JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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And he says they weren't buried in the pet cemetery. But they couldn't tell detectives? Why? Because Chad told them not to talk to law enforcement?

I'm done with these people. Something is really wrong with them.
They are warped. No doubt. Nowhere near a norm that most can understand. VERY warped and something seriously wrong. Mentioned something like about Emma's own private Idaho you did. Yeah I think that's getting close to a lot of it to more than a few players here.

I'm with you on all these thoughts and remarks. One I have is even when Chad and Lori are behind bars for life or he is on death row or executed, all these others remain out there like most we have heard from in these cases that had anything to do with them and these ways of thinking!

Emma and none of them faced or admitted to dad having a "physical" affair with Lori in their interview. Give me a break. IMO the minute Emma changed the was when dad and/or Prior told her they were going with a defense of how she snared Chad, entrapped him by lust, Satan, sex and made him stray from his marriage vows etc. You know darned well she likely knew or suspected long before but they all stuck to whatever until it was NEEDED as a defense. She's the witch that turned her dad her GOD evil or turned his head.

Emma ain't that clueless. She also like daddy feels she is special my instinct says....

We are still going to have the Emmas out there, the Mels, the Garths and you name it with their messed up thinking and feelings of superiority and beliefs after Chad and Lori go down and are done. I'm not kidding. Emma is superior to Colby, Tylee and JJ and cares less about any of them just like her dad. She was superior to her mom imo in her head and has been told and believes these things from daddy dearest.

I'm done with them too but they will still be out there. Agree 1000 percent. WARPED. I think both Garth and Emma could have been impeached on the stand and both committed perjury although using an I don't know or recall they were taught well......
She hasn't heard any of the phone data testimony that puts both Alex and Chad on the property on those dates her step siblings were killed and buried. How does she think the remains ended up on the property? I wish she was asked that.

No I don't believe she was researching the wind direction and why wouldn't she use her phone for that rather than her father's computer. The jury should know which way the wind blows LOL and see thru this and realise her father manipulated her.
She said she didn't have a smart phone yet. It's b.s. anyhow and why did she not live at her own house and herself had no computer nor tablet and that day just happened to be last day of Tylee etc. give ME a break. Blake did hit on that but I agree on I wish many hard things were asked that were not.

No time but trying to catch up with these posts from a day or two ago. Can't even recall any more when lol.
I am also irate and having a real problem with emma and garth about his being her muscle and her saying all of a sudden a woman who used to be able to do all the things of daily life with no problem (paraphrasing), etc. Talk about NAIVE ADULT children. In their youth. I sure does not mean you are sick and about to die if a few decades of taking care of your brats and your cheating husband who can't bring in much for pennies and working full time and putting gup with visions and moving away from family and all else you might not have just HAD ENOUGH of it. My mother and I and yes say to the younger set these days, you're younger, you have the muscle, and ask them to do it. Lift at 50 pound bag of grass seed, cat litter, whatever. DUH Garth. DUH Emma. Wait until you've done it and raised kids until your mom's age and you'll wonder too when you get time for you and to just play dumb video games instead of all depending on your and your adult daughter and eldest son there every night waiting for mom to make dinner and watch the grandchildren and so on. I'm sure MANY can read between the lines here on this absolute b.s. and lack of seeing clearly sh*t of these kids. Emma better start shaping it up and doing it ALL like her mom did. And Garth oh my you didn't want muscles as a young man or to work hard and help your parents and others? Actually I had to almost laught when Tammy at first thought Alex, the shooter, was Chad coming to help her get groceries and stuff out of the vehicle. Did he or Garth ever or if they did was this considered a "favor" and mom took advantage of the muscle and then better get in there and cook them dinner? My GOD. These are such clueless selfish children kind of remarks but they are ADULTS.

I think Tammy had HAD it and was like when is it her turn finally to even or ever take a break. Also these aren't BIG things they are mundaet and normal things you'd have your kid who lives at home and you are likely supporting HELP and do the muscle! God what BRATS. And they are using such to help their mom's murderer/s get away with it. And are still insulting, condemning and throwing their MOTHER under the bus.


And I'm sorry but even the REAL faith and ways of this religion here has a LOT do do with things.

One day I am going to be real interested on the take of those in all the families here who have left the religion when they talk as to what they see with both Emma's and Garth's testimony and more.
heard a little of Emma's hub's testimony. Boy a real winner. Not. No time left. Have a good one one and all!
Also there is no flipping way Emma googled the wind directions on dad and mom's computer. Give me a break. It's the perfect example of what I mean in how many cases when you have to come up with something for every single thing to explain away the truths and SO it is not the truth nor believable That's what Emma did, EXPLAIN everythng, tons of things to get her dad out of trouble, one thing after another. TOO much. No believable. Obvious what she is doing. If I were a juror I'd dismiss her entire testimony because of it. She comes across as unemotional, devoid of any feeling, rehearsed, fake and monotoned. So rehearsed she doesn't know what to do at times when it goes off script and she can't say what has been drilled in to come automatically and quickly.

Oh they have done their work of ensuring that her husband's testimony backs up some of hers, etc. However, to listen to her husband's and then Garth's huge mistake right out of the gate as to how he WAS to testify, Tammy drove the truck regularly making Emma a liar, just for one. arth had his own problems.

