and knowingly destroy possible evidence and blow everything that was on top of the ground away, too. Sounds like a positively awful idea unless your entire point was to destroy the scene.I can't think of a better way to have removed the top level of the snow.
I'm both ways on this. Lightly uncovering is one thing but blasting with such is another. I think all picture someone like coming in blasting as one would do with debris and leaves and what are the facts here? And was it lightly done from a distance rather than hands, shovel, etc. ? I honestly don't know so asking and DO WE KNOW is another question? Blowing all was on top of the ground? Meaning stuff was seen on top of and he blew it away?and knowingly destroy possible evidence and blow everything that was on top of the ground away, too. Sounds like a positively awful idea unless your entire point was to destroy the scene.
You don't "lightly uncover" things with a leaf blower. They blow leaves out of the way, which means they would blow any fibers or absolutely any trace evidence away that sat on top of the ground, under the snow. How is that a good thing at all?.........
I'm both ways on this. Lightly uncovering is one thing but blasting with such is another. I think all picture someone like coming in blasting as one would do with debris and leaves and what are the facts here? And was it lightly done from a distance rather than hands, shovel, etc. ? I honestly don't know so asking and DO WE KNOW is another question? Blowing all was on top of the ground? Meaning stuff was seen on top of and he blew it away?
I'm not arguing, I can see this two entirely different ways depending on the facts of it.
Why would there be anything on the top of the ground with this coming down after? And that would all depend on distance and how pointed. If it is a fresh blanket and no prints etc, there would be NOTHING on top of ground imo. Undisturbed, etc. I work where we sell such. There are all sorts of power from cheap to pricey, low power to major. My bro carried one in his vehicle everywhere as well as a weed eater and some other things and would pull them out to help do this or that anywhere he went. Saw him use such a million times for one at our campsite. and no he did not go blasting all leaves into neighboring campsites. It's the height and level and power.You don't "lightly uncover" things with a leaf blower. They blow leaves out of the way, which means they would blow any fibers or absolutely any trace evidence away that sat on top of the ground, under the snow. How is that a good thing at all?
ummmm, lots of things. Fibers and other trace. Why blow away the snow at all if that is the reasoning?Why would there be anything on the top of the ground with this coming down after? And that would all depend on distance and how pointed. If it is a fresh blanket and no prints etc, there would be NOTHING on top of ground imo. Undisturbed, etc. I work where we sell such. There are all sorts of power from cheap to pricey, low power to major. My bro carried one in his vehicle everywhere as well as a weed eater and some other things and would pull them out to help do this or that anywhere he went. Saw him use such a million times for one at our campsite. and no he did not go blasting all leaves into neighboring campsites. It's the height and level and power.
Some would be yelling as well if they used a shovel or their hands.
I said I don't know what I think with it about this and it depends.
As always, it is interesting that we agree in some and on some things but not in all or on others. Or cases.
I don't have a strong opinion on it. Yet. In this one. I have taken the other stance somewhat in this one for a number of reasons. First and foremost is how the most likely thing that happened is being ignored. Second, the fact that all just fall for a defense campaign. Third, that I see no real reason to believe a fight scenario at all and then involving the dog and more. I could go on. All that said, I don't know if they have enough to convict her or not but from what I've heard from the FEW who haven't jumped on the defense bandwagon out there, they do. Oh I could name a number of other reasons but I don't buy into how big of a conspiracy this would have to be with ever witness a liar.
What I do know is basically no prosecution side is being shared here. A couple are now but none were. Plenty of time before to share a ton of defense sided things but none now that trial is actually on and prosecution is up. No one has to and I don't mean it that way or that I shouldn't watch myself, etc., what I am saying is it is more likely due to opinions and bias. And believe me I have such in many cases, all know it. Doesn't mean though all isn't shared of both sides during a trial. As right now in Daybell.
Imo the likelihood Karen did not kill John is small. I wouldn't convict her though unless proven to me if a juror. I have no idea if they are proving it or not. And again no one has to do the work of providing all that but I have a feeling were defense up it would all be here.
Love ya all. Just saying...
I'm behind on Daybell which is one I followed throughout unlike this one. And behind on life and so with that, I'm out of here. I pray what is just results in this case, whatever that may be.
Door is open, a loud bird is happily chirping and I just finished the best homemade egg mcmuffin ever minus ham. Ooey, gooey, buttery, toasty.
Have a good one everyone!
