Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Real question.. If actually watching it, how did you miss the video the prosecution entered of her leaving the bar and tapping the vehicle as she backed out and the defense asking about the 45 pieces without an objection by the defense and McCabe testifying about her telling him that morning and testifying that she told two more about her cracked taillight... All things that were entered into evidence by the prosecution themselves. You claim those things haven't been covered in trial when they all were.
Re video, I don't recall a video shown in court showing Read leave the bar in her vehicle.
Re video, I don't recall a video shown in court showing Read leave the bar in her vehicle.
I was wrong that she was leaving the bar, it's when she was leaving an apt at 5am.

Video of her tapping starts a little after the 8:30 mark on this one. I don't have time to listen to the narrative right now to delve further, but evidently this is defense video, according to this one. The other video I linked earlier said it was from the prosecution. Gotta get stuff done before it starts raining again. This is the one day my yard isn't squishy and last one for a while after today.

I was wrong that she was leaving the bar, it's when she was leaving an apt at 5am.

Video of her tapping starts a little after the 8:30 mark on this one. I don't have time to listen to the narrative right now to delve further, but evidently this is defense video, according to this one. The other video I linked earlier said it was from the prosecution. Gotta get stuff done before it starts raining again. This is the one day my yard isn't squishy and last one for a while after today.

It's not from the bar. It's from when she left the house to go looking for him.
How have the proven anything about her guilt of anything other than possibly driving under the influence, of which she is not being charged with? It's the prosecution's job to prove her guilty, isn't it? What have they proven on that?
Since when do I or for that matter most of wait for a verdict or the case to conclude before having an opinion? I'm open to changing it but I have one. I do in Chad Daybell and he is not convicted yet either. I also do in Delphi and no trial yet. And so I'm really not sure of your point. I've watched quite a bit on it and the rare time one hears the P side and the D sn*w job that's ween on out there, I feel her guilty. A large part of it is also because I think their story is ludicrous and involves way too many or would need to to have such a conspiracy. I have a lot of reasons though.

I don't think I've remarked on what they've proven and no, I'm not watching the trial. I have skimmed the posts on it and the tweets, etc. Not closely but basically read them fast.

I've also said in here I'm not sure as a juror I could convict her yet and a lot more. Did you miss that?

And so, again, not sure of your point. I have an opinion as I almost always do on guilt or innocence. But I"m not sold the charge is the right one either. And so while I have an opinion I wouldn't call it set in stone. As to DUI, I think several probably should have that charge including her. Not sure I believe ALL the rides or that the RIDES were sober drivers either.
All I can say is that I have yet to see 45 pieces, except that if there is that many, then I think they must be very small pieces, lol!
He said did you see 45 and witness said no and then asked did you see one? A defense attorney asking a question is NOT evidence. He could have said 100, 30 or zero? Means nothing to me and shouldn't to the jurors either.
It was brought up in trial. If it wasn't true, why didn't the prosecution object to that info being bri6ght up?
Because it wasn't enough reason to? Yanetti inserting that into a question means nothing. And maybe there are 45 pieces, I have no idea. But it means nothing. That is not testimony nor evidence. He THEN asked did you see ONE? Yet you are hanging onto that there were 45. Well same guy said one so now isn't there just one if that's what you are going by? The numbers he puts in his questions?
Why didn't anyone notice a broken taillight after she had dropped him off, but did in the morning?

As @Guess Who keeps pointing out, why did it take so long to find the taillight pieces? One was found two weeks later.

Do you really believe that after all the detail in his texts that McCabe sent from being outside the "Asian" house that he happened to be driving by? If so, he had to be going 1mph. and texting while driving.

Why didn't the "official" investigation mention the plow truck? The road WAS plowed and if they spoke to someone in the road clearing department, they'd know that, but the "official" report didn't mention that?

What was meant in texts saying the McCabes owed the chief investigator a favor for his help with the, so called, investigation?

Why did the McCabes downplay their relationship between the chief investigator and themselves?

