Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Y'Know, I've never seen a taillight break into 45 pieces. Maybe three or four fairly big pieces with a little one here or there, but 45? It sounds like someone pummeled it so it couldn't be put back together again.
And most pieces would fall inside the taillight cavity because the impact would send it that way. Just like when you break glass from the outside, it falls inside.
Key words..."MAY have been". By that very wording, you would Even have to vote for a not guilty verdict because "MAY have been" means you have reasonable doubt, which is what we have been saying all along. The only thing the prosecution has proven is that there was no real investigation and because of that, we will never know what actually happened beyond a reasonable doubt
For the umpteenth time, I've already said I don't know that I could find her guilty if a juror for the charge leveled and is why I awaited trial which is on now. As far as what "we" have been saying all along uhm, I've been here off and on for a bit and not just recently so Iv'e seen what 'we" have been saying.

I have an opinion though and that opinion is that the whole defense scenario is ridiculous and I believe she hit him. I believe her hysteria was due to she knew that.

I don't deny the not great investigation done here and can see the politics written all over this case. Politics do not belong in justice but are present ridiculously so in many these days, and disgustingly so.

I've said a lot of things here but do not recall you responding to them until recently and clearly you haven't seen that I wouldn't necessarily convict her and a lot of other I have said. I was awaiting trial which is underway and not over. I do however think she hit and killed him and I do not believe the alternate ridiculous scenario. Whether they can PROVE it is another thing and what I was awaiting and saying, surely you are aware of that?

I've also said I don't like just about anyone in this case as to the locals and that includes her.

I've said a lot of things but am very unclear of why you are only picking out a thing or two and ignoring what else I've said even in the past few days and all along. I admit when I don't have time and can't read all posts so I'm guessing you haven't read all even in recent days and just have not said so, because you are taking one here of mine and one remark and not my overall views or remarks.

You're telling me "may have been" means I have reasonable doubt. Well that's not really true, I have my opinion but as far as what gets prove and if I were a juror that is different and that's why I've said repeatedly I was awaiting trial which isn't over. How many times have I said that? Plenty. Apparently you've never seen that. That's different than my OPINON though and I am not a juror and that's without the trial having been finished. And all along I was waiting for trial to find out more as well and I've said that as well. Repeatedly as to their investigation and whether they can prove it.

So not sure what the surprise is here or your telling my "key words". There's no "aha" thing here. I've said as much. A lot. I don't think this case should even be in trial by either side, have this much ridiculous attention and more.

And clearly politics are written all over it/the use of it.
and by the mailbox and not run over by vehicles, including the mail truck for two weeks. Not buying that at all. Also with absolutely no documentation other than a pic submitted by people that absolutely know what chain of command is.
In all humor, I'm going to just pull a "you". How do you know it was a mail truck? I mean here we have cars, trucks, official vehicles, private ones, etc. How do you know they even get mail at this addressor if do, 90 percent is emailed or electronic like most of mine? I don't get mail where I live, I get it at my home in the other state and get almost none as I have almost all bills etc on a no paper bill choice. I get NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE ever where I live 90 percent of the time.

Also no one has shown me yet proof of 45 pieces of tail light other than you touting a a defense QUESTION. Maybe there was that many, maybe not, please provide proof of such and evidence at any point in this case til right now up through ONGOING trial.

Even at the property I do get mail, I have cameras and informed delivery and the NOT MAIL TRUCK does not even go as far as my home most days when no mail. So your two weeks or assumptions with the mail here, who knows but they are total assumptions.

Does she dispute these days she was ever there or still just can't remember going there that night.... She has to live with it. That's something I guess...

Again, they pretty much all disgust me. I'll also add this, if any of this crew is ever seen intoxicated or drinking in a bar anywhere, pick up your phone and PUT IT VIRAL. From Karen to the others out that night. In any city, any state, anywhere. Party at so and so's house? Are you a real reporter, go watch and wait to see who DRIVES, attends and what happens.

