Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The medics quickly made the determination that O'Keefe was "viable" and he was put onto a backboard and loaded into the ambulance.
That's what I actually thought but was unsure so didn't say so. Because I think finding someone and seeing if they can save him often takes over evidence gathering before they even KNOW. what happened, if can save, etc.

This is what I thought I recalled. Thank you for the info.
Were there any drugs at the "party"? Or people that took them?
I wouldn't call it a "party". There was mention at the bar that people were welcome to come to the house and wish their son a happy birthday. (It was considered that at midnight, it would be his birthday.)
The son was home with two female friends and Colin- their nephew- was also there but waiting for his ride when the Albert's arrived home from the bar.
This one starts out with LISK for a bit, then Harmony Montgomery then Read/this one. It's very good imo. I love these two. People on Read's side will be more than happy with it, however, they have some good points as to other as well. I'd say more but I'd rather people watch it first. If they don't, then fine but it's well worth it imo.

I'm still listening to it and I think ALL will like this one, plenty. He just cracked me up that he will never be able to go to Boston again after knocking their nearby police, etc. again lol.
Wow, seriously nothing being shared. Joseph's had good coverage of BOTH sides of it and now there is this about TODAY. I'm NOT a total Vinnie fan but sharing anyhow. I'm not agains him nor for him always.


By Munashe Kwangwari, Marc Fortier and John Moroney • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 39 mins ago​


Brian Albert's cross-examination​

Under cross-examination, defense attorney Alan Jackson asked Albert about his initial grand jury testimony that he had never met Read before. He later changed that story and said that he saw Read at the Hillside Pub with O'Keefe on Jan. 22 -- about a week before the incident that resulted in O'Keefe's death.

"You were asked if you knew Karen Read on Jan. 28 and you testified, 'I've never met or seen her before.' You had not only met, but spent several hours with O'Keefe and Read six days before the incident," Jackson said. "On Jan. 22, 2022, you socialized with Karen Read at the Hillside for several hours."

Albert said he was at the bar, but several other people were at the bar.

Jackson then displayed a photo showing Albert, his brother Chris Albert, O'Keefe and another man, and said the photo was taken by Read. But Brian Albert said he did not recall who took the photo.

"I remember having conversations with John that evening. I don't remember having conversations with Karen," he said.

Jackson also showed a portion of the surveillance video from the Waterfall Bar & Grill on the night before O'Keefe died that appeared to show Brian Albert talking directly to Read amid a group of several other people.

"It looked like I was speaking. I can't say for sure I was talking directly to the defendant," Albert said.

Jackson also got Albert to say that his nephew, Colin Albert, was at his house on the night of Jan. 28, 2022. Albert didn't initially tell police that Colin Albert was at his house that night. Brian Albert said he didn't mention it to police because Colin had left soon after Brian arrived home that night.

"In your initial reports to the police, his name was never mentioned, was it?" Jackson asked.

"I did not mention it, no," Albert replied.

Jackson also displayed video in court taken from inside Brian Albert's former home on Fairview Road, showing the bulkhead doors in the basement. The video also includes footage of the home's backyard and the front yard by the street.

Jackson also asked Albert about his police training, including whether he has ever received training on criminals covering up crime scenes or deleting phone evidence. Albert said he hadn't.

He also asked Albert about his cell phone and specifically a directive from the district attorney's office that he had to preserve his cell phone due to a motion filed by the defense in the Read case. When the district attorney's office informed him of this, Albert said he had just upgraded his phone a week earlier, but didn't mention that to the district attorney.

"Where is your phone?" Jackson asked.

"My phone was upgraded and traded in for a new phone," Albert replied.

He said he upgraded it in the third week of September, around the 22nd, of 2022, the day before a court order that it be preserved.

"I upgraded my phone on and around the 22nd, yes," Albert said. "That just happened to be the day that I got it."

He said the fact that he turned in the phone just a day before he was told not to destroy it was just a coincidence.

Jackson also asked Albert if he and his friend Brian Higgins had agreed to get rid of their personal phones. But Albert said he didn't recall that.

"I don't remember having that conversation with Brian Higgins," Albert said.

Jackson also asked Albert if he was aware that Higgins had also gotten rid of his phone.

"Yes," he replied.

Jackson also asked if Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor entered Albert's house on Jan. 29, 2022.

"He conducted an interview with my wife and I don't remember if it was the 29th or the 30th," Albert said.

