UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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I recall something on the order of it being said that days after they thought the boots were taken and being tested and processed, it was found that the boots were still in the back of a detectives car or truck or something like that. I remember feeling shocked at the fact they were not take care of properly and chain of evidence, etc. wasn't observed...
I recall that, too, I just don't remember where, lol!
Until I can hear that a second time, I'm thinking she must have been referring to the day they were collected. (Btw, please don't get me wrong, I'm not implying I think LE followed protocol when they collected the boots, I'm just trying to ascertain what happened and when.)
That is a lot. Unless they have searched more since, his mother talked as if they did very little searching and quit after less than 24 hours from when they first came out, went home, came back the next day and then called it quits. Probably more has occurred though since that time. Maybe.
Yeah, I thought that that info would offer perspective as to how much search area was described.
You know, that article mentioned assistance from the Utah Dept of Public Safety's Aero Bureau...
Here's their web page: Aero Bureau Report – Early June 2022
I recall that, too, I just don't remember where, lol!
Until I can hear that a second time, I'm thinking she must have been referring to the day they were collected. (Btw, please don't get me wrong, I'm not implying I think LE followed protocol when they collected the boots, I'm just trying to ascertain what happened and when.)
Don't worry, I'm not taking anything wrong. I don't know what I think of LE either. I think they have messed up some but I also think the mother in some cases may expect things that wouldn't be typical of any LE agency--not that some things shouldn't be better but just saying some things she talks about are the "norm" and not unique to that county department in that state. Imo anyhow.

Yeah, I think re the boots she also said they were just sitting there untended somewhere on the day they were found later that day...

I guess at the least it is sounding like they did not protect the evidence/chain of custody and even if they did, these remarks out in the public now a defense attorney would likely one day use...
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Per the Facebook group, the FBI is also now assisting.


The family is very grateful to have this added support in their efforts to #FindDylanRounds.
you guys give me a summary for dummies- reading the last pages is confusing. i last read that there was a strange man asking for a ride. do we have a sketch? full body? or did they find him?
A summary. Hmmmm. (Someone please correct me if any of this is wrong. It's hard to keep facts and updates straight in this case.) Sorry this is going to be a longer "summary".

On Wednesday, May 25, Dylan has a "weird" run-in with a man at/near his farm in Lucin, Utah. This man HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. Apparently he has proof that he was not in the area on the day Dylan disappeared. I believe he is or was in custody on unrelated matters.

On Thursday, May 26, bank transactions confirm that Dylan was at the Saddle Sore bar in Montello, Nevada that evening, and later returned to his farm. It was normal for him to travel into Montello to see friends or get food. There are no stores and almost no people out in Lucin.

On Friday, May 27, witnesses state that Dylan was back in Montello. However, this is not confirmed, and the source of the information is in question.

On Saturday, May 28, Dylan called (or was called by) his grandmother in the early morning from his farm. He said that he couldn't talk. He had to get his grain truck put away because it was raining or going to rain. He had seed in the back that could not get wet. He said he would return grandma's call but never did. The last ping from his phone was also (presumably) from or very near his farm at 3:41 that afternoon.

On Sunday, May 29, grandma still hadn't heard back from Dylan so she called up some old friends / people that work on the farm to check on him. They apparently found his truck locked (abnormal), gate locked (abnormal), and no sign of Dylan. (Important to note that one of these people was apparently fired by Dylan just weeks before.)

On Monday, May 30, no one has still heard from Dylan and the official search begins. Family breaks into his truck to find the seat scooted all the way forward and in 4-wheel drive, neither thing Dylan would do. The truck had also apparently been power washed. Dylan's boots were also found behind a dirt pile about 100 yards away from his grain truck, in the opposite direction he would have walked back to his camper.

On Tuesday, May 31 someone stated that Dylan was being held hostage in Montello. I believe this person is the same one whose account of Dylan being in Montello on Friday cannot be confirmed. Police responded and found no sign of Dylan.

Since then, not much... Lots of searching but nothing found.
Something that I've been thinking about. WHY would Dylan's boots be removed?

In my mind, there is no way Dylan did this himself. If he was out by that dirt pile for some reason, he would have no reason to take them off on his own. Even if something innocent happened and he got a bloody nose and bled on his boots, why would he remove them, and have to walk 100 yards barefoot? Why not just walk back and THEN take off the boots? If these were actually "old" boots, and not the ones he wore everyday (doesn't seem likely based on the family's statements about the condition of the boots and whatnot), why would they just be left out here by this dirt pile? Dylan doesn't seem like the type to discard rubbish by a pile of dirt instead of just getting rid of them properly.

