Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I'm not fully up on this but watched two shows on it that I linked in the past days and just skimmed a fair amount but did not go back to do all.

I agree with your "oof" but I'll bet our reasons are different.

I've felt that even though I've seen a ton on this case and linked many things like Melanie Little, that I did not live and breathe it so my opinion isn't as knowledge based, however, I found it verified in both shows I watched, both of whom had very similar opinions as mine. They think the investigation was royally messed up and done by unprofessional not well trained dufuses (my words) and that the defense has sure put up a heck of a try through the public over months BUT they don't buy the conspiracy for a minute and say they are too dumb and there are too many to pull such off. I agree and I said it before I ever heard them say it, that I believe in the abuse of power, corrupt for their own purposes, one or some, etc. but not that they killed this man and set up his gf. They don't either. There's too much and too far out there they have to make work and they certainly have tried. Now whether a jury believes it or not, that's another story. And one was definitely not impressed with the prosecution so far and that was a few days ago, he does not believe the alternate story or that they killed him BUT he believed at that point, they were looking at a hung jury at best based on what he prosecution had at that point and the job they were doing here.

Both were worth watching and perhaps it would bring some down to earth. They come down hard on the P and one said overcharged too as I have always said. And the investigation. But they don't buy he was murdered in a fight and a dog was involved, yada, yada, yada. Both are in the "business" or were. Vinnie, he may be a "reporter" but he's seen many, many a case. And Joseph Gialcalone(may have spelled wrong) whose shows I am really liking and he is a former NYPD sergeant. HE and his guest though, also LE, were NOT KIND to these investigators and people and the investigation or the job by the prosecution at trial at that point.

So she MAY get a hung jury but they don't buy the alternate story. I don't either. And it is overcharged imo.

There's no evidence of dog here on him and even if a treat? What, did he carry one in his pocket and the dog attacked the pocket and still left no DNA. I don't think so. So yeah, oof. Like I said our reasons for such are different I'm sure than what you likely mean. On the same page in some and on different ones in others lol. :hugs:
You believe that the area wasn't gone through by a family of cops that lived there more than once after that many days? Ones that thought that it was so important to search that they believed using a leaf blower was a good idea in "finding evidence"? You think they didn't look at the ground at any time when leaving and entering the property?
The MA SERT team was called in on Saturday, January 29th, 2022 and they did not find the tail light pieces, John's black hat nor his missing shoe.

The scene was cleared by law enforcement and released by that morning.

By Munashe Kwangwari and Marc Fortier • Published May 15, 2024 • Updated 43 mins ago​


Forensic scientist Teri Kun takes the stand​

Wednesday's second witness was Teri Kun, a forensic scientist with the University of California, Davis. She testified about how DNA samples are collected and stored and explained that she worked on the Read case. She also testified about a DNA sample that Lally said was taken from O'Keefe's shirt.

She said the only DNA result that was positive was for pig, and mentioned that could have come from food, like cooked bacon. There was no dog DNA on the samples she tested.

On cross-examination, defense attorney Alan Jackson asked if Kun got any clothing or other items to test, only the two swabs sent to her by Massachusetts State Police. Jackson said the quality of the testing is only as good as the swabs sent to her.

"I only have the swabs to test. That's the only thing I can talk about," Kun acknowledged. "It's dependent on the agency sending it in... I wasn't there to see the swabs being collected, so I have no idea."

Jackson also asked Kun if blood evidence should be stored in plastic cups, since previous police testimony had showed that frozen blood samples retrieved from the scene where O'Keefe was found were kept in red plastic Solo cups in a paper Stop & Shop bag.

"Would you put biological material in plastic containers?" Jackson asked.

"No," Kun replied.

"You wouldn't use a Solo cup?" Jackson said.

"What?" Kun responded, before Lally objected.

