Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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Well, you said "sure", but you didn't actually elaborate. What did Andrew do in this case that makes you so disgusted by him? Just give us one or two reasons... I'm sure you'll be allowed to go into that.
I don't think so. Nah. I am sure the same stuff is out there for anyone to see from his interview to the not new info about him at Epstein's Island. To the royal family almost ex-communicating him to the recent wedding of his daughter... All common knowledge. And they are hardly my only reasons, I have never liked him. I actually am done discussing, I only enjoy it when there is true discussion.

I am not a big monarchy fan in general... And that's enough. All sorts of reasons.
I don't think so. Nah. I am sure the same stuff is out there for anyone to see from his interview to the not new info about him at Epstein's Island. To the royal family almost ex-communicating him to the recent wedding of his daughter... All common knowledge. And they are hardly my only reasons, I have never liked him. I actually am done discussing, I only enjoy it when there is true discussion.
How is this not "true discussion"? You declared that you found Prince Andrew comparably disgusting to Epstein and Maxwell. I'm just trying to understand why. What did he do that you find so disgusting?
How is this not "true discussion"? You declared that you found Prince Andrew comparably disgusting to Epstein and Maxwell. I'm just trying to understand why. What did he do that you find so disgusting?
I find them all disgusting. I found them disgusting before any charges ever came. I found the prince disgusting with how he treated his wife Sara and how the royal family did as well. I found the other prince disgusting with how he treated Diana his young naive bride and how the monarchy treated her as well. Epstein and Maxwell ain't exactly new news or people either. They have hobnobbed for years... They were at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Again long before this case.

I don't like 'em. I don't like JIm Carey who has nothing to do with Epstein. I can't stand the Kardashians. There are alleged celebs or notables that I don't like. And I don't like Prince Andrew. Never have.

And I already noted a few things to do with this case as far as the royal family, the interview and more to do with Andy. :D
I find them all disgusting. I found them disgusting before any charges ever came. I found the prince disgusting with how he treated his wife Sara and how the royal family did as well. I found the other prince disgusting with how he treated Diana his young naive bride and how the monarchy treated her as well. Epstein and Maxwell ain't exactly new news or people either. They have hobnobbed for years... They were at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Again long before this case.

I don't like 'em. I don't like JIm Carey who has nothing to do with Epstein. I can't stand the Kardashians. There are alleged celebs or notables that I don't like. And I don't like Prince Andrew. Never have.

And I already noted a few things to do with this case as far as the royal family, the interview and more to do with Andy. :D
There are likely an innumerable number of celebrities that neither you nor I like, for any number of reasons. That isn't my question. You've compared Prince Andrew to Epstein and Maxwell, who have been accused(and are likely guilty) of horrific crimes. What did he do in this case that you find so disgusting?
There are likely an innumerable number of celebrities that neither you nor I like, for any number of reasons. That isn't my question. You've compared Prince Andrew to Epstein and Maxwell, who have been accused(and are likely guilty) of horrific crimes. What did he do in this case that you find so disgusting?
I think I have referred to some things to do with this case. And aside from that, why are you asking about him rather than Gristly Ghastly Grizsly and Epstein? As I said, not into something that is not real discussion which cannot be had. Not a single one of them is convicted, but you pick out the prince so you just want an argument is my guess. No offense, it just cracks me up. Your timing is flat out amazing :D

Oh by the way I don't like OJ either. Nor Paris Hilton. Nor what's his face from the Subway stuff... Steve Martin never did it for me as a celebrity, he had his moments. Not a big fan of Richard Prior. Gene Wilder not so much either...

None of that is hatred. Just if you are a notable or a supposed celebrity, I don't have to like ya... And the prince never did anything to be famous. Nor the other one.

I don't have to call prince andrew by a title, I am pretty sure America had a revolutionary war... Nothing against England/Britain/UK but he ain't nothing special imo. Nor is his weirdo brother.
I think I have referred to some things to do with this case. And aside from that, why are you asking about him rather than Gristly Ghastly Grizsly and Epstein? As I said, not into something that is not real discussion which cannot be had. Not a single one of them is convicted, but you pick out the prince so you just want an argument is my guess. No offense, it just cracks me up. Your timing is flat out amazing :D

Oh by the way I don't like OJ either. Nor Paris Hilton. Nor what's his face from the Subway stuff... Steve Martin never did it for me as a celebrity, he had his moments. Not a big fan of Richard Prior. Gene Wilder not so much either...

None of that is hatred. Just if you are a notable or a supposed celebrity, I don't have to like ya... And the prince never did anything to be famous. Nor the other one.