But also, why would a perp do it? They don't seem like boots that would just "fall off" of his feet, so why not leave them with him? And if you've just removed someones boots after you harmed them, why are you going to leave them so close? Certainly they'd be found in a search... Would they think this "clue" would point in a different direction? But what direction?
Something that I've been thinking about. WHY would Dylan's boots be removed?

In my mind, there is no way Dylan did this himself. If he was out by that dirt pile for some reason, he would have no reason to take them off on his own. Even if something innocent happened and he got a bloody nose and bled on his boots, why would he remove them, and have to walk 100 yards barefoot? Why not just walk back and THEN take off the boots? If these were actually "old" boots, and not the ones he wore everyday (doesn't seem likely based on the family's statements about the condition of the boots and whatnot), why would they just be left out here by this dirt pile? Dylan doesn't seem like the type to discard rubbish by a pile of dirt instead of just getting rid of them properly.

But also, why would a perp do it? They don't seem like boots that would just "fall off" of his feet, so why not leave them with him? And if you've just removed someones boots after you harmed them, why are you going to leave them so close? Certainly they'd be found in a search... Would they think this "clue" would point in a different direction? But what direction?
A great summary. I would add to it just that Dylan's mom said or it sounds like Dylan wore nothing for footwear but these boots, ever, sounds like for years and when one pair wore out or got close, he bought another of the very same pair and she even helped him sometimes find that brand and that boot. So for Dylan to be without the boots for all intents and purposes would likely mean he was barefoot and NOT in another pair of footwear, he wore nothing else. I mean he could have changed or gotten something mom didn't know about but it seems unlikely.

The boots being found hit mom and dad hard because I think she means it shows something very serious and very bad is wrong if he somehow was parted from his boots.

I think the overall leaning and for me too is some perp got rid of his footwear or made him take them off and probably to keep control of him but you do have a point of why if they did something to him would they leave boots/evidence so close and apparently not that hard to find...? BUT then who would have locked the truck and scooted the seat up, something also that would be found and noticed fairly quickly and close to home...?

I don't however see any reason he would part himself from his boots. I can't imagine a scenario where he would unless he staged this and WANTED people to think something happened but left of his own accord and in NO WAY does he sound like a type that would do that.

I even have wondered if something happened like say he did something to his foot/feet and the boots were rubbing on sores or blisters, etc. and it got so painful walking he had to take them off and we know he was or could have been walking back... BUT why would he ditch them and not carry them unless he realized they were "shot" and just threw them out or left them... If it was a case of sores or pain (and walking five miles may have even done it) the spot of blood may even have been from his own foot...

Some criminals will get rid of their footwear so cops can't match prints from a crime scene BUT Dylan is no criminal that we know of and doesn't seem the type from what we have heard but that is one case you may see footwear discarded.

Maybe he was walking back in the rain (did it ever rain much, not sure if I know) and his feet started getting wet and he realized the boots were shot and no longer waterproof and again took them off and ditched them but doesn't seem likely either...

It is a puzzle for sure.

I would say almost all info we have comes from the mother not from LE although some basics come from news/LE. @ariel I'd suggest if you watch anything, you watch the links that show the mom's statements/interviews too to help make sense of more although her summary here pretty much covers it all very well.

The mother seems satisfied the guy that asked for the ride didn't do anything to Dylan and I think she even talked with him..

The guy who claimed Dylan was abducted and claimed he was in town that following day after the first one in town one really has to wonder about. If lying about both things who is he covering for--himself or someone else or is he just trying to send the investigation in the wrong direction for whatever unknown reason?

The fired employee one can't really take off their radar at this point... Imo.

Then there was that other guy who also lived right there it sounded like (I forget the name) who LE talked to etc. and the family did and he actually had an outstanding warrant that they didn't arrest him on but then finally did (per Dylan's mom). Not a warrant relating to Dylan but we do have then another person who had committed a crime previously and did enough to have a warrant issued...

So there are a few possibilities here or a few to wonder about and then it could possibly have been a stranger or someone at the bar or that he knew from the bar...

So far there isn't any reason to lean in any one direction but I would say the one giving the false information is the most questionable/suspicious at this point, imo anyhow.
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On Wednesday, May 25, Dylan has a "weird" run-in with a man at/near his farm in Lucin, Utah. This man HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. Apparently he has proof that he was not in the area on the day Dylan disappeared. I believe he is or was in custody on unrelated matters.
Though Dylan hadn't mentioned that he was in any way familiar with the man, I think it's thought possible that he could have been.
As for where Dylan encountered the man, I'm not sure where that was in relation to his farm. (Area-wise, Dylan's farm is a square mile.)
There's an interview in which Dylan's mother names the road; I never looked it up, but my impression is that it was much closer to Montello than Dylan's farm, and though Dylan told his mother he hadn't given the man a ride, he did; he took him to Montello.
Another note, by the way Dylan told the story, the mother's impression is that Dylan thought it was funny, nothing more.
The man is seen on video at almost 10pm May 28th in Ogden (about 2 1/2 hrs away) at a public place.

