Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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9:08 a.m. - Read's blood is drawn at Good Samaritan Medical Center. A forensic toxicologist said it revealed her blood alcohol content was .07% - .08% and opined that around the time of 12:45 a.m., her BAC would have been between .13% and .29%.
I did know the estimate but sounded like it was not going to be admitted as estimated or was being argued anyhow not to be and wasn't taken right away or some such. Back a week or two ago or just before trial it was discussed some here.
and more "them" in trial already

McCabe said she and Read spoke via phone with O’Keefe’s friend, Kerry Roberts, who suggested searching for O’Keefe back at his house. McCabe testified that she and Read met Roberts in O’Keefe’s driveway, and Read showed the two other women her cracked taillight.

Lol. I don't care about the "them" argument so long as I don't hear "these ones" and "those ones". I hear it a million times a day at work by customers and younger coworkers and it is all I can do to zip my lip and stand it. LOL.
Also, those pics of the supposedly found taillight pieces that have no chain of evidence show possible very fresh tire tracks. How is this piece, found days later, not crunched by whatever drove there and sticking out on top?

Wouldn't logic come to the conclusion that they are "investigating" the death of her boyfriend in somebody else's yard and she has a new "cracked" taillight and at least look for pieces near where he laid nearly immediately? Not one cop there thought to look for it while they were right there "investigating" and "collecting evidence"? Yes, those are in parentheses because it's obvious they did neither and the prosecution itself, is proving this.
Just proving more and more that they didn't investigate anything.
Well what is the case here. You can have a "cracked" tail light with not a piece missing and in the next breath it isnt' said to be cracked, it is talking 45 pieces or shards. Whih is it? Personally I think the 45 pieces sounds like total bullsheet. What is it, seriously? Cracked, broken, smashed, missing pieces or not? I feel like semantics are going ton here and different versions of such. Not into such but leaving shortly anyhow lol so all have fun and a good day.
Like I've stated multiple times, I am not saying she didn't do this, BUT the prosecution has done absolutely nothing but prove that there was absolutely an incompetent "investigation" done on this to the point where it is impossible for me to be beyond a reasonable doubt, positive she did it. I feel sorry for any crime victim in this jurisdiction if this is how they "investigate" any crime. Lazy? Incompetent? Cover up? I'm not sure which category or categories they are, but it's definitely at least one of them. They failed to collect evidence properly. They failed to follow chain of command. They failed to interview logical witnesses and this was supposed to be their friend that was killed. Wouldn't this, in most cases, bring out all the stops with LE?
But SHE had told multiple people already that she noticed her taillight was cracked while talking about not being able to find him and showed it to them. Are you now seeing that there was absolutely no investigation here?
I for one don't disagree the investigation here left a lot to be desired. However there is a big difference between a lousy investigation and killing someone you know and framing someone you know for it. A HUGE difference.
It is very clear to me the P word is involved (politics I will say it so as not to confuse anyone who may think it stands for prosecution) even though I am not 24/7 on this. Agree.

I also agree with both videos I watched and linked, the trial has not been one so far that they are nailing by a long shot (prosecution).

I am glad you agree about the dog and fight because that's what I have the biggest issue with, that someone at the party killed him and this is what happened, etc. etc. and then framed her and so on and this HUGE conspiracy. I think if the D had NOT went that route with their entire public campaign which did work on much of the public it seems, they could have really nipped this. I think both sides are using this case and likely care less about any victim or defendant but for their "fame", election or to save their hides even (for those called out as corrupt).

The entire thing leaves me with a distaste and disgust for almost all. Seriously.

I don't know and wouldn't convict if I didn't know but I think she hit him whether accidentally or intentionally I don't know. And that's as simple as it should have stayed. I think it was a drinking and not perfect relationship playing into it. I don't think sober that she would have and would regret it if intentional or accidental. This is not proven to me don't get me wrong, it is just my opinion of what happened based on what I know and as you know, I have ingested a lot on this case but I have to draw back on the overload the defense has put out there and I think they went too far honestly. The whole someone in the home murdered him the dog got involved, they dumped him outside and then framed her, etc. is way TOO MUCH for me to buy. Man they were lucky she just happened to drop him off to make that work weren't they? It's just too much, too many things that have to fall into place.

Let her off, let her do six months in jail, a year of community service probation, etc. God knows that's all many others get or some such. I do NOT agree with such but mentioned two I knew that got little to nothing where they killed someone and I disagreed entirely. Hub's was long before I was ever with him, "BIL's" was as well but he was still on conditions. And both were continuing their habits/ways.

I mean the SD AG got away with it. Etc.

Why is SHE facing worse? Than the average Joe or AG of SD?
Or the KC Coach's son (also a lower coach wasnt' he?)

This is all a show imo. And I don't like it. So I am naming the little people I know who did not get the consequences they should have imo and we all know the connected don't. And I disagree with it ENTIRELY but with her it has turned into this... Whether it is ego, politics or whatever, there is another reason for it imo.

