Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The picture shows a happy couple. Also, the clothes he is wearing in this picture is not what any of the first responders described.

John's friends testified today that they like Karen and there was no conflict that evening.

That is what I was pointing out. :hugs:
The picture shows a happy couple. Also, the clothes he is wearing in this picture is not what any of the first responders described.

John's friends testified today that they like Karen and there was no conflict that evening.

That is what I was pointing out. :hugs:

I don't see a glass in his hand. It's too blurry.
The picture shows a happy couple. Also, the clothes he is wearing in this picture is not what any of the first responders described.

John's friends testified today that they like Karen and there was no conflict that evening.

That is what I was pointing out. :hugs:
I hate arguing but don't mind debating or telling things like I see them. Ditto on :hugs:

Maybe I'm more cynical but I don't see that at all. I see her doing the cozy act, I don't see it from him and even if he was, almost all in life put such on in public and in their case they were publicly known people or at least he was. All strive for appearance sake in social situations and probably women more than men. I know I did. Hub was an idiot but I sure didn't want others to see such, no one's business. I'm not even talking of being fake I'm just talking it's no one's business. That pic shows nothing to me and in fact my FIRST impression was the opposite. She is acting as if all is good or putting on and he is paying no attention at all. Hard to say since it is one angle.

There may well have been no conflict until they were alone. Plays into the same thing. They didn't continue the evening together at the party.

As for clothes that's a new one to me so again what is the theory. Someone dressed a dead body in whose clothing? I mean with all respect :hugs: bring this one home for me as to thinking what? He changed clothes, someone else changed his clothes and had clothes that fit him or what is that supposed to indicate? He kept clothing at the Alberts to screw around with a gif? And then showered and changed? I'm serious. I am not following this part? Are they just different than when at the bar? Missing a coat? Adding a coat? Stopped home quick and both heading back out and he changed and she decided not to go with, they argued and she angrily said she'd drop him off? I'm not following the clothing bit. ARE you saying someone stripped his clothes off and put new ones on after killing him?

Again :hugs:but either I am missing something (possible) or I don't see where this proves anything in her favor.
He didn't have a glass according to the bartender. He was drinking bud light bottles.
So he had a glass and changed clothing after leaving the bar? Maybe this is known that they went direct ot the party home but i'm not as up on it or recalling? Is there evidence on either side it was bar straight to party and she dumped him? Maybe I have the devil's advocate in me int his case (and I defy the devil always just using the term) and I have watched a ton but haven't retained it in this one as I do in ones i've followed throughout so am seriously asking.

I can tell ya a story about a local cop and what he drank when out versus when in the car and not in the public eye. And many suspect did it all shift long as well while on the job, hiding it. As to bartenders? Liability on bars seen it a kazillion time in my life. The bartender is actually part of the testimony I watched today. I did watch some had to get away from Daybell and graphic details of dead children and not adults making stupid decisions regardless of whether him, her, someone who decided to beat him up and kill him at a party, or the homeowners having a party and all the numbers of people it would take to cover such up and lie.

I think I've said I don't like any of them quite honestly.

And what was that big round yellow thing I think it was whoever was holding, was that the Clerk and some dumb looking microphone? The one nearest the witness with her weird front hair dye, the bartender?

I just don't have it in this one--and I guess because it just doesn't fly with me. I think Lally is exactly what he is etc. but I believe so are Karen and her deceased bf and she most likely did this.

I HATE judging victims but I don't see her as one. Own up imo. Could happen t anyone, most of us have made our mistakes or had our days but own it.

The story here to date is as ludicrous as the O thing in Delphi.

No evidence of a bit of it. Imo.