On Sunday, May 29, grandma still hadn't heard back from Dylan so she called up some old friends / people that work on the farm to check on him. They apparently found his truck locked (abnormal), gate locked (abnormal), and no sign of Dylan.
About the gate, I said it was locked, but I was mistaken; it was closed, not locked. (I'm so sorry about that misinfo.)
The gate info comes from Dylan's father (in a HeavyD video) in which he said "they"- apparently, D and/or J- said that Dylan never shut that gate, but since it was shut, that meant that Dylan must have left the property via the road, which again, is not something Dylan would have done, that is, he wouldn't have taken the road back to his farm, he would have cut across the desert.

My question about this gate circumstance is when was it first observed that the gate was shut. I mean, if it's presumed that Dylan shut the gate, then surely, this info is critical to the timeline!

On Saturday, May 28, Dylan called (or was called by) his grandmother in the early morning from his farm. He said that he couldn't talk. He had to get his grain truck put away because it was raining or going to rain. He had seed in the back that could not get wet.
Info from people who were in the area that day and later contacted the mother is that it started raining at 5:30-6:00am, let up, but hadn't rained hard until late afternoon. (This weather info is also from the HeavyD video and is better described by the mother.)
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Something that I've been thinking about. WHY would Dylan's boots be removed?

In my mind, there is no way Dylan did this himself. If he was out by that dirt pile for some reason, he would have no reason to take them off on his own. Even if something innocent happened and he got a bloody nose and bled on his boots, why would he remove them, and have to walk 100 yards barefoot? Why not just walk back and THEN take off the boots? If these were actually "old" boots, and not the ones he wore everyday (doesn't seem likely based on the family's statements about the condition of the boots and whatnot), why would they just be left out here by this dirt pile? Dylan doesn't seem like the type to discard rubbish by a pile of dirt instead of just getting rid of them properly.

But also, why would a perp do it? They don't seem like boots that would just "fall off" of his feet, so why not leave them with him? And if you've just removed someones boots after you harmed them, why are you going to leave them so close? Certainly they'd be found in a search... Would they think this "clue" would point in a different direction? But what direction?
I have to wonder if they had a gun pointed at him and told him to take the boots off himself. Being a mom of boys, I can tell you that taking boots off is not an easy task at times. So maybe they wanted him to have his boots off so they were at a further advantage somehow?
I have to wonder if they had a gun pointed at him and told him to take the boots off himself. Being a mom of boys, I can tell you that taking boots off is not an easy task at times. So maybe they wanted him to have his boots off so they were at a further advantage somehow?
I think that is the most likely scenario, get him barefoot to keep control of him. He can't run fast or easily, kick them with a booted foot if he was fighting back, etc.

Even then though it just seems any fact or thought in this case just brings more questions. For instance, Dylan's gun is missing so how did a perp get Dylan's gun from him? Or did he...?
Re my thought that the boots were wet, while I think it's a reason he'd have taken them off himself, there'd still be the question as to when...
Along that line, I'd expect that he'd use/have a boot dryer, a must-have for anyone who works outdoors.
I thought of wet or feet that the boots were hurting so he took them off.

Why though wouldn't he carry the boots home? I guess if already wet, he may figure them worthless or maybe he was carrying more and just didn't or couldn't carry the boots home...?

I have to wonder, I mean I get that the mom and dad know him well as we all do with our kids or many do, but they can't be always 100 percent sure of his habits can they? Because I think most comes from them like that he would never close the gate, never put the truck in 4WD, only ever wore his boots, never would do this or that. I get it and in most cases they are probably right but it isn't like they were living with him there right? I mean it sounds like he gave that guy a ride but told his family he did not so it is possible they could be wrong about a few things even though they know him well.

My point is maybe he had recently got a new pair of the same boots and an old pair was close to giving out and he had the old pair on because the new pair weren't broken in yet or oiled or something or maybe broken into where he thought he could wear them for a five mile walk...? So leaving the boots behind if they got wet and his feet soaked wasn't the end of the world to him...?

So the heavier rain was later afternoon, his last ping we think was later afternoon AND maybe, just maybe his boots got wet or his feet soaked when waring them... Does this sound likely? And if so, what then happened to him from there...?