What a bunch of "special" people Who have all done it to themselves.

Seriously, that this would be this big or waste this much or garner this much attention...

And again my opinion is different than if a juror and that remains to be seen. She killed him and she knows it and simply is using everything at her disposal to make sure she doesn't have to do time and make herself a poster child. There was no ridiculous fight and then cover up and blaming her and then a dog was involved and so on and so on. Proving she did it though is a separate thing. AND the investigation was far from perfect. That's the problem.

It's a good thing we agree on some cases, etc. lol. Love all.
The defense also has an FBI accident reconstructionist who will testify on their behalf, even though Proctor is still being investigated. I can't believe this, how obvious it is that they are making :poop: up as they go along.

Hopefully, the FBI will solve the case and Karen will be able to sue the :poop: out of the city.

Informational note; Trooper Proctor is also an investigator assigned to the Ana Walshe murder case.
How do you get it was in the grass? The one and only pic looks to me as if it's on the road with tracks very near it. There was only the one pic submitted as their entire documentation, wasn't it? The only testimony I find is that it was "near" where she parked, not mentioning exactly where.
On day 6 of the trial, @2:23, Law and Crime Network, two photos depicting the same piece were shown in court and testimony was that it was 6-8' into the yard and in the vicinity of where John was discovered.
Re the other photo I've mentioned- the one depicting the ground near a fire hydrant that I said showed smaller pieces, well, I was staring to think I'd either lost my mind or dreamed it (lol!) because it wasn't quick and easy to find.
Anyway, I found it on day 9 @ 6:51 and I have to say that after seeing it again, I'm not sure what's in the photo. It wasn't explained the reason why the photo was entered into evidence, it just was.
(I've come to know that that's how trials go, that is, that the relevance of a particular item isn't necessarily understood at the time it's entered into evidence.)

As for where Read parked, I believe the testimonies that her vehicle was seen parked in different places in front of the house and last near the fire hydrant or even beyond there.
In all humor, I'm going to just pull a "you". How do you know it was a mail truck? I mean here we have cars, trucks, official vehicles, private ones, etc. How do you know they even get mail at this addressor if do, 90 percent is emailed or electronic like most of mine? I don't get mail where I live, I get it at my home in the other state and get almost none as I have almost all bills etc on a no paper bill choice. I get NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE ever where I live 90 percent of the time.
Re vehicles (lol, I'm doing my best here!) Jen (McCabe) testified that after Read showed up at her house (Read was out in Jen's front yard, repeatedly screaming Jen's name), Kerry (Robert's) pulled up and a snowplow came up behind Kerry and Kerry then pulled into the driveway behind Read.
My point is that testimony was that at some point thereafter, Read suggested that John could have been hit (or ran over, something along that line) by a snowplow.
Y'Know, I've never seen a taillight break into 45 pieces. Maybe three or four fairly big pieces with a little one here or there, but 45? It sounds like someone pummeled it so it couldn't be put back together again.
Well, when I know something about there having been 45 pieces, I might have a comment.
Re vehicles (lol, I'm doing my best here!) Jen (McCabe) testified that after Read showed up at her house (Read was out in Jen's front yard, repeatedly screaming Jen's name), Kerry (Robert's) pulled up and a snowplow came up behind Kerry and Kerry then pulled into the driveway behind Read.
My point is that testimony was that at some point thereafter, Read suggested that John could have been hit (or ran over, something along that line) by a snowplow.
I could say a whole lot more lol about the mail and counting on a mail truck these days. And snail mail and delivery and the postal serviice. I don't have time but man I think most know. The service should be defunct. Also how many pieces do I mail OUT a year. ONE. My first 1/2 of property taxes only because there is NO WAY of online payment. So in an entire YEAR they have one piece to deliver from me anywhere. And I go paperless with all I can. I lived with my mom for a year WHO does get mail but even at 80 she is almost tall paperless and you know how often she'd have me since I was there check her box? Every four or five days maybe and was not worried then.

