Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Simply put and understated, the verdict is disappointing but unfortunately, not surprising.
For me, Read's guilt was (still is) obvious and the only question for me was whether she remembered what happened (although I'm now convinced she does).
I know better than to read comments here, not because anyone has been bad but just because it is all one way and I'm not there in this one (like we are in some). I agree she is guilty and I think there was enough to find her guilty. She knew exactly what she did and I always felt so and this just confirmed that opinion for me.

It isn't surprising but what may have surprised Read and the defense is they didn't even get CLOSE to convincing all with their major campaign and media blitz that went on forEVER. Another jury could as easily convict, acquit or hang and she'd better be thinking on that. There's a lot here that was not great with the investigation and Proctor is a thing unto himself that helped things fail, but I found enough imo to find guilt and I was waiting to see that or know that, at least of manslaughter. However, the things that take away from what shows me that are numerous for other people and they go with such.

This wasn't a split of ONE thinking her not guilty, it sounds like a pretty even split from what is being said...

I used to think not, but I now think they should retry this with focusing more on certain things.

Clearly my opinion differs from almost all in here and many elsewhere.

I haven't went back and read all and don't intend to. Probably won't stay. Just looking at her past page or two since last time in. And wasn't even going to.

Haven't seen you around lately on any other case, have you had a vacation and been gone? Hope all is well.
Why did he not have ANY injuries associated with being hit by a car?
Do you know how many drunks are in serious car accidents and walk away without a bruise? While who they hit survives? Same thing if they fall from a second story or anything. I can tell you stories of someone I know who has 50 lives due to that relaxed state or some such. I've heard through my life of a hit of a pedestrian or someone on a bike and not a single injury and they walked away. This is 24 miles an hour so claimed right? And there IS GPS of her backing up something like 60 feet?

I think the prosecution made a mistake locking into some things, or their experts doing so.

I've seen my ex fall on his head more than once off a barstool and while sitting on the ledge by his own fireplace onto concrete floor when married and he survived many a thing also before I ever met him (what the HE77 was I thinking...). I didn't know ALL the before but got to see such happen myself when married. No injuries or only certain injuries means little to me. What does impact me is HER and her statements and her behavior.

She KNEW, she KNEW, she KNEW. I see it in several different ways.

Unfortunately the investigation and the locking into some things did not help.

However, this sounds like a jury that was about half and half from what I have heard. So for ALL the defense efforts, they haven't convinced everyone by a long shot and some see enough. I do as well. I'd probably have to go manslaughter but I think at the moment she intended it every bit...

You or anyone can argue reasons with me but I'm going by her for the most part AND the backing up and some other things. All the other on either side is white noise to me except for a few things.

And the whole huge conspiracy thing is ludicrous. IMHO.
How's that though? He had absolutely no lower body injuries. If you think those scratches on his arm were caused by plastic, why was there absolutely no tissue or blood found on any of the taillight pieces?

Where are his injuries caused by being hit and then presumably thrown 30 ft away? There would at least be some kind of major bruising on the impact area. The only bruising was in his head and we know her car didn't levitate over 6 ft in the air.
They should not have locked into what caused the scratches. And the 30 feet although that particular thing I don't know enough about why they claim such.

Prosecution caused some of their own problems by some of this. But even so, probably half from what it sounds like the jury felt there was enough to prove she did it. At the next one I can tell them exactly what to focus on and focus hard on. I am guessing so can the jurors that can see the guilty despite these things.

I was in here for a bit. No one caused me to leave. I just couldn't do the blinders and one side. I wanted both. In some cases I don't, and I see enough one way. In this one, I wanted some impartial discussion. Some of the sh*t is so biased it isn't even funny. I've been there for SURE don't get me wrong. All is interpreted the way one believes or has developed a hard leaning towards.

Not a single person shared things that would favor at all her guilt, other than Summer of course doing some mostly fair and balanced articles, no discussion did. It still doesn't from what I see.

No one shared a thing or most things from the prosecution like how about the niece's testimony? That's just ONE example... I asked. I just recently came across a bit about this and I don't even actively follow this case or look for it but sadly it has been about all that's been on the last few weeks on YT where I mostly hang, and here.

Proctor and a lot of other things and a very imperfect investigation did not help a thing and that's for sure. I've never said otherwise, not once. But I find enough in Karen's behavior herself and statements and a few other things to get beyond reasonable doubt. I don't know for certain that I could get to intent but I do believe or lean towards she intended it at that MOMENT.

I have a bias, I can't STAND her. I tell myself constantly to not look at things in a way due to that. I was not that way at first though and I am a blanket as far as most of them. I have drank, I will still have a drink, pretty sure you are the same, but I also can say when you are LE doing that, like with your coach's son the other coach someone in a position, or the SD attorney general etc. (I'd bet on it) you're all being as stupid as can be and asking for it. I am not much nicer about OK himself. They were OUT and drinking and he was going to go out further and she was DRIVING.

