Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I suppose no one can say with absolute certainty what specifically caused that head injury but the debris trail shows what happened and where.
That doesn't even work with what the prosecution says happened. The physics don't physic and that's how they did not prove their case. This is the prosecutions story of what they say happened and nothing fits with the evidence. If he was hit on the road the pieces would be on the road. If there was enough force to send him and those pieces halfway up into the yard where he was found, there would be injuries to match such force. There simply isn't.

They should have left him and the taillight pieces in the road for this story to work.

Too bad the high ranking officer that lived near door deleted his ring footage before anybody could look at it or we would probably know exactly what happened since it looks out right there.
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That doesn't even work with what the prosecution says happened. The physics don't physic and that's how they did not prove their case. This is the prosecutions story of what they say happened and nothing fits with the evidence. If he was hit on the road the pieces would be on the road. If there was enough force to send him and those pieces halfway up into the yard where he was found, there would be injuries to match such force. There simply isn't.

They should have left him and the taillight pieces in the road for this story to work.

Too bad the high ranking officer that lived near door deleted his ring footage before anybody could look at it or we would probably know exactly what happened since it looks out right there.
The entire crime scene area was within that far corner of the yard, not far into the yard but included the road along that same side of the road.
And it wasn't a straight-on hit. (Data showed that the vehicle reached 24 mph but had continued in reverse after the hit. I'd have to go back to testimony to provide any more detail re the data but I remember the tstimony that it showed a steering change that's consistent with a collision with a pedestrian.

Re neighbor, I don't know what you're talking about. (I know you've mentioned it before but I've never heard anything about any neighbor and ring footage.)
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Oh, ok.
Well, all I know to say is that you're bothered by something that I don't even question.
You are the one insisting that his dna was found on the taillight. There is a HUGE difference between "touch" dna and the evidence proving that there was no blood or tissue on any piece of taillight. Those wounds left blood and tissue evidence behind and it wasn't on the tail light.
The entire crime scene area was within that far corner of the yard, not far into the yard but included the road along that same side of the road.
And it wasn't a straight-on hit. (Data showed that the vehicle reached 24 mph but had continued in reverse after the hit. I'd have to go back to testimony to provide any more detail re the data but I remember the tstimony that it showed a steering change that's consistent with a collision with a pedestrian.

Re neighbor, I don't know what you're talking about. (I know you've mentioned it before but I've never heard anything about any neighbor and ring footage.)
If you can't reconcile ALL of his wounds with what the prosecution says happened, then that is textbook reasonable doubt. I see you are having trouble fitting in the injuries on the back AND front of his head and the arm wounds. It sure seems like you are questioning it since nobody can come up with a reasonable explanation of how he was ht with her car, got those wounds on her arm without leaving any evidence on any piece of the broken plastic, then hit his head on the curb on both the front and back (where the taillight pieces would have fallen off) and then end up into the yard with all those taillight pieces coming with him. Physics don't work that way. Having trouble fitting all of the prosecutions evidence together the way they are saying it happened is reasonable doubt, whether you "think" she did it or not. It simply did not happen that way.

Those movements could have also been caused by....moving. The lack of evidence on his body of her hitting him speaks much more highly than any evidence of her car just moving and stopping -like one does when reversing and then changing directions every single time.

The neighbors deleted video info came from pretrail hearings.
Haven't read any further since last time in. Don't intend to. Just going to say this. I can identify with every single thing in this and I mean personally identify, not imagine. Don't ever think as outsiders as we do and some stories or a bit of one sided info that you know the players better and the facts than they do. EVER by listening to some slicik attorney and some smirky flat out b*tch of a nasty woman and some guy named Turtle Boy who gets his ridiculous nonworking hangers on to create a scene repeatedly and spread it all around.

We KNEW what happened in our case before talking to a single member of LE as well. WE KNEW. Just as this family does with Karen and DID.

IT is NOT the Karen Read show as he says. Delphi is NOT the Richard Allen and Rozzi show. Daybell is NOT the Chad and Lori show. OUr case was not the _______ show.

They are respectively the John O'Keefe murder, the Libby and Abby murders, the Tylee, JJ, Tammy, Charles and possibly more murders and the _________ murder in our case.

It's absolutely disgusting how people are being even to this video.

It needs to change big time with as I can identify with, the one side keeping silent while the other side sells a false narrative.

I've said throughout I see issues with the investigation AND Proctor is a story unto himself BUT no one EVER heard or even listens to the other side of that.

And if this is not also political, I don't know what is.

I can't STAND that woman and it isn't up to me but if there is GOD, she may well have a reckoning day coming and perhaps still one here on earth.

These people lived this AND knew everyone AND the children saw much as well. Most flat out discount it or ignore it to stay to their theme.

For me, I waited and I saw plenty that shows from her herself a lot of it, her guilt. Other things added to it though.

