NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY*


Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public​

Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years.

Harmony Montgomery, 7, was last seen in a home in Manchester in October 2019, when she was 5, police said.

Police said they first learned Harmony went missing earlier this week. Chief Allen Aldenberg did not specify who reported the girl missing but said his department has been in touch with multiple family members and will continue to speak with them.

Aldenberg said police are not searching for any adult or vehicle in connection with the case. Investigators are focusing on the whereabouts of Harmony.

"No time is a good time for a child to go missing," Aldenberg said. "I'm begging the community. I don't care if you saw this young girl a year ago and you think it's irrelevant. Call us."

Aldenberg said at a news conference Friday his detectives are working to confirm where Harmony is from and where she went to school before her disappearance.

Harmony is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall and 50 pounds. Investigators said she has blonde hair, blue eyes and should be wearing glasses.

"We need help," Aldenberg said. "This remains a very active investigation."

MEDIA - HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH since October 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5
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Updated: 3:15 PM EDT May 9, 2024
Tim Callery
News Reporter

A New Hampshire man has been sentenced to up to life in prison for murdering his 5-year-old daughter in 2019.

Adam Montgomery, 34, was sentenced to 45 years to life in prison Thursday for murdering Harmony Montgomery. Judge Amy Messer said the sentence, as well as other sentences handed down Thursday, would be served consecutively to the decades-long sentences he's already serving for other weapons charges.

"The court has the responsibility to impose a sentence that not only punishes you harshly for the crimes that you have committed, but considers deterrence, that is, how to keep you from hurting others," Judge Amy Messer said. "In light of the egregious nature of the crimes of which you have been convicted in this case, and taking into consideration your extremely violent criminal history, the court finds the only way to do this is to keep you off the streets."

The sentences all but guarantee that Adam Montgomery will spend the rest of his life in prison. He is serving two consecutive prison sentences of 15 to 30 years in prison on unrelated weapons charges, and the new sentences will be served consecutive to those.

In February, Adam Montgomery, was found guilty of second-degree murder, second-degree assault, falsifying physical evidence, abuse of a corpse and tampering with a witness and informants in the death of his daughter Harmony.

Messer sentenced Adam Montgomery to three-and-a-half to seven years in prison on the falsifying evidence and tampering with a witness charges and four to eight years in prison on the assault charge, all of which will be served consecutively to the other charges. A sentence of 12 months in jail on the abuse of a corpse charge was suspended, though it also includes an order that he not contact the families of Harmony's mother, her foster parents and the adoptive family of her brother.
WHY NOT? This doesn't make any sense!
I read a fair amount of this on break today at work. It hadn't it the end yet though. But saw up to here and some beyond.

Like Harmony's mom said he is all about control and he is so weak and such a loser he has to have that (I big time am paraphrasing). But also imo WHAT is left of her and who KNOWS what he did with her/it sorry to say? He carried her around, desecrated her remains, probably turned them to liquid, much down the drain, etc. and I HATE talking or thinking these kind of details. It is why I always regret going into a missing child case which of course I always will to help activity and word get out and then we find they aren't missing or abducted and end up with HORRIBLE FACTS like these. I don't think Adam Montgomery would give up her whereabouts for a ten year sentence. Seriously. He's still innocent we all heard his attorney right? Actually saw a bit of that or read it I forget on break as well. Thank you all for these updates I woudln't have known it was sentencing til I saw that last night.

I think it is control. I think it is that how they found her or the little left would make him known to be one of the worst monsters. And I think believe it or not, there is some weird part of him that thinks to this day he can convince his own family and people he could never be this bad or have lost it this bad and he did not do this. Because he knows how disgusting sick and deprave and gone he is.
TOTAL PRAISE for making him show up in court to face what he did to her. Thank you judge and system! It was beyond disgusting he could just blow off going to the trial HE WANTED and I sure hope at least in this state they aren't going to leave it at this but FIX THAT as this one showed if this is NOT ensured it NEEDS to be. You want a trial? Duh, well then YOU ATTEND IT.

I HAVE NOT EVEN SEEN the sentence yet or the judge's remarks. I saw about up to or a bit beyond your post on break today. Saw a bit more. Just not the ending.

