks ago but she came right out in Heavy D as IF Don and Jim were behind things. She said they were intentionally pointing elsewhere, nothing happened out there and with the gate shut or locked, boots in wrong direction, etc. as if to throw things off...

I would say if foul play they are two at the top no doubt.

Another possibility is the barefoot man but I have to wonder WHO said he was looking for a way back to Dylan's another day or asking about him....

Then there is the bar owner who I think is also the guy who gave the info about him being abducted and held at someone's home... And may also be the one with the piece of equipment.. I heard that all but it is a bit confusing so I may have it wrong as far as one and the same on all...

Finally of course are the squatters that seem to appear out of nowhere and/or a complete strangers.

Not done with the Heavy D video yet. Working on other things and coming and watching a few minutes here and there.
So in this Heavy D vidoe, at about 20 to 21 minutes in, they show the last known location with an arrow to the boots area and point to the grain truck too which is outside the shed and what, tarped or what? I guess I thoguth he took it over there to put it in a building? And at first I thought this is probably Google Earth and not at that time showing the grain truck and location of boots but it seems to be flying "coverage" early on...??

Don't get me wrong, I guess he may not have had a tarp, etc. but the grain truck with seed that needed to be protected was OUTSIDE? Not close up enough photos to tell if tarped or what... Or maybe this was early but after the fact so they pulled it out... And a few vehicles and more than a few tractors or pieces of equipment outside everywhere...? Just odd. Every single thing is like purposely parked not near another... Camper. Vehicle. Shed. Tractor. Etc. Semi or something like it... Looks busy but not a person in sight, just a lot of things parked just so far from each other...
Finally of course are the squatters that seem to appear out of nowhere and/or a complete strangers.
Yes, the mother said that there are "squatters"..."in the whole valley", which among other things is an utterly absurd notion just to begin with, and the way I see it, if anyone's a stranger in this scenario, it's her.
Yes, the mother said that there are "squatters"..."in the whole valley", which among other things is an utterly absurd notion just to begin with, and the way I see it, if anyone's a stranger in this scenario, it's her.
usually "squatters" gather in areas that have resources nearby.
unless she's talking about people camping on the nearby BLM land. Those aren't "squatters" though. They have as much right as any of us to be there. It's public land for that very thing.
In fact, she referred to one person in particular- who (apparently) lived on the 'grain truck' property- as a squatter.
if that is the case, then they could oust him from their property if they so desired. The owner can if the person is not an established renter, then it's not quite as easy, but that means they had permission at least at one point of time.
if that is the case, then they could oust him from their property if they so desired. The owner can if the person is not an established renter, then it's not quite as easy, but that means they had permission at least at one point of time.
i do also realize this might not be really easy to do if the area is vast.
I understand that LE refers to him as a squatter, but I'm still not convinced.
Anyway, I thought Jim had already been arrested on an outstanding warrant, although I suppose I could be thinking of the man in the desert (whom I know definitely had been).
Anyway, I thought Jim had already been arrested on an outstanding warrant, although I suppose I could be thinking of the man in the desert (whom I know definitely had been).
Either Don or Jim was already arrested on a warrant. I can't remember which one but thought it was Don. He was released shortly thereafter.

Is "James Brenner" the same "Jim"? They do mention a "DH" who is a "friend" of Brenner....Don?

ETA: Nevermind. It was Jim that was arrested before on a warrant. But this is supposedly a new and different warrant. And yes Jim/James is the same person. Who lives/squats on the property where Dylan has his grain truck. This is getting interesting.

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Is "James Brenner" the same "Jim"? They do mention a "DH" who is a "friend" of Brenner....Don?
It was Jim that was arrested before on a warrant. But this is supposedly a new and different warrant. And yes Jim/James is the same person. Who lives/squats on the property where Dylan has his grain truck. This is getting interesting.
First, thanks for clearing that up about Jim's arrest just prior to this most recent one.
I really do appreciate it.

Indeed, I think D.H. is most certainly Don, and very interesting to me, he's described as a "neighbor" of Jim's.
Now, there's a motorhome where I was thinking that one or the other- Jim or Don- lived- hadn't noticed a "trailer", but taking a closer look, I see what looks to be a 5th wheel situated between the "shelter" building and motorhome and so now I'm thinking that Jim lived there and I'm wondering whether Don might have lived in that motorhome. (I understand that the warrant describes Don as a "Lucin resident", but still...)

Re whether Jim's a squatter, there's still info I'd need to know to be able to conclude that for myself, and the warrant doesn't make it any more clear, except to state that he doesn't own any of those three parcels of land. (Btw, I don't understand how two adjacent parcels of land is relevant.)

Re the rifle story from D.H., I'm still trying to wrap my head around it...
So, this is where I'm at: Don owns the "trailer"... and for some reason that's unknown even to Don, himself, the original rifle owner left the rifle...

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