However, I am still open.
And what bar would let a customer leave with a glass of theirs? Plus, in some states that is illegal.
Let a cop leave with one, a glass lol, you kidding me? LOL. WAs this the cops usual hangout? I can tell you which one was/is in my hometown county. Well a couple actually depending on whether in city or wanting to be out of town. Honestly I'd imagine you can do the same talking about the good ol' boys or just even the area cops, etc. He was a cop not just the prosecution and witnesses and other party attendees are such or in such positions. Man could I share stories....
Maybe I'm more cynical but I don't see that at all. I see her doing the cozy act, I don't see it from him and even if he was, almost all in life put such on in public and in their case they were publicly known people or at least he was. All strive for appearance sake in social situations and probably women more than men. I know I did. Hub was an idiot but I sure didn't want others to see such, no one's business. I'm not even talking of being fake I'm just talking it's no one's business. That pic shows nothing to me and in fact my FIRST impression was the opposite. She is acting as if all is good or putting on and he is paying no attention at all. Hard to say since it is one angle.
Testimony re the nature of their relationship is info from his brother, Paul, that the prior summer, witnessed an "intense" argument between John and Read- alcohol involved- and the testimony from Paul's wife about the "kissing" incident ("kissing", per Read) a month prior in Aruba and her testimony that on the Friday- this was sometime after three in the afternoon. Read texted her asking if Paul was around and then said "it's another day she wished she hadn't talked to another O'Keefe after 2004 (2004 being when John and Read last knew one another).
Anyway, John had been there at the with a friend and Read came in sometime later.
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So he had a glass and changed clothing after leaving the bar? Maybe this is known that they went direct ot the party home but i'm not as up on it or recalling? Is there evidence on either side it was bar straight to party and she dumped him? Maybe I have the devil's advocate in me int his case (and I defy the devil always just using the term) and I have watched a ton but haven't retained it in this one as I do in ones i've followed throughout so am seriously asking.

I can tell ya a story about a local cop and what he drank when out versus when in the car and not in the public eye. And many suspect did it all shift long as well while on the job, hiding it. As to bartenders? Liability on bars seen it a kazillion time in my life. The bartender is actually part of the testimony I watched today. I did watch some had to get away from Daybell and graphic details of dead children and not adults making stupid decisions regardless of whether him, her, someone who decided to beat him up and kill him at a party, or the homeowners having a party and all the numbers of people it would take to cover such up and lie.

I think I've said I don't like any of them quite honestly.

And what was that big round yellow thing I think it was whoever was holding, was that the Clerk and some dumb looking microphone? The one nearest the witness with her weird front hair dye, the bartender?

I just don't have it in this one--and I guess because it just doesn't fly with me. I think Lally is exactly what he is etc. but I believe so are Karen and her deceased bf and she most likely did this.

I HATE judging victims but I don't see her as one. Own up imo. Could happen t anyone, most of us have made our mistakes or had our days but own it.

The story here to date is as ludicrous as the O thing in Delphi.

No evidence of a bit of it. Imo.

However, I am still open.
No he did not go home & change. John & Karen left from the bar to 34 Fairview Road.

By Marc Fortier, John Moroney and Munashe Kwangwari • Published 43 mins ago • Updated 13 mins ago​

As week two comes to close, jurors in the Karen Read trial heard testimony from friends of Boston police Officer John O'Keefe.

Some of the witnesses taking the stand were Canton Selectman Chris Albert and his wife Julie Albert.

Julie will be back on the stand again Friday morning. She was out with Read and O'Keefe the night before O'Keefe was found dead on her brother-in-law Brian Albert's front lawn.


Chris Albert's testimony​

Chris Albert, the brother of Boston Police Officer Brian Albert and a friend of O'Keefe's, testified about how he met up with O'Keefe at the Waterfall Bar & Grill in Canton on the night before O'Keefe's death.

He said he left around midnight, right around when O'Keefe and Read did, and went home to go to sleep. He said his son Colin had been at his brother's house that night celebrating his nephew's birthday, and returned home a short time later.

Albert said he woke up the next morning and his wife told him that O'Keefe had died and had been found on his brother's lawn on Fairview Road.

"I was in shock," he said. "I was like, 'What are you talking about?'"

He said he and his wife went over to his brother's house, where a number of other people had gathered, including several of those who had been at the Waterfall the night before.

Under cross-examination, defense attorney David Yannetti attempted to establish that the Albert family has a long standing in town and is a powerful family, with Albert on the Select Board and a brother who was on the Canton Police Department.

He then started to ask Albert about his connections to Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor, the lead investigator in the Karen Read case who is currently the subject of an internal investigation into a potential violation of department policy. Sources have told NBC10 Boston the investigation is connected to the Read case.

Albert confirmed that he has known Proctor for about 15 years.

The defense also sought to establish that Albert and former Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz have known each other for decades. Albert said Berkowitz once attended a campaign event of his and donated to his campaign for Select Board.