But Jackson said that interview actually occurred on Feb. 3, 2022, days after O'Keefe died. He also got Albert to acknowledge that forensics experts never came into his house as part of their investigation.

Jackson also asked about Albert's time in the Marines and whether he received any training in hand-to-hand combat. Albert said he had, along with training on defensive tactics during his time as a police officer. He also asked about Albert's training as a boxer.

"Have I boxed before? Yes," Albert said. He also confirmed that he was shown boxing in a television show about the Boston Police Department called "Boston's Finest." He also showed surveillance video from the waterfall showing Albert and Higgins appearing to square off in a fighting stance in what he described as a form of horseplay.

"Just having fun with my friends, hanging out and fooling around," Albert said of his actions in the video.

Another portion of the video was shown where Albert appears to wrap Higgins in a bear hug from behind. When Albert lets Higgins go, Higgins pretends to knee him in the abdomen.

"I don't know what his intent was. It looks like he was just fooling around, like I was," Albert said. "We're in the bar together, we're good friends, we're just being silly and fooling."

The two are then seen hugging immediately afterward.

Jackson then asked Albert if he put his phone on a charger when he got home after the Waterfall. He said he didn't, and kept it in bed with him instead.

"All I can answer is I sleep with my phone in my bed. That's just what I do," Albert said.

Jackson asked Albert if he made any phone calls after he went to bed. He said he did -- "I inadvertently called Brian Higgins" sometime after 2 a.m. But he said he never spoke with Higgins.

"It's kind of like a butt dial," Albert said.

Jackson also pointed out that Albert had said previously that he and his wife, Julie, were in bed around the time the phone call to Higgins was made, "in an intimate situation."

Jackson referenced a call Brian Albert made to Higgins at 2:22 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2022, that lasted one second. He also referenced a second call 17 seconds later from Higgins to Albert. That call lasted 22 seconds, according to phone records.

"I did not answer it," Albert said.

But Jackson said if it was a missed call, as Albert said, it should have shown the missed call in red. He also pressed Albert on how the phone could have "butt dialed" Higgins, since it should have required a passcode or facial recognition in order to unlock it.

"I don't know that the phone was locked. I could have been looking through my phone," Albert said. "I butt dial people often and make calls."

"So how'd you miss the call 17 seconds later?" Jackson asked.

"I never got the second call from him," Albert said. "I'm not sure what I was doing at that second."

"Was the phone unlocked and did you make a call?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know," Albert said. He also said he didn't answer the ensuing call from Higgins.

"Simply touching your butt will not answer that phone. It has to be swiped," Jackson said.

"No, I don't think it has to be swiped," Albert said. "I don't remember answering that call. I could've hit the phone by accident, causing it to answer."

The next morning, Albert said he mentioned to Higgins that he might have "butt dialed" him.

Since that time, Jackson again stressed that Albert and Higgins have both gotten rid of their phones.

Jackson also asked Albert about a call he made on the morning of O'Keefe's death, around 7:20 a.m., to Higgins.

"I informed him of what was going on at my house," Albert said. "We were out the night before and I thought it was important for him to know what had happened."

Jackson also asked about several subsequent calls to Higgins and his brother, Canton Police Officer Kevin Albert. Brian Albert also acknowledged he spoke with Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz and his sister-in-law Jennifer McCabe that morning, and again with Kevin Albert and Higgins that afternoon. The next day, he spoke with Berkowitz, and the day after that with McCabe. And then Berkowitz called Albert again on Feb. 1. Three days later, he again spoke with Higgins.

"I don't know the subject of all these calls," he said, but he acknowledged that many of them likely pertained to O'Keefe's death. "Of course, it was a horrible situation that was going on. Everybody was distraught and there were a lot of phone calls."

But he denied that any of those calls were in an effort to "get their stories straight," as Jackson put it.

Court broke for lunch around 12:40 p.m., with Albert still on the stand and resumed again around 1:45 p.m.

During redirect, Lally asked Albert if he or Higgins went into the basement of his home after returning home from the Waterfall on Jan. 28, 2022. Albert said they did not.

Lally also asked about Albert's phone and mentioned that although Albert had upgraded his phone, texts, phone calls and other information could still be available in the cloud. He also asked Albert about his experience boxing. Albert said it had been about two decades since he actively boxed.

