UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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I have to wonder, I mean I get that the mom and dad know him well as we all do with our kids or many do, but they can't be always 100 percent sure of his habits can they? Because I think most comes from them like that he would never close the gate, never put the truck in 4WD, only ever wore his boots, never would do this or that.
To clarify, the gate info is from D or J or both, and yes, I'd expect that they'd know better than anybody about Dylan's habit when it came to closing/not closing the gate at that property.
As for the circumstances surrounding his personal truck, I agree for the same reason, and speaking of such, I'm really don't know what to make of any of those circumstances, what I mean is, I really can't decide whether I think those circumstances are suspicious or not.
Why wouldn't he take his daily truck and drive it over to the grain truck, rather than walk through the desert?
I take it that the grain truck was at his farm, and so if he drove it to that other property, he'd have to walk back.
Btw, it makes sense to me that he may have been planting on that Friday, which would be a good reason that nobody heard from him until the next morn. .
That is another good reason. I absolutely HATE wearing wet shoes or socks for any length of time.
I had the same thoughts of blisters, wet feet, a wounded foot, boots rubbing and hurting, etc.

But then I turn around and think yes BUT he is missing and the boots bring more ominous thoughts.

I don't think it likely but I guess we haven't thought about possible natural or accidental causes... Could he have gotten lost on this walk back? Could he have been bitten by a snake and the boots came off for that reason...? And then he wandered injured and succumbed and they just haven't found him yet?

Don't get me wrong, I rarely believe in accidental disappearances unless children but I guess since the answers just aren't here yet in this one it isn't necessarily far fetched. When one thinks about it, there really aren't any signs of foul play for SURE are there...? Odd things to the parents yes. Gate not closed. Seat too pushed forward. Truck the parents suspect was power washed. BUT only Dylan is missing alone with his gun, phone and keys BUT they very likely could be with him of course...

Maybe nothing makes sense and there are no answers because there is no crime? Could he have been out of it or under the influence of something? Ditched his boots and wandered off...?
Could he have gotten lost on this walk back? Could he have been bitten by a snake and the boots came off for that reason...? And then he wandered injured and succumbed and they just haven't found him yet?
This was only 100 yards from his grain truck. He would not have been "lost" there. He could have literally seen where to go. Also, it is in the opposite direction of the way he would have taken to walk back to his trailer.
If this was a mile out and in the proper direction then sure. But it's just not.
This was only 100 yards from his grain truck. He would not have been "lost" there. He could have literally seen where to go. Also, it is in the opposite direction of the way he would have taken to walk back to his trailer.
If this was a mile out and in the proper direction then sure. But it's just not.
I know he wasn't lost where the boots were but I was thinking more if he took off his boots or had to and then had to keep walking home and could he have gotten lost after that and barefoot, etc. along the five miles or whatever? But I did not realize it was the opposite direction of his trailer so that does change that thought, thanks.

But still, could he be out there somewhere for some reason he just got lost or wandered? I'm just trying to come up with maybe alternative scenarios which actually is unusual for me lol as you know I generally don't think something is accidental and I generally believe there is foul play. I just realized today though that there really isn't a single thing indicating any foul play is there? Not definitively anyhow... Now I hate to say that since I do think there is a perp and he could walk or stay free because there seems to be NOTHING to indicate a thing but there really isn't...

LE may of course know more, have more and know it is foul play but we sure don't have anything that really shows that once I thought about it, that struck me just now... In fact it just hit me now that the only thing we know about Dylan and/or his state of mind, ways, etc. is from his parents. What have friends said? And has grandpa spoken? I know grandma has. They (family) say how he was, how into farming, how excited, how responsible, etc. And I believe them don't get me wrong, and feel for them deeply, I have all along--but it is just dawning on me that they say that, do we have independent corroboration of his ways, habits, routines, mood, was anything wrong recently, was there a relationship he was in of any kind, etc.? We do it in minor child cases say who last saw the child independently for instance we don't just take the parents' word. And again, I certainly don't mean anything by that at the parents, I simply am starting to wonder if something else just possibly could have happened here, could he simply have gone off, gotten lost, etc., etc.? Was he happy and nothing was wrong? Otherwise is it possible he was hanging with a crowd or doing things maybe the parents aren't aware of? All children or MOST children do hide some things from their folks...

Just trying to think outside the box or maybe it isn't so outside the box as I am just realizing all put me and most of us in a certain direction of thought and of course there are very questionable things like the truck seat forward and more but on their face they could all have an explanation other than foul play...
I know he wasn't lost where the boots were but I was thinking more if he took off his boots or had to and then had to keep walking home and could he have gotten lost after that and barefoot, etc. along the five miles or whatever? But I did not realize it was the opposite direction of his trailer so that does change that thought, thanks.