Who even knows what happened entirely at the bar, on the way to the house, or while in the car at the home...

SHE SHOWED HER KNOWLEDGE and guilt in many a way unless every single person including the young niece is lying.

Jmo and I probably won't hang around lol. IF the CW eats some sh*t and she does, it is what I think I've said throughout, she needs to take some responsibility, at best she was drunk and claimed she couldn't even remember going there at first (I have never bought that) and she got home and said what to the niece....? And backed up in the yard when dropping him off...

His parents and family DESERVE justice and I can't talk for them but at this point would probably be happy if she served any time, even in county for a few years. I will bet dollars to donuts thought that KR won't do it. She should, she had about half it sounds like against her and thinking her guilty.

And ALL need to clear the court for more than the BS this case has turned into. I feel for his parents, don't get me wrong, and do know what it is like to get a TOTAL GUILTY VERDICT but a SHORT sentence. But there is also this, he was WITH her, they were drinking, apparently was a volatile a lot of the time relationship and they didn't even live together full time, and apparently he wanted to go t o the party and continue partying. I don't mean to blame him but am saying I think for anyone to believe they both hadn't probably drank to excess and got into some major drunken argument after leaving the bar is a reach.

And yes, I have to tell myself to remember not to assume because I dislike her so much. And I DO and have come to that. I did not start out that way.

At best the woman did not even KNOW if she hit him. That's if ONE assumes she didn't say I hit him, I hit him, I hit him KNOWING it. And then she goes on to say what she did to the niece and far more. She BACKED UP. She was hysterical and panicked because it all started to sink in. OMG it is just so obvious... And then she KNEW where he was...
Whatever happened, she's as dislikable of a defendant as I've ever seen in a case that isn't even about a murdered child but someone else drunk (I think it is reasonable to assume that, sorry to his folks).

And she gets herself a Hollywood type attorney and by the way I have watched some, I just don't seek to but nothing else has been on. He made more than a few blunders imo. Getting that paycheck though.

Why doesn't she just admit it and the CW make a deal for involuntary manslaughter?

I won't get into how political I think it is on top of it all.

Okay. Lol a work night, another day tomorrow, don't know why I read a single thing. Oh I do know as I was going to share this so went back like two pages to see if ya all knew that Proctor is uhm whatever but with full pay.... I didn't want to post it if it was already shared and redundant but I haven't gotten far enough to know as I started responding to posts. He is a Mark Furhman or worse. I don't deny that.

It doesn't mean Karen didn't kill John though.
A small insight from one of the alternate jurors.

Yeah one that would need a video of a murder, even in Murdaugh. That's the way she sounds to me anyhow. Watched something on it. And in fairness, the channel I watched it on thinks Karen is innocent so before anyone says otherwise, the same guy did say such about her...
She set a hearing on her docket to hear from the CW. Unless she recuses herself then she will oversee the next case.
Hugs. I saw not all by a long shot but a fair amount and I think she was more than fair to the defense in this trial and made a point of showing such if anything. This is the Aunty Bev right? That is connected, related or whatever, no offense, that I was told?

She also did her two or three times thing as things generally go when jurors can't agree and then called it.

I found her almost too fair to the defense. Jmo.

I don't seek the case out but there's been little else on the past week or two and I've now seen a fair amount and probably more than some who I have watched no testimony, etc.

I agree it will stay with her and why wouldn't it/ I guess I don't know, did Karen's attorneys ever try to get her to recuse like they do in Delphi...? That I guess I don't know... I've never heard that they ever did but you know the case better. Although I will say I am up on plenty of it these days but don't know that.

Hope all is well with you.

I find her guilty. There was enough for me. I said all along I needed to see trial. I haven't seen it all but saw enough. Of involuntary manslaughter. Not sure about 2nd degree etc. although I "feel" she intended it at the time. But that wouldn't be enough for me as a juror to find that.

Jmo though. I've said all along both sides need to move and this never should have come to this. Overcharged and he tried to reinvent herself as Ms. Innocent. Again jmo.

DEFINITELY the investigation or lack of a decent one, Proctor and you name it need to be addressed. Never have I disagreed with that part.

But for me she showed guilt in many ways, many a time and some other things support it. All the other blizzard, fury and both sides saying this or that doesn't really come into it. When I strip that all away... There's enough.
That trial lasted that long and then ended up in a mistrial? Wow! No wonder all of you were so interested in it. Maybe I’ll try to jump in at the next trial. Assuming there will be a next trial?
Yeah wasn't it nine weeks or some such for a 2nd degree? Sarcasm but one would think it was Daybell or some such and I don't think that was that long... EITHER one.
Prejudicial comments. Read will probably sue her. She has just effectively got off the charge. They won't be able to charge her now. She wasn't even accused or charged with murder anyway, but no fault manslaughter, which the jury could not even agree she was guilty of that lower charge.
I guess I would have to watch it. How did she get off the charge, and they darn well can charge her, she already has been charged. She was charged with 2nd degree murder and lessers.