HARMONY AND BROTHER, I saw that too and other VI statements. You are stronger and children are and truer and have more backbone than messed up adults. Harmony I don't know if you'll be found but the physical doesn't matter, it DOES no doubt to loved ones but you are with them and you are in a FAR BETTER PLACE then everywhere your dad stuck you--car, refrigerator, cooler, bathtub. The list goes on.

You did NOT deserve this but you know that. And NO ONE SAVED YOU and that's disgusting. Say hello to my granddaughter. And hold hands. With all the children there.

AND how you ENDED UP with your DAD to begin with is still not done and HEADS NEED TO ROLL STILL as to how that could happen.

And the law needs to change as to HOW he could not have to attend the trial he wanted. You will change things girl! People need to not lie down and BE LOUD ABOUT THIS.

He was your sperm donor, he wasn't your dad. The adoptive parents of your brother would have been could THEY have gotten you, your REAL DADS. It seems.

Fly high. If there is any power or help you can give, help make things change AND guide to your remains or ask that BIG MAN upstairs to do so. HE has it anyhow but just double check.

Man crying but I haven't even seen the sentence yet. These kids. Maybe overload. Yesterday I listened to way too much of the details on JJ and Tylee. There was more too, something at work today and now Harmony. Just very emotional today and in these child/minor cases. For more reasons than given on here.

I did see a hint that he got what he deserved, I pray. But haven't actually seen it yet. So onward.

LITTLE HARMONY YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE and YOU SO DID NOT DESERVE ALL THESE SCREWUPS AFTER SCREWUPS. Kayla could have done something! What's his name I apartment where they lived in parking lot COULD have done something!! So many COULD have done something.

BUT this is the BAD PLACE. Where you are is not. And I'm no judge but I'm guessing you will never have to see your bio dad again in the afterlife either.


1:42 p.m.​

Crystal Sorey is delivering a victim-impact statement.

"She wasn't a coward like you, and I'll be forever grateful for that. You're a coward that has to be in control of everything and everyone around you."

"She had a life worth living, unlike your own. And it bothered you to your core that she was nothing like you and everything like me."
Well said Mom. Very well said.
He didn't have time to love her. He's too in love with himself!
Plus he's innocent you know despite the TONS of evidence.

Monster. Hey he needed his drugs and money so bad he let the guy in the apartment do him or the other way around didn't he? SERIOUSLY. Not money to get a life or house his kids and care for them but for his selfish yes in love needs and problems.

I think jmo there is a part of this asshole that really doesn't want anyone seeing him this way even though he KNOWS he did this. HE77 maybe for prison's sake at what a lack of a MAN he is in any way. A MAN would give up his daugther's remains.

AND attend court as the innocent he claimed to BE.

The most controlling can be that way with women and children but are the biggest cowards there are when it comes to facing anything themselves.

Kayla probably won't see this but I HOPE like Harmony's mom you get your sh*t together and show people you can do it. Whether you get your kids back or not or how long or if that will happen. CHANGE THINGS and stick TO IT.

2:15 p.m.​

Defense is now addressing the court. Adam Montgomery’s attorney, Caroline Smith, has accused the state of pulling a stunt when offering to reduce Adam Montgomery’s sentence if he said where Harmony’s remains are. She says the state was trying to get a reaction out of him.

2:13 p.m.​

Defense attorney Caroline Smith: "The state was doing a stunt. They were seeking a reaction today from Adam Montgomery in the courtroom by their stunt."

"Mr. Montgomery does not have to express remorse here for something for which he maintains his innocence."

2:07 p.m.​

Throughout these victim impact statements, Adam Montgomery has been looking forward or looking down.

2:04 p.m.​

Harmony Montgomery’s foster mother is now giving a victim impact statement. She says Harmony was a friend to everyone. She loved going to church and school. She especially loved Minnie Mouse and playing outside. They’ve asked the judge to impose the fullest sentence.
I read this far on break today as I go through these and a bit further I think. Couldn't respond but saw them. But never got to sentencing. And I could skip ahead but don't want to, I want for Harmon to see everything said and every reaction I want to read as those of you who could watch it in real time reacted as I would have loved to/wanted to.