You'd think Emma lived in their bedroom in the bed between them for all she tries to claim she knows about every little thing. Isn't it interesting too that Garth is the one who was there but Emma is the one who testified to far more and is the "leader" of the siblings.... The one dad put in charge rather than the oldest who apparently is Garth who was also THERE and lived THERE, why wasn't he put in charge and why is he not the leader...

These kids are WEIRD, the whole family is weird. I almost feel like Emma is trained, indoctrinated and and if her dad told her to go assassinate the Pope she'd do it and be giddy that she was trusted and and asked dto do such for him She wants to make dad proud and show she can handle all and come though as his heroine and savior. There's something seriously wrong with a grown woman with a family who needs to talk to he dad every single day and sounds about like she almost lied there when Tammy was alive as well despite having a husband and her own home. Shouldn't she have been at home helping pick potatoes or something and then do putting them up for the end times in her prepper kitchen? Or planting a new crop?

And this sh*t of herself being 'possessed" and them casting such entity out of her oh boy, right there I guess dad's power was proven to her. Though she puts it on mom and all of that was not quite clear...

She claimed to be less fundamentalist in religion than Chad or Tammy but then she says things like this and one sees her belief in them and such showing her beliefs and it seems contradictory.

I WISH Blake had asked about her Colby remark and a lot of other things. Again though I suppose it's a real balance of what to make a big deal of if at all and then just dismiss them and their testimony as not important and scope probably plays in...

Other questions never asked, is canteen money still being provided to Lori? Is Emma still calling her? What's her need to talk to Chad every day and isn't this a bit of a twisted thing? The "woman" has a job and a family of her own, oh and referring to him as the patriarch do their family which kind of again shows WHO was boss and controlled while trying to act as if such didn't go on in other ways or like she had a brain of her own, it just did not fly. FOR ME and hopefully for no jurors either.

I try to picture Emma teaching school and I can't even imagine her being in charge of children or molding young lives, she is so lost herself--I dont' have he words, that's not really the right one. She's a product of zaniness and she is warped. Hides it or tries to buy is. Wrong words again.

Well I looked and none of yesterday's nor know if anything significant and am light years behind on even posts as I stayed on this day and wanted to see the full testimony before letting anything else come in or knew I never would. And I still haven't seen her hub's testimony.

These kids ignore Tammy's family and the real facts in this case that millions see more clearly. I do wonder if it is significant at all that two of 5 kids were not on the trip with new mommy Lori. Mark and Seth if I am coming up with all. The $9K was in Mark's room and here was mention by Chad of his and Lori's stuff being in the baby's room, then mention of that mattress in the Cozy Cone (what a WEIRD term that is)... Yet no baby lived there did one nor Mark? Mark may be the one that was a minor... And for some reason I thought it was the minor child that was there not the eldest BUT that's this case and keeping facts straight... Of course the family his so much and facts were not easy to come by as to even the home, who was living there after and so forth.

That mattress imo has some sort of implication and Chad wanted Emma to take care of it while trying to not make it sound unusual when HE knew they were being recorded. He tried to make it seem a normal thing in the conversation of bills, her moving back to the home, etc.

There's so much to unpack here and discuss but again I sure won't likely get the chance.

I'd ask what happened yesterday but probably would not see the answer as I am so behind and want to see all posts during and since their testimony still and haven't.

I'm hoping and thinking there will be some fiery rebuttal case of great interest. Perhaps.... Maybe not re the kids on the other hand as again what they said maybe shouldn't have much import. they are typical and all some defendants have, family that is biased and will lie for them, hardly the most important witnesses. How many 'friends" have they found who will get on the stand for Chad and remain willing? All these types of witnesses though even if there were any are lightweight compared to facts and evidence. Family who can't see or admit dad is what he is just doesnt' have the weight other evidence does.

My intent was to catch up last night at least in this case but didn't happen. I may not ever, hard to say but I did want to pause and not go ahead and see the "kids" testimony, etc. as it's been waited for by me and I think most of us for a long time. Blake did have some GOOD things with both and especially Emma. I feel she could have hit on a few of them a bit more to make it clear the screw up but anyone who knows as most of us would all she had to do was pause and let us all realize ourselves what Emma just screwed up in but then for a jury that doesn't know the case...

I don't even have words or know my point any longer. The kids may be the be all and end all to interest of us (self included) and the public and what Chad has to count on as how else can anyone or anything try to explain some things or explain away some things if he won't take the stand but they truly aren't the most important in the trial---they have a PURPOSE and agenda and bias. They aren't the professionals, they are not the evidence, they are just of most interest to us all but arent' the weight of the case and imo came across as just what the are, trying to get dad off in whatever way possible. Garth I'm not as sure of although he did rebound somewhat. Emma is OBVIOUS.

Sorry, I've had no nightly chance to deflate and vent on a case to let go of my long days. This week has been maybe the worst ever. Nothing bad happened, I just mean busy, hours beyond, you finally finish a ten or eleven hour shift every single day and then they keep you all late when your body and feet have had it and then right back to it. Just been a tough one, hardly got off ANY morning or night posts or caught up with ANY case. Three closing long days and then yesterday and today we are to early morning starts and it is hard to switch. Trying to motivate to get ready when not daylight I hate. And this is the time for year daylight is earlier! And more of it. Still dark here though now, totally but need to somehow get a move on and start getting ready.

I'm not even talking directly to anyone, just doing the thoughts and jumping off. Day off finally tomorrow but if I try to catch up I will lose what I really need to be doing as life is that way too. Been trying to get my place listed since end of April and between paperwork and schedules with realtor, etc. and my not living there, still has not happened so THAT has to take priority and watch then he won't be available.