Don't anyone ever call me a huge conspiracy theorist here because I don't buy it for one moment.

And for all the BLUSTER, it wasn't even close to an acquittal.

Whether she is ever convicted or not, or acquitted or not, the behavior I've seen in this is horrible everywhere. It's no different than what was done to the Laundries or the West grandparents even though those cases were the reverse, and others, and it is SICK and DEPRAVED.

I hope they KEEP speaking out and I think it is past time prosecutions change their ways as well and TALK MORE or the defense gets stopped from doing this sh*t on one hand but then yelling about pretrial publicity, etc on the other hand when they are the ones doing such.

I may be in the minority here but nothing is ever going to change my opinion of this flat out evil b*tch.

I have a feeling a good portion of the jury felt the same.

I hope Karen gets to learn the entire fan club is just a bunch of losers Turtle Boy and her attorney manufactured. Pink of all colors. I won't even say what doesn't fit with that.

I'm not arguing with anyone here, to each their own. I just couldn't do a one sided thing in this one and that's what it was here. And I didn't even CARE about the case but now enough is enough.

I will say law, courts, and prosecutions need to get with the times as defenses will continue to do this crap and politics are now almost ever present in the "game" of justice.

I called the victim AND the others drunks, etc. and partying that night unlike they'd let others get away with and driving and all, and I meant it. But at NO TIME have I ever believed there was some huge conspiracy to frame a very UNIMPORTANT Karen Read. and that the others killed him. She was the one with the jealousy, the rage, and in a relationship going fast downhill if it ever was UP. As OK's brother said, what motive would they have had and that INCLUDED a teenaged KID.

ANd EMTS and everyone were in on it right? It's ludicrous.

All done. JMO and it will likely remain MY opinion.

I think someone needs to say something else once on the other side of this. But again I haven't read sh*t as I know it's all one way.

The case unfortunately isn't perfect but all the other sh*t is total BULL SH*T.

And I didn't watch all but enough and I saw enough to convict her of manslaughter at minimum.

Her first attorney called it a tragic accident and I'd always heard such and yet when I came here it was like people had forgotten it or that she had ever admitted to it. Then the entire thing was remanufactured with that creepy Jackson. Talk about someone else I can't stand. He could be a sleazy car salesman and fit the role as easily as a sleazy attorney.

Rant over.

If you can't reconcile ALL of his wounds with what the prosecution says happened, then that is textbook reasonable doubt. I see you are having trouble fitting in the injuries on the back AND front of his head and the arm wounds. It sure seems like you are questioning it since nobody can come up with a reasonable explanation of how he was ht with her car, got those wounds on her arm without leaving any evidence on any piece of the broken plastic, then hit his head on the curb on both the front and back (where the taillight pieces would have fallen off) and then end up into the yard with all those taillight pieces coming with him. Physics don't work that way. Having trouble fitting all of the prosecutions evidence together the way they are saying it happened is reasonable doubt, whether you "think" she did it or not. It simply did not happen that way.

Those movements could have also been caused by....moving. The lack of evidence on his body of her hitting him speaks much more highly than any evidence of her car just moving and stopping -like one does when reversing and then changing directions every single time.

The neighbors deleted video info came from pretrail hearings.
I think ALL (lol!) there is to be "reconsiled" is whether Read struck John with her vehicle and to me, it's his injuries together with other evidence that shows she did.

Re a neighbor's Ring info, I was pretty darn sure that that came from somewhere other than the trial.
I am just going to wait to see if they recharge her and start over as I admit I didn't follow this from the very beginning and missed a lot.

I don't see the point about discussing ring camera footage that doesn't exist. Whether there was none in the first place or it was deleted, has the same end result.
I am just going to wait to see if they recharge her and start over as I admit I didn't follow this from the very beginning and missed a lot.

I don't see the point about discussing ring camera footage that doesn't exist. Whether there was none in the first place or it was deleted, has the same end result.
Which is why it was refused in pre-trial, I believe.

JULY 8, 2024

FRAMINGHAM, MASS. (WHDH) - Trooper Michael Proctor will face a hearing to decide his future with the Massachusetts State Police Monday following last week’s mistrial declaration in the high-profile Karen Read murder trial.

State police Interim Director of Media Relations Tim McGuirk in a statement said Proctor’s hearing would take place Monday morning. The hearing will take place virtually and is closed to the public.

McGuirk said the hearing will result in Proctor either being retained on full duty, placed on restricted duty, suspended with pay, or suspended without pay.

Proctor served as the lead investigator in the Read case. He was relieved of duty and transferred out of his post in the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office State Police Detective’s Unit after he was forced to testify about vulgar texts he sent about Read during his investigation.


Officials did not announce a specific time for Proctor’s hearing Monday morning and no further information was available as of around 9:30 a.m.

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