Yannetti even displayed a photo for jurors showing the two of them together at the event.

The defense also asked about Albert's brother, Brian Albert, and his involvement in the Boston Police Department's fugitive unit. Chris Albert testified that he and Brian Albert spent time together at the holidays and would occasionally socialize together.

"You would agree with me that the Albert family is well-known in the town of Canton," Yannetti said in his cross-examination.

"We have a big family," Albert replied.

Yannetti went on to ask if he agreed that "the Albert family is a powerful family in the town of Canton," but the prosecution objected, and Judge Beverly Cannone sustained.

Yannetti also got Albert to acknowledge that he and Proctor had attended social events together in the past.

The defense also entered a text exchange between Chris Albert and O'Keefe into evidence where Albert told O'Keefe to come to the Waterfall.

"Get over here," the first text message from Albert said, followed by another that said, "If not I'm going to f--- up your lawn," followed by a laughing emoji.

"It's a joke," Albert told Yannetti.

Yannetti also asked Albert about the amount Albert had to drink on the night before O'Keefe's death. Albert said he was fine and in control of his faculties. He was also asked if he noticed any arguments between O'Keefe and Read.

"I didn't notice anything irregular," he said.

Albert also testified that he was the last person to leave the Waterfall that night. Yannetti questioned Albert about his assertion that he arrived back home between 12:05 and 12:10 a.m., showing a short clip of the Waterfall surveillance video showing Albert leaving the bar just before 12:14 a.m.

"That would mean it would have been impossible for you to get home to Maple Street by 12:05 or 12:10, correct?" Yannetti said.

"Yes," Albert replied.

Albert said the walking distance from Waterfall to his house was about five minutes, meaning he would have actually arrived home closer to 12:19 or 12:20 a.m.

Soon after arriving home, Albert testified that he changed out of his wet clothes and then began to drift of to sleep within about 15 minutes, or about 12:35 a.m. He said his son Colin came home at some point after that and woke him up to say goodnight.

Yannetti tried to get Albert to acknowledge that O'Keefe, who lived nearby, did not like people walking on his lawn. But Albert denied that Colin ever did anything on O'Keefe's lawn that would have annoyed him. He also denied that he knew that O'Keefe didn't like people going on his lawn.

He did say that O'Keefe once yelled at Albert's younger son Dylan for walking on his lawn, but said it was meant as a joke and O'Keefe later brought Dylan candy as a way to apologize.

The jury was also shown a photo of Chris Albert and his wife, Julie, in front of O'Keefe home.

By Marc Fortier, John Moroney and Munashe Kwangwari • Published 43 mins ago • Updated 13 mins ago​

Continued from previous post:

Julie Albert's testimony​

Julie Albert was the second witness of the day called by the defense.

Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally started by establishing her relationship with O'Keefe. She said they were friends and neighbors and she was friendly with O'Keefe's niece and nephew and met Read in 2021 and had socialized with her on numerous occasions.

She was also asked to talk about the evening of Jan. 28, the night before O'Keefe's death, including the gathering that night at the Waterfall.

Julie Albert testified she was at the Waterfall with husband, recalling Read arriving with a drink under her coat from another bar across the street, C.F. McCarthy's.

She said she spoke with Read. Much of her testimony was similar to her husband's, describing who was at the bar and when they arrived and departed.

She said she had a migraine and left fairly soon after arriving to go home. She said her youngest son was home. Her oldest son was in the Navy and living in California at the time and her middle son Colin was at Brian Albert's home on Fairview Road.

She said her husband returned home sometime after 12, possibly 12:10 a.m., got undressed and went straight to bed. Another 10-15 minutes later, she said her son Colin returned home.

Lally asked if Colin had any injuries, and Julie said he did not.

The next morning, Julie Albert said she woke up around 8 a.m. and went to Dunkin' to buy donuts for her nephew Brian Albert Jr. for his birthday. She noticed a missed call from her friend Jennifer McCabe on her phone from 5:55 a.m., but no voicemail or text message.

She drove to her nephew's home on Fairview Road and pulled into the driveway around 8:30 a.m. She said McCabe's car was in the driveway.

She went to leave the donuts and a birthday card in her nephew's car, but her brother-in-law, Brian Albert, told her to come inside for a second.