Anywho.... Ms. Emma. Maybe dad will write another book about ya.
I was keeping an open mind about Emma. Actually was keeping an open mind about all of the kids after everything they’ve been through, but when she said that it was her that did the searching on the wind direction? There’s no way I’m going to believe that one. And since I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, I have a hard time thinking the jury believed her either.
Wednesday 22nd May - Update.


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

2:51 p.m. Just had a chance to listen to the first part of the afternoon hearing that I missed. The judge called it somewhat suddenly and public was not allowed in due to security and time restraints. Boyce previously determined that a statement made by Janice Olson, Tammy’s co-worker, about changing Tammy’s life insurance policy could not be admitted. Because Emma Daybell brought up the issue during her testimony, the state wants to be able to bring in the statement. Prior objects to it but Boyce will not allow it.

2:45 p.m. Boyce says same applies to Colter Cannon. He can come back to testify as a rebuttal witness and Prior can object if he wishes. Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. we are back in the courtroom where a proposed schedule will be presented to the court. Ok – now I think we really are done for the day.

2:44 p.m. Wixom says all rebuttal witnesses will be focused on what the defense said – nothing outside of that. Boyce says if Hermosillo is called, Prior can object and Boyce can hear the argument at that time. The other witness the state wants to ask about is Colter Cannon.

2:42 p.m. Prior stresses he does not want Hermosillo back in. Boyce says Hermosillo will be placed under oath like other witnesses so he will need to tell the truth about whether or not he watched the trial or discussed it with others. Wixom reminds the court that Hermosillo was the chief officer for the Vallow case so he has heard most of the testimony and seen most of the evidence. Wixom says the rebuttal case will take 1.5-2 days and the questioning will be narrow and focused.

2:40 p.m. Prior is concerned that Hermosillo is a law enforcement officer involved heavily in the case. “I am extremely skeptical that Officer Hermosillo did not discuss the case with any other officers involved,” Prior says. Prior does not want him recalled. Prior says after he’s preparing to close his case, the state is bringing Hermosillo back to open the doors to a number of issues that can’t be addresses through cross-examination.

2:38 p.m. Boyce says there are two other potential witness issues relating to Det. Ray Hermosillo and Dep. Colter Cannon. Wixom says Hermosillo was released from his subpoena and has been hyper vigilante at not watching any part of the trial but the state wants to recall him as a rebuttal witness.

2:29 p.m. The state has a problem with the statement Emma says that “we did not consult with our husbands” when they signed the life insurance forms. Boyce will allow the state to question Emma about the statement when rebuttal witnesses are called.

2:28 p.m. Suddenly we are on the record again. Everyone left the courtroom and the livestream started again. Joined in late but there is discussion about Emma Daybell’s testimony on the life insurance form Tammy Daybell filled out.

1:40 p.m. Boyce is excusing the public from the courtroom. There is nothing further today. The jury will remain in the courtroom with the attorneys and judge to discuss scheduling. Join me tonight for ‘Courtroom Insider’ at 6:30 MDT.

1:34 p.m. Hampikian is done testifying and Prior asks for a sidebar.

1:32 p.m. Wood has nothing further. Prior has re-direct questions. He asks about the samples found on the ax and shovel. Hampikian confirms Tylee’s DNA was on the ax and shovel. Prior asks if there is an accurate way to determine how the samples got on there. Hampikian says not by anything he can do with DNA.

1:30 p.m. Wood asks Hampikian if he reviewed reports and testing about Tylee and JJ’s remains. Hampikian says yes. He also reviewed the hair sent to Bode Technology that matched to Lori Vallow.

1:29 p.m. Wood asks if Hampikian’s lab at BSU is accredited for forensic testing. Hampikian says it’s an academic lab so they never applied for the same accreditation as other private labs have.

1:27 p.m. Boyce says there is a question about an exhibit. He is allowing re-opening of direct examination and Prior asks to exhibit the Bode Technology DNA report. Wood is back at the podium.

1:24 p.m. Prior has nothing else. Wood will now cross-examine.

1:25 p.m. Boyce asks for a quick sidebar with counsel.

1:23 p.m. Hampikian says the smallest amounts of DNA were searched for – just a few cells (maybe 20-40). Hampikian says there was no indication there were problems testing the DNA or that the labs did anything wrong during testing.

1:19 p.m. Hampikian says when the hairs are being tested, they are testing a hypothesis: Was this Lori Vallow’s hair? Was it Chad Daybell’s hair? Was it JJ Vallow’s hair? The four hairs showed it belonged to none of them.

1:15 p.m. Hampikian says he found no evidence that Chad Daybell’s DNA was present on anything that was tested.

1:14 p.m. Three references were sent to Astrea to compare the hairs – Chad, Lori and JJ. “They determined that two of the hairs came from possibly the same person,” Hampikian says, but none of the three people – Chad, Lori and JJ – matched the four hairs.

1:12 p.m. Prior asks if it’s possible to obtain DNA on hairs without roots. Hampikian says it is as of about 3-4 years ago – private companies can test hairs without roots and try to determine DNA. Four hairs from this case were sent to Astrea Forensics for testing.

1:11 p.m. Hampikian is most interested in the biological evidence – that’s what catches his attention. There were more than a dozen hairs on an adhesive. Some of the hairs were brown, some were every short dark hair, one was a blonde hair.