By Marc Fortier, John Moroney and Munashe Kwangwari • Published 43 mins ago • Updated 13 mins ago
Continued from previous post:
Julie Albert's testimony
Julie Albert was the second witness of the day called by the defense.
Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally started by establishing her relationship with O'Keefe. She said they were friends and neighbors and she was friendly with O'Keefe's niece and nephew and met Read in 2021 and had socialized with her on numerous occasions.
She was also asked to talk about the evening of Jan. 28, the night before O'Keefe's death, including the gathering that night at the Waterfall.
Julie Albert testified she was at the Waterfall with husband, recalling Read arriving with a drink under her coat from another bar across the street, C.F. McCarthy's.
She said she spoke with Read. Much of her testimony was similar to her husband's, describing who was at the bar and when they arrived and departed.
She said she had a migraine and left fairly soon after arriving to go home. She said her youngest son was home. Her oldest son was in the Navy and living in California at the time and her middle son Colin was at Brian Albert's home on Fairview Road.
She said her husband returned home sometime after 12, possibly 12:10 a.m., got undressed and went straight to bed. Another 10-15 minutes later, she said her son Colin returned home.
Lally asked if Colin had any injuries, and Julie said he did not.
The next morning, Julie Albert said she woke up around 8 a.m. and went to Dunkin' to buy donuts for her nephew Brian Albert Jr. for his birthday. She noticed a missed call from her friend Jennifer McCabe on her phone from 5:55 a.m., but no voicemail or text message.
She drove to her nephew's home on Fairview Road and pulled into the driveway around 8:30 a.m. She said McCabe's car was in the driveway.
She went to leave the donuts and a birthday card in her nephew's car, but her brother-in-law, Brian Albert, told her to come inside for a second.
Julie Albert said she went into the house, and Brian Albert, his wife Nicole Albert, their Brian Higgins and Jennifer McCabe and her husband Matt were already inside.
"Everyone was just sitting there and I was just looking around and everyone was visibly upset and I asked, 'What's going on?' and another maybe 30 seconds went by, and Jen said 'Something's happened to John' and I said 'John?' and she said 'John O'Keefe.' I said, 'Is he OK?' and she said, 'We don't know.'"
She said she then went home to wake her husband up and let him know what happened. They then both went back to Brian and Nicole Albert's home on Fairview Road.
Several days later, Julie Albert said she met with two state police troopers investigating O'Keefe's death.
During cross examination, Yannetti asked Julie Albert to clarify that the interview with the two state police troopers actually took place almost two weeks later instead of just several days later as Lally had said. She said that was the first time any investigators spoke to her and her husband.
Julie Albert also acknowledged that she knew one of the investigators, Proctor, who is the brother of one of her close friends. She said she has spent time at Michael Proctor's childhood home and has been to the pool at the Proctors' home.
She also said she texted regularly with Courtney Proctor, Michael Proctor's sister, but said she didn't recall how often she spoke with her on the phone.
Yannetti asked Julie Albert if she used Courtney Proctor as an intermediary to speak with Michael Proctor about the Read case. Cannone overruled the prosecution's objection, and Albert replied, "No, I did not."
Yannetti said Julie Albert and Courtney Proctor spoke on the phone 67 times, but Albert said she didn't recall the exact number of times.
The defense attorney also asked Albert if she remembered talking with Courtney Proctor on the phone for 12 minutes on Feb. 1, 2022, the date when Read was arrested in connection with O'Keefe's death. He showed her phone records, but Albert said that did not refresh her memory.
Yannetti asked Albert if she spoke with Courtney Proctor on Feb 1., 2022, and she said she did.
"What did you discuss?" Yannetti asked.
"I don't recall," Albert said.
The next day, when Read was arraigned, Yannetti said Albert spoke with Courtney Proctor thee times before the arraignment happened. After the arraignment, he said she spoke with Courtney Proctor for 27 minutes.
Albert acknowledged that she knew Read had been arrested on Feb. 1 and she was being arraigned the following day.
Court adjourned for the day just before 12:30 p.m., with Julie Albert still on the stand. A full day of testimony is expected on Friday, beginning at 9 a.m.
I don't have a reasoning. I'm just not taking anything at face value if I don't know more about it. I'm not even saying you're not right. I don't know. When I don't know I try to say so rather than assume or be set on the fact I do when I don't.ummmm, lots of things. Fibers and other trace. Why blow away the snow at all if that is the reasoning?
