Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Yeah imo Karen knew what happened and it was hitting her... Scooby is a bad example as in the end they all got it right, the whole crew... So if you think this one is wrong and they don't have it right, don't shame poor Scooby.

The people who claim she was doing that are the subject of the investigation that was mishandled. I don't believe them.
The taillight stuff is really hinky. It appears the McCabes were making sure they had their stories straight as well.
You know, dates and when matters a lot. I find myself in a lot of cases trying to recall the dates of what happens and what was going on around it. Today I wondered about the year this victim died and I looked at he case title and it wasn't in it. I do that a lot in a few others too. y something at the top of the thread tagged, posted, whatever you call it of the timeline as the case went or the investigation into the case and so on as an easy reference. I haven't followed it over a long time like Morphew, Daybell, others and it is not one of my first and wasn't even much of an interest til some months back and even then I gave Melanie Little and other links for those of you who it IS a first case for, it was not and still is not one of mine although here I am a bit more invested. We all have our ones. And so I don't recall the facts and timeline as well as I might cases I have looked at for years and followed closely.

So what I am getting at is I'd have to see the timeline with a lot of things and the tail light as to known facts AND what else was going on in the case or by either side and so on. And with a lot else as as well.

Here's one thing that seems to be fact. If videos tell truth and that's truly Karen, she can't drive and does strike another vehicle. I think a lot can be taken or speculated about this not just about the tail light but her inebriation or hysteria.

I also don't see how her saying her tail light was cracked helps her. You are taking it because no one noticed it the night or early morn at the party the night before to mean it wasn't after hitting John. That could be interpreted so MANY ways and in favor of either side. The whole thing is so back and forth. I mean the ideal for her would be she didn't HAVE SUCH at ALL. Notice such like mere hours later she does. Hmm. Of course she wouldn't the night before when driving be looking at her tail light. Actually how did she notice it in her hysteria and wanting to go find him. She NEEDED to to cover and mention....? I could go a thousand ways on this. She woke up (if ever slept) just hours later and was so worried but she thought where did I drive was he with me, and went and checked the vehicle and saw it? Well well that's interesting. OR did she strike the other vehicle on leaving to explain broken tail light pieces she KNEW would be found from hitting John...

Now some that know this case better may be able to put to rest some of these thoughts here as couldn't be but so far as I've been reading and see, well yeah they could be.

Most people if they were drunk and got angry and intentionally hit someone, or accidentally did and knew it and then left the scene would go home with panic setting in and WOULD imo do all they could to sober up and think about what to do.... What they needed to cover, etc... Make it at LEAST an accident and you know all these people, these cops, their wives and gfs, etc... Call so and SO.... Hit a car even intentionally... To have a reason for an already broken tail light... Perhaps.

Just thoughts.
The lack of any kind of real investigation, especially the death and possible murder of one of your fellow officers, is far too hinky for me. They would be pulling out all the stops.
Would you though when dead in the yard of one of your own and many others known and friends that were also partying and so on that night. Investgatng such had some low life shot him when on a call and then fleeing would be one thing but he's not the only officer or person here who is one of your own.
Unless they were protecting the guilty person.
Or just not wanting to look into too much because of all involved or what you may have to report, just as to DUIs of many that night perhaps and news and all sorts of reasons. Just a not very good department , not experienced and trained well and incompetent or lazy is just as likely.
Exactly. That or total incompetence and or laziness. There really aren't any other choices I can come up with.
That guilty person may have even been her. Maybe at first they didn't want either to nail her, after all she knew them all too. Who'd she call to go with her?

Maybe just didn't want to dig too deep as it was going to nail someone they knew including her. Sadly it's not uncommon when something happens that relates to their own activities and isn't an on duty shooting by someone else or something else, many are ready to keep it on the down low and be ready to sweep it under the rug if necessary. These were cops and others drinking, driving, at bars, etc. and partying and one died there.

I vote though incompetence.
Outa here. Never did get to look at my other cases that I generally put before this one. So off to do that while having a little time this morning. Yesterday before and after work all went into this one here but not today. See ya all in other threads or later sometime.
Second sentence. I don't know that either. It's winter, didn't feel they needed to, shoddy investigation, who knows. If someone PLACED them wanting them found then why would it take different lengths of time to find them all. The way Read drove, they will probably find another piece a block away some day when she hit something else for all we know.
"Hit something else a block away", lol!
I think you've asked about the weather and I'd like to shed some light on that, if I could.
It had started to snow (rather lightly, sounds like to me) shortly before midnight but by 6am- when John was found- there was about 6" on the ground (by one witness estimate) and snow continued and there were high winds and the severe weather continued for about an hour or so and according to the estimate of another witness, there were snowdrifts in some areas of about a foot.
Anyway, needless to say, anything on the ground would have been covered with a certain amount of snow. I'm not gonna get into why blood was visible (through) the snow and not 45 pieces- or just one piece- of taillight because I don't know. I just know that obviously, if the taillight was broke in any location after midnight, all pieces would be covered with snow.
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Well even though I am back here, read on break today and see this video was not of bar but of apartment or where they lived? The lived in an apartment? Nothing wrong with that, I do, just surprising with their professions and him having the two kids and such. I thought it was a home or was this an apt of someone else she WENT to that morning, can't recall but I read it earlier in few minutes of time.
No, John lived in a very nice house and Read lived elsewhere. Testimony is that she'd stay at John's 3 or 4 nights/days a week.
That guilty person may have even been her. Maybe at first they didn't want either to nail her, after all she knew them all too. Who'd she call to go with her?