A STUNT? Oh really? Gotta put your show on as PD and I bet you know in your heart he did every bit of what he was accused of. He got offered less.

I CAN understand defense attorneys who TRULY believe their client innocent. I don't believe that here. I don't believe it in Kohberger. Or many. Not in Morphew. Isn't that what most of us older always understood it to be not that long ago, you do it as you believe in their innocence. I will never understand the ones that know better or likely feel and known themselves it unlikely how they can represent them and try to get them less time or on the street and acquitted to HARM someone else. NEVER. It's so WRONG. What kind of person is that? It isnt' a game, this isn't being the best dentist ever or florist! This is putting someone or trying to onto our streets that you likely don't even believe innocent. All for your career, fame, whatever.

That's what I think here. WHO DOUBTS ADAM MONTGOMERY DID THIS? Anyone??!! In some cases we disagree and that's what shows I think we see what we see and differ but in this one? I've seen no one who doubts it.

And in no way do I believe his attorney doesn't go home and think well I've got attention gave it a good job did all I could to defend him and did my job but goes to bed feeling he did it and even being pretty sure he did. And that kind of person I will NEVER understand.

2:28 p.m.​

More from Caroline Smith:

"Adam Montgomery did not kill his daughter, but when he discovered his daughter's death, he broke, and he did inexplicable things. Even he can't explain his actions. But eventually he puled it together, and he was able to say goodbye to his daughter, and that's what he did."

2:17 p.m.​

Defense attorney Caroline Smith says Adam Montgomery maintains his innocence.
How often will Caro-line Smith visit him and donate to his commissary fund and let him cry on her shoulder? He broke and he is broken after all. He has few others... She will be there weekly at least right and giving him money for Kleenexes and some visine to clear his red crying eyes for his beloved daughter.

SAid it already above, attorneys like this disgust me. Common sense dictates they are not representing an innocent man and in most cases I believe they don't think they are.

Do we think John Prior truly thinks Chad Daybell innocent? I don't.

I know we go through falsey accused or convicted stuff in cases but I some not a one of us disagree.

Heads still need to roll here though as this little girl EVER ending UP WITH HER DAD! I mean sperm DONOR. Never ever was DAD.
SO WHERE IS SHE? Man, this is incredible. How can people be so heartless?
I know I am reading all this past when you all did but I want to see it as it unfolds. I hate I could not watch in real time.

So I have not read ahead, I read some but but by this post didn't see these today.

He will NEVER give it up but even if he did, and I HATE talking of such and these kinds of details, I can only take so much, but it would not be all of Harmony anyow. He reduced her, some probably went down drains and again I CAN'T DO MUCH OF this I dont' thi most of us can, there are some strange ones out there that want such like Nate was saying about can they get or see the autopsy photos. WHY??? What kind of person is like that He tried to make it nice but hearing testimony and description is way beyond enough for me Who WANTS those images?

I get mom, LE and all would like her remains but short of someone coming across them I don't think it will ever happen in this case and truly what is likely there that could be come across...? Much of her was gone in other routes as he moved, did his, did that, repackaged, you name it, froze even... Last time was tub and drain wasn't it for a long time and Kayla even admitted to cutting clothing off?

That's about enough for me, none of us can stand these kind of details and I hate them.

I guess what I want to say is even if he gave up location, how much would she be? I haven't hit the sentence yet as I want to read all and comment as if I was watching but his refusal to come clean is going to make his sentence harsher imo. His atty calls it a stunt??? BS. That anyone or her family or mom or whoever offer him that much less of time when I don't thinkt there is a doubt in this case and thread here by any of us or lack of agreement or out there elsewhere that HE abused to no end and killed his own daughter, this was not a STUNT Ms. Know he is GUILTY SMITH. It was giving far more than he deserved because the decent people just want her remains.

Again, I do NOT understand defense attys who represent someone that I bet to no end the know side did it. If truly they believe in their innocencea I GET THAT.