1:10 p.m. Hampikian was supplied with a number of documents and electronic files containing DNA data. The files are important as he has his own software to analyze the DNA. He also received a list of evidence that was never tested.

1:05 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Attorneys are at their tables and Hampikian is on the stand.

11:58 a.m. Lunch break. Back in an hour.

11:53 a.m. Prior asks if DNA can be transferred through breath. Hampikian says a certain amount of DNA is transferred in the air and it’s being studied right now.

11:55 a.m. Prior lists a variety of ways in which DNA can accumulate on objects – fluid, air, hair, touch. Prior asks if there are any he’s missing. Hampikian says there are more – the bite of a sandwich, bodies submerged in water for days, etc.

11:51 a.m. Prior says as humans, we are constantly shedding cells and transferring DNA. Hampikian says that’s true.

11:50 a.m. Prior ask what a single cell is. “It’s very small. You can’t see unless it’s a human egg cell. The type of cells we’re talking about, you have to have a microscope to see,” Hampikian says.

11:48 a.m. Hampikian says DNA can be transferred a variety of ways. Prior asks if you were to have any type of contact with an item, would DNA be transferred? Hampikian says there are many levels to that question. It depends – did you just wash your hand? Did you shed skin or have dandruff? How long was the touch? Etc.

11:46 a.m. My colleague Kaitlyn Hart interviewed Hampikian about the history of the death penalty in Idaho. You can read her story here.

11:44 a.m. Prior asks Hampikian about transferring DNA. Hampikian says it’s very hard to transfer someone’s thumb print from a glass to a gun or something like that. Hampikian says DNA is really good at telling us who may have contributed but not how it got there.

11:38 a.m. Prior asks if Hampikian has trained and worked with judges concerning DNA. He has. Hampikian has also helped exonerate wrongfully convicted inmates including Chris Tapp in Idaho Falls. You can see all our extensive coverage on the Tapp case here.

11:35 a.m. Hampikian worked on the Amanda Knox case for several years with the defense until she was exonerated. Hampikian has been doing forensic DNA work since 1989 and has worked on hundreds of cases.

11:33 a.m. Hampikian has worked with the French police and published an article on familial DNA. He also worked with a Taiwan forensic lab on a case concerning a man who was wrongfully convicted.

11:31 a.m. Hampikian explains his professional and educational background. He has worked on many cases doing DNA analysis.

11:29 a.m. Prior asks Hampikian about his profession. He has a lab at Boise State where he works on DNA projects, forensics, viruses in the biology department but also works on criminal justice projects. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Idaho College of Law.

11:24 a.m. The next witness is Dr. Greg Hampikian. He is the Director of the Forensic Justice Project at Boise State University and the Co-Director of the Idaho Innocence Project.


11:21 a.m. Wood has nothing further. Prior follows up about the call between Chad and Alex at 8:11 a.m. Prior asks if there is any data of any kind to suggest Chad’s device was on the property at the same exact time as Alex’s on those key dates. Eller says no. Prior has nothing further.

11:18 a.m. Wood asks Eller if he is aware of Alex Cox’s relationship with Chad Daybell. Eller says he’s his brother-in-law.

11:15 a.m. Wood asks if Eller is aware Alex Cox’s account went to a Sportman’s Warehouse. Eller is aware.

11:07 a.m. Wood shows some different places where Alex’s device was tracked on Sept. 23. He also asks about Sept. 9 and how, on both dates, the homerjmaximus was located close to locations where the bodies were found. Eller says yes. Data from Alex’s device were tracked to the property after he spoke with Chad.

11:05 a.m. Wood asks the significance of Sept. 23. It’s the day after JJ was last seen alive. Wood shows another map on the screen.

11:03 a.m. Wood shows a chart showing Chad’s device called Alex’s device at 9:25 a.m. on Sept. 23. Alex’s device first showed up at Chad’s house on 9:55 a.m. that morning.

11:02 a.m. Wood asks if he is aware that combining the raccoon text message and the data on the screen was how law enforcement found Tylee Ryan. Eller says no – he is not aware.

11 a.m. Eller says he spent a lot of late night over Christmas going through 10TB of data that was turned over. Wood asks Eller if he reviewed a cell phone belonging to Tammy Daybell. Eller doesn’t remember. Wood asks Eller if he is aware that Chad sent a text to his wife about burning limbs and shooting a raccoon. Eller says he is aware – but it doesn’t place Chad at the property.

10:58 a.m. Wood stresses that Chad made a call to Alex at 8:11 a.m. and around an hour later, Alex showed up at Chad’s house. Many of the data points for Alex Cox’s device recorded near the burial sites for JJ and Tylee.

10:54 a.m. Wood shows a record showing a phone call was made at 8:11 a.m. from Chad Daybell’s device to Alex Cox’s device on Sept. 9. Eller says Alex Cox’s device showed up at Chad Daybell’s property at 9:21 a.m. Wood clarifies that the CAST report used a 100 meter margin of error while Eller used a 500 meter margin of error.

10:51 a.m. Wood plays a video from the exhibit. He asks Eller about a specific wifi data point from either Lori Vallow or Alex Cox’s apartment. Wood asks Eller if he found any data from Alex Cox’s device during the early morning hours of Sept. 9 that went from apt. 107 to apt. 175 – Alex to Lori’s apartment. Eller says that’s correct.