Then there's the fact of who knows that they get any mail there or have it out there as their mailing address? I don't at my apt. I told the postal person who put notes in my box a few times that I do not receive my mail here, I have a primary residence address elsewhere and do not leave junk mail or any mail as I don't use the box or this as my address. And at that residence, I have it checked about once a week for mail.

Seriously the service should be done for. What does anyone get other than junk mail, flyers and credit card offers? There a are a few archaic things yet. Here you will get jury notice by mail, property tax bill. Interesting that all of it is by govt. Car registration renewal. I watched at my moms some days the mail truck (was at truck there) lol zip by her house and the next two as no mail for them, flip around and stop at one on the other side of the street. My property I am the dead end of the dead end and if I had none nope, they don't continue down it to that point, they turn around at the neighbors. If they had none they never even came down the road.

And then we could get into how many have postal boxes instead of getting mail at home. Mostly though snail mail is archaic any longer. I just don't think it's a good argument.

I guess I did go on and did not mean to. Third 10 plus hour day in a row. Just tired and not focused at all this morning.

I forget the rest of your post but hope to look later! Although since Daybell is back on today starting with defense for first time I will want to catch up with that when getting home and then have ha very early day tomorrow BUT I will catch up at some point, may take until my day off, still several days away.

Have a good one one and all!
Re vehicles (lol, I'm doing my best here!) Jen (McCabe) testified that after Read showed up at her house (Read was out in Jen's front yard, repeatedly screaming Jen's name), Kerry (Robert's) pulled up and a snowplow came up behind Kerry and Kerry then pulled into the driveway behind Read.
My point is that testimony was that at some point thereafter, Read suggested that John could have been hit (or ran over, something along that line) by a snowplow.

Anything McCabe says is a lie, JMO.
On day 6 of the trial, @2:23, Law and Crime Network, two photos depicting the same piece were shown in court and testimony was that it was 6-8' into the yard and in the vicinity of where John was discovered.
Re the other photo I've mentioned- the one depicting the ground near a fire hydrant that I said showed smaller pieces, well, I was staring to think I'd either lost my mind or dreamed it (lol!) because it wasn't quick and easy to find.
Anyway, I found it on day 9 @ 6:51 and I have to say that after seeing it again, I'm not sure what's in the photo. It wasn't explained the reason why the photo was entered into evidence, it just was.
(I've come to know that that's how trials go, that is, that the relevance of a particular item isn't necessarily understood at the time it's entered into evidence.)

As for where Read parked, I believe the testimonies that her vehicle was seen parked in different places in front of the house and last near the fire hydrant or even beyond there.
Thanks for finding that because I sure couldn't and I gave up.

So they are implying that she drove 6-8 ft INTO the yard to hit him and nobody saw tracks or anything??? They are getting more and more ridiculous as it goes.
On day 6 of the trial, @2:23, Law and Crime Network, two photos depicting the same piece were shown in court and testimony was that it was 6-8' into the yard and in the vicinity of where John was discovered.
Re the other photo I've mentioned- the one depicting the ground near a fire hydrant that I said showed smaller pieces, well, I was staring to think I'd either lost my mind or dreamed it (lol!) because it wasn't quick and easy to find.
Anyway, I found it on day 9 @ 6:51 and I have to say that after seeing it again, I'm not sure what's in the photo. It wasn't explained the reason why the photo was entered into evidence, it just was.
(I've come to know that that's how trials go, that is, that the relevance of a particular item isn't necessarily understood at the time it's entered into evidence.)

As for where Read parked, I believe the testimonies that her vehicle was seen parked in different places in front of the house and last near the fire hydrant or even beyond there.
They saw her in all those places, yet nobody saw her in the yard....mmmmmkay.
In all humor, I'm going to just pull a "you". How do you know it was a mail truck? I mean here we have cars, trucks, official vehicles, private ones, etc. How do you know they even get mail at this addressor if do, 90 percent is emailed or electronic like most of mine? I don't get mail where I live, I get it at my home in the other state and get almost none as I have almost all bills etc on a no paper bill choice. I get NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE ever where I live 90 percent of the time.

