UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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When I went through my gun safety training, I was warned about how people will try to get your firearm. It’s more common of a problem than you may think! So they might have gotten it away from him and used it against him.
It's pretty obvious here where no CC permit is needed of those that have NOT had any type of safety training by the way they carry theirs. Especially the nuts that think they have to open carry multiple guns. It often looks like they are actually offering up a weapon to somebody.
When I went through my gun safety training, I was warned about how people will try to get your firearm. It’s more common of a problem than you may think! So they might have gotten it away from him and used it against him.
If they knew he had one and evidenced it or made a point of saying so, etc. then certainly a possibility.

I'm no assuming true or criticizing but I sure "hope" this kid didn't move/live down there and act full of himself. Not uncommon for the age like maybe portraying himself as land owner, farmer, with money thrown around, or boss of people older and wiser, etc. or in the bar or with this gun either...

The reason I wonder this and I do is his firing of grandpa's friend/employee by Dylan. There is a hint or reason to wonder... Or bragging that he managed to raise a crop when others hadn't or told him it wouldn't work. This kind of attitude or behavior as we know does not sit well with those older, more mature they feel, wiser, who worked their whole lives, etc. OR had nothing handed to them and so on... Someone just may have had their fill of it or been rubbed wrong by Dylan.

IF this is foul play, this is the most likely motive/reason that crosses my mind. Even theft other than if he had some money on him isn't as likely to me. No one took a vehicle, took anything of value from his trailer apparently, ransacked it or necessarily was even in it, etc. AND the other person had to almost have a vehicle or be driving, and not reliant on Dylan for a ride...

On another note, if you had no boots or shoes, would you choose to walk the desert or the road? I have no idea if the roads are paved there or the one he would need but if it was dirt road what would be your choice then? I'm asking anyone. Because IF he walked the road, then it COULD have been a random stranger (I don't think likely but could have been) but I don't see that as likely if he walked the desert...

And again that's all IF it was foul play.
If they knew he had one and evidenced it or made a point of saying so, etc. then certainly a possibility.

I'm no assuming true or criticizing but I sure "hope" this kid didn't move/live down there and act full of himself. Not uncommon for the age like maybe portraying himself as land owner, farmer, with money thrown around, or boss of people older and wiser, etc. or in the bar or with this gun either...

The reason I wonder this and I do is his firing of grandpa's friend/employee by Dylan. There is a hint or reason to wonder... Or bragging that he managed to raise a crop when others hadn't or told him it wouldn't work. This kind of attitude or behavior as we know does not sit well with those older, more mature they feel, wiser, who worked their whole lives, etc. OR had nothing handed to them and so on... Someone just may have had their fill of it or been rubbed wrong by Dylan.

IF this is foul play, this is the most likely motive/reason that crosses my mind. Even theft other than if he had some money on him isn't as likely to me. No one took a vehicle, took anything of value from his trailer apparently, ransacked it or necessarily was even in it, etc. AND the other person had to almost have a vehicle or be driving, and not reliant on Dylan for a ride...

On another note, if you had no boots or shoes, would you choose to walk the desert or the road? I have no idea if the roads are paved there or the one he would need but if it was dirt road what would be your choice then? I'm asking anyone. Because IF he walked the road, then it COULD have been a random stranger (I don't think likely but could have been) but I don't see that as likely if he walked the desert...

And again that's all IF it was foul play.
I am afraid he said something that cause this, too. Not blaming him, just knowing how 19 year olds are.

There are no paved roads anywhere near there it seems.
I am afraid he said something that cause this, too. Not blaming him, just knowing how 19 year olds are.

There are no paved roads anywhere near there it seems.
Same here, it isn't a criticism, the firing was one thing and like you, I have just seen a lot of it and not even my kids but a lot of kids that age... I remember one that came into a bar from out of town and was likely 21 and he started throwing money around and bragging and going on about owning his own bar in a town we all knew maybe an hour away.... He started hanging around a few days and doing the same and everyone is going himmm.... Trying to impress, get women, etc.... Someone looked into it, didn't take long and yes, his daddy owned the bar NOT him and no, he didn't even own part of it, etc... LOTS of kids do this and especially IF their folks own something, etc... Some of them also just expect dad to hand them the business at 18 or give them a gravy job and have a fit when they won't/don't :) Meant lightly and again not a criticism either, it is just the age... They want to be someone and they want to be someone quick and easy and most go through at least that phase... I'm not working there (McDonald's at 16 for instance). I'm not going to college THERE... I'm going HERE....