That's known but I read a source says or "it is RUMORED" it has to do with the Read case. That isn't enough for me as to whether it is and IF it is why would they allow this prosecution to go forward?Proctor is under internal investigation on how he handled this case. Isn't he also the subject of an FBI investigation?
Also, it seems a lot of people are having a hard time remembering things.
I've watched every minute and have to yet hear any evidence for motive that is required for a second degree murder charge. There was no crime scene investigation done. Canton PD collected evidence in solo cups? First responder statements have all stated their testimony changed from when it was first documented. If there is evidence of KR hitting Officer O'Keefe I've yet to hear it.Imo the likelihood Karen did not kill John is small. I wouldn't convict her though unless proven to me if a juror. I have no idea if they are proving it or not. And again no one has to do the work of providing all that but I have a feeling were defense up it would all be here.
and why would anybody in that house have any reason to google how long it takes to freeze at that particular moment? It wasn't like it was record freezing that night for somebody to casually wonder. Why would any LE think using a snowblower to blow evidence all around be a good idea? So many questions on that side of things. People that should know better than to handle it themselves, unless they didn't want ANY outside investigation.I've watched every minute and have to yet hear any evidence for motive that is required for a second degree murder charge. There was no crime scene investigation done. Canton PD collected evidence in solo cups? First responder statements have all stated their testimony changed from when it was first documented. If there is evidence of KR hitting Officer O'Keefe I've yet to hear it.
Well, the person who googled that didn't actually live there. It was the sister of the homeowner who invited her 'friend' John to the house. He wasn't friends with anyone else in that home.and why would anybody in that house have any reason to google how long it takes to freeze at that particular moment? It wasn't like it was record freezing that night for somebody to casually wonder. Why would any LE think using a snowblower to blow evidence all around be a good idea? So many questions on that side of things. People that should know better than to handle it themselves, unless they didn't want ANY outside investigation.
There is, at the very least, way too much reasonable doubt. There is no way I could convict her.Well, the person who googled that didn't actually live there. It was the sister of the homeowner who invited her 'friend' John to the house. He wasn't friends with anyone else in that home.
John did have issues with the nephew of the homeowner however for throwing beer cans and trash in his yard and had reported this to Canton PD many times. However, since this nephew's uncle is a Canton police officer the reports were sidelined.
If others want to try to spin this their way then go for it. This officer deserves justice and IMOO the wrong person is on trial.
A bit confused there as we always here prosecution does not have to prove motive. Juries like such but isn't required. And if it was, well the theme seems to be a drunken argument and she thought him to be cheating. Or just drunken argument.I've watched every minute and have to yet hear any evidence for motive that is required for a second degree murder charge. There was no crime scene investigation done. Canton PD collected evidence in solo cups? First responder statements have all stated their testimony changed from when it was first documented. If there is evidence of KR hitting Officer O'Keefe I've yet to hear it.
I don't find any of this odd and in fact it sadly reminds me of one of the worst nights and mornings of my life. Not a match at all but when tragedy strikes. The ONLY night I did not have my phone next to me it in another room. A rare NIGHT I had gotten home later than I normally would. Again, no comparison really but I can see all this of not answering the phone, sister bursting in, etc. I just can get that.
By Marc Fortier, Munashe Kwangwari and John Moroney • Published May 10, 2024 • Updated 18 mins ago
Nicole Albert testifies
Nicole Albert, the wife of Boston Police Officer Brian Albert, took the stand around 11:15 a.m. Nicole and Brian Albert lived in the Fairview Road home where O'Keefe's body was found until they moved to Norwood recently.
Lally asked Nicole Albert about the date of Friday, Jan. 28, 2022, the day before her son Brian Albert Jr.'s birthday.
Because it was supposed to snow on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, the family had talked about having a small birthday gathering for family and friends on Friday night.
Albert also testified about the gathering with friends and family at the Waterfall.
She said her husband Brian was driving back to New York at the time, and she urged him to join the group at the Waterfall, which he did shortly after 10 p.m. She said shortly after 11 p.m., O'Keefe and Read arrived.
Albert also testified about how a group of friends and family members gathered at her family's house on Fairview Road after leaving the Waterfall. She said her daughter Caitlin was the last person to leave the gathering, around 2 a.m.
At that point, Nicole Albert said she was the only one still awake. Her son and husband had already gone to sleep.
Albert testified that the didn't hear or see anything unusual outside her house at any point that night.