Albert also testified that some areas of his home were a "dead zone" for his phone, and that the phone might not have been locked when he was engaged in the intimate moment with his wife. He also reiterated that O'Keefe never entered his house on the night before he died, saying he would have been "welcomed with open arms" if he had.

By Munashe Kwangwari, Marc Fortier and John Moroney • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 39 mins ago​


Brian Albert Jr. testifies​

The second witness of the day on Monday was Brian Albert Jr., the son of Brian and Nicole Albert. The 25-year-old lived in the home at Fairview Road with his parents until they sold it, and he now lives with them in Norwood.

He said he had several friends over to the Fairview Road home to celebrate on Jan. 28, 2022, the night before his 23rd birthday. He said he and two other friends listened to music, ate some food, drank alcohol and played some card games.

"Just a normal hangout," he said.

He said three other friends from high school joined them at the house a short time later. He said his cousin Colin Albert arrived later on that night, and his mother, father and sister and some of their friends, including Higgins, returned home later as well.

He said Colin Albert left the house soon thereafter.

Brian Albert Jr. testified about seeing a dark SUV outside the house that night, and said it was snowing at the time. He said the passenger's side of the vehicle was facing the house. He said he didn't hear any noise coming from outside the house.

When he first saw it, he said the SUV was right by the mailbox, but when he next saw it several minutes later, it appeared to have moved closer to a flagpole on the other side of the house. He also said he saw tire tracks in the snow.

Albert Jr. said he went to sleep around 1 a.m. and woke up around 7:30 or 8 a.m. when his father knocked on his door.

He said neither O'Keefe nor Read ever entered his house on the night in question. He said he never formally met O'Keefe but might have been around him, and that he never met Read.

Defense attorney Elizabeth Little asked Albert Jr. when he first spoke with investigators in the Karen Read case, and he confirmed it was July 6, 2023, about 18 months after O'Keefe's death.

He said he didn't look outside the house on the morning O'Keefe's body was found on the Albert's lawn because it gave him anxiety. He said he never saw O'Keefe's body. He was dismissed shortly after 3 p.m.

By Munashe Kwangwari, Marc Fortier and John Moroney • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 39 mins ago​


Caitlin Albert testifies​

Shortly after 3 p.m., Caitlin Albert took the stand. She is the daughter of Brian and Nicole Albert and brother of Brian Albert Jr.

She also testified about the events of Jan. 28, 2022, when she came to Canton with her boyfriend and met her mom and aunt at the Waterfall around 6 p.m. She said the four of them ordered food and drinks and her boyfriend went home after eating because he had to be up early the next day.

She said she remembers leaving the Waterfall around midnight.

Like other witnesses before her, she said the mood at the Waterfall seemed positive, and there were no issues involving tension or anyone fighting among their group or between O'Keefe and Read.

She also testified that her father drove her and her mom home to her parents house on Fairview Road.

When she first walked in, she said she saw her cousin Colin Albert. She said it was already snowing at this point, and progressively getting worse.

Under cross-examination, defense attorney David Yannetti asked Caitlin Albert if she was the last one to leave the house that night.

She also acknowledged that she did not receive any communication from any investigators involved with the case until May of 2023, over a year after O'Keefe's death.

Yannetti also asked Caitlin Albert about Katie McLaughlin, a Canton firefighter and previous witness in the case who she attended high school with.

"I can't think of a time possibly ever where her and I ever hung out 1-on-1 or individually," she said. "More of, like, a friend of a mutual friend."

"I would not consider her one of my, again, close friends," she added.

Court adjourned for the day around 4 p.m. Caitlin Albert is expected to return to the stand on Tuesday morning, which will be a half day of testimony.

By Munashe Kwangwari, Marc Fortier and John Moroney • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 39 mins ago​


Brian Albert's cross-examination​

Under cross-examination, defense attorney Alan Jackson asked Albert about his initial grand jury testimony that he had never met Read before. He later changed that story and said that he saw Read at the Hillside Pub with O'Keefe on Jan. 22 -- about a week before the incident that resulted in O'Keefe's death.

"You were asked if you knew Karen Read on Jan. 28 and you testified, 'I've never met or seen her before.' You had not only met, but spent several hours with O'Keefe and Read six days before the incident," Jackson said. "On Jan. 22, 2022, you socialized with Karen Read at the Hillside for several hours."

Albert said he was at the bar, but several other people were at the bar.