Julie Albert said she went into the house, and Brian Albert, his wife Nicole Albert, their Brian Higgins and Jennifer McCabe and her husband Matt were already inside.

"Everyone was just sitting there and I was just looking around and everyone was visibly upset and I asked, 'What's going on?' and another maybe 30 seconds went by, and Jen said 'Something's happened to John' and I said 'John?' and she said 'John O'Keefe.' I said, 'Is he OK?' and she said, 'We don't know.'"

She said she then went home to wake her husband up and let him know what happened. They then both went back to Brian and Nicole Albert's home on Fairview Road.

Several days later, Julie Albert said she met with two state police troopers investigating O'Keefe's death.

During cross examination, Yannetti asked Julie Albert to clarify that the interview with the two state police troopers actually took place almost two weeks later instead of just several days later as Lally had said. She said that was the first time any investigators spoke to her and her husband.

Julie Albert also acknowledged that she knew one of the investigators, Proctor, who is the brother of one of her close friends. She said she has spent time at Michael Proctor's childhood home and has been to the pool at the Proctors' home.

She also said she texted regularly with Courtney Proctor, Michael Proctor's sister, but said she didn't recall how often she spoke with her on the phone.

Yannetti asked Julie Albert if she used Courtney Proctor as an intermediary to speak with Michael Proctor about the Read case. Cannone overruled the prosecution's objection, and Albert replied, "No, I did not."

Yannetti said Julie Albert and Courtney Proctor spoke on the phone 67 times, but Albert said she didn't recall the exact number of times.

The defense attorney also asked Albert if she remembered talking with Courtney Proctor on the phone for 12 minutes on Feb. 1, 2022, the date when Read was arrested in connection with O'Keefe's death. He showed her phone records, but Albert said that did not refresh her memory.

Yannetti asked Albert if she spoke with Courtney Proctor on Feb 1., 2022, and she said she did.

"What did you discuss?" Yannetti asked.

"I don't recall," Albert said.

The next day, when Read was arraigned, Yannetti said Albert spoke with Courtney Proctor thee times before the arraignment happened. After the arraignment, he said she spoke with Courtney Proctor for 27 minutes.

Albert acknowledged that she knew Read had been arrested on Feb. 1 and she was being arraigned the following day.

Court adjourned for the day just before 12:30 p.m., with Julie Albert still on the stand. A full day of testimony is expected on Friday, beginning at 9 a.m.
So this is her and him that night at the Waterfall or whatever the name? Wisely for once I read ahead the few posts on this (considering it is in trial) and see you say he was not wearing what he is here when found? I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. They look home for a quckie and then got dressed and decided to go back out to the party? Or someone who killed him at the party REDRESSED him in someone else's clothing?

I love you and am not trying to argue I'm just not following? The point?
I don't know the point, either.
And to me, the EMT's remembered as much as I'd expect. I found them consistent as to what John was wearing except for the one who remembered he was wearing a coat. I think he was mistaken but I can surely understand why. I think what registered most in his memory was his observation that John wasn't underdressed for the weather. He also remembered the difficulty in removing the sleeves over John's cold and stiff hands.

I have to say, my heart went out to those EMT's having to testify as to every move they made and precisely who said what to whom when...You know, they were only on the scene for literally a matter of minutes* and their only focus was doing what they're trained to do to save a man's life!
*The 911 call was at 6:04 and unless I'm mistaken, the ambulance left the scene by or at about 6:15.
He didn't have a glass according to the bartender. He was drinking bud light bottles.
I don't know if you're watching the trial but testimony's been that Read came into Waterfall carrying a glass she apparently brought over from another bar.
Of course, I don't know whether it's the same glass but the bottom portion of a broken glass collected from the scene was presented in court on (I think) Day 5.

By Marc Fortier, John Moroney and Munashe Kwangwari • Published 43 mins ago • Updated 13 mins ago​

As week two comes to close, jurors in the Karen Read trial heard testimony from friends of Boston police Officer John O'Keefe.

Some of the witnesses taking the stand were Canton Selectman Chris Albert and his wife Julie Albert.

Julie will be back on the stand again Friday morning. She was out with Read and O'Keefe the night before O'Keefe was found dead on her brother-in-law Brian Albert's front lawn.