10:48 a.m. Wood begins by publishing an exhibit. It’s a slideshow showing data he collected from Sept. 9. The first slide shows locations related to the homerjmaximus Google account.

10:43 a.m. Prior has nothing further. Wood will now conduct cross-examination.

10:42 a.m. Prior shows a document that says there were 138 text messages and 50 voice calls between Sept. 1 – Oct. 31, 2019 associated to Alex Cox’s device while it was at or near the Daybell residence.

10:39 a.m. Eller says you can take their data and map it using other tools but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will match because you aren’t testing it with the same tool.

10:38 a.m. Prior asks about Gladiator Forensics and if Eller looked into the availability of his company or the public using it. Eller says he did but Gladiator told him their testing is only for law enforcement.

10:37 a.m. Prior asks if drive testing is considered a scientific test. Eller says it’s used by the cell phone companies to determine signal. The drive test itself can’t locate a device, it only shows tower coverage.

10:34 a.m. Prior asks about drive testing. Eller says the drive testing done in the case showed the coverage area for multiple towers surrounding Chad’s house. Eller was concerned that there was a five degree difference in the cell tower coverage area between 2019 and 2020.

10:33 a.m. On Oct. 19, 2019, the day Tammy died, there was no indication that Alex’s device was within 1.4 miles of Chad’s property.

10:31 a.m. On Sept. 25, 2019, there are records showing Alex Cox’s device at or near Chad’s property between 10:05 a.m. through 10:24 a.m. On Oct. 9, 2019, the day of the paintball incident, Alex’s device was at the property at 4:50 p.m., 4:51 p.m. and 5:01 p.m.

10:30 a.m. Alex’s device was on the property on Sept. 23 from 9:55 a.m. through 10:12 a.m. There is no evidence Eller reviewed that could place Chad Daybell at the residence on the morning of Sept. 23.

10:26 a.m. Prior reviews the times and locations of where Alex’s device pinged on the property. He also presents a list showing activity from Sunday, Sept. 22, 2019 showing Alex was at or near the Daybell property starting around 2:30 p.m.

10:23 a.m. There was no information suggestion Chad was at the residence on Sept. 6. On Sept. 9, there are multiple data points showing Alex Cox’s device was at or near Chad’s property between 9:15 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.

10:20 a.m. Eller reviewed data associated to the account. Prior shows a document on the screen showing information from Sept. 6, 2019. It shows data returned from Google from the account – Alex Cox. On Sept. 6, 2019, a location point for that account was at or near Chad’s house at 12:42 p.m., 12:44 p.m., 12:51 p.m., 12:53 p.m. and 12:55 p.m.

10:19 a.m. Prior begins by reminding the jurors that there was no device associated to Chad Daybell on his property on Sept. 9 and Sept. 23. Eller says that’s correct. Eller says he reviewed 10 TB of data. “If you were to take the Library of Congress, if it was all printed, just 1TB would fill it.”

10:18 a.m. Back in the courtroom after a long break. Lindsey Blake has joined the prosecutors at the prosecution table. Prior will continue to question Eller.

9:39 a.m. Prior wants to admit an exhibit and there needs to be some redactions. Boyce says we will take a recess while the redactions happen. Be back soon.

9:35 a.m. Boyce asks for a sidebar.

9:32 a.m. Eller says there were 16 devices at or near the Daybell property on Sept. 23 not associated with Alex Cox. Alex’s device made it 17 devices. Once you exclude devices outside a 30 feet radius, there were four devices left. Eller says information on those four devices were not obtained by police.

9:30 a.m. Eller says this chart should be the complete list of records provided by Google at that time. He explains there were ten devices that were not included in the Google data request.

9:28 a.m. The chart shows information returned by Google for the geofence warrant based on a location at the Daybell for Sept. 23. This is the non-filtered radius version and there are several lines highlighted in yellow and other lines highlighted in green. The yellow lines are Alex Cox’s device on the Daybell property. The green lines are device IDs submitted to Google for subscriber information.

9:27 a.m. Prior brings up another exhibit on the screen showing devices on or around the property on Sept. 23.

9:22 a.m. The information requested from Google started at 9 a.m. Prior asks if it would be helpful to have requested records from earlier in the day. Eller says yes – it could have assisted in the investigation. Prior stresses again that there was no device associated to Chad Daybell on the property that morning.

9:21 a.m. Eller says he would have asked for the identifying information for all of the devices to identify everyone within the proximity of the property – not just the ten devices that Stubbs requested.

9:17 a.m. Eller does not know the phone numbers of the 19 devices. Stubbs pursued further information on 12 of the devices. Eller explains that Stubbs testified Google told him it was too many devices and to remove some devices from the list. Ten devices were ultimately looked at.

9:13 a.m. Eller identified 19 devices from the Google records that would have been within 250 meters from a spot in the backyard of the Daybell home.

9:11 a.m. There was no location showing a device belonging to Chad Daybell was on his property on Sept. 9 from 9:19 a.m. through 12:10 p.m., Eller testifies. Eller says it can be difficult to disable all the data Google collects on a device unless you simply turn the device off.

9:09 a.m. Eller went through and organized the data from Google. Prior asks Eller if there was any information to suggest Chad Daybell’s device was part of the location data on Sept. 9, 2019. Eller says the results of the Google search showed the only device they were able to put at the residence was Alex Cox’s device.

9:06 a.m. Prior asks the process for obtaining IDs other than turning off location device on a phone. Eller says if you were to connect to wifi from a device, you would generate a record with Google. The list of devices and information from Google was returned in a spreadsheet format and organized by time and date.