Jackson then displayed a photo showing Albert, his brother Chris Albert, O'Keefe and another man, and said the photo was taken by Read. But Brian Albert said he did not recall who took the photo.

"I remember having conversations with John that evening. I don't remember having conversations with Karen," he said.

Jackson also showed a portion of the surveillance video from the Waterfall Bar & Grill on the night before O'Keefe died that appeared to show Brian Albert talking directly to Read amid a group of several other people.

"It looked like I was speaking. I can't say for sure I was talking directly to the defendant," Albert said.

Jackson also got Albert to say that his nephew, Colin Albert, was at his house on the night of Jan. 28, 2022. Albert didn't initially tell police that Colin Albert was at his house that night. Brian Albert said he didn't mention it to police because Colin had left soon after Brian arrived home that night.

"In your initial reports to the police, his name was never mentioned, was it?" Jackson asked.

"I did not mention it, no," Albert replied.

Jackson also displayed video in court taken from inside Brian Albert's former home on Fairview Road, showing the bulkhead doors in the basement. The video also includes footage of the home's backyard and the front yard by the street.

Jackson also asked Albert about his police training, including whether he has ever received training on criminals covering up crime scenes or deleting phone evidence. Albert said he hadn't.

He also asked Albert about his cell phone and specifically a directive from the district attorney's office that he had to preserve his cell phone due to a motion filed by the defense in the Read case. When the district attorney's office informed him of this, Albert said he had just upgraded his phone a week earlier, but didn't mention that to the district attorney.

"Where is your phone?" Jackson asked.

"My phone was upgraded and traded in for a new phone," Albert replied.

He said he upgraded it in the third week of September, around the 22nd, of 2022, the day before a court order that it be preserved.

"I upgraded my phone on and around the 22nd, yes," Albert said. "That just happened to be the day that I got it."

He said the fact that he turned in the phone just a day before he was told not to destroy it was just a coincidence.

Jackson also asked Albert if he and his friend Brian Higgins had agreed to get rid of their personal phones. But Albert said he didn't recall that.

"I don't remember having that conversation with Brian Higgins," Albert said.

Jackson also asked Albert if he was aware that Higgins had also gotten rid of his phone.

"Yes," he replied.

Jackson also asked if Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor entered Albert's house on Jan. 29, 2022.

"He conducted an interview with my wife and I don't remember if it was the 29th or the 30th," Albert said.

But Jackson said that interview actually occurred on Feb. 3, 2022, days after O'Keefe died. He also got Albert to acknowledge that forensics experts never came into his house as part of their investigation.

Jackson also asked about Albert's time in the Marines and whether he received any training in hand-to-hand combat. Albert said he had, along with training on defensive tactics during his time as a police officer. He also asked about Albert's training as a boxer.

"Have I boxed before? Yes," Albert said. He also confirmed that he was shown boxing in a television show about the Boston Police Department called "Boston's Finest." He also showed surveillance video from the waterfall showing Albert and Higgins appearing to square off in a fighting stance in what he described as a form of horseplay.

"Just having fun with my friends, hanging out and fooling around," Albert said of his actions in the video.

Another portion of the video was shown where Albert appears to wrap Higgins in a bear hug from behind. When Albert lets Higgins go, Higgins pretends to knee him in the abdomen.

"I don't know what his intent was. It looks like he was just fooling around, like I was," Albert said. "We're in the bar together, we're good friends, we're just being silly and fooling."

The two are then seen hugging immediately afterward.

Jackson then asked Albert if he put his phone on a charger when he got home after the Waterfall. He said he didn't, and kept it in bed with him instead.

"All I can answer is I sleep with my phone in my bed. That's just what I do," Albert said.

Jackson asked Albert if he made any phone calls after he went to bed. He said he did -- "I inadvertently called Brian Higgins" sometime after 2 a.m. But he said he never spoke with Higgins.

"It's kind of like a butt dial," Albert said.

Jackson also pointed out that Albert had said previously that he and his wife, Julie, were in bed around the time the phone call to Higgins was made, "in an intimate situation."

Jackson referenced a call Brian Albert made to Higgins at 2:22 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2022, that lasted one second. He also referenced a second call 17 seconds later from Higgins to Albert. That call lasted 22 seconds, according to phone records.

"I did not answer it," Albert said.