They ALL mostly do it at least at some level for awhile. If one is lucky, not for too long before they face the real world and realize it isn't that easy...

And let's face it, not a knock either, but his big things were in dad's name and there is a reason for that still. He is just a yout :)
Most likely know in most cases I lean towards foul play. Not always but if there is a good possibility of it then for sure that is the way I lean. This one is no different, I think it is foul play.

HOWEVER, I came to realize the other day and have to realize when one stands back a bit and looks so to speak there really is NOT ONE BIT of evidence of foul play here. There just isn't... That bothers me because I feel it is foul play but this means too most likely that if it is someone covered their tracks well enough that probably even LE can't be sure it is foul play and that also means even if solved it may be very hard to build a case without some real evidence.

Dylan's mom and dad are doing all parents should do and everything they can to find him and get the word out and stay on LE and searches, etc. i want to preface my next remarks with this because I want it clear my next remarks are not meant to criticize but just to point out some facts.

Everything we know about Dylan, his state of mind, his mood, his ways, his dedication, his habits, etc. comes from his parents. Parents see their children often in their own light and they do feel they know all as well. Parents though of older children (mine are much older than 20) do come to realize I think that we don't know all and once a child is out on their own, even less so do we know new habits, friends, and more. We also know Dylan said to family he did not give that man a ride but it seems he did so he doesn't always share all with family or tell the truth which is NORMAL of course of any kids adult or otherwise...

His mom also said they first went down there thinking he probably stored the grain out of the rain and something happened to him on his walk back, he hurt himself, broke a leg, bit by a snake, etc. (paraphrasing). It was on other things like thinking the truck was power washed, finding the boots, etc. they came to think foul play quickly...

None of these things though really are necessarily indicative of foul play. And since then many do not think that truck was pressure washed at all and I think even his mom changed her thoughts on that or started to, etc.

The boots even to me lost a bit of suspiciousness when hearing recently they were near a burn or rubbish area so now that isn't quite so odd necessarily either. The blood could even be from butchering or hunting if they did such. Even the pile of dirt can be from digging to bury rubbish as it was said they do there...

The oddest things are no vehicles are missing and the fake abduction story AND claims he was at the bar another day after the one known. And that still doesn't mean anything really either... Just probably someone who doesn't like LE around and someone who probably wasn't following all laws in his establishment trying to maybe throw shade on someone he doesn't like or point in another direction just out of habit and worry...

This young man could have done something to himself and not been found (unlikely I know based on parents' description of him, etc. but just putting the possibilities out there), could have gotten lost or hurt and died and just hasn't been found yet or is the victim of foul play but again with no obvious signs that it is... He could be holed up or hiding and left of his own accord... If a vehicle was missing I would say he maybe had a vehicle accident but they say none are missing... Are they sure I wonder... Could he have taken the road and been offered a ride and then foul play...?

It was near the Memorial Day weekend, were there any big parties going on around or at someone's home? Did he get his grain covered and go back to the bar the other day or ride with someone to there or to a party...

I don't know, he is missing and that is a fact. There just isn't much to say what happened though or that it was foul play. I haven't watched that last video yet, I should go do that when a chance and before I forget again... Maybe they do know more and it is of course possible they know more than we do to show foul play, however, the cops sure were not all gung ho on this case at first for sure...
There's evidence, but mostly just circumstantial evidence. correct me if I'm wrong but did they not find his boot with a little bit of blood on it? i could be wrong but im like 90% sure.
There's evidence, but mostly just circumstantial evidence. correct me if I'm wrong but did they not find his boot with a little bit of blood on it? i could be wrong but im like 90% sure.
There was yes. I mentioned that maybe it is from hunting or butchering, not sure if he did either, not uncommon among farmers though (either). He also could have injured himself. Or someone injured him and it was foul play. It could be anything and since we now know they were apparently near a spot where they bury garbage or burn it, it too to me isn't necessarily proof of foul play.