Why is Jennifer McCabe lying about the time she did the hypothermia search?

It seems that most of us here are bothered by those facts. You don't seem to be.
First question--no idea. Because the night before almost all who saw anything were drunk and it was DARK?

Second sentence. I don't know that either. It's winter, didn't feel they needed to, shoddy investigation, who knows. If someone PLACED them wanting them found then why would it take different lengths of time to find them all. The way Read drove, they will probably find another piece a block away some day when she hit something else for all we know.

I am not up on the Asian house and McCabe details in texts. I may have read or skimmed them but not coming to me right now. Many people do text while driving and I dont' know the law there and I think it's stupid to do so BUT maybe you are behind the times, I don't do it but my mom does and my daughter who works on the road and interstate (she hauls new campers to their new owners and such), use VOICE text and USE a headset to be legal in almost all states. My mom doesn't travel but she does hands voice text. No problem putting in detail there, you just talk while driving and tell it to send, etc. I'm not up on it and don't use it but many do. So there's that...Don't you have a set up for when you Uber? I'd hope so.

I don't find the mention of a plow truck or not odd at all. He wasn't found in the road was he, but in the yard?

I don't know and isn't some of this what trial is for? Not quite the same but we told our investigators and the prosecutor and such we owed them big and would send things after a guilty verdict. The sheriff gives his guys a pat on the back and a treat after a job well done, etc. This could mean absolutely nothing other than appreciation or it could be fishy. No idea. You know it's hard to have to both ways. If stupid enough to do such and say it if is dirty then we are talking too stupid to pull off a huge conspiracy either.

Downplay the relationship? I'd say for obvious reasons or no reason at all. Who does one think people in these roles hang with, are friends with, etc. ? I'd need to see the context again and WHEN and what was going on at or by that time. Early on or later?

I'm not convinced of the search proof or dismissal would have been gone for and clear evidence shown.

Lol, I'm not not concerned about these "facts" that can be taken in various ways and I'd need to be fresher on them which you likely are so that alone explains some of it. My memory doesn't hold in this case well because it is NOT ONE I have done over and over and over and over like Delphi and Daybell and in those it's like a trap with much but there's been so much I also am not fresh on dates and such any longer and so on.

Have you read ANY of my posts over the last weeks, months. I have said repeatedly I see corruption or abuse of power or use for own gain and can believe it. I see an not great investigation, no problem there. However it does NOT mean someone killed John, covered it up, blamed his gf, and did way too many things to believe and that involves way too many people. It's a bit interesting to see you having become such a conspiracist theorist in so many cases when I think back when I first came here you were calling others that. This one is sooooo far fetched. NOT quite as ridiculous as the Os in Delphi but up there.... This defense is at least on their game. That one is loserville central.

I'm not going to cry if she goes free. Like I said too if I have a bias at all it is that pretty much all here disgust me. Privileged people who think they can do what others better not or they will be arrested but these people never would as they ARE the law or connected, or a gf of or whatever.

I'm not alone in my opinion, your Vinnie doesn't buy the conspiracy and fight/murder by another. Nor does retired sergeant Joe of NYPD. So say to me what you will but the know the case and they don't buy it. They do come down on these untrained or lazy cops and the investigation and even as of a few days ago the prosecution case so far. I don't have trouble with that either.

I think what is really telling is how hysterical Karen was... That's a subject that perhaps one day I'll hit if I get time.

Don't tell me what I don't care about or put words in my mouth. She may walk or at least get a hung jury more likely than walking and you can say ha ha but I'm not saying she shouldn't or that I'd care about the ha ha because I don't care, I'm not the jury. If she is convicted, I also don't care, I will trust the jury DID their job. That's what trial is for, seeing what IS there and both sides case and so forth.

Just because you believe all the things you mentioned mean what you take them to mean, doesn't mean you are right are all are facts in the way you construe them.