Jackson also asked Kun if the pig DNA could have come from a dog treat, and Kun said that is possible.
The samples she tested were 2 cotton swabs. No documentation of where they were taken from. Chain of custody not identified. Also, the lab didn't receive these until 18 months after the January 29th, 2022.
You believe that the area wasn't gone through by a family of cops that lived there more than once after that many days? Ones that thought that it was so important to search that they believed using a leaf blower was a good idea in "finding evidence"? You think they didn't look at the ground at any time when leaving and entering the property?
No, it's my understanding (from testimony up to this point) that the family who lived at 34 Fairview didn't dig through the snow looking for evidence.
As for how the responding officers handled the scene, I understand that the severe weather greatly impacted how they went about their business and how it was that it wasn't until snow melted that other evidence was discovered.
No, it's my understanding (from testimony up to this point) that the family who lived at 34 Fairview didn't dig through the snow looking for evidence.
As for how the responding officers handled the scene, I understand that the severe weather greatly impacted how they went about their business and how it was that it wasn't until snow melted that other evidence was discovered.
How must one"dig through the snow" to find 40+ pieces on top of the snow?
Plus, if the theory was that she backed into him and killed him that way, why weren't these pieces found near him? If they were found near him and this leaf blower idea so good, why weren't they found then? They claim they could see blood through the snow that had fallen, sure seems that 40+ pieces of plastic would sure be a whole lot easier to see, but they found none of them??? Not even one???
Supposedly rehomed in Vermont. :rolleyes:
So they knew where the dog was then? What do they need it for anyhow? There's no dog DNA nor any evidence of any such thing expect a story made up by the defense. Seriously.

It was a lousy investigation in many ways. I have said before I think she is overcharged. I think both sides need to stop but it will not happen. it all sounds like exactly what I figured, a bunch of people in positions of power drinking and partying to excess. I'm not sure I buy all of them got there by "rides" and got picked up by "rides". Sober rides right? Lol. And Karen was too right? Lol. No claim of a ride there, maybe they should have had one. Honestly had they only went home. OR not went out.

I find the entire thing I ridiculous and none of them worth such a waste of our system, time or public attention. Sorry but that's the way I see it. For me, paying attn to this one if no time when something like Daybell is on is not even a contest I do know it is of particular interest to you and I don't mean it against that in any way. I just do not see it having the same weight even as to victims at all. He is a victim, I do not deny that but he wasn't some innocent child and apparently wanted to go out drinking and atten this party. it isn't the same at all. Does it MATTER? Of course? Could she be innocent? Of course? Could she be wasting everyone's time and know she did it? Of course.

Do some need to be out of a job? Most likely. All need more training and to go by the book? For sure.

I guess I've never overall had a fondness for cases where all involved think they are special, should have different rules or should get a different justice and special treatment. It's why I largely stay away from Hollywood cases just for one (although it doesn't mean I am unaware or never pay attention, they just don't become my main ones generally). Imo that's what we have here. She never expected to be charged as she was and they felt they had the power to overdo it. And for me it is still about those of the same club or crowd turning on one's own (or formerly one's own).

I don't know. I've watched recent things on it and shared them. I think she's guilty. I for SURE think the other story is total hogwash (the one by the defense). However, I can agree they messed up this investigation and she very well could have a hung jury. I think they should all STOP it, her take some time and then drop it. And quit wasting everyone's time and using the system to pursue this and the resources. HOWEVER, not convinced yet they don't have ample against her. Far from over.

I don't know that she's guilty or not. I think she likely is. The other scenario though is ridiculous to me and it takes too much. But you know what, I know of others who killed someone when intoxicated who did little to no time so why should she be different? I dont' agree with it but again overcharged. However, I never knew until not long ago they thought it intentional rather than accidental either.

Whatever the case, they sure did not handle it perfectly by a long shot.

I think this alternative theory is a huge leap and to me a pretty ridiculous too big of conspiracy though. Always have. :hugs:

By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 16, 2024 • Updated 2 hours ago​


Colin Albert is cross-examined by defense about text messages​

Defense attorney Alan Jackson began his cross-examination of Colin Albert on Thursday by asking Albert if he spoke with anyone to prepare for his testimony, including his parents. But Albert said he only spoke with his attorney.

Albert did say he spoke with Lally about a month ago in order to prepare for his testimony. He said they discussed questions that might be asked in court.

Albert was also asked if he had watched any coverage of the Read trial on television or social media. Albert said he had not, and said he doesn't even have social media.

He also denied talking to his friend Allison McCabe before her testimony.

In response to a series of questions from Jackson about trial preparations, Colin Albert seemed to have trouble remembering recent events, responding with a steady string of "I don't remembers" and "I don't knows."