I still haven't seen what he has gotten, going post by post not like watching it or being here but wanting it to be like that and reading ad anticipating. Prediction is since he was finally MADE to attend and he refused a offer which he and atty should have been thankful for as he deserves life times ten and the DP even though he faced none that sentencing will be harsh. ANd I honestly dn't know yet. He could have given up her body, he was MADE to attend his sentencing, he was offered chances.... Am I anywhere near yet what he got??? GEtting tired, not sure I can go on if tons more posts...
First up on here for a few minutes is LISK, then it is Harmony. After that it is Read.

It reminds me I need to watch the rest on Harmony's sentencing. Good points.


Harmony Montgomery's stepmother released from prison on parole​

Kayla Montgomery, Harmony Montgomery's stepmother, has been released from prison on parole, according to the New Hampshire Department of Corrections.

She was paroled on Wednesday, a spokesperson said Friday.

The Union Leader reported then that she would be allowed to leave prison as soon as she completed several required programs, although there will be strict conditions attached to her release.

Kayla was serving an 18-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to perjury for lying during grand jury testimony about where she was when Harmony Montgomery was last seen.
Boy I must be burning the candle at both ends. I thought she was released some time back or at least it decided when it came up in her favor.

Adam Montgomery requests review of his sentence for murder of daughter Harmony​

Adam Montgomery, a New Hampshire man who was convicted of murdering his daughter Harmony earlier this year, has applied to have his sentence in the case reviewed.

Judge Amy Messer sentenced Montgomery to 45 years to life for murder and added a minimum total of 11 more years — all to be served consecutively — for the charges of falsifying evidence, tampering with a witness and second-degree assault. He received a suspended sentence of one year for the abuse of a corpse charge.

At the time, Montgomery, 34, didn't take an offer, extended in court by Senior Assistant New Hampshire Attorney General Benjamin Agati, for prosecutors to shorten the length of the sentence they were requesting if he provided the location of Harmony's remains.

After that sentencing on May 9, 2023, Montgomery had 30 days to apply for sentence review. The case will go before a board of three - either judicial referees or superior court judges. The board may opt to decrease or increase the sentence within the minimums and maximums allowed by law, or may make no changes.

Adam Montgomery requests review of his sentence for murder of daughter Harmony​

Adam Montgomery, a New Hampshire man who was convicted of murdering his daughter Harmony earlier this year, has applied to have his sentence in the case reviewed.

Judge Amy Messer sentenced Montgomery to 45 years to life for murder and added a minimum total of 11 more years — all to be served consecutively — for the charges of falsifying evidence, tampering with a witness and second-degree assault. He received a suspended sentence of one year for the abuse of a corpse charge.

At the time, Montgomery, 34, didn't take an offer, extended in court by Senior Assistant New Hampshire Attorney General Benjamin Agati, for prosecutors to shorten the length of the sentence they were requesting if he provided the location of Harmony's remains.

After that sentencing on May 9, 2023, Montgomery had 30 days to apply for sentence review. The case will go before a board of three - either judicial referees or superior court judges. The board may opt to decrease or increase the sentence within the minimums and maximums allowed by law, or may make no changes.
So all he had to do to get this originally was to tell them where she was. What an azz.
So all he had to do to get this originally was to tell them where she was. What an azz.
He reduced her, I so HATE saying that, so many times I'm not sure where he finally put the little left could be found even if he told them. I'm not sticking up for him whatsoever and he probably IS doing it to be an evil AZZ as that's the way he acted throughout, but the package of her got smaller and smaller and smaller. And they carted it around forever and unbelievable no one ever realized or was looking for her. I don't even want to think of what little was left and what he finally disposed of somewhere when he finally quit hauling her around. If one watched the trial or followed, the bathtub thing and more... Well if he took what was left and just dumped her into a huge body of water or even an average one, he could give them this info, they find no trace and decide he is lying and deal over.

More than likely he is just being evil but there is the possibility there is nothing to recover. Even if he went out of the area and used a dumpster, it is so long ago... So for him to get the deal would they have to find her I guess is what I wonder because otherwise he could be lying and how could they be sure...

He's one of he most despicable I've seen although he holds a place with a ton more. Too many.

