Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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By Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 21, 2024 • Updated 6 hours ago​


'Where was the body?'​

Jackson opened the cross-examination by asking, "Family is important to you, is it not?" before, establishing that neither O'Keefe nor Read are McCabe's family.

Jackson turned to the Waterfall, the Canton bar where McCabe and others spent time with O'Keefe and Read the the night before his death. McCabe, like other witnesses who've testified in the trial, said she didn't see any tension between the couple that night, though she said she hardly interacted with them together that night.

Jackson played surveillance video from outside the bar in which McCabe identified O'Keefe and another person, apparently Read, following McCabe into the night around 12:10 a.m. Jackson pressed McCabe on an invitation she extended to Read, along the lines of "you're coming with me," and whether she was trying to separate Read from O'Keefe, which McCabe denied.

"It was innocent," McCabe said, after explaining she believed both O'Keefe and Read were expected to go back to the home on Fairview Road together.

Jackson's questions jumped ahead to the home, where several other people — many of whom have already testified — were already gathered.

The lawyer asked McCabe about McCabe's previous testimony to investigators on the location of a Jeep in the driveway of the home, and he raised the first of several purported inconsistencies between that previous testimony and McCabe's current recollection. In this instance, McCabe said the lead state police investigators, Trooper Michael Proctor, took down the wrong orientation of the Jeep.

"I told him that when I looked out the front door, the car was straight ahead, and yes, it was facing out," McCabe said.

"So Trooper Proctor is wrong about what you said?" Jackson replied.

"I 100% said it was straight out the front door," she said.

The location of the vehicles in the driveway has been important in the investigation and trial because it helps establish when Read's SUV, which had O'Keefe inside, was outside the home.

Albert returned to the vehicles after establishing some other information — whether she speaks with other family members tied up in the case about it, what she knew about a location-tracking app called Life360 that's been involved in the case, her lack of memory of her sister's dog being at the Alberts' Fairview Road home when she returned.

Jackson asked McCabe to verify that, in her grand jury testimony, she did not mention a Jeep being in the yard.

"I may not have been asked about the Jeep so I did not mention the Jeep," McCabe eventually said, after some back and forth about reviewing the transcript.

McCabe denied several questions insinuating she checked her story with other witnesses'.

Jackson turned to several text messages McCabe sent to John O'Keefe's phone early that morning, including one at 12:27 a.m. McCabe said she sent that text when she saw Read's SUV outside, and that she knew that for the first two of the texts, she walked to the door of the home to look out at the vehicle.

"When I first saw the vehicle, it was straight ahead, out the front door, stationary," McCabe said, noting she later saw it move twice.

Jackson pointed out that seeing it move twice would mean that McCabe had looked out the window at least three times, first to see the SUV stationary, then two more times to establish the SUV had moved.

McCabe confirmed "I had a clear view of Karen's vehicle outside," and that she noticed the SUV was gone by the time she sent a 12:45 a.m. text. She agreed she didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary through the time the SUV drove away.

"Where was the body?" Jackson asked, pointedly.

"I have no idea," McCabe replied. "I'm assuming the body was on the front lawn."

"You were looking at the front lawn, weren't you?" the lawyer said.

"I was looking at the vehicle," McCabe said.

There was a testy back-and-forth about McCabe's field of vision, but McCabe eventually confirmed, "I never saw a body," adding, "I wish I had."

Was 'I hit him' a question or a statement?​

Jackson moved ahead a few hours to pre-dawn, when Read had gathered McCabe and another friend, Kerry Roberts, to help find O'Keefe, who hadn't turned up at his home that night. Jackson focused on another purported inconsistency between McCabe's testimony in court and to the grand jury that charged Read.

McCabe is one of the witnesses who says that, at the scene, Read repeatedly stated, "I hit him," but Jackson asked McCabe to point in the transcript of her grand jury testimony where she said so.

McCabe replied that she didn't think it was in there, but continued, "I can tell you today, with 100% clarity, she said, 'I hit him, I hit him, I hit him,' on that morning."

Jackson suggested that the grand jury transcript shows McCabe saying 12 different times that Read asked if she'd hit O'Keefe, phrases like, "Could I have hit him?" and "Is he dead?"

McCabe denied changing her testimony to help her story.

Focus on several phone calls​

Jackson played a 911 call made in the morning, on which McCabe recognized herself saying, "he got out of the car," a phrase the lawyer focused in on, asking how she knew that.

"I did, because Karen Read had told me she had left him there," McCabe said.

That call was made before McCabe went inside the house — she's testified that she ran into her sister and brother-in-law's bedroom to wake them up — and Jackson asked about two subsequent calls McCabe before going in the house, to her sister.

"She did not answer," McCabe said, to which Jackson replied that her phone extraction shows the call was answered.

"If that's what it shows," McCabe agreed, but insisted that her sister didn't answer.

After a break, Jackson played audio from a call to O'Keefe's phone that went to his voicemail. The caller's phone was inside an SUV — its windshield wipers were audible, as well as Read screaming in the background and other muffled voices.

They returned to the issue of the calls to McCabe's sister, Nicole Albert, each a few seconds long and a minute apart, according to phone records.

"The calls to Nicole were deleted from your phone before you turned your phone into law enforcement, right?" Jackson said.

"Not by me," McCabe replied.

Jackson continued pressing her on the call records, including one to Brian O'Keefe, but McCabe said it was hard to remember some specifics, given the "hysterical scene."

"My friend was lying there on the ground," she said.

'I sat with my family in shock and horror'​

Jackson started a new line of questioning, asking how many of the officers who responded to the Fairview Road home McCabe would friends with. She said she was friendly with Lt. Michael Lank and knew of Sgt. Sean Goode and acknowledged knowing both were friends with others in the Albert family.

McCabe insisted the family never discussed what they would tell police, and denied that her brother-in-law Brian Albert, who also owned the Fairview Road home and was also a Boston police officer, gave her advice about what to say in her interview.

"I'm an honest and truthful person," McCabe said at one point.

She didn't recall whether she told Brian Albert which officers were outside when she woke him and her sister up that morning.

Jackson went through the friends and family members who came into the house on Fairