UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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the shoes make no sense to me. IF he replaced his old ones with the exact same thing, how would she know if these are the CURRENT ones he was wearing? Something tells me the boots are a red herring
I don't think she could be sure that he didn't have a newer pair or another pair, but I haven't discounted that he actually did walk away on foot. Granted, I think he'd have to have been out of his right mind, but the behavior of a person not in a right frame of mind isn't expected to make sense.
I keep wondering about this too. He doesn't seem like the type, but it would be possible in my mind that Dylan got new boots (maybe because these got blood on them, possibly from something innocent like a bloody nose or a small farming accident) and tossed his old ones out there. Honestly the only reason that makes sense in my mind as to why his boots would be off of his person.
I just don't see him taking them off and leaving them there to walk barefoot, and it wouldn't make sense for a potential perp to take / have him take off the boots out there either.
If he got new boots it seems odd he would take them with and dispose of them five miles from home though? And not really near anything like the building, etc. Unless they just have no easy garbage disposal/pickup etc. and he likely doesn't at the trailer...

I had the impression they might have had a spot of blood, not a lot of noticeable blood but unsure on that.

I am back and forth on the boots and feel it likely a perp. HOWEVER, I keep thinking of the rain... I mean how wet does it get and I wondered before do they get flash flooding, etc.? He was putting grain away to save from rain and had to walk home probably. Boots are a dead weight on your feet if you have to try to swim or cross deep water, etc. Also, maybe he found out only then they were shot and no longer waterproof...

Going barefoot is unimaginable to some people and to others it is a way of life and not thought twice about and even on surfaces and terrain others would think no one ever would choose to... And if the boot or shoe is hurting the foot and it gets worse and worse, the only fix is getting the thing off one's foot it can be excruciating.

Went to Mexico many years in a row and always had a shoe issue eventually. Between the flight and climate, my feet would swell and dehydration from heat and flying would cause it at first. One year every pair of cute shoes I brought would not work and the ones I could use were rubbing. Then you get sand on your feet or in your shoe and worse AND you could burn your feet quickly too on hot sand if not careful. I had times even when they fit I would put them in my hand and walk the sidewalk barefoot. I'd have to be very careful of holes, broken glass AND hot cement and be quick or find as many grassy or shady steps as i could. I'm just saying there are times you will ditch shoes even when NOT wise.

Others were warning me of course, there was a lot to watch out for barefoot but the shoes would start killing me especially after all day. One year I went and bought a huge pair of slip ons lol, past even caring what they looked like, just for the comfort. And brought them with every year thereafter. They were a good leather pair and let me tell you they have them and make them for that purpose...

As a child I was barefoot always. And I was a tender foot it hurt when I stepped on rocks and stuff, one would think my feet would have toughened up but they didn't. I would walk up to the mail box slowly and wincing on gravel, etc. and do you think it made me put shoes on? Nope.

My best friend was a farm girl. She could walk over anything and she was tough to it. Makes me wonder if Dylan was the same. They don't part with their boots when working at times maybe but I'll bet he was no stranger to going barefoot growing up...

I don't know what my point really is other than yah, I think the boots bother everyone and are one of the curious or hard to figure out things here... Along with WHAT happened to this young man??
From where I sit- until I know who dumped that dirt and when- I think the most logical explanations are: 1) Dylan had other boots, and 2) whomever dumped that dirt, also dumped those boots.
Now, in the above interview, @4:50, the father said that the boots were "by an old junk hole where they burn trash", which suggests to me that the intention wasn't to throw them away or destroy them...
I have to watch it yet but in the meantime I'm confused. If they were near where they burn or bury junk then to me he very well could have been disposing of them for the next burn or burial of trash, right where they are supposed to. This also means to me maybe he did have new ones and take this old pair to throw out where they take care of rubbish...?
the shoes make no sense to me. IF he replaced his old ones with the exact same thing, how would she know if these are the CURRENT ones he was wearing? Something tells me the boots are a red herring
I think now that it is entirely possible this was the last pair and he was disposing of them maybe. It has dawned on me he likely doesn't have regular or any garbage pickup... We know even when camping, you take your garbage up to the central dumpster or cans, etc... So now hearing there was a spot where teh boots were that they diposed of garbage or burned it, he well could have meant to dispose of them and brought them along to do just that....?
If he got new boots it seems odd he would take them with and dispose of them five miles from home though? And not really near anything like the building, etc. Unless they just have no easy garbage disposal/pickup etc. and he likely doesn't at the trailer...

I had the impression they might have had a spot of blood, not a lot of noticeable blood but unsure on that.

I am back and forth on the boots and feel it likely a perp. HOWEVER, I keep thinking of the rain... I mean how wet does it get and I wondered before do they get flash flooding, etc.? He was putting grain away to save from rain and had to walk home probably. Boots are a dead weight on your feet if you have to try to swim or cross deep water, etc. Also, maybe he found out only then they were shot and no longer waterproof...