I don't have to call prince andrew by a title, I am pretty sure America had a revolutionary war... Nothing against England/Britain/UK but he ain't nothing special imo. Nor is his weirdo brother.
All well and good GB, but again, that doesn't address my question. What did Prince Andrew do in this case to make him comparable to Epstein or Maxwell?
All well and good GB, but again, that doesn't address my question. What did Prince Andrew do in this case to make him comparable to Epstein or Maxwell?
I don't see the point. I can't see it turning into a meaningful discussion of any sort. I don't like him, I never have. He was a playboy prince and would be no one of note if not who he "was". He was a poor husband. I think he is likely guilty of the things alleged. And they are not new. As far as this case, we have the lord and sick master (Epstein), the procurer and pimp (Ghastly), and the weak patron/friend or customer, the Fallen Prince... Ol' Jeffrey, Ol' Ghastly and the Fallen Prince... (One of many...) Not a single person who would be notable in any way for their own achievements nor known for a single decent human reason.... Just perverted examples of what power, money, or privilege can bring.
I don't see the point. I can't see it turning into a meaningful discussion of any sort. I don't like him, I never have. He was a playboy prince and would be no one of note if not who he "was". He was a poor husband. I think he is likely guilty of the things alleged. And they are not new. As far as this case, we have the lord and sick master (Epstein), the procurer and pimp (Ghastly), and the weak patron/friend or customer, the Fallen Prince... Ol' Jeffrey, Ol' Ghastly and the Fallen Prince... (One of many...) Not a single person who would be notable in any way for their own achievements nor known for a single decent human reason.... Just perverted examples of what power, money, or privilege can bring.
What things? He's been accused of having sex with an attractive young woman. I guess you'll have to excuse me if I don't find that particularly appalling. Oh, and also touching a woman's breast with a Spitting Image puppet, while she was sitting on his lap(OMG, the horror!). Yep, I don't disagree, he's likely guilty of those things. So that makes him comparable to Epstein and Maxwell?
What things? He's been accused of having sex with an attractive young woman. I guess you'll have to excuse me if I don't find that particularly appalling. Oh, and also touching a woman's breast with a Spitting Image puppet, while she was sitting on his lap(OMG, the horror!). Yep, I don't disagree, he's likely guilty of those things. So that makes him comparable to Epstein and Maxwell?
A 17 year old forced by Epstein to have sex with Andrew? Nope, not appalling at all. And as usual, you key in on just one thing, which I never mentioned--I stated I thought nothing of him long before this, as well as this, for a number of reasons. It is also stated by a relative that Ghastly has video of Andrew and that while Andrew was a "john" Epstein and Maxwell were recording him and not exactly the "friends" the fallen prince thought they were to him. I guess he is a very dumb prince at minimum.

Not into what you are doing which is not a discussion that has any reason to continue--I said that more than once, to what end? No point in going further.

Oh the horror! I am not horrified dearie... Not appalled either. I don't have pearls to clutch. Pearls just aren't my style, a little too prissy for me and fussy. Never had any desire to wear something that were harvested from a dirty mollusk lol.

Disgust is more like it but then again he ain't no one to me and he sure ain't my prince. He doesn't even seem to be the royal family's prince these days...

The poor fallen old little boy. Not looking like mommy is going to make it all peachy keen for him either.

Have a super day. I agree to differ. :)
A 17 year old forced by Epstein to have sex with Andrew? Nope, not appalling at all. And as usual, you key in on just one thing, which I never mentioned--I stated I thought nothing of him long before this, as well as this, for a number of reasons. It is also stated by a relative that Ghastly has video of Andrew and that while Andrew was a "john" Epstein and Maxwell were recording him and not exactly the "friends" the fallen prince thought they were to him. I guess he is a very dumb prince at minimum.

Not into what you are doing which is not a discussion that has any reason to continue--I said that more than once, to what end? No point in going further.

Oh the horror! I am not horrified dearie... Not appalled either. I don't have pearls to clutch. Pearls just aren't my style, a little too prissy for me and fussy. Never had any desire to wear something that were harvested from a dirty mollusk lol.

Disgust is more like it but then again he ain't no one to me and he sure ain't my prince. He doesn't even seem to be the royal family's prince these days...

The poor fallen old little boy. Not looking like mommy is going to make it all peachy keen for him either.

Have a super day. I agree to differ. :)
I'm just trying to discern where we differ. Again, I totally understand your disgust with Epstein and Maxwell, but let's not muddy the waters. No one has accused Andrew of "forcing" anyone to do anything. How can you equate him to them?
Same old, same old I said I don't know who disgusts me worse, I did not equate them. As for muddying the waters, the prince is intertwined with this case and/or the people as are many others, so what am I muddying? The fallen prince refused to cooperate in this case, it seems to me he certainly has connection to this case.

So he didn't force a 17 year old? Wow, that's downright admirable. I guess I couldn't say one way or the other, I wasn't in the room with them and haven't seen the footage hinted at.

Don't bother discerning our differences because I am not interested in this type of a discussion, with all due respect.

You pop in on this page and haven't even given an opinion of Epstein nor Ghislaine nor of the case? Do you have one?
So ol' Ghastly Gristly is complaining about her conditions in jail. In fact if you listen to this, it sounds like the same thing Leticia Stauch wrote to the judge recently, so identical it is like the same people helped them, no chance to research, assist in defense, 23 hours a day, no privacy, not treated right, etc., etc., etc. I like Scott's take on it. Starts about 8 minutes in, first is Leticia and then Lori...

The only difference is in Gristly's case, her attorneys it sounds like represented her in these complaints and in Leticia's, she did an end run around her attorneys. Maybe it makes a difference who you are or think you are...?

As a bonus if you listen to the end for Scott's dumb criminal contestant, I promise it will be worth it, who does such a thing? And her former charges too? Wow.

UH OHHHH.... Looks like the whole "sex trafficking" narrative might be falling apart...

an underage prostitute is being trafficked so how is that narrative "falling apart"? She was still underage and a prostitute that reportedly had Epstein as a John.
an underage prostitute is being trafficked so how is that narrative "falling apart"? She was still underage and a prostitute that reportedly had Epstein as a John.
An underage prostitute is just that. She's a willing participant, so she's not being "trafficked".
Epstein cohort Ghislaine, the female human trafficker of minors thinks she should be treated better than other prisoners apparently. I am actually shocked at the privileges they do have.

Maybe this will help to clarify the clear difference between a female perp and a female victim in this case. The perp is jailed, the victim is not.


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