Chris Albert's testimony​

Chris Albert, the brother of Boston Police Officer Brian Albert and a friend of O'Keefe's, testified about how he met up with O'Keefe at the Waterfall Bar & Grill in Canton on the night before O'Keefe's death.

He said he left around midnight, right around when O'Keefe and Read did, and went home to go to sleep. He said his son Colin had been at his brother's house that night celebrating his nephew's birthday, and returned home a short time later.

Albert said he woke up the next morning and his wife told him that O'Keefe had died and had been found on his brother's lawn on Fairview Road.

"I was in shock," he said. "I was like, 'What are you talking about?'"

He said he and his wife went over to his brother's house, where a number of other people had gathered, including several of those who had been at the Waterfall the night before.

Under cross-examination, defense attorney David Yannetti attempted to establish that the Albert family has a long standing in town and is a powerful family, with Albert on the Select Board and a brother who was on the Canton Police Department.

He then started to ask Albert about his connections to Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor, the lead investigator in the Karen Read case who is currently the subject of an internal investigation into a potential violation of department policy. Sources have told NBC10 Boston the investigation is connected to the Read case.

Albert confirmed that he has known Proctor for about 15 years.

The defense also sought to establish that Albert and former Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz have known each other for decades. Albert said Berkowitz once attended a campaign event of his and donated to his campaign for Select Board.

Yannetti even displayed a photo for jurors showing the two of them together at the event.

The defense also asked about Albert's brother, Brian Albert, and his involvement in the Boston Police Department's fugitive unit. Chris Albert testified that he and Brian Albert spent time together at the holidays and would occasionally socialize together.

"You would agree with me that the Albert family is well-known in the town of Canton," Yannetti said in his cross-examination.

"We have a big family," Albert replied.

Yannetti went on to ask if he agreed that "the Albert family is a powerful family in the town of Canton," but the prosecution objected, and Judge Beverly Cannone sustained.

Yannetti also got Albert to acknowledge that he and Proctor had attended social events together in the past.

The defense also entered a text exchange between Chris Albert and O'Keefe into evidence where Albert told O'Keefe to come to the Waterfall.

"Get over here," the first text message from Albert said, followed by another that said, "If not I'm going to f--- up your lawn," followed by a laughing emoji.

"It's a joke," Albert told Yannetti.

Yannetti also asked Albert about the amount Albert had to drink on the night before O'Keefe's death. Albert said he was fine and in control of his faculties. He was also asked if he noticed any arguments between O'Keefe and Read.

"I didn't notice anything irregular," he said.

Albert also testified that he was the last person to leave the Waterfall that night. Yannetti questioned Albert about his assertion that he arrived back home between 12:05 and 12:10 a.m., showing a short clip of the Waterfall surveillance video showing Albert leaving the bar just before 12:14 a.m.

"That would mean it would have been impossible for you to get home to Maple Street by 12:05 or 12:10, correct?" Yannetti said.

"Yes," Albert replied.

Albert said the walking distance from Waterfall to his house was about five minutes, meaning he would have actually arrived home closer to 12:19 or 12:20 a.m.

Soon after arriving home, Albert testified that he changed out of his wet clothes and then began to drift of to sleep within about 15 minutes, or about 12:35 a.m. He said his son Colin came home at some point after that and woke him up to say goodnight.

Yannetti tried to get Albert to acknowledge that O'Keefe, who lived nearby, did not like people walking on his lawn. But Albert denied that Colin ever did anything on O'Keefe's lawn that would have annoyed him. He also denied that he knew that O'Keefe didn't like people going on his lawn.

He did say that O'Keefe once yelled at Albert's younger son Dylan for walking on his lawn, but said it was meant as a joke and O'Keefe later brought Dylan candy as a way to apologize.

The jury was also shown a photo of Chris Albert and his wife, Julie, in front of O'Keefe home.
This actually cements me more in the opinion I have lighly formed than the other way for many reasons. So he AND O'Keefe lived near the Waterfall Bar? And again when I say one of theirs, yes, one of theirs, friends. Sounding like a very common cop gathering bar imo. Why didn't Karen and John walk? To be in control of his faculties doesn't mean Albert wasn't over the limit but then neither were a driving and further partying John and Karen not likely over it as well.

I don't like powerful area families who abuse their power but that doesn't mean they committed murder or were part of some huge conspiracy.

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