She wasn't found not guilty by a long shot and they can recharge the same darned things so not sure what you mean. I am thinking it is a bit of misunderstanding of how things work over here... No offense :hugs:

I should have watched it but don't have time but wasn't this Proctor? His saying something isn't going to change what they decide to charge her with or take to trial again with, etc.
His opinion was not based on any evidence you say yet this is the expert the prosecution presented to bolster their case. Why would they do that for an opinion and not being somebody in that could be it on facts?

So logically you're saying the prosecution did not prove their case by this thought alone.
Yes, because they clearly couldnt show it was factual. The jury weren't convinced either.
I guess I would have to watch it. How did she get off the charge, and they darn well can charge her, she already has been charged. She was charged with 2nd degree murder and lessers.

She wasn't found not guilty by a long shot and they can recharge the same darned things so not sure what you mean. I am thinking it is a bit of misunderstanding of how things work over here... No offense :hugs:

I should have watched it but don't have time but wasn't this Proctor? His saying something isn't going to change what they decide to charge her with or take to trial again with, etc.
She wasn't found guilty of anything. They couldn't convince the jury. They are already talking about dropping the 2nd degree murder charge in any subsequent prosecution.
I know better than to read comments here, not because anyone has been bad but just because it is all one way and I'm not there in this one (like we are in some). I agree she is guilty and I think there was enough to find her guilty. She knew exactly what she did and I always felt so and this just confirmed that opinion for me.

It isn't surprising but what may have surprised Read and the defense is they didn't even get CLOSE to convincing all with their major campaign and media blitz that went on forEVER. Another jury could as easily convict, acquit or hang and she'd better be thinking on that. There's a lot here that was not great with the investigation and Proctor is a thing unto himself that helped things fail, but I found enough imo to find guilt and I was waiting to see that or know that, at least of manslaughter. However, the things that take away from what shows me that are numerous for other people and they go with such.

This wasn't a split of ONE thinking her not guilty, it sounds like a pretty even split from what is being said...

I used to think not, but I now think they should retry this with focusing more on certain things.

Clearly my opinion differs from almost all in here and many elsewhere.

I haven't went back and read all and don't intend to. Probably won't stay. Just looking at her past page or two since last time in. And wasn't even going to.

Haven't seen you around lately on any other case, have you had a vacation and been gone? Hope all is well.
Which of the charges in the indictment do you think she is guilty of based on the evidence presented during trial? I just want understand what you're basing your opinion on.

How's that though? He had absolutely no lower body injuries. If you think those scratches on his arm were caused by plastic, why was there absolutely no tissue or blood found on any of the taillight pieces?

Where are his injuries caused by being hit and then presumably thrown 30 ft away? There would at least be some kind of major bruising on the impact area. The only bruising was in his head and we know her car didn't levitate over 6 ft in the air.
John wasn't thrown 30' (That notion evidently comes from Jackson's effort to mischaracterize the witness' testimony.)
John's DNA was on the taillight housing.
I can't answer lack of bruising but I know it doesn't always occur.
John wasn't thrown 30' (That notion evidently comes from Jackson's effort to mischaracterize the witness' testimony.)
John's DNA was on the taillight housing.
I can't answer lack of bruising but I know it doesn't always occur.
TOUCH dna was found on the housing, not blood or tissue that kind of injury would have. Touch DNA is from touching, like if he got something or of her hatch and or leaned against it.

I'm positive you world find my touch DNA on both of our vehicle's taillights since I'm the one that gets in and out of the back of both of them and I'm the one that washes them.
The testimony was that he was 5-12' off the roadway.
And the word used was projected.
But how did he do that if they are also saying he hit his head on the curb first? Physics says that did not happen.
How did those pieces get scattered all over the yard with him if he hit his head on the curb first. He's not going to bounce off the curb and fly into the yard after that and take this taillight pieces with him. It just doesn't work that way.
Hitting his head on the curb isn't going to bruise both the back and front of his head either, especially if you believe he hit his head on the curb and flew into the yard with taillight pieces with him.
TOUCH dna was found on the housing, not blood or tissue that kind of injury would have. Touch DNA is from touching, like if he got something or of her hatch and or leaned against it.

I'm positive you world find my touch DNA on both of our vehicle's taillights since I'm the one that gets in and out of the back of both of them and I'm the one that washes them.
And only John's DNA was on his clothing and fingernails...
But how did he do that if they are also saying he hit his head on the curb first? Physics says that did not happen.
How did those pieces get scattered all over the yard with him if he hit his head on the curb first. He's not going to bounce off the curb and fly into the yard after that and take this taillight pieces with him. It just doesn't work that way.
I suppose no one can say with absolute certainty what specifically caused that head injury but the debris trail shows what happened and where.

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