I don't see where it comes from love and defense and upset for the victim from the big bunch, prosecutorial side. And it seems to me initially, I'd have to look back and don't have time, she believed and knew she did this, but had they not went overboard, this would perhaps never have went anywhere and certainly not to what it has turned into.

And I do have to say, if she is wrongly charged or overcharged, I am not okay with that with any case BUT this one is small potatoes but has garnered so much attention that it disgusts me. It was all drinking, a party, driving, etc. Don't get me wrong, not like I've never done so in my life. I have. You live, you learn. But when you see people in power doing it and thinking immune including the victim and his gf Karen, it leaves a bad taste. I seriously do not like either side. And both sides have contributed to making this far bigger than it should be.

What a waste. And this definitely has P involved.

All jmo. I can't say I'd find her guilty though. Haven't been able to watch the trial but have read a lot and listened to a few things on it. So I do not disagree on all.

:hugs: Hoping your world is bright and all going well. Wish I had time for the basement, etc. and just chit chat and catching up.

Why didn't anyone notice a broken taillight after she had dropped him off, but did in the morning?

As @Guess Who keeps pointing out, why did it take so long to find the taillight pieces? One was found two weeks later.

Do you really believe that after all the detail in his texts that McCabe sent from being outside the "Asian" house that he happened to be driving by? If so, he had to be going 1mph. and texting while driving.

Why didn't the "official" investigation mention the plow truck? The road WAS plowed and if they spoke to someone in the road clearing department, they'd know that, but the "official" report didn't mention that?

What was meant in texts saying the McCabes owed the chief investigator a favor for his help with the, so called, investigation?

Why did the McCabes downplay their relationship between the chief investigator and themselves?

Why is Jennifer McCabe lying about the time she did the hypothermia search?

It seems that most of us here are bothered by those facts. You don't seem to be.
Is multiple people not "them"?

When Read woke up that morning, Lally said, she called two friends — Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts — after she noticed that O’Keefe was not home.
Read met with McCabe and told her that she noticed her taillight was cracked, Lally said.
I didn't know who you were referring to but yes, per testimony thus far, the only person to describe the taillight as "cracked" is Read.
Like I've stated multiple times, I am not saying she didn't do this, BUT the prosecution has done absolutely nothing but prove that there was absolutely an incompetent "investigation" done on this to the point where it is impossible for me to be beyond a reasonable doubt, positive she did it. I feel sorry for any crime victim in this jurisdiction if this is how they "investigate" any crime. Lazy? Incompetent? Cover up? I'm not sure which category or categories they are, but it's definitely at least one of them.
And I've never disagreed about the shitty investigation. I have said as much today and said the videos I linked days ago pretty much say the same BUT they do not believe the conspiracy, cover up and framing. Nor do I.
And if they lose this case in large part it will be because they helped to do so themselves by NOT being on this investigation the way they SHOULD have been.
And I've never disagreed about the shitty investigation. I have said as much today and said the videos I linked days ago pretty much say the same BUT they do not believe the conspiracy, cover up and framing. Nor do I.
How have the proven anything about her guilt of anything other than possibly driving under the influence, of which she is not being charged with? It's the prosecution's job to prove her guilty, isn't it? What have they proven on that?
Also, weren't the taillight pieces they found two weeks later near the mailbox? Are they trying to claim that they didn't receive mail for two weeks so that the mail vehicle didn't drive there or nobody drove over that spot for two weeks?
Why didn't anyone notice a broken taillight after she had dropped him off, but did in the morning?

As @Guess Who keeps pointing out, why did it take so long to find the taillight pieces? One was found two weeks later.

Do you really believe that after all the detail in his texts that McCabe sent from being outside the "Asian" house that he happened to be driving by? If so, he had to be going 1mph. and texting while driving.

Why didn't the "official" investigation mention the plow truck? The road WAS plowed and if they spoke to someone in the road clearing department, they'd know that, but the "official" report didn't mention that?

What was meant in texts saying the McCabes owed the chief investigator a favor for his help with the, so called, investigation?

Why did the McCabes downplay their relationship between the chief investigator and themselves?

Why is Jennifer McCabe lying about the time she did the hypothermia search?

It seems that most of us here are bothered by those facts. You don't seem to be.
I have to go but I will enjoy responding to this later. Already know my response in fact. Pushed it too late as it is.

A lively discussion on a case anyhow. I'm always up for that. So long as not overly repetitive or too disrespectful. Diverse opinions make it interesting imo.
don't they have dash cam footage of a broken taillight on her car? Why would it matter where is was parked at 6am? They have her mentioning a broken taillight, they have evidence of a broken taillight, they have a dead body of her boyfriend in their yard and yet none of them even think to look for pieces of a broken taillight? There is absolutely no way to justify this. None. It doesn't matter where her car was parked at 6am for this to be an issue that none of them that were supposedly investigating this to overlook.

Karen was "allegedly" screaming that she must have killed him while backing up. There's your first clue Scooby. They didn't put 2 and 2 together until later?

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