9:04 a.m. Eller says the data was being collected for devices at the Daybell residence. “There was a lot of other devices -there are more records than what you see here.” Prior says there were several IDs of phones within the proximity of the Daybell property. Eller says the list includes the devices the police were asking to be identified.

9 a.m. Eller says it appears Rexburg police were trying to find information on devices that would have been in multiple places. Prior shows document that lists device IDs with times and dates of when the device IDs were seen inside the radius of the geofence. The latitude and longitude is also on the list and the source of the data – Wifi, GPS, etc.) is also on the list.

8:57 a.m. On the screen, Prior shows the search warrant Stubbs submitted to Google to provide information about individual device IDs. Eller says when you submit a geofence to Google, they provide a list of numbers associated with the geofence. You then need to submit another warrant to get information about the numbers. Stubbs submitted a warrant to Google for information on 11 IDs.

8:55 a.m. Eller listened to the testimony of Rexburg Det. David Stubbs and FBI Agent Nicholas Balance. Prior asks Eller to talk about their testimony in relation to Alex Cox’s phone. Eller says in listening to the testimony about how the geofence was done and what was returned in the search warrant from Google, he found there were more devices than what were actually requested to be identified.

8:54 a.m. Eller reviewed a lot of data from this case from Google, Apple and other sources. Prior asks Eller if he reviewed Geofence evidence. Eller did. Prior asks what Geofence evidence is. “It’s not something Google intended to be used in this manner but Geofence allows you to take a location, put a radius around it and submit a search warrant in order to gain information about devices that would have passed through that Geofence,” he says.

8:53 a.m. Prior asks about disabling a device. Can you just pull it off and go into settings to turn off location services? Eller says that’s one way but you could also go into your Google account and change the settings. You could just turn the device off to stop sharing information too.

8:52 a.m. Eller says if you have an Android phone, you would need to have a Gmail account to use the device. Google would have information about you registering the device, what services you’re enabled and what you are allowing to be stored.

8:50 a.m. Eller says the best source to get information about data on a phone is the actual device itself. He calls it “native location data” – data directly from the phone. You can also use information captured by the phone manufacturer or the operating system on the phone -iOS or Google.

8:48 a.m. Prior asks what metadata is. Eller says it’s data about data. When you see a photo, the metadata is all the information that created the photo. If it’s been filtered, cropped, the date, etc. – everything about the picture.

8:47 a.m. Eller compares the amount of data people use daily to an iceberg – the 10% you see of the iceberg above the water is what people use day to day. His company focuses on the 90% of data “below the surface” – the in-depth stuff.

8:45 a.m. The last seven years Eller was in the Army, he helped build out the digital forensics program at Quantico and it was spread across the globe. Eller’s company does 25-30 classes a year for legal entities and law enforcement agencies.

8:43 a.m. Prior asks Eller about his education and training. He has been a police officer, served in the Army and was the command digital forensic examiner for the US Army Criminal Investigation program. Here’s a picture of Eller from his company website:


8:42 a.m. Metadata Forensics is a consulting and training firm that does digital forensics on devices, expert testimony, training for law enforcement, attorneys, victim advocates. “We examine any device that contains data or any data that’s turned over to us,” Eller says.

8:38 a.m. Prior calls Patrick Eller as a witness. He is the CEO of Metadata Forensics and a digital forensics examiner.

8:37 a.m. Correction: Lindsey Blake is not in the courtroom this morning. Boyce is on the bench and jurors are in their seats.

8:29 a.m. Chad Daybell is sitting at the defense table with John Prior. At the prosecution table: Madison Co. Prosecutor Rob Wood, Fremont Co. Prosecutor Lindsey Blake, Fremont Co. Deputy Prosecutor Rocky Wixom and Special Prosecutor Ingrid Batey.

8:27 a.m. We are back in the courtroom. The bailiff reminds everyone that recording and taking photos in the hallway of the courthouse is not allowed. Three people in line were apparently recording or take selfies this morning. The bailiff says this goes against the guidelines in the courthouse administrative order and anyone doing this is in contempt of court. He reminds everyone to turn their phones off and not whisper during the trial today.
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I was keeping an open mind about Emma. Actually was keeping an open mind about all of the kids after everything they’ve been through, but when she said that it was her that did the searching on the wind direction? There’s no way I’m going to believe that one. And since I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, I have a hard time thinking the jury believed her either.
Literally everyone searches wind direction before a party. No one ever. Lol.

Why is Prior wanting to remind the jury that the ax and shovel found in CHAD's shed has the kids' DNA on it?
I was keeping an open mind about Emma. Actually was keeping an open mind about all of the kids after everything they’ve been through, but when she said that it was her that did the searching on the wind direction? There’s no way I’m going to believe that one. And since I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, I have a hard time thinking the jury believed her either.
I kept a fair mind for a long time for the most part but along the way an opinion built due to several things and I was done with them before this trial and this is all just icing on the cake and them hurting everyone even more. Every time I listened to one of Tammy's relatives and how the kids won't have anything to do with them my opinion hardened. Tammy did not d anything to these children NOR did her family of their own aunts and uncles and grandparents! Other things inclulded Emma's little remark about Colby and finding out she was in contact with LORI!!! Tons of things but knowing they were going to lie for Chad was a big one as well and now they've done so. And NOTHING about her contact with Lori in my opinion was innocent. In their interview back when they came across as dumb and naive but Emma I think knows exactly what she's doing and she isn't very good at it although I think she thinks she is. She comes across as a little girl so in love with her father she can't see straight and who'd do anything to please him whether legal or not. She not only dishonors her mother and does this for her killer but she colored her mother in ways I don't buy. Nate I think it was said Tammy's sister and family never ever before this heard of Tammy casting, rating people and giving their death percentages and so on. I don't like kids who treat their murdered mother like this and defend their father, the murderer. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt for a long time in Morphew too but got to the point I totally gave it up as well with them.