Jackson asked him about a series of text exchanges between Albert and McCabe that were shown in court Wednesday. His memory on when he had seen those texts before also seemed fuzzy.

The defense attorney pointed out how odd it was that Albert could remember the exact minute he left his uncle's house on Fairview Road on the night before O'Keefe's death, but he has trouble remembering so many other things.

"Who's Courtney Proctor?" Jackson then asked, referencing the sister of Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor, the lead investigator in the Read case who is now the subject of an internal investigation.

"My aunt Jillian she's friendly with. I know that they're pretty friendly," Colin Albert said.

He said he has been to Courtney Proctor's home four or five times over the years. Asked if her family is close to his family, he replied, "Not that close. I'd say we were more close when I was younger, not when I was older."

Jackson then showed Albert a photo taken sometime within the past 10 years, showing that Albert was the ring bearer in Courtney Proctor's wedding.

"You were actually close neough to be a member of her wedding party when she was married to her now husband, correct?" Jackson asked.

"When I was younger, correct," Albert replied.

Albert confirmed that Michael Proctor is Courtney's brother, and also that Michael Proctor was in the same photo and was part of the same wedding party.j

Asked how long he has known Michael Proctor, Albert said, "Since I was a little kid" and acknowledged that he considers the Proctor family close to his family.

Albert said he was never interviewed by Canton police about the Read case, and was interviewed once by state police in the summer of 2023, about a year an a half after O'Keefe's death. He said Michael Proctor and another trooper conducted the interview at the Norfolk District Attorney's Office.

He said he couldn't recall how long the interview lasted, but was shown previous testimony he had given saying it lasted 10 minutes.

"What was the tone of that interview? Was it hostile and accusatory?" Jackson asked.

"Not that I remember, no," Albert said.

"He was friendly, cordial. And the interview was comfortable," Jackson said.

"Correct," Albert replied.

Albert also testified that Michael Proctor never took his phone or asked to see it.

Jackson then shifted gears and asked about the text exchange with Allison McCabe that was shown in court Wednesday. Albert acknowledged that McCabe is not only a family member but also a close friend.

Albert confirmed that when he communicated with McCabe, it was usually via text message.

Jackson displayed the text message exchange between Albert and McCabe, showing that there was almost a month gap in text messages between them following O'Keefe's death, from Jan. 29 to Feb. 20, 2022.

"Notwithstanding the fact of this tragedy, you and Allie didn't text each other one time for a month?" Jackson asked.

"I don't think that's correct," Albert replied.

"So where are all of the texts?" Jackson asked.

"We text on other platforms too," Albert said

Jackson then asked why they would have switched from text messages to another platform, like Snapchat.

"No reason," Albert replied. "We go back and forth between platforms."

"Do you know that Snapchat has an autodelete function?" Jackson asked him.

"If your app is set to that," Albert replied, but added that he couldn't remember if his app was set to that function.

"Isn't it true, Mr. Albert, that you either switched platforms or deleted texts because you didn't want your text communications with Allie McCabe to be discovered?" Jackson asked. "Is that right?"

"That's not true," Albert said.

"So where are those communications?" Jackson asked.

"I do not know," Albert said.

Jackson next asked Albert about a night on Feb. 26, 2022, less than a month after O'Keefe's death, when Albert and some friends were at a bar called Fenway Johnnies in Boston. He submitted a photo into evidence showing Albert with his arm around two friends. Jackson asked about Albert's right hand, and what he noticed.

"It's cut up," Albert said.

The photo was taken by a staff member at Fenway Johnnies and later posted on social media, Albert acknowledged.

"How'd you get those injuries?" Jackson asked.

"I was at a house party my senior year," Albert said. "I remember it being icy out. It was kind of like a steep hill of a driveway, and I was walking up the driveway and I slipped, tried to brace myself with my right hand and ended up sliding a little bit down the driveway."

Jackson then asked if Albert had ever been in a fight.

"Other than with my brothers, no," Albert said.

Jackson also asked Albert if he has ever boxed, and Albert said no, other than to "hit the bag for cardio."

By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 16, 2024 • Updated 2 hours ago​


Defense seeks to introduce videos of Colin Albert​

Just before 10:30, following a sidebar with the judge, the jurors were sent out of the courtroom for their morning break.