And they better be fixing this new sh*t where defendants don't have to come to court for their own trials!!

Family celebrates Harmony Montgomery’s birthday as officials continue search for body​

Amidst a continued search for the girl’s body, Harmony Montgomery’s family took a day to stop and celebrate her 10th birthday with cake and balloons, according to WCVB.

Her mother, Crystal Sorey, told WCVB she is hopeful for searches planned over the summer. But she fears her daughter will be forgotten.

“This is the hardest part is like after the aftermath, you know? When everyone starts to forget about her,” she told the news station. “She had dreams ... she was 5, but she had dreams.”

Manchester Police Chief Allen Aldenberg promised to continue searching for the girl’s body.

He told reporters in May that he believes Montgomery passed up the opportunity to do “one decent good thing in his life” by failing to disclose where his daughter’s body is located.

“We’ll keep working hard to do our part to locate Harmony and bring her home,” Aldenberg said. “It’s not a fun day for Manchester PD. We’re not going to go back and be all smiles.”

For her mother, it won’t matter how much time has passed. She’ll always be her 5-year-old baby.

“I still think she’s five. In my heart ... I think ... [she’s] my 5-year-old baby,” Sorey told the news station. “The fact that it’s been five years ... it doesn’t even feel like it’s been five days.”

Harmony Montgomery’s family to search Mass. marsh for body of murdered 5-year-old​

The search for Harmony Montgomery will continue this weekend when more than 100 people plan to fan out along a Massachusetts marsh, looking for the remains of the 5-year-old girl murdered by her father in 2019.

Volunteers, friends and family will begin their latest search at 10:15 a.m. Saturday at the Rumney Marsh Reservation near the Saugus-Revere town line. Searchers will start at 90 Bristow St. in Saugus.

“The location is one of the areas that we know (Adam Montgomery) went with the U-Haul. It’s part of a 23-mile stretch from the Tobin Bridge and back,” said Crystal Sorey, Harmony’s mother.

Sorey said she has had the same dream several times about where Harmony is, and this site gives her hope for closure after her daughter was beaten and fatally injured by her father, Adam Montgomery, on Dec. 7, 2019.

“I’m really going off intuition, but it’s like if I don’t look for her and find her, who will?” she said.
I hope they find her although what an awful in the same breath it would be., This is one of the most horrid child murders I have ever followed (but man there have been too many) and from all known there is not too much left of this beautiful child to search for. Anyone who has followed has heard enough horrendous details and he unlikelihood there is even much for remains to be found. It's awful, and hard.

It's mom though and intuition so who knows. One can hope and pray. HE deserves to fry in the burning fires of HE77. Adam EFFING Montogomery.

This is, if I recall, one of the first ones I saw where they coudln't even make him attend this OWN trial. You see, our courts and officials in some cases are getting to really be WIMPS, but the jury did right.

Adam Montgomery, convicted of daughter’s murder, transferred out of NH prison​

Adam Montgomery, who was sentenced to 45 years to life in prison in May after being convicted of killing his 5-year-old daughter Harmony in 2019, was transferred to a correctional facility outside New Hampshire.

A spokesperson for the state’s Department of Corrections said in an email Monday morning that Montgomery was “in secure custody within a correctional facility outside of the NHDOC system.”

“We are unable to provide any additional information on his location or the reasons for his transfer,” the spokesperson wrote.

WMUR reported that Montgomery was being transferred to a facility in Virginia.

Source: Adam Montgomery transferred to correctional facility in Virginia​

Adam Montgomery has been transferred out of the New Hampshire State Prison for Men in Concord, News 9 Investigates has learned.

A source tells News 9 Investigates that he was recently moved to a correctional facility in Virginia.

The Department of Corrections online inmate locator lists that Montgomery is now being held at a “non-NHDOC facility.” The online inmate locator for the Virginia Department of Corrections does not yet list Montgomery.

The source could not confirm why Montgomery was transferred. However, state law allows a transfer “whenever the (Department of Corrections) commissioner determines that an inmate cannot be properly or safely kept at the correctional facility at which he is confined or that such transfer is in the best public interest or furthers legitimate penological objectives.”

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