But Jackson said if it was a missed call, as Albert said, it should have shown the missed call in red. He also pressed Albert on how the phone could have "butt dialed" Higgins, since it should have required a passcode or facial recognition in order to unlock it.

"I don't know that the phone was locked. I could have been looking through my phone," Albert said. "I butt dial people often and make calls."

"So how'd you miss the call 17 seconds later?" Jackson asked.

"I never got the second call from him," Albert said. "I'm not sure what I was doing at that second."

"Was the phone unlocked and did you make a call?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know," Albert said. He also said he didn't answer the ensuing call from Higgins.

"Simply touching your butt will not answer that phone. It has to be swiped," Jackson said.

"No, I don't think it has to be swiped," Albert said. "I don't remember answering that call. I could've hit the phone by accident, causing it to answer."

The next morning, Albert said he mentioned to Higgins that he might have "butt dialed" him.

Since that time, Jackson again stressed that Albert and Higgins have both gotten rid of their phones.

Jackson also asked Albert about a call he made on the morning of O'Keefe's death, around 7:20 a.m., to Higgins.

"I informed him of what was going on at my house," Albert said. "We were out the night before and I thought it was important for him to know what had happened."

Jackson also asked about several subsequent calls to Higgins and his brother, Canton Police Officer Kevin Albert. Brian Albert also acknowledged he spoke with Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz and his sister-in-law Jennifer McCabe that morning, and again with Kevin Albert and Higgins that afternoon. The next day, he spoke with Berkowitz, and the day after that with McCabe. And then Berkowitz called Albert again on Feb. 1. Three days later, he again spoke with Higgins.

"I don't know the subject of all these calls," he said, but he acknowledged that many of them likely pertained to O'Keefe's death. "Of course, it was a horrible situation that was going on. Everybody was distraught and there were a lot of phone calls."

But he denied that any of those calls were in an effort to "get their stories straight," as Jackson put it.

Court broke for lunch around 12:40 p.m., with Albert still on the stand and resumed again around 1:45 p.m.

During redirect, Lally asked Albert if he or Higgins went into the basement of his home after returning home from the Waterfall on Jan. 28, 2022. Albert said they did not.

Lally also asked about Albert's phone and mentioned that although Albert had upgraded his phone, texts, phone calls and other information could still be available in the cloud. He also asked Albert about his experience boxing. Albert said it had been about two decades since he actively boxed.

Albert also testified that some areas of his home were a "dead zone" for his phone, and that the phone might not have been locked when he was engaged in the intimate moment with his wife. He also reiterated that O'Keefe never entered his house on the night before he died, saying he would have been "welcomed with open arms" if he had.

HMMMMM.... Do you think he's trying to hide something?

My understanding of testimony up to this point is that the leaf blower was used only that morning and only in the immediate vicinity of where John was found and that it was nearer to the curb and after several rains and snow melt that pieces of taillight were discovered.
Don't forget that it was also after multiple searches, too. Dozens of pieces, missed several times.
This one starts out with LISK for a bit, then Harmony Montgomery then Read/this one. It's very good imo. I love these two. People on Read's side will be more than happy with it, however, they have some good points as to other as well. I'd say more but I'd rather people watch it first. If they don't, then fine but it's well worth it imo.

I watch Sarge often especially because he's retired NYPD and that's who I work with. He pointed out how unprepared the prosecutor is however he truly believes in this case or he wouldn't have brought it to trial.

Reasonable doubt is all it takes and after the video I just posted how can anyone possibly not question the Commonwealth's case in chief or at least the investigation? Leave conspiracy theories aside and ask yourself what evidence has shown thus far that Karen Read had malicious intent and unalived Officer John O'Keefe?
I watch Sarge often especially because he's retired NYPD and that's who I work with. He pointed out how unprepared the prosecutor is however he truly believes in this case or he wouldn't have brought it to trial.

Reasonable doubt is all it takes and after the video I just posted how can anyone possibly not question the Commonwealth's case in chief or at least the investigation? Leave conspiracy theories aside and ask yourself what evidence has shown thus far that Karen Read had malicious intent and unalived Officer John O'Keefe?

You work with retired NYPD?

Brian Albert's testimony is reasonable doubt. Also, when the evidence that shows O'Keefe was in the house is presented. It's pretty much over. Just a reminder. That type of evidence was used to convict Alex Murdaugh. It's not hocus pocus.
Take a few minutes to really listen and hear what this attorney is saying.