I don't even have a point really and there's so much that can be said here about them but I'm a bit fried as to thinking right now. End of one heckuva week for me and it takes forever to get over the exhaustion and get in any other groove and I'm so far behind on all cases. Maybe not a much as I think hopefully but not sure... Haven't even looked back to how far in this one or at all in any others. Not sure I'll have time to play catch up either. Just have to see.

I do wonder if ANY of the Daybell childen have come to having some smarts and seeing what is clear to everyone else. I doubt it though or the others who weren't at trial would be one would think in contact with the other side of their family. Does anyone but Emma call dad just about every day?

You know, I don't agree with this call freedom in jail. They aren't on vacation in a hotel for goodness sakes and shouldn't they have structured time and things they have to do?! And now people from the outside can call IN? Sounds like it. I don't agree with all this sh*t one bit. I await ALL the recordings to be released. This should be Chad's one and only trial as far as we know of so I don't see why they wouldn't be at some point. The calls would probably drive me nuts though listening to a monotoned father and daughter I can't stand about things I probably are less about in most calls. AND VISITS.

Ya know darned well (don't mean you, I mean all) she was most likely communicating for the two of them somehow and also helping Chad in any way possible as well.
I do not believe THIS, NOT a word of it:

1:38 p.m. Garth ran outside to try and see who shot at his mom but it was so dark he couldn’t see anyone. Prior asks about the day Tammy died. Garth got home a little after 1 a.m., got ready for bed and watched YouTube videos. He didn’t see either of his parents – he said they were both in bed. “I saw their shapes in the bed as I passed by their room,” Garth says. He did not go in and talk to them – he assumed they were asleep.

If their door was open it was intentional by Chad.

They are LDS, old school and an adult son lives in the home. They are a married couple. Their door would be CLOSED. So would Garth's. This "simple" lie is to change the time possible of death so that it would seem to be naturall as once home, Garth would have heard anything else occur right? Uh-huh. LIES.

You know why were they even still in the marital bed together? Per Emma they didn't have the same romantic relationship any longer almost as if Tammy would be fine with Lori as they didnt' have one themselves anyhow but they still SLEPT in the same bed. Anyone I know who has hit such a point in their marriage as that but stay together because of the marriage but are friendly, end up in separate rooms. My point is Tammy still felt this a monogamous and serious marriage imo. Well not sure about the monogamy part but a serious marriage in all its forms.

Anyhow I do not BELIEVE their bedroom door was open and it sure is convenient AND YOU LOOK and notice both people/bodies in bed. Uh huh. Not. If they were up reading with lights on and WAITING to see if Garth got home safe it would be maybe believable but it is NOT in this case. It's all to seem as if she wasnn't dead at that hour yet. LIE, LIE, LIE!
I know I am pages back and behind where ya all are but playing catch up.

This is probably Nate fast tweeting but not clear on this:

3:13 p.m. Joseph says her dad was losing weight and Tammy was jealous. Prior has nothing further. Boyce asks for a brief sidebar.

Does he mean Emma's dad, meaning Chad? Or Tammy's dad? Plus he was talking about the fit bit competition with his parents, does he mean his dad? but Nate said "her"?

I tried to read the context of other tweets and didn't help, makes sense by that he would mean his own dad but I suspect he means Chad?
I really wanted to give these kids the benefit of the doubt, but this is just a plain lie. Tammy was murdered. Garth didn't hear his dad snoring!!!!

I AGREE AND he did not walk past an open door and see two figures in a bed sleeping either. Chad likely did not sleep at all that night and was acutely aware of when Garth came home and more. IF he was even home, and Garth didn't find mom dead and dad gone--THAT remark was ODD...

Emma testified to the same. They leave out the testimony of the funeral home director who said Chad wanted to rush things. These were probably the dates the director could offer on a rush basis.

He only would have heard a struggle or fight if he was home when she died--they are trying to change things. I think she was DEAD before he ever came home!! Get REAL Garth, grow up, be a man unlike your father and quit lying.

Nate said something in one of his shows I saw this week after the kids' testimony and that was that the funeral home they keep talking of, Garth and Emma, saying this at that point was NOT the one who had the funeral, that Flam is it (every time I hear it I think I of flim flam lol) and he can't quite figure that out. He said Flam might have embalmed her and not even sure of that but they did NOT have the funeral nor did they send her, etc. that friend or brother or both or whoever offered to come get her and transport her. It was in one of his shows. I think the one the night after their testimony.