Maybe just didn't want to dig too deep as it was going to nail someone they knew including her. Sadly it's not uncommon when something happens that relates to their own activities and isn't an on duty shooting by someone else or something else, many are ready to keep it on the down low and be ready to sweep it under the rug if necessary. These were cops and others drinking, driving, at bars, etc. and partying and one died there.

I vote though incompetence.
Key words..."MAY have been". By that very wording, you would Even have to vote for a not guilty verdict because "MAY have been" means you have reasonable doubt, which is what we have been saying all along. The only thing the prosecution has proven is that there was no real investigation and because of that, we will never know what actually happened beyond a reasonable doubt
"Hit something else a block away", lol!
I think you've asked about the weather and I'd like to shed some light on that, if I could.
It had started to snow (rather lightly, sounds like to me) shortly before midnight but by 6am- when John was found- there was about 6" on the ground (by one witness estimate) and snow continued and there were high winds and the severe weather continued for about an hour or so and according to the estimate of another witness, there were snowdrifts in some areas of about a foot.
Anyway, needless to say, anything on the ground would have been covered with a certain amount of snow. I'm not gonna get into why blood was visible (through) the snow and not 45 pieces- or just one piece- of taillight because I don't know. I just know that obviously, if the taillight was broke in any location after midnight, all pieces would be covered with snow.
and by the mailbox and not run over by vehicles, including the mail truck for two weeks. Not buying that at all. Also with absolutely no documentation other than a pic submitted by people that absolutely know what chain of command is.
and by the mailbox and not run over by vehicles, including the mail truck for two weeks. Not buying that at all. Also with absolutely no documentation other than a pic submitted by people that absolutely know what chain of command is.
To be clear, I'm watching the trial as it moves along and so at this point, the only pieces I have knowledge of were on grass.
To be clear, I'm watching the trial as it moves along and so at this point, the only pieces I have knowledge of were on grass.
How do you get it was in the grass? The one and only pic looks to me as if it's on the road with tracks very near it. There was only the one pic submitted as their entire documentation, wasn't it? The only testimony I find is that it was "near" where she parked, not mentioning exactly where.
"Hit something else a block away", lol!
I think you've asked about the weather and I'd like to shed some light on that, if I could.
It had started to snow (rather lightly, sounds like to me) shortly before midnight but by 6am- when John was found- there was about 6" on the ground (by one witness estimate) and snow continued and there were high winds and the severe weather continued for about an hour or so and according to the estimate of another witness, there were snowdrifts in some areas of about a foot.
Anyway, needless to say, anything on the ground would have been covered with a certain amount of snow. I'm not gonna get into why blood was visible (through) the snow and not 45 pieces- or just one piece- of taillight because I don't know. I just know that obviously, if the taillight was broke in any location after midnight, all pieces would be covered with snow.

Y'Know, I've never seen a taillight break into 45 pieces. Maybe three or four fairly big pieces with a little one here or there, but 45? It sounds like someone pummeled it so it couldn't be put back together again.
OPINION PIECE linked below. It's a Howie Carr article and is brutal.

By Howie Carr Last updated May 19, 2024

That's more than brutal. I liked this part:

What must the U.S. attorney be thinking as he watches this legal lynching unfold in deepest, darkest Dedham? The defense has said in open court that the feds already have a proffer — a deal — with the only witness who didn’t go to Can-UHN High.

The hack prosecutor did not dispute the statement.

Judge Cannone has instructed all the parties not to mention that federal grand jury, where at least three cops have apparently told conflicting stories from what they testified before Meatball’s state grand jury.

But the other day, one of the younger witnesses was asked who’s questioned him about O’Keefe’s death.

“The feds,” he blurted out in front of the jury.
The defense also has an FBI accident reconstructionist who will testify on their behalf, even though Proctor is still being investigated. I can't believe this, how obvious it is that they are making :poop: up as they go along.

Hopefully, the FBI will solve the case and Karen will be able to sue the :poop: out of the city.

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