But still, could he be out there somewhere for some reason he just got lost or wandered? I'm just trying to come up with maybe alternative scenarios which actually is unusual for me lol as you know I generally don't think something is accidental and I generally believe there is foul play. I just realized today though that there really isn't a single thing indicating any foul play is there? Not definitively anyhow... Now I hate to say that since I do think there is a perp and he could walk or stay free because there seems to be NOTHING to indicate a thing but there really isn't...

LE may of course know more, have more and know it is foul play but we sure don't have anything that really shows that once I thought about it, that struck me just now... In fact it just hit me now that the only thing we know about Dylan and/or his state of mind, ways, etc. is from his parents. What have friends said? And has grandpa spoken? I know grandma has. They (family) say how he was, how into farming, how excited, how responsible, etc. And I believe them don't get me wrong, and feel for them deeply, I have all along--but it is just dawning on me that they say that, do we have independent corroboration of his ways, habits, routines, mood, was anything wrong recently, was there a relationship he was in of any kind, etc.? We do it in minor child cases say who last saw the child independently for instance we don't just take the parents' word. And again, I certainly don't mean anything by that at the parents, I simply am starting to wonder if something else just possibly could have happened here, could he simply have gone off, gotten lost, etc., etc.? Was he happy and nothing was wrong? Otherwise is it possible he was hanging with a crowd or doing things maybe the parents aren't aware of? All children or MOST children do hide some things from their folks...

Just trying to think outside the box or maybe it isn't so outside the box as I am just realizing all put me and most of us in a certain direction of thought and of course there are very questionable things like the truck seat forward and more but on their face they could all have an explanation other than foul play...
stuck on the fence here, too. Not sure what happened at all.
So had he driven the grain truck into town and gotten the grain/seed? I guess I mean or am wondering why be running around in that truck otherwise rather than the personal vehicle/truck? Heck we all know the price of gas right now too adds up fast. If the grain truck is the one I think I noted in a video on this case it is huge as compared to a personal vehicle.

And then he is a conscientious farmer per people and I don't dispute that and am not questioning family but he told grandma he had to get the grain protected/under cover and that the point he told her that, there was a rush by him I would guess in a way as he had to go and would call her back. Well there was supposed to be rain that morning already and he hadn't already put it in/protected it ahead of time? Wouldn't you house it/cover it when you got it? Did he oversleep, not get home on time, etc. that he had to rush off to do it and tell grandma he had to go and would have to call her later? Wouldn't the bit of rain they had had by that time have affected it? What I mean is did he go to town with the grain truck to get the grain and when he got back took it to his personal trailer instead of just putting it inside then. He had the grain truck for a reason at the trailer? Was there rain in the forecast for early morn, I wouldn't doubt it. So why not house the truck the night before etc. it isn't a personal vehicle anyone likely is running around in. Or why wasn't he up already getting it into shelter as it was to rain or have already rained when he talked to grandma? He hadn't and this was why he was in a rush and had to leave call with grandma/call her later...

Had he just got back from town maybe and stayed overnight there so the grain hadn't gotten home and under cover the night before? Nor was it even home to his trailer nor was he himself...? Or had he come home the night before early or late with the grain truck and overslept?

I may have it wrong and there may be new facts since I last was up on this but I haven't seen any and these thoughts are occurring to me just now...

And it also just crossed my mind where I sit right now the next town near here is 6 miles away and he did or was going to walk five. Across the desert. Why? Seriously? He is a farmer in heavy work boots not a hiker. I mean that. Is there no one or other help or hired hands or farmers or even a friend anywhere in the area that could run him back? I mean some people like exercise but five miles across desert? A busy farmer? And was this typical?

Just thoughts...
So had he driven the grain truck into town and gotten the grain/seed? I guess I mean or am wondering why be running around in that truck otherwise rather than the personal vehicle/truck? Heck we all know the price of gas right now too adds up fast. If the grain truck is the one I think I noted in a video on this case it is huge as compared to a personal vehicle.

