Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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but just because you don't like her, that doesn't mean that she should be charged for murder in something that they bungled so badly, does it? These guys were supposedly trained to notice detail linked to a possibly crime.
I have said repeatedly I don't 'know if I would find her guilty and that I think it overcharged. I also have acknowledged the incompetence and even link a show where that is pounded down on and said I agree.

HOWEVER, I still belleve she struck him. Intentional or not, I don't know.

I didn't say because I don't like her she should be overcharged. I also didn't say since I don't like the other side either they should be charged, etc. I don't like ANY of THEM.

They are a bunch of as you said people who think they are invincible and the rules don't apply to any of them. And I dislike all of the main people here out that night. Or at the party. And a part of this case.

Not a bit of that have I said and I also have never argued that they messed up here or bungled it. So with all respect, you have that mixed up or missed it.
What exactly have they proven she is beyond a reasonable doubt guilty of at all?
Huh? Did I say they have proven anything? In fact in another post I said as much. I was simply asking if the jury has options and what is on the table here. I mentioned no such thing about anything being proven no matter the charge.

Dpn\t take me wrong, but you are putting words in my mouth. Look at my post. I alluded to no such thing nor said any such thing.
Jennifer McCabe stated in her testimony that Karen said she had a broken tail light and they looked at it. Karen's car was in John's driveway at the time. Where is the Ring video from this? Is the Commonwealth not showing it because it doesn't exist? :thinking:
Hmm. Is it possible Karen got rid of footage since she came in drunk, etc. Do they have ring video of that? Her arriving home, probably stumbling out of car and to house and so forth?

I am not being facetious or sarcastic I am seriously wondering as I don't know about the Ring thing even in general or that they had one or if I did, it did not stick with me. I would think and hope you'd know that is how I mean it.

Since I didn't know of such, it instantly made me think well there must be Ring footage of more then too, including being panicked and leaving that next morning and so on....? Is there?
More lack of any kind of real investigation noted here.

By looking at this and how much snow is on the ground and still coming down steadily and they find him many hours later, just how did they even see any blood on the ground?
That guy. I used to watch him for awhile on the Ramsey case until it became clear to me he had no clue what he was talking about. He's an idiot. Apparently has written books that have sold by you know so has Chad Daybell lol.

Regardless a video is a video. What were ANY of them doing OUT that night. So let's say the taillight was broke there but pieces fell when she hit John. Who knows.

Some have tried to minimize this weather that night and others have tried to maximize it.

CLEARLY she should not have been driving.

She sure seemed to know the next morning and went right to him...

Again I have never said I could find her guilty depending on the case that gets presented AND of that charge if a juror. I do think she hit him though. Jmo. AND that she knows it and always has.
"Them" didn't say that; Jen (Roberts who was also there hasn't yet testified) said that when she saw it, it was missing pieces.
Also if she struck a vehicle at the bar and broke it then why is it no one noticed a broken tail light. One can't have that both ways First it is said no one saw one and so it wasn't broken, then we are shown she struck a vehicle on leaving the bar. Which is it?

She was drunk, can't even remember going there but clearly was there, hits a vehicle on leaving, was driving, and more and more.

By Munashe Kwangwari and Eli Rosenberg • Published May 17, 2024 • Updated on May 18, 2024 at 12:41 am​


Jennifer McCabe testifies​

Around 12:15 p.m., Matthew McCabe's wife, Jennifer McCabe, took the stand. She was one of the three women, along with Read and Roberts, who found O'Keefe's body on the lawn of 34 Fairview Road on the morning of Jan. 29, 2022.

She testified about how she and her husband met her sister at the Waterfall around 9 p.m. on Jan. 28, 2022.

"He was my friend. I loved John. He was an amazing guy," McCabe said when asked what she thought about O'Keefe. She also detailed how O'Keefe told her that he was dating someone new, and he wanted McCabe to meet her.

McCabe said she met Read for the first time when they both came over to her house in July of 2020, and occasionally socialized with them at sporting events, birthday parties and other events.

"I enjoyed Ms. Read. I really liked her. I thought we connected from the beginning. She was very easy to talk to. She had MS, I have MS... It was nice to have someone who understood what I was going through. So we had that in common."

On the night before O'Keefe's death, McCabe said she left the Waterfall around midnight. As multiple previous witnesses have described, she said the mood at the bar that night was positive.

She also testified about a conversation with Read about how Read was frustrated that she and O'Keefe didn't have more time together, and that his family wasn't helping out more with raising his niece and nephew.

And she talked about how everyone left the Waterfall and how she gave O'Keefe directions back to Albert's home, where people were gathering after leaving the bar. But she said O'Keefe never came into the Albert house that evening.

McCabe testified that she saw a dark SUV outside of the Albert home that night and texted O'Keefe, "Here?"

Lally looked to have the text exchange between McCabe and O'Keefe entered into evidence, but the defense objected. The judge asked him to redact certain images from the text messages over the lunch break, and adjourned the trial until 2 p.m., when McCabe returned to the stand.