I know this, this was an asinine BUNCH to be out publicly drinking in a bar on a winter storm warning night and who ARE LE and then to further drive and party. So I haven't gotten there yet but see the video was supposedly of her hitting a car THAT morning. Still drunk? She's bound to be just hours later. AND hysterical. Why.... Because she KNEW, it was all coming back if she didn't already know and go home freaked and NEVER go to sleep as she tried to figure out what to DO. OR, boy I have more thoughts in a few directions on this part. Not now though. Other cases I want to catch up with and not done here yet. Spent this morn on this one a lot and then my long arse work day and spending tonight so far in here. And it isn't one of my top ones so...
Karen was "allegedly" screaming that she must have killed him while backing up. There's your first clue Scooby. They didn't put 2 and 2 together until later?
Yeah imo Karen knew what happened and it was hitting her... Scooby is a bad example as in the end they all got it right, the whole crew... So if you think this one is wrong and they don't have it right, don't shame poor Scooby.
I believe that video is actually taken from the parking lot of John's apartment building. The defense says she broke it when leaving to find John.
So she can't drive that morning either but probably still really under all the drinks and who knows if she dind't have more on getting home. I read at break today so already know it wasn't the bar and that was said incorrectly. It was said it was, pretty sure. I don't know that most bars would have parking lot cameras.... Inside is one thing, outside another....
She was not parked in the driveway. She was parked on the side of the road.
Okay.... He was found in yard though right... So she parked on side of road to let him out or was it after she had... You seem to want to make it after and some witnesses only noticed her I know as the could see he driver... Fill me in if I have it wrong... My guess is YOU think at this point she had dropped him off but was then sitting on side of road...

Well at least you aren't saying she was never there lol like allegedly she claimed she never even remembered GOING there. THAT is INTOXICATED. Or something....
I'm not aware of her having struck a vehicle at the bar but my info is comes from what's been presented in court up to this point.
I would like to point out, though, that even though a person has no more to drink, depending on how much and how fast they've consumed, they become more intoxicated as their BAC continues to rise.
Well even though I am back here, read on break today and see this video was not of bar but of apartment or where they lived? The lived in an apartment? Nothing wrong with that, I do, just surprising with their professions and him having the two kids and such. I thought it was a home or was this an apt of someone else she WENT to that morning, can't recall but I read it earlier in few minutes of time.

As far as what you point out, you won't get any argument from me on that one. Yes actually they can get more intoxicated even after stopping and more loss of balance, function, all sorts of things. I've probably asked this but don't recall the answer or if I did, what was HIS alcohol content. Imo an educated guess is they were both beyond snockered.
Why didn't the prosecution object if it wasn't true?
I dont' know, why didn't they object when after he said did you see ONE? It's a question and I guess they could object to what, that he is leading, stating facts that are not in evidence? He didn't really state it as fact. He simply asked if witness saw 45 pieces. Could have been a million, could have been zero. So you know the case, ARE THERE 45? And if so, link and show me that isn't just from a defense attorney question. Perhaps there are. I simply don't see how you or @Guess Who thinks this is "evidence". If it is known show and say where. Not by a defense atty. question. Maybe such will come out later and be even agreed to, I have no idea. But you're both trying to make it fact. He could ask where were you Saturday when the McDonalds was burning and Mcdonald's may have never been burning. Doesn't mean anything AND perhaps both sides have different views on how many pieces and why and both know it and so it was not objected to as they will get to that. How do I know. And how do you? And again if you know this or have more ON it from over the time of the entire investigation and case, share it. Please.
Why did nobody see a broken taillight when she was parked? Why is there no video gathered from any of the businesses/doorbell cams on her fairly lengthy trip home that surely at least one of those places would have footage? See, it goes both ways here.
My guess is at FIRST they weren't after her. They were all drinking, they knew each other and so on. As to getting businesses/doorbell cams and heck this is dark and winter, you know that those look like. As far as the tail light come on and do we even KNOW when they saw her parked this was truly after she dropped him off and allegedly hit him? OR before? if you know and can show it then do, I don't know. I know a couple claimed to only see her in the vehicle but we are talking of DRUNK people at night and as far as the tail light, why would it even be a focus of them. She was there thought wasn't she? And claimed later to not even recall going there. Now THAT is INEBRIATED BEYOND.