And then he is a conscientious farmer per people and I don't dispute that and am not questioning family but he told grandma he had to get the grain protected/under cover and that the point he told her that, there was a rush by him I would guess in a way as he had to go and would call her back. Well there was supposed to be rain that morning already and he hadn't already put it in/protected it ahead of time? Wouldn't you house it/cover it when you got it? Did he oversleep, not get home on time, etc. that he had to rush off to do it and tell grandma he had to go and would have to call her later? Wouldn't the bit of rain they had had by that time have affected it? What I mean is did he go to town with the grain truck to get the grain and when he got back took it to his personal trailer instead of just putting it inside then. He had the grain truck for a reason at the trailer? Was there rain in the forecast for early morn, I wouldn't doubt it. So why not house the truck the night before etc. it isn't a personal vehicle anyone likely is running around in. Or why wasn't he up already getting it into shelter as it was to rain or have already rained when he talked to grandma? He hadn't and this was why he was in a rush and had to leave call with grandma/call her later...

Had he just got back from town maybe and stayed overnight there so the grain hadn't gotten home and under cover the night before? Nor was it even home to his trailer nor was he himself...? Or had he come home the night before early or late with the grain truck and overslept?

I may have it wrong and there may be new facts since I last was up on this but I haven't seen any and these thoughts are occurring to me just now...

And it also just crossed my mind where I sit right now the next town near here is 6 miles away and he did or was going to walk five. Across the desert. Why? Seriously? He is a farmer in heavy work boots not a hiker. I mean that. Is there no one or other help or hired hands or farmers or even a friend anywhere in the area that could run him back? I mean some people like exercise but five miles across desert? A busy farmer? And was this typical?

Just thoughts...
yeah, I'm not seeing any reason why he would voluntarily walk like that between the two places at all.
yep and all of them would either have a vehicle or 4wheeler, etc if the need to leave any equipment elsewhere or call hired help they might have, etc.
Exactly. Even tractors. I ended up at various times and places yesterday behind three tractors (one each time). Two of the three left their own driveway and then pulled right into the next driveway lol not even 1/8 mile away. I noticed as I was hoping I would not be behind them for long or have to pass them. One I did have to pass.
Well, if he owns the grain truck, yeah, I expect he did.
His mother said he'd purchased the seed in Idaho, but didn't say where or when. (From what I've found, the nearest seed store is almost a 3 hr drive one way!)
I thought maybe it was purchased on the recent trip to Montello but that's Nevada, not Idaho. Wow, Id hope he could get seed closer than that. There is probably some feed mill or dealer that doesn't show up on line maybe?
I thought maybe it was purchased on the recent trip to Montello but that's Nevada, not Idaho. Wow, Id hope he could get seed closer than that. There is probably some feed mill or dealer that doesn't show up on line maybe?
Probably because it's not an area known for growing grains, so no need for one closer. He was doing something that he was told couldn't be done out there.
I thought maybe it was purchased on the recent trip to Montello but that's Nevada, not Idaho. Wow, Id hope he could get seed closer than that. There is probably some feed mill or dealer that doesn't show up on line maybe?
Yeah, I guess he could have purchased it from a farmer...but heck if I know/knew anything about how farmers go about their business before looking into this case, and you know, it's always unanticipated what all I end up learning about when I dive deep into these cases! Now, I don't know if I go about it the way others do, but I usually find myself exploring and studying all sorts things I'd never even thought about, never imagined!
Btw, just fyi, (per the mother, who said it was irrelevant, which is true, but still, I was interested to know) the seed he was using is called Triticale. Spring Triticale Seed for Sale - Cool Season Forages - Millborn Seeds
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Probably because it's not an area known for growing grains, so no need for one closer. He was doing something that he was told couldn't be done out there.
True but there's a good chance too there are a few local feed mills/grain suppliers that just aren't an online presence. We still have a few like that, most gave it up years ago/went under in the small towns but a few still exist.

I know through the years even motels/hotels are surprising online. You search a town and think you have the entire list of motels and you are disappointed thinking a small town has none or little to choose from and you get to the town and find they darned well do but it doesn't even show up in a general directory search of hotel/motel in that town.
Probably because it's not an area known for growing grains, so no need for one closer. He was doing something that he was told couldn't be done out there.
I recently came across the following news story where people are working together to build what they refer to as an "agricultural co-op" in that same west Utah desert.

The county is south of Dylan's farm.
True but there's a good chance too there are a few local feed mills/grain suppliers that just aren't an online presence. We still have a few like that, most gave it up years ago/went under in the small towns but a few still exist.

I know through the years even motels/hotels are surprising online. You search a town and think you have the entire list of motels and you are disappointed thinking a small town has none or little to choose from and you get to the town and find they darned well do but it doesn't even show up in a general directory search of hotel/motel in that town.
that I agree with. Where my parents lived, there are so few things that are online, mostly because it's so rural that many do not have internet or are too old school to think of getting an online presence.

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