WHY NOT? This doesn't make any sense!
I read a fair amount of this on break today at work. It hadn't it the end yet though. But saw up to here and some beyond.
Like Harmony's mom said he is all about control and he is so weak and such a loser he has to have that (I big time am paraphrasing). But also imo WHAT is left of her and who KNOWS what he did with her/it sorry to say? He carried her around, desecrated her remains, probably turned them to liquid, much down the drain, etc. and I HATE talking or thinking these kind of details. It is why I always regret going into a missing child case which of course I always will to help activity and word get out and then we find they aren't missing or abducted and end up with HORRIBLE FACTS like these. I don't think Adam Montgomery would give up her whereabouts for a ten year sentence. Seriously. He's still innocent we all heard his attorney right? Actually saw a bit of that or read it I forget on break as well. Thank you all for these updates I woudln't have known it was sentencing til I saw that last night.
I think it is control. I think it is that how they found her or the little left would make him known to be one of the worst monsters. And I think believe it or not, there is some weird part of him that thinks to this day he can convince his own family and people he could never be this bad or have lost it this bad and he did not do this. Because he knows how disgusting sick and deprave and gone he is.
TOTAL PRAISE for making him show up in court to face what he did to her. Thank you judge and system! It was beyond disgusting he could just blow off going to the trial HE WANTED and I sure hope at least in this state they aren't going to leave it at this but FIX THAT as this one showed if this is NOT ensured it NEEDS to be. You want a trial? Duh, well then YOU ATTEND IT.
I HAVE NOT EVEN SEEN the sentence yet or the judge's remarks. I saw about up to or a bit beyond your post on break today. Saw a bit more. Just not the ending.
HARMONY AND BROTHER, I saw that too and other VI statements. You are stronger and children are and truer and have more backbone than messed up adults. Harmony I don't know if you'll be found but the physical doesn't matter, it DOES no doubt to loved ones but you are with them and you are in a FAR BETTER PLACE then everywhere your dad stuck you--car, refrigerator, cooler, bathtub. The list goes on.
You did NOT deserve this but you know that. And NO ONE SAVED YOU and that's disgusting. Say hello to my granddaughter. And hold hands. With all the children there.
AND how you ENDED UP with your DAD to begin with is still not done and HEADS NEED TO ROLL STILL as to how that could happen.
And the law needs to change as to HOW he could not have to attend the trial he wanted. You will change things girl! People need to not lie down and BE LOUD ABOUT THIS.
He was your sperm donor, he wasn't your dad. The adoptive parents of your brother would have been could THEY have gotten you, your REAL DADS. It seems.
Fly high. If there is any power or help you can give, help make things change AND guide to your remains or ask that BIG MAN upstairs to do so. HE has it anyhow but just double check.
Man crying but I haven't even seen the sentence yet. These kids. Maybe overload. Yesterday I listened to way too much of the details on JJ and Tylee. There was more too, something at work today and now Harmony. Just very emotional today and in these child/minor cases. For more reasons than given on here.
I did see a hint that he got what he deserved, I pray. But haven't actually seen it yet. So onward.
LITTLE HARMONY YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE and YOU SO DID NOT DESERVE ALL THESE SCREWUPS AFTER SCREWUPS. Kayla could have done something! What's his name I apartment where they lived in parking lot COULD have done something!! So many COULD have done something.
BUT this is the BAD PLACE. Where you are is not. And I'm no judge but I'm guessing you will never have to see your bio dad again in the afterlife either.