It does go both ways here. If cops are stupid, lazy or incompetent it sure does not fit some huge conspiracy and smarts. Can't have it both ways. She did go there, apparently drove him there, decided not to get out or go attend with him and that alone doesn't make her guilty but it PLACES her RIGHT THERE. Just like Richard Allen in Delphi. She can't recall going there (but did she... or later did she...) so can't even defend self on that basis. if you can't recall that, how can you recall anything....? Or be a witness for self or defend self. Can't recall one thing but do another... Both ways there too right....

Why was she hysterical? I have a lot another day hopefully to say about the possibilties there. Sure you awake not too many hours later (giving the benefit of the doubt here she went home, quit drinking, went to bed, passed out and woke up without all that much sleep and realized he was not home. Well where DID she thinks she last saw him if she didnt' recall taking him there. And he's a grown man. Yes, there was weather but didn't worry her or him or stop them from the night out. He wouldn't have been driving or had an accident for her to worry about since he didn't drive and she had the vehicle so no worries there. One would think he might still be at the McCabes partying or slept there BUT she did not recall ever going there with him so that's out. She might have been hysterical as she thought him cheating and never came home but really doesn't fit the hysteria, calling people and looking and then screaming she backed over him....Yeah there is PLENTY both ways, I agree, probably not the same both ways you mean. And one thing makes far more sense here than the other. She knew or was hoping a bad dream imo or to wake up from what she did and find it didn't happen but at the same time cared and was scared if she didn't get someone and go find him to save him (worried he was already dead because of course he was) she'd never have him again. I think she knew and dreaded the worst... She was covering self but wanted to see if somehow it was not true and he'd survived, got up, someone found him, helped him.

Yeah, goes both ways. For sure.

I also have a thought about the one googling how long it takes someone to die... I'll save it and think on it, actually just occurred to me for the first time...

You know, these people were all apparently friends and I don't think at first they probably went out of the gate at her AND of course had others that were drinking, out, and over to the party to worry about where it would all go.... Perhaps at first they actually were not on her or into finding things to get her but came to realize it was big enough or going to be with news and outside agencies etc involved they had to... I don't know... There WAS a TURN though... With both sides... Imo.

Anyhow I don't know it all as well as some but I also know much of what is known just like in Delphi is only the defense PR and story they flood the public with...

Let her go, disbar, have a recall if elected, or take down the ones known to be abusing their positions. Let a jury decides, they send her to prison or they don't. I hate to say it but I don't overly care. Again everyone local in this case that night and after I think little of. Her, sorry to say but the deceased, etc. Privileged and connected and expected a pass if pulled over for being over the center line or some such. Winter storm yet out in the bars, driving and hosting a party for all to have to drive to that night. All attendees apparently had sober DDs drop them off , come get them, etc. all except for John driven by Karen. B.S.

And I've said it before and will again, I had a bit of a few years in life where I am lucky I never had anything happen. Tried to pretty much never be totally irresonsible but can't say I never was over the .08. BUT would any of us be cut a pass or be LE out in bars, driving, going to a party, having a death have never faced anything? No. Everyone of them including John and Karen felt immune. Imo. And to go out with the weather forecast and more, now that's different than I'd ever do.

I can only think what the citizens around there saw and thought of this bunch including John and Karen unless they of course schmoozed all so if stopped the woudln't get a DUI etc.

Yeah, it is, I admit it, a big part of my issue with it all. It's like when any types like these with influence, a badge, power, etc. have something happen and nowadays the public learns about it and would have probably helped each other out, even Karen quite possibly, to keep it all shush or at least not get big, and they turn on each other.... A HUGE example of something like this with a lot of privileged people trying to save selves but know if they turn things are known about them from who they turn on is the Murdaugh case.... This is a smaller example...