They don't get any flash flooding in this area do they? Like ditches and gullies filling up and flowing during a big rain? Areas otherwise normally dry and desert? I know such happens occasionally in places like Arizona with desert...
Though Dylan hadn't mentioned that he was in any way familiar with the man, I think it's thought possible that he could have been.
As for where Dylan encountered the man, I'm not sure where that was in relation to his farm. (Area-wise, Dylan's farm is a square mile.)
There's an interview in which Dylan's mother names the road; I never looked it up, but my impression is that it was much closer to Montello than Dylan's farm, and though Dylan told his mother he hadn't given the man a ride, he did; he took him to Montello.
Another note, by the way Dylan told the story, the mother's impression is that Dylan thought it was funny, nothing more.
The man is seen on video at almost 10pm May 28th in Ogden (about 2 1/2 hrs away) at a public place.

About the gate, I said it was locked, but I was mistaken; it was closed, not locked. (I'm so sorry about that misinfo.)
The gate info comes from Dylan's father (in a HeavyD video) in which he said "they"- apparently, D and/or J- said that Dylan never shut that gate, but since it was shut, that meant that Dylan must have left the property via the road, which again, is not something Dylan would have done, that is, he wouldn't have taken the road back to his farm, he would have cut across the desert.

My question about this gate circumstance is when was it first observed that the gate was shut. I mean, if it's presumed that Dylan shut the gate, then surely, this info is critical to the timeline!

Info from people who were in the area that day and later contacted the mother is that it started raining at 5:30-6:00am, let up, but hadn't rained hard until late afternoon. (This weather info is also from the HeavyD video and is better described by the mother.)
Is that supposed to be the man's alibi? That he was 2.5 hours away? I don't see how that covers him then because there is no "time" of disappearance for Dylan really is there?
Something that I've been thinking about. WHY would Dylan's boots be removed?

In my mind, there is no way Dylan did this himself. If he was out by that dirt pile for some reason, he would have no reason to take them off on his own. Even if something innocent happened and he got a bloody nose and bled on his boots, why would he remove them, and have to walk 100 yards barefoot? Why not just walk back and THEN take off the boots? If these were actually "old" boots, and not the ones he wore everyday (doesn't seem likely based on the family's statements about the condition of the boots and whatnot), why would they just be left out here by this dirt pile? Dylan doesn't seem like the type to discard rubbish by a pile of dirt instead of just getting rid of them properly.

But also, why would a perp do it? They don't seem like boots that would just "fall off" of his feet, so why not leave them with him? And if you've just removed someones boots after you harmed them, why are you going to leave them so close? Certainly they'd be found in a search... Would they think this "clue" would point in a different direction? But what direction?
Or did he have an extra pair? His mom said he always wore the same kind and replaced them with the same thing. How are we positive these aren't an older pair or a newer pair he took off (rubbing a blister, etc) and put on his older pair.

Agreed with there is no good explanation for them being there at all unless he was just frustrated with them for some reason. If they are his current pair, it seems bad.
I thought of wet or feet that the boots were hurting so he took them off.

Why though wouldn't he carry the boots home? I guess if already wet, he may figure them worthless or maybe he was carrying more and just didn't or couldn't carry the boots home...?

I have to wonder, I mean I get that the mom and dad know him well as we all do with our kids or many do, but they can't be always 100 percent sure of his habits can they? Because I think most comes from them like that he would never close the gate, never put the truck in 4WD, only ever wore his boots, never would do this or that. I get it and in most cases they are probably right but it isn't like they were living with him there right? I mean it sounds like he gave that guy a ride but told his family he did not so it is possible they could be wrong about a few things even though they know him well.

My point is maybe he had recently got a new pair of the same boots and an old pair was close to giving out and he had the old pair on because the new pair weren't broken in yet or oiled or something or maybe broken into where he thought he could wear them for a five mile walk...? So leaving the boots behind if they got wet and his feet soaked wasn't the end of the world to him...?

So the heavier rain was later afternoon, his last ping we think was later afternoon AND maybe, just maybe his boots got wet or his feet soaked when waring them... Does this sound likely? And if so, what then happened to him from there...?

They don't get any flash flooding in this area do they? Like ditches and gullies filling up and flowing during a big rain? Areas otherwise normally dry and desert? I know such happens occasionally in places like Arizona with desert...
That's exactly where my mind goes is that as parents, we do NOT know our kids daily habits once they move out. They are busy finding out what's best for them - as they should.

Why wouldn't he take his daily truck and drive it over to the grain truck, rather than walk through the desert? Every farmer I know does that. If their equipment is at a different location than their residence, they drive over to it if it's very far. If he didn't have a daily truck, I would understand, but it's being said that he does have daily truck.
Why though wouldn't he carry the boots home? I guess if already wet, he may figure them worthless or maybe he was carrying more and just didn't or couldn't carry the boots home...?
The thing is, no matter how one looks at it, there's no logical explanation that those boots were found where they were.
Surely, it's the single most bizarre aspect of his disappearance.

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