He's right that the defense only has to raise reasonable doubt. They don't need to uncover the actual murderer. Unfortunately, if she gets off, the Boston police will stick to the belief that she did it and not investigate further.

Only an investigation by the FBI could answer that.
You work with retired NYPD?

Brian Albert's testimony is reasonable doubt. Also, when the evidence that shows O'Keefe was in the house is presented. It's pretty much over. Just a reminder. That type of evidence was used to convict Alex Murdaugh. It's not hocus pocus.
I work with NYPD Missing Persons Unit out of Queens.

Watching this trial had led me to believe the Klokithas' are the only two at the Waterfall that January 28th, 2022 who were 100% credible.
I work with NYPD Missing Persons Unit out of Queens.

Watching this trial had led me to believe the Klokithas' are the only two at the Waterfall that January 28th, 2022 who were 100% credible.

Seems that way to me, too. This reminds of the movie Cop Land.

By Munashe Kwangwari and Marc Fortier • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 1 hour ago​


Caitlin Albert returns to the stand​

Caitlin Albert returned to the stand on Tuesday morning, and was grilled by defense attorney David Yannetti about her connections to Canton firefighter/paramedic Katie McLaughlin, one of the initial responders to the scene where O'Keefe was found.

Yannetti asked how well the two know each other, and Albert said they were in the same high school class and have some mutual friends.

"I went to high school with her and she's the same age and we graduated together," she said.

Yannetti also established that on multiple occasions since high school, the two have gone on trips and attended events together, including a baby shower in 2021, a trip to Maine and trips to the beach. He displayed several photos where Albert and McLaughlin were shown together in the same group of people. He also showed photos that confirmed that Albert and McLaughlin played on a sports team together.

"I've gone away on trips she was on," Albert said. "I didn't drive with her or go with her, but she was there."

Albert also said one of her college roommates was also a friend of McLaughlin's.

Yannetti also asked Albert about the night before O'Keefe's death, talking about how her boyfriend left the Waterfall to return home to Easton because he was expecting to get up early the next morning to plow the snow that was falling. But he later returned to Canton at 1:45 a.m. to pick up Albert at her parents' house.

Albert said when she left, she didn't hear any noise or see anything, including O'Keefe's body.

By Munashe Kwangwari and Marc Fortier • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 1 hour ago​


Tristin Morris, Caitlin Albert's boyfriend, testifies​

The next person to testify on Tuesday was Tristin Morris, Caitlin Albert's boyfriend of the past seven or eight years.

He was asked about the events of Jan. 28, 2022 and the early-morning hours of Jan. 29, 2022.

"For me it was just an ordinary day. I went out and I met (Caitlin) for a drink" at the Waterfall Bar & Grill. He said he doesn't remember who else was there that night. He said he couldn't recall how long he was there but "it wasn't very long."

He said he didn't stay long because he was going to have to be plowing snow early the next morning and wanted to get some sleep.

"I just had to be on call for 3, 4 in the morning," Morris said.

After he returned home to Easton, he said Caitlin Albert began calling and texting him. He couldn't recall what time.

Based on those calls and texts, Morris said he left Easton and went back to Albert's parents' home in Canton, about a 20-25 minute drive.

When he arrived, he said he texted Albert and she came out of the house a short time later. He said there was no delay in them leaving, and that Albert's mood was normal.

During cross-examination, Yannetti showed Morris a photo including him and members of the Albert and McCabe family, taken four days after Read was indicted. Yannetti asked him if the group was celebrating the indictment of Read when the photo was taken, but Morris said they were not.

Yannetti also tried to get Morris to say what time he was at the Albert's home in Canton on Jan. 28 or Jan. 29, 2022, when he drove there to pick up his girlfriend. But he wasn't able to recall what time it was or where he pulled into.

"Must've been," Morris said when asked if it was the driveway that he pulled into.

Yannetti also pressed Morris on why he went from Canton to Easton and then back to Canton to pick up Caitlin Albert when he had to wake up as early as 3 a.m. to plow snow.

"The plan from the beginning was not for you to leave the Waterfall, go to Easton and then drive back from Easton to pick up Caitlin in Canton, correct?" Yannetti asked him.

"No, it wasn't," Morris replied.

"But the plan changed, correct? And that was because you heard from your girlfriend Caitlin, correct?" Yannetti asked. "For some reason, Caitlin now needed to get picked up before you went plowing, correct?"

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