A short time later, after cleaning up the house, she said she went to sleep around 2:30 a.m. She said her husband was still awake, lying in bed and watching television.
Between 6 and 6:30 the next morning, she said her sister Jennifer McCabe "came bursting into my bedroom."
"She's saying, 'He's out in the snow, we found him out in the snow, we don't know if he's OK,'" Julie Albert said.
"My immediate thought was just that I thought something had happened to one of my children, something had happened to one of her children. I couldn't imagine what she was doing in my bedroom at this time in the morning."
"She was hysterical," Albert said.
Albert said McCabe eventually told her that O'Keefe had been found outside on their lawn, and that investigators wanted to speak with her and her husband.
Lally also showed Nicole Albert photos of the exterior of her Fairview Road home from January of 2022. And he discussed the Alberts' dog, Chloe.
Nicole Albert said the dog had been up in their bedroom but Brian Albert let her out to go to the bathroom soon after arriving home. The backyard was fenced in, she said.
After that, she said Brian Albert brought the dog back upstairs.
Nicole Albert also testified that she and her husband moved from Canton to Norwood in April of 2023.
"We had always planned to move," she said. "The kids were starting to get older, we were looking to possibly downsize."
She said the decision to sell the home had nothing to do with O'Keefe's death.
During cross examination, defense attorney Elizabeth Little asked Nicole Albert if she observed any sort of tension between O'Keefe and Read at the Waterfall on the night before O'Keefe was found dead. Albert said she did not. She also said she saw no evidence that Read was under the influence of alcohol.
Albert also testified that she saw her husband and his friend Higgins "fooling around" at the Waterfall that night, which Little described as "practice fighting." She also confirmed under questioning that her husband does have training as a boxer.
Little also got Albert to testify that her dog, Chloe, on one instance injured two women who were trying to break up a fight with another dog.
Albert also said that four months after O'Keefe's death, the family rehomed their dog, which they had owned for six years.
Little also pressed Albert on an earlier police interview where she said her daughter, Caitlin Albert, left her house at 12:15 a.m. and not 2 a.m. on the morning O'Keefe was found dead.
"I don't believe I said that," Albert said, indicating that the police investigator might have gotten things misconstrued in her notes.
Albert also testified about a Feb. 3, 2022, conversation with Massachusetts State Police Michael Proctor. Little pressed her on several pieces of information she left out during that interview, including some of the key people who were at her house on the night before O'Keefe died, including her nephew Colin Albert.
"I didn't mention Colin because I didn't consider him as part of the group that we were hanging out with at the Waterfall because he left as soon as I walked in," Albert said. "I didn't even think of him."
Asked by Little about the first thing she remembers waking up to on the morning of Jan. 29, 2022, Albert said, "My sister bombing into my bedroom" between 6 and 6:30 a.m. She said she didn't see any flashing lights or hear any sirens that night, noting that her blinds were closed.
Little pointed out that surveillance footage shows it was actually closer to 6:45 a.m. The defense attorney then referenced two phone calls from Jennifer McCabe to Albert at 6:07 a.m. and 6:08 a.m. that records show were answered.
"I never answered any phone calls from my sister that morning," Albert said. "She may have placed those phone calls to me, but I never answered them... I never spoke to her that morning."
Nothing was seen on top but they could see blood beneath the snow and they wanted to collect it and so they "improvised" by using the leaf blower and because they were improvising, they videoed the process and the video was shown in court (Day 5).Lightly uncovering is one thing but blasting with such is another. I think all picture someone like coming in blasting as one would do with debris and leaves and what are the facts here? And was it lightly done from a distance rather than hands, shovel, etc. ? I honestly don't know so asking and DO WE KNOW is another question? Blowing all was on top of the ground? Meaning stuff was seen on top of and he blew it away?
and what else was blown away besides the snow? That is the problem.Nothing was seen on top but they could see blood beneath the snow and they wanted to collect it and so they "improvised" by using the leaf blower and because they were improvising, they videoed the process and the video was shown in court (Day 5).
Btw, I think it was while using the leaf blower that they also uncovered the broken cocktail glass.
Now it is a sn*wblower? I thought it was a leaf blower?and why would anybody in that house have any reason to google how long it takes to freeze at that particular moment? It wasn't like it was record freezing that night for somebody to casually wonder. Why would any LE think using a snowblower to blow evidence all around be a good idea? So many questions on that side of things. People that should know better than to handle it themselves, unless they didn't want ANY outside investigation.