The text messages between McCabe and O'Keefe were entered into evidence after the lunch break, with Lally asking about the specifics of their exchange.

The first was at 12:14 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2022, from O'Keefe to McCabe, saying "Where to?"

At 12:27 a.m., McCabe sent O'Keefe a text, saying, "Here!?" She said she sent that text after seeing a dark SUV out front of the Albert home on Fairview Road. Four minutes later, she sent a text saying, "Pull behind me." She said she sent this message after seeing the SUV move, to tell O'Keefe to park behind her vehicle.

At 12:40 a.m., she sent another text to O'Keefe saying, "Hello." McCabe said she wasn't sure if the SUV was still there or if it had already left by that point.

At 12:42 a.m., she texted O'Keefe, "Where are you?" And then "Hello" at 12:45 a.m.

McCabe said she never received any response from O'Keefe.

The next text she sent to O'Keefe was at 4:59 a.m., when she said, "Please answer." She then added, "Karen is worried we need to find u" and followed with another text asking him again to answer so she would know that he was OK.

McCabe said the later texts were prompted by a phone call she received from O'Keefe's niece, who was with Karen Read. Similar to what her husband testified, McCabe said at 4:53 a.m., she was woken up by her phone. She said she could hear Read screaming her name in the background and that she eventually got on the phone.

McCabe said Read told her she had gotten in a fight with O'Keefe and he hadn't come home. McCabe described Read as hard to understand and "extremely irrational" during the call. McCabe also said Read kept asking "could I have hit him?" and that she mentioned she had a damaged tail light.

McCabe began trying to get in contact with other people to see if she could track down O'Keefe, and she said at this point her husband was awake and told her they had seen Read and O'Keefe outside of her sister's house.

McCabe said she wound up leaving the house to look for O'Keefe when Read showed up at her home, screaming. McCabe described Read as "hysterical" at this point. They were joined by Kerry Roberts and the three of them decided to go back to O'Keefe's home, McCabe driving Read's car.

“I saw missing pieces from the tail light," McCabe testified, saying that when they arrived at O'Keefe's driveway Read showed them the damage.

McCabe said they checked the house for O'Keefe and spoke with his niece before leaving again, this time heading over to Fairview. She said this time all three women were in one car, with Roberts driving, McCabe in the passenger seat and Read in the back. She said Read continued screaming their names and repeating certain phrases like "could I have hit him?"

As they drove back to Fairview, McCabe said between the weather and the darkness the conditions were bad and it was hard to see. As they approached the Albert home, McCabe said Read shouted "there he is" and started banging on the car door to be let out.

Roberts unlocked the door and McCabe said Read ran right to where O'Keefe was laying. McCabe said he was flat on his back and covered with snow.

“I saw Kerry wiping the snow off of John’s face and I could not believe that that was John laying there.”

McCabe called 911 and she said Roberts and Read began attempting CPR while they waited for first responders. She said Read continued to scream.

Police and EMTs arrived and began working on O'Keefe. McCabe testified that when an EMT asked them what happened, Read said "I hit him" three times.

"When she spoke to the paramedic it was crystal clear: 'I hit him,'” McCabe said.

McCabe said she and Roberts were placed in a car with Read, who kept asking, "is he dead?" and asked them to pray.

The defense has made a search on McCabe's phone of "hos [sic] long to die in cold" central to the argument of Read's innocence. Her attorneys say she made this search at 2:27 a.m., hours before 911 was called to report O'Keefe had been found in the snow.

Prosecutors have disputed this timing, arguing McCabe made the search after O'Keefe was found unresponsive.

McCabe testified Friday that she made the search at Read's request after they found O'Keefe.

"She grabbed my hands and she said, 'Google hypothermia, Google how long it takes to die in the cold," McCabe said on the witness stand. "I had my phone out, and it was cold, and my hands were frozen, and I have MS, and I took my phone out while she was screaming and shaking my arm, and I attempted to Google 'How long does it take to die in the cold.'"

She told the court, "my hands were shaking," as she tried to complete the search and that she may have looked it up multiple times, but doesn't think she actually got the answer.

“I was completely just in a state of shock and disbelief,” she said.

Read's defense team maintains that the search was made hours earlier.

"That Google search was at 2:27 in the morning. That's when the Google search happened, and you'll find out why we know that in short order," defense attorney Alan Jackson said outside court Friday.

McCabe said that at one point, a police officer asked her to go inside and wake her sister, which she did by walking into the Albert home and upstairs to her sister's bedroom. Nicole and Brian Albert were asleep, according to McCabe, who said at first they appeared confused as she tried to explain to them what was happening.

After a few minutes the Alberts got up and got dressed, McCabe testified, coming downstairs to Officer Lank, who was waiting to speak with them. McCabe said she knew Lank, both of them having grown up in Canton. She said Lank eventually left but returned later with another officer when she called him.

"He had told me if there’s anything you remember please give me a call," McCabe said, noting that she got Lank's phone number from Julie Albert, who also arrived at the home at some point that morning.