Also no one has shown me yet proof of 45 pieces of tail light other than you touting a a defense QUESTION. Maybe there was that many, maybe not, please provide proof of such and evidence at any point in this case til right now up through ONGOING trial.

Even at the property I do get mail, I have cameras and informed delivery and the NOT MAIL TRUCK does not even go as far as my home most days when no mail. So your two weeks or assumptions with the mail here, who knows but they are total assumptions.

Does she dispute these days she was ever there or still just can't remember going there that night.... She has to live with it. That's something I guess...

Again, they pretty much all disgust me. I'll also add this, if any of this crew is ever seen intoxicated or drinking in a bar anywhere, pick up your phone and PUT IT VIRAL. From Karen to the others out that night. In any city, any state, anywhere. Party at so and so's house? Are you a real reporter, go watch and wait to see who DRIVES, attends and what happens.

What a bunch of "special" people Who have all done it to themselves.

Seriously, that this would be this big or waste this much or garner this much attention...

And again my opinion is different than if a juror and that remains to be seen. She killed him and she knows it and simply is using everything at her disposal to make sure she doesn't have to do time and make herself a poster child. There was no ridiculous fight and then cover up and blaming her and then a dog was involved and so on and so on. Proving she did it though is a separate thing. AND the investigation was far from perfect. That's the problem.

It's a good thing we agree on some cases, etc. lol. Love all.
their mail box is on the street. How else are they going to get their mail unless they have a po box? Even with a po box, junk mail gets delivered to the mail box that businesses tag every addresss on.
their mail box is on the street. How else are they going to get their mail unless they have a po box? Even with a po box, junk mail gets delivered to the mail box that businesses tag every addresss on.

I have no idea if she did it or not because they did not investigate it AT ALL. Now, why would they not do one shred of work to investigate the death of one of their fellow officers, especially if they thought he was murdered? There is absolutely no good reason for that and my only conclusion for that is they don't want something uncovered that happened that night that they were involved in. That "something" could be anything, but there is no other excuse for this lack of investigation to the possible murder of a fellow officer. In most places, that would bring out the entire force investigating it and doing every possible thing to prove it. They did absolutely nothing that they did do correctly and then didn't do any investigating. You have to ask yourself why is that.
Hmm. Is it possible Karen got rid of footage since she came in drunk, etc. Do they have ring video of that? Her arriving home, probably stumbling out of car and to house and so forth?

I am not being facetious or sarcastic I am seriously wondering as I don't know about the Ring thing even in general or that they had one or if I did, it did not stick with me. I would think and hope you'd know that is how I mean it.

Since I didn't know of such, it instantly made me think well there must be Ring footage of more then too, including being panicked and leaving that next morning and so on....? Is there?
Where is all that footage from John's Ring? Interesting that it just disappeared. The CW has yet to provide any evidence that Karen had access to this footage. It feels like the CW are piecing what they have to make it fit their narrative instead of letting the evidence lead them.
Where is all that footage from John's Ring? Interesting that it just disappeared. The CW has yet to provide any evidence that Karen had access to this footage. It feels like the CW are piecing what they have to make it fit their narrative instead of letting the evidence lead them.
Also why didn't they request ANY other ring footage,or similar, along her route?
Thanks for finding that because I sure couldn't and I gave up.

So they are implying that she drove 6-8 ft INTO the yard to hit him and nobody saw tracks or anything??? They are getting more and more ridiculous as it goes.
Well, the only reason I didn't give up is because I really didn't believe I could have only dreamed it, lol!

There was no implication, just that that's where it was.
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Where is all that footage from John's Ring? Interesting that it just disappeared. The CW has yet to provide any evidence that Karen had access to this footage. It feels like the CW are piecing what they have to make it fit their narrative instead of letting the evidence lead them.
The CW has proven the case for reasonable doubt all by themselves.

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