There is even the slight possibility they are not Dylan's boots but someone else's. It is unlikely but possible.

And even if that blood comes back as Dylan's, it really doesn't prove anything on its own either.

The more I look at this and try to step back, there isn't even much circumstantial evidence imo.

I do think it likely foul play but I mostly base that on the parents description of the type of "kid" Dylan is/was.

I don't know if it is significant but it is a little odd to me that no friends, employees, etc. have said one word about Dylan but then there likely is no media down there on this story trying to interview or find out anything...
I've been asking from the start what kind of farm he and grandpa have because the crop farming sounds recent and something he has been working at to get to be a success.
Well, remember, his mother said he was growing grain, but I've wonder where he was in the process of planting...
I know his parents said he told both of them that things were going well, but was it true? Remember, he'd fired a farmhand, which surely made things more difficult.
And in the joint interview with the parents, the father said they'd check the tractor to see when it was last used, which I find interesting...
The boots even to me lost a bit of suspiciousness when hearing recently they were near a burn or rubbish area so now that isn't quite so odd necessarily either. The blood could even be from butchering or hunting if they did such. Even the pile of dirt can be from digging to bury rubbish as it was said they do there...
Oh, wow, surely, that's where that dirt came from!
Thank you, GrandmaBear!
Well, remember, his mother said he was growing grain, but I've wonder where he was in the process of planting...
I know his parents said he told both of them that things were going well, but was it true? Remember, he'd fired a farmhand, which surely made things more difficult.
And in the joint interview with the parents, the father said they'd check the tractor to see when it was last used, which I find interesting...
I still have to watch that one.

Yes the more I think about it, I'm not so sure either of anything. Checking the tractor is interesting and yes, the firing stands out to me.

I keep realizing all info basically comes from the parents. I think the grandmother spoke once too didn't she? Was he really doing as well as said. Not criticizing but he is young and was off on his own, little to do out there I'd imagine short of going to Montello, was cell reception or TV even good? Did he even have internet? It would be pretty isolating I would imagine and a small space he was living in on top of it. And I'm sorry but it is a rare youth that age that handles money well. I'm not saying iit isn't possible and some do I'\m sure but most get a little heady with their first taste of freedom at 18 or so and do not make the wisest choices with respect to money.

I keep thinking of just the price of gas and what it would take to run to Montello with even the personal truck. There is so much we don't know. At first in this case, I wold have figured he lived with grandma and grandpa or next door to them as it was said right off he and grandpa owned a farm and acres, etc. How far was he from them, do we even know that?

As an "owner" was he paid even? Did he have regular income or just crop money once a year? It is possible dad or mom were providing his living I guess. Dad did have things in his name for Dylan, I think the cell, truck, etc. Wasn't the gun even registered to dad, do I recall that correctly?

So they checked the tractor? I guess they'd want to be sure he was around or were trying to determine when last around or for how long...? I don't know how you'd tell unless it was newer and logged things.

It was stated wasn't it that the grain was safe and protected, that he did do that? Is that a fact? And why were they checking the tractor? Was it thought that he actually planted the grain or plowed or something? If he hadn't, then why check the tractor?

It was said there was somewhere he sometimes stayed in Montello, with someone I think. I never heard that but read it here I think. We don't know to my knowledge who that was either or if they have been checked with.

I'd also like to know what time he left the bar on the night he was there that was confirmed. I don't think that has even come out, how busy it was, who he interacted with, etc.

It's not unusual of course that LE shares little or nothing with the public but this case seems oddly quiet. Too bad some reporter (or two) aren't on it but it doesn't exactly sound like the kind of area most would go to nor do I suppose there is much for media/news there.
There was yes. I mentioned that maybe it is from hunting or butchering, not sure if he did either, not uncommon among farmers though (either). He also could have injured himself. Or someone injured him and it was foul play. It could be anything and since we now know they were apparently near a spot where they bury garbage or burn it, it too to me isn't necessarily proof of foul play.

There is even the slight possibility they are not Dylan's boots but someone else's. It is unlikely but possible.

And even if that blood comes back as Dylan's, it really doesn't prove anything on its own either.

The more I look at this and try to step back, there isn't even much circumstantial evidence imo.

I do think it likely foul play but I mostly base that on the parents description of the type of "kid" Dylan is/was.

I don't know if it is significant but it is a little odd to me that no friends, employees, etc. have said one word about Dylan but then there likely is no media down there on this story trying to interview or find out anything...
yeah, with the boots not being his theory i thought about commenting about that but pulled back because its kind of unlikely. im glad you said something because i was starting to regret not saying anything. i wanna know what brand those boots were and maybe a picture if one exists. im not sure if it mentioned it somewhere because im having a hard time keeping up but if not i think it would be pretty useful. i mean, everyone here has a feeling that it was foul play as far as i can tell. im just really trying to find something that can give us some evidence. frustrating to say the least, but im really determined to try to work towards figuring out what exactly happened.
I know the parents can get the info on what numbers he called, received calls from and texting info. I sure wonder if they know who those numbers belong to and have talked to those people. Now that it's been so long and the FBI is now involved, hopefully somebody that has the authority to, has requested the text transcripts to verify the story of whomever he was in contact with told them. Hopefully there is so much more going on than it seems.
and why I am wondering so much about the texts is that since he lives out in the middle of nowhere, cell service is probably spotty and texting is much more stable, most likely. Not too many people would be traveling out to where he was without telling him they were coming since they would be traveling quite distance to get out there and taking a chance that he wasn't even there.
Yeah it does make sense doesn't it? Had we known it was a rubbish burial/burning site from the start, we probably wouldn't have found it so odd.
Of course not! I mean, I would hope that if we'd seen a hole in the ground and a nearby pile of dirt, that we'd put it together that the dirt came from the hole, lol!
yeah, with the boots not being his theory i thought about commenting about that but pulled back because its kind of unlikely. im glad you said something because i was starting to regret not saying anything. i wanna know what brand those boots were and maybe a picture if one exists. im not sure if it mentioned it somewhere because im having a hard time keeping up but if not i think it would be pretty useful. i mean, everyone here has a feeling that it was foul play as far as i can tell. im just really trying to find something that can give us some evidence. frustrating to say the least, but im really determined to try to work towards figuring out what exactly happened.
With all going on, they most likely are his boots BUT since this is a garbage area, they could be someone else's and they also could have been put there at any given time or day.

In my neck of the woods, Red Wings are THE work boot for both farmers and workers alike. They are hard to find there are only certain outlets that carry them. There may be other well known boots but here they are again, THE boot.

If anything similar is the case in that area, it wouldn't be uncommon at all for others to have the same boots. I imagine his mother would have known his size though...

However, when she said she helps him find another pair of his certain kind of boot every time he needs a new pair, I wondered if they weren't something like Red Wing as she has to help him FIND another pair somewhere... That is in large part what got me wondering if they even are his boots because here, Red Wings are popular and most men have them if in need of a work boot and they can find them and afford them.

And since Dylan is missing, we can't even be sure he is missing his boots and not wearing them.
You know it was a silly argument that led up to it....
As I understand it, the farmhand wanted to tend to farm business (I forgot what exactly, irrigation, I think) but Dylan wanted to hook up a washing machine.
I hadn't heard that, thanks, had no idea.

It sounds silly but could still be heated or a bigger deal than it sounds (like who is boss underneath it all or being paid for not working on farm or something on that order...?) and it was big enough to result in his firing though right?
I hadn't heard that, thanks, had no idea.

It sounds silly but could still be heated or a bigger deal than it sounds (like who is boss underneath it all or being paid for not working on farm or something on that order...?) and it was big enough to result in his firing though right?
(You're welcome!)

I think I get what you're saying- and I totally get Dylan wanting a washing machine, but the issue was priority and I have to say that I think the old hand was right.

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