I told him about the comments and the remarks that Karen Read had been stating that morning," McCabe testified. "I said that she told one of the EMTs that she hit him," she added.

McCabe said throughout the hours she was at her sister's home that morning several other people arrived at different points, including her husband Matthew McCabe, who she said she called, Julie Albert, and Brian Higgins. Eventually she returned home with her husband, and said it was there she was interviewed by Massachusetts State Police - troopers - Michael Proctor and Yuri Bukhenik.

She noted that at one point she called Brian Albert because she "wanted his support." Albert was at the McCabe home during her state police interviews, McCabe said.

Court has wrapped up for the day Friday.

45 pieces was even brought up in trial

"Did you see 45 pieces of red taillight plastic?" Yannetti said.

That's the defense attorney asking that, it is not fact. He could ask if she saw a million pieces. He asked her if she saw 45 and she said she did NOt. He then asked her if she saw ONE.

IS IT FACT? And from where if so?

Defense attorney questions are MEANT to insert things and hope they get taken as fact that aren't. A game I can't stand and should not be allowed in our system.

if it is fact, fine, but I sure have never heard any such thing and I've seen no one else here saying it is. Is it?

Clearly we are not agreeing on this case lol.
"Them" didn't say that; Jen (Roberts who was also there hasn't yet testified) said that when she saw it, it was missing pieces.
Is multiple people not "them"?

When Read woke up that morning, Lally said, she called two friends — Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts — after she noticed that O’Keefe was not home.
Read met with McCabe and told her that she noticed her taillight was cracked, Lally said.
Well I will admit to being lost on this part. Are we talking of the black SUV and those who testified about it or gave statements? Not a one of them was a cop I don't believe. And now the 6 am. thing I'm entirely lost. No one has to fill me in, just saying since I am lost and so reserving my opinion on this one.
Read woke people up a mere few hours later- before 5am that Saturday morn- frantic that John wasn't home.
She drive to Jen's and Roberts showed up there, too- having also been called by Read in a panic- and since Read was irrational, Jen drove Read's vehicle with Read to John's house and Robert's followed. (Jen said the rationale was that John might actually be at home and that Read just hadn't see him.)
Anyway, from John's, they took Robert's vehicle and so when they arrived at Fairview that morn at 6am, it was in Robert's vehicle.
And yet they have no BAC on her and she was driving. Wow.


9:08 a.m. - Read's blood is drawn at Good Samaritan Medical Center. A forensic toxicologist said it revealed her blood alcohol content was .07% - .08% and opined that around the time of 12:45 a.m., her BAC would have been between .13% and .29%.
Maybe. Maybe not.

You know if defendants had to take the stand imagine how much perjury there would be. We just accept and always have that the don't have to and such is long been the established rule and just accepted by us all as it is how it always has been. You know what though, I am not sure that I agree with it. I think they should have to answer just like everyone else has to.
Is multiple people not "them"?

When Read woke up that morning, Lally said, she called two friends — Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts — after she noticed that O’Keefe was not home.
Read met with McCabe and told her that she noticed her taillight was cracked, Lally said.
and more "them" in trial already

McCabe said she and Read spoke via phone with O’Keefe’s friend, Kerry Roberts, who suggested searching for O’Keefe back at his house. McCabe testified that she and Read met Roberts in O’Keefe’s driveway, and Read showed the two other women her cracked taillight.

don't they have dash cam footage of a broken taillight on her car? Why would it matter where is was parked at 6am? They have her mentioning a broken taillight, they have evidence of a broken taillight, they have a dead body of her boyfriend in their yard and yet none of them even think to look for pieces of a broken taillight? There is absolutely no way to justify this. None. It doesn't matter where her car was parked at 6am for this to be an issue that none of them that were supposedly investigating this to overlook.
I don't know when it was put it together that the circumstance of the taillight could be associated with what happened to John.
I don't know when it was put it together that the circumstance of the taillight could be associated with what happened to John.
Wouldn't logic come to the conclusion that they are "investigating" the death of her boyfriend in somebody else's yard and she has a new "cracked" taillight and at least look for pieces near where he laid nearly immediately? Not one cop there thought to look for it while they were right there "investigating" and "collecting evidence"? Yes, those are in parentheses because it's obvious they did neither and the prosecution itself, is proving this.
Just proving more and more that they didn't investigate anything.
Read woke people up a mere few hours later- before 5am that Saturday morn- frantic that John wasn't home.
She drive to Jen's and Roberts showed up there, too- having also been called by Read in a panic- and since Read was irrational, Jen drove Read's vehicle with Read to John's house and Robert's followed. (Jen said the rationale was that John might actually be at home and that Read just hadn't see him.)
Anyway, from John's, they took Robert's vehicle and so when they arrived at Fairview that morn at 6am, it was in Robert's vehicle.
Okay but this has nothing to do with those that saw the vehicle Read was driving earlier that night parked in the driveway right? Somehow these two things seemed to get put into same post/s.

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