I'm probably going a bit too far sideways now so I'll stop. Still on this thread and again isn't my foremost and I really wanted to get to a couple I really do know more on and have some things to say about.
For my part, I haven't seen anything I'd consider as perjury.
I can't watch so can't say but I know he takes things as such if he believes one side and only one side that work with his belief. if it is perjury then I'd guess defense brought that out right...? And now jury knows.

We all have our biases imo even if we think we don't. In most cases. I do and I know it but I truly do base it on what I see, however, I do let instinct help a lot as well in some. WITH facts though. Only a FEW could you not change my mind on no matter what, I don't go 100 percent because that is NOT being fair and open if it was the "one off" that truly something else DID occur and was so unlikely and atypical, etc. Morphew is one NOTHING will EVER convince me less than 99.9 percent that Barry murdered his wife. Nothing will. Now IF Suzanne came back and spoke to us and told us he did NOT do it, that might be the ONE thing that MIGHT sway me. It's just one case that I am OVER on my opinion and for many reasons. I don't go 99.9 in almost any. Daybell is another. And in that one I think MOST who have followed it are the same. There's little doubt of the guilt of either. And some cases just have enough evidence that is actually shared that is so damning that well of course... Soto which you follow is one. Do you have ANY doubt already about Stephan's guilt and SA of Maddie? There would have to be a miracle for ANYONE to believe otherwise. Now mom is a question and I've not convicted her yet but he is a 99.9. BECAUSE even though we have not seen the evidence, LE is not lying about all the sh*t on his phone, that would be ridiculous to believe. 1700 hundred files and I'm not even sure each file or whatever didn't contain 100s but at least 1700 videos and images. That is not made up and anyone who has not convicted him already or has a totally guilty opinion would be a moron.

I am not convinced in this one or going to go 99.9 either way. I don't buy the defense conspiracy, story, etc. is a big part of it. There is a lot more though and my reasons are taken from, a lot of them, Karen herself....

I know you are watching, I also know you don't jump on board in either direction really but don't jump on the defense band wagon, do you have an opinion? Or are on a wait and see? Lean one way or another? I do have a lean but that does not mean right now I could convict if a juror, I couldn't. I have an opinion though and it has less to do with either side really than it does with her, her actions, her reactions and more. Of course other things may add or play in for one the big conspiracy thing by the defense which I don't find plausible but that really isn't it. It's her. Not any personal thing about her but what she did from beginning and throughout...

Man why am I still up, another ten hour plust tomorrow and I wanted to hit Soto and Daybell... Haven't even eaten anything yet and didn't all day since this morning.

And in most cases, it is the defendant for me as well as known facts. Anything the defendant chose, did, said, theh changed, etc. And then add in SOLID facts IF any known to the public.

Like Soto. I am going to guess, can't imagine how you'd disagree, that Stephan is full guilty of molesting and abusing Maddie. He has not been tried but would you agree with what obviously they have found he is LIKE to 99.9999999 percent guilty of that if they have what they say they have?
Then you have to take into consideration ALL that has been presented in court that I have linked for you. Just because it happens to be a YouTube video and stuff that has been reported that is directly quoted from trial that shows exactly what the prosection presented, doesn't mean you get to dismiss it.
I am good with YT I am sure all know if the source is good and it has actual trial testimony, interviews, and so on on it or a responsible channel.

I will say the 45 pieces whether from trial or YT or X repeating actual testimony, I don't care and will trust, but it is NOT evidence there were 45 pieces. And you did have the video wrong about being a the bar which I believed you as I trust you and such, and it was not the bar. I saw today on break you did say you had it wrong.

So yeah, I mean I can dismiss the 45 pieces and the video was not at the bar and should be dismissed as to being at the bar and now I have a bit less faith in what such is that comes. Not meaning you intentionally did it wrong but just showing we all can have things mistaken. I certainly can as I am not as up on this case as some but on the other hand, I haven't just fell into the defense well and bluster but am both ways yet.

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