During the break, with the jury out of court, Albert was shown two videos of himself making comments during his sophomore year of high school, threatening violence and using expletives. The second video ends with Albert saying, "Bang bang!"

Albert explained to Jackson that he was making threats and threatening violence to an area club hockey team known as the "Advantage Boys." He said they sent him and his friends texts, and they responded with the videos.

"The fact is, Mr. Albert, you do like to fight, right?" Jackson asked.

"Nope," Albert replied.

Jackson also asked Albert about another occasion when he testified in July of 2023 and was observed to have open injuries on his knuckles again. Albert said he told them he had gotten the injury while hitting a heavy bag.

Under questioning from Lally, Albert said he never threatened O'Keefe or had an exchange with him similar to what was in the videos.

Jackson also drew attention to previous testimony from Albert where he said the videos were shot in his junior or senior year of high school, and not his sophomore year. Albert was a senior in high school the year that O'Keefe died.

Albert was then led out of the courtroom so the defense and prosecution could present their cases to the judge about whether the videos should be allowed into the case.

"Your honor, it's very clear that these videos are highly, highly relevant," Jackson argued. "He indicated he's never been in a fight, he doesn't have any violent tendencies, violent proclivities."

He added that Lally opened the door for the videos to be let in by showing various photos of Albert with his family members.

"This should be a focus of the jurors' attention in terms of, 'Is there a third party who could have done this, that evidence points to that may have done this?'" Jackson said. "This evidence we now have is focused in that direction."

Lally countered by saying that there is no evidence that Albert was at the house on Fairview Road at the same time as O'Keefe or that there was any sort of fight.

"This is nothing more than rank speculation," he said. "There's no relevance whatsoever to this case. Whatever juvenile beef he and his friends had with individuals from another town, there's no evidence whatsoever of a physical altercation."

Cannone took a 15-minute recess around 10:50 a.m., and said she would return afterward with her decision.

By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 16, 2024 • Updated 2 hours ago​


Videos shown as Albert's testimony concludes​

When court resumed, Jackson pressed Albert about the videos again, this time in front of the jury, confirming that Albert meant what he said in the videoes as a threat.

"These are threats of physical violence right?" Jackson said.

"Correct," Albert replied.

Jackson brought up the second time Albert gave testimony with injuries to his knuckles.

"It was me getting cardio," Albert explained, adding, when pressed by Jackson, that it was a form of fighting.

That concluded the defense's cross-examination, and Lally returned for follow-up questions. He confirmed that Allison McCabe is not Albert's cousin, that he and Albert didn't discuss instructions for the trial and how many times Albert had seen Michael Proctor in his life.

"Maybe five, six times," Albert said, adding that, until their police interview in the Read case, he hadn't seen him since he was 11, 12 or 13 years old.

Albert also said he didn't have any memory of the wedding which he served as a ringbearer, for which he was eight or nine years old.

Lally asked about some other testimony, including the videos that were played in court, which Albert said were to people he didn't know.

"Was this just you sending out videos or was this some sort of argument going back and forth?" Lally asked.

Albert siad it was an argument about girls, friends of his who'd spent some time with the other boys, from a hockey team.

Lally also confirmed with Albert that he hadn't ever gotten into a conflict with O'Keefe and that he never saw O'Keefe that night.

He also asked Albert about the harassment his family received since the controversy around the case erupted. Albert said his family has been called murderers, with people showing up at sports games.

"We couldn't leave the house without people taking pictures of us, and it's very terrible," Albert said.

By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 16, 2024 • Updated 2 hours ago​


Michael McCabe testifies​

McCabe was next called to the stand. The longtime Canton resident described his memory of the night, as well as his family's relationship with O'Keefe and Read.

The McCabes and O'Keefe had been neighbors, and O'Keefe consulted with McCabe's wife, Jennifer, as he raised his niece and nephew.

O'Keefe was "in essence acting as a mother and a father so he would do a lot of communicating with my wife about needing help," McCabe recalled.

The adults were friendly, too, and O'Keefe reached out in the summer of 2020, wanting to introduce his new girlfriend, Read, to the McCabes since both Jennifer and Read have muscular dystrophy, or MS.

"He thought it would be good for the two of them to get to know each other, have conversations with each other," Albert said.

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