Yeah Emma makes a huge point and so does Prior that it was never Chad expressing an opinion about an autopsy nor wanting to rush things ANd of course it was her googling wind directions too. Yeah sure Emma. You cover so many things as being you or Tammy's death being your mother's OWN fault you should be hiding from SHAME but you don't. Emma did not want Tammy autopsied or exhumed and thinks it awful and unfair but she has no problem with her mother turning OVER in her grave with her children's portrayal of her, particularly Emma's. That's just fine. I am BEYOND with these kids but most particularly her. I have to tell you, I am almost comparing her to Lori and what she wouldn't do for Chad/dad/James. Something just dawned on me, for all we know she has VISITED LORI TOO. We know she called but what about VISITS. Did she bring Lori some hair dye? That part is sarcasm. Some lemons...
And.........again, the cops are the bad guys. Framing poor innocent Chad!

Yeah so what to all of that? He was not detained, door was open, given McDonald's, he asked for an attorney and that happened. So what is the problem Garth? Then when asked if asked to change his story again he talks of the grand juries. Grand juries do not ask you to change your story. I'd say an attempt to look naive and young here and taken advantage of... These "people' make me sick.

It's like Joe/Joseph talking about the one cop driving by after Chad was arrested. HEY they CAN DO THAT. So can I! Paranoia here? Your father in law KILLED his wife and two children or is responsible for all. They were buried on HIS property. And his wife your mother in law died in THEIR bedroom on the SAME property. And they and so can we drive down any road we so choose. Emma played these same bad LE talk to get jury sympathy or distrust in the investigation, etc. and abuse of these poor innocents who were not children. SO did Garth. Yeah EVERYONE other than selves equal BAD GUYS.

LE and the LDS is a subject in and of itself and taxes and the feds and the history and more.
He wouldn't have heard it because she was already murdered when he came home. Chad had to sleep next to his dead wife until she "fell out of bed" even though she had rigor mortis and her blood had pooled by then. The jury is not going to be fooled by this.

Don't forget these kids don't know the phone evidence that we and the jury know. Chad has just bamboozled and brainwashed them for the last 4.5 years. The jury will see it as we are seeing it.
Or maybe she was dead and Chad drove Alex back to the church and ran to celebrate and bang Lori only gett home in time to do the fake falling out of bed and waking Garth hence how Garth came in and saw a dead mom and missing dad... WHERE did that remark come from......?

And Garth is lying OR Chad played a snoring tape lol.

Funny but not. These kids are lying. Not just whitewashing but lying. They have no respect for the system or LE and that is CLEAR.
You don't think the kids "cheated" and got caught up with the trial anyway? However, even if they did, they've been coached on what to say so they don't dare deviate or they will contradict themselves.
I do. I think they also talked and compared testimony and you name it, all of it. Emma only came to have to believe their relationship was sexual after watching "news". Pretty sure no REAL news ever said they had PROOF Chad and Lori had sex and Emma would have been in denial if it was just the James and Elena story. They have admitted to that and changed their tune because the defense is that Lori beguiled Chad with her treatment of his Storm and sex unlike he'd ever had.... You know, a weak man... Otherwise she would have NEVER admitted to believing such but it is the defense, Lori charmed him like a snake and fed his every desire and then her nutty brother Alex snuck onto his property and buried the kids after killing them and THEY set Chad up...

However, the other point is it means Emma looked at things and they all likely have. HE77 they've probably been in chats on some YT sites for all we know... THEY are ALLOWED TO watch and are not sequestered and I find it hard to believe none did or one did to be safe and then they got together to share in person the testimony... In case after all they worry they have "bugs" in their homes from LE LOL.
So Chad really said to Emma he almost made it to the county line? Was he seriously trying to do that to get away?
I think so. It complicates things. Just like when Emma claimed Chad was not "hiding" in Hawaii and they gave LE his number and told them he was in Hawaii. Prior then pulled one imo that so they knew exactly where they were and so on (I don't think she likely ever said what rented AirBNB or address of whatever, they are doing semantics, and we all know how many numbers Chad and Lori had.

She said dad was NOT hiding where he went and Prior said took public flights, public information meaning not under another name, not using someone else's credit card, I don't mean public necessarily just not hidden or where cops couldn't find and so on.

My point is both Chad and Lori thought screwing up and getting into a different county, state, etc. would make things harder plus they think of LE as dumb. Look how Charles case was handled. and I do think they were surprised when this got gotten after and never expected such re the kids and how it blew up... I do think they were going to feel from Hawaii next if necessary.

It is another lie in my opinion about Chad going to talk to some certain attorney although I guess it is possible he thought if he got there then the arrest he knew was coming after both kids were found he was in the presence of one. And she plays down that he was speeding or hell bent, he wasn't but cops CHASED HIM DOWN the bad meanies.

Just another example of TOO many things Emma gives excuses for and claims to almost be in his head, his mother's and present for every moment of every day and very conversation the two had with anyone or each other in their entire life.

Juries aren't STUPID.
I guess so! Why didn't he just transport himself back to Hawaii? Oh yeah! Because he's NOT AN EXALTED BEING.
I think Emma and Lori think he is though. Supreme. Exalted. I think Emma idolizes Lori who caught her exalted dad and wants to be like her too a one of which "their" Lord planned (I did not capitalize theirs the dumb puter or whatever does it itself. I would capitalize "MY" and the Lord I believe in but not the one these nuts are buying into or that Chad is exalted. He is a toad who should have been shot and buried where the non pet animals went per Garth. This part very much differs from the testimony of Emma.

She is part of and always was or wants to be part of their higher thing... Did she even know ahead, did they both that Tammy wasn't meant to be part of it and Lori and dad were...

I'm telling you I am beginning to wonder a LOT more where these kids are concerned. Not sold but WONDERING...

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