Going barefoot is unimaginable to some people and to others it is a way of life and not thought twice about and even on surfaces and terrain others would think no one ever would choose to... And if the boot or shoe is hurting the foot and it gets worse and worse, the only fix is getting the thing off one's foot it can be excruciating.

Went to Mexico many years in a row and always had a shoe issue eventually. Between the flight and climate, my feet would swell and dehydration from heat and flying would cause it at first. One year every pair of cute shoes I brought would not work and the ones I could use were rubbing. Then you get sand on your feet or in your shoe and worse AND you could burn your feet quickly too on hot sand if not careful. I had times even when they fit I would put them in my hand and walk the sidewalk barefoot. I'd have to be very careful of holes, broken glass AND hot cement and be quick or find as many grassy or shady steps as i could. I'm just saying there are times you will ditch shoes even when NOT wise.

Others were warning me of course, there was a lot to watch out for barefoot but the shoes would start killing me especially after all day. One year I went and bought a huge pair of slip ons lol, past even caring what they looked like, just for the comfort. And brought them with every year thereafter. They were a good leather pair and let me tell you they have them and make them for that purpose...

As a child I was barefoot always. And I was a tender foot it hurt when I stepped on rocks and stuff, one would think my feet would have toughened up but they didn't. I would walk up to the mail box slowly and wincing on gravel, etc. and do you think it made me put shoes on? Nope.

My best friend was a farm girl. She could walk over anything and she was tough to it. Makes me wonder if Dylan was the same. They don't part with their boots when working at times maybe but I'll bet he was no stranger to going barefoot growing up...

I don't know what my point really is other than yah, I think the boots bother everyone and are one of the curious or hard to figure out things here... Along with WHAT happened to this young man??
speaking as a person that goes barefoot by far more than I wear shoes, there is nearly no scenario that makes sense to me even to walk home 5 miles in the rock, dirt and scrub barefoot when there is a pair of boots right there. Those would only be disposed of when I got to where I was going to and could either get to a better pair of shoes or a place that I was comfortable barefoot. Too many rocks, burrs, stickers, and creepy crawlies, etc. Walking barefoot all that way makes no sense at all, especially if they think he did it voluntarily.
I have to watch it yet but in the meantime I'm confused. If they were near where they burn or bury junk then to me he very well could have been disposing of them for the next burn or burial of trash, right where they are supposed to. This also means to me maybe he did have new ones and take this old pair to throw out where they take care of rubbish...?
have not been interviewed??? It's sounding more and more like LE hasn't taken this very seriously at all, then add that they didn't send the boots in, too.
im wondering if they have shown the boot to people who frequent that bar. it sounds weird but those boots are a hell of a good interrogation method. if anyone in custody doesn't know about those boots already they better bring them quick because shoes can bring plenty of discrepancies. ive seen it many of times and its worked. it can also cause breakdowns from perpetrators of crimes because its owned by someone who was killed.
the ones by my parents "quietly" serve minors. It's infuriating! They know people in the bar are buying for them, but they do absolutely nothing to stop it. They don't even hide it! I've never seen them actually serve them, but have way too often seen them give multiple drinks to one person that happens to be sitting with underage and then that underage person suddenly has a glass in front of them. You know the servers know what is happening, but they keep letting it happen. I am NOT saying that is what happened here, just my experience with rural bars.

It does seem like he made it home though after the bar, just nobody known actually laid eyes on him after the bar, so i don't think he is missing from the bar itself.
mm- farm boys. they enjoy a beer or two. its never been any different. but Dylan was 160ish and 5'11/5'10. it would've taken a few beers to get him wasted.
Unless they really do have somebody in mind.
yeah- that strange man. unless i read it wrong, it sounds like he had been in or around Dylan's flat. ill be damned if they havent taken him to the scene. that would give him away. especially if it sounded like he knew where he was going which is a crimson flag.
If they were near where they burn or bury junk then to me he very well could have been disposing of them for the next burn or burial of trash, right where they are supposed to.
Or (I take it that they weren't in too bad of shape), could be there because they were either spared or salvaged from the burn hole.
Since the locked gate hadn't raised a red flag, I'm curious to know the usual goings-on at that property where his grain truck was found.
it was locked? it had to had been someone who could have locked it behind them. it had to have been someone he knew at least a little bit. does this kid have any friends? i find it hard to believe he was hanging out playing pool and drinking with older strangers alone. i mean, thats how you get hurt. his friends should be in hella spotlight right about now. people kill their friends all the time because of altercations. drunk teenagers and angers is a recipe for chaos. tragedy and disaster.
Yeah I heard the last three years too but she also said he was told by all that land wouldn't grow anything and it sounds like just now he is starting to prove them wrong and he has been working on the soil or some such. This leads me to believe the farm wasn't raising crops or they (grandpa) hadn't had it long? But then if you aren't planting 640 acres what are you doing with it... It's just all a bit unclear imo.
if he was out here planting acres like that he must have grown his own food. did he raise cattle\know a butcher? thats something to look into because ive never heard of a vegetarian that lives in a rural area.
Has LE said where his phone last pinged, if it shut off and when/where the phone went off radar if it did?

TX Eq will come on if LE okays it the way I understand it generally and if LE will provide info like that, last pings, areas last seen, etc. to them.

LE talks as though they are pretty sure he is not in that three or five mile area whichever it was and looking at the terrain, I can see why they might feel they would have seen him if he were... So where is there to search other than that as far as last sighting, pings of his or pings of a suspect's phone...

Unless someone got him into a vehicle and transported him, I don't see many places a body could be hidden easily in that terrain but then pictures only give a glimpse.

And they can't search private property or buildings, etc. without permission or cause I imagine...
we havent searched the nearest lakes or dug up some of his property? i mean with a pop of like 19 nobody is gonna see you dig a human sized hole. nobody would hear a murder, either.
speaking as a person that goes barefoot by far more than I wear shoes, there is nearly no scenario that makes sense to me even to walk home 5 miles in the rock, dirt and scrub barefoot when there is a pair of boots right there. Those would only be disposed of when I got to where I was going to and could either get to a better pair of shoes or a place that I was comfortable barefoot. Too many rocks, burrs, stickers, and creepy crawlies, etc. Walking barefoot all that way makes no sense at all, especially if they think he did it voluntarily.
I'd honestly have to see and know the terrain to agree or disagree. He apparently knew the route etc. if he chose across the desert instead of along the road. I get what you mean though, I carried my shoes even if doing such so in a pinch or facing something too bad at least I had something to squeeze back into. I have thought of a lot of things like maybe his hands were full of something more important or the boots were so bad as to be worthless to him. Hard to say. There is just as good of a chance he had a new pair and he simply disposed of them BUT one would think they'd show up on a debit or credit card etc. but maybe not.
I'd honestly have to see and know the terrain to agree or disagree. He apparently knew the route etc. if he chose across the desert instead of along the road. I get what you mean though, I carried my shoes even if doing such so in a pinch or facing something too bad at least I had something to squeeze back into. I have thought of a lot of things like maybe his hands were full of something more important or the boots were so bad as to be worthless to him. Hard to say. There is just as good of a chance he had a new pair and he simply disposed of them BUT one would think they'd show up on a debit or credit card etc. but maybe not.
i also walk around barefoot everywhere in every terrain. if youve ever been canoeing and was unlucky enough to lose your water shoes and had to walk in a shallow area- you would understand that it would be impossible. there would be blood somewhere because his feet would be a mangled mess.
No, closed. (It did have a lock, but apparently, Dylan's habit was to leave it open.)
The scenario of the gate is a circumstance that hasn't been mentioned again. And now that I think about it, nor has there been any mention of the deep ruts at his farm.
define deep ruts, please. im not sure of that term. and it still raises a little red flag because if he has closed it he would have either been suspicious or someone else with a habit of closing gates would have done it.
i also walk around barefoot everywhere in every terrain. if youve ever been canoeing and was unlucky enough to lose your water shoes and had to walk in a shallow area- you would understand that it would be impossible. there would be blood somewhere because his feet would be a mangled mess.
yep 5 miles of rough terrain would tear up his feet. I've had to walk a similar distance barefoot after losing my shoes in the lake and our car decided to crap out. At least it was a paved road and night so the pavement had cooled so as easy of a long distance barefoot walk as nearly possible and my feet were not in good shape afterwards. That was before cell phones. You can bet that now we would have been making a call for a ride. This happened to me in a very rural area where there still is not much cell service, but I can guarantee you, I would have been trying and trying after the 1st mile and my feet are about as tough as it gets and I have the callouses to prove it.
im wondering if they have shown the boot to people who frequent that bar. it sounds weird but those boots are a hell of a good interrogation method. if anyone in custody doesn't know about those boots already they better bring them quick because shoes can bring plenty of discrepancies. ive seen it many of times and its worked. it can also cause breakdowns from perpetrators of crimes because its owned by someone who was killed.
Good idea.
mm- farm boys. they enjoy a beer or two. its never been any different. but Dylan was 160ish and 5'11/5'10. it would've taken a few beers to get him wasted.
I'd have to agree. I hate to generalize but yes, beer is a very common thing amongst a lot of rural and farm communities. I come from such. Very, very common.

It's not a knock, just a fact. I figure it very likely he was being served there for the same reason. We had a rural bar known to us that served all and the parents knew it as well, the community knew it and in fact I'm sure the cops knew it, it was a different day and age though too--in fact on the weekdays it was the parents who were in the place and the people that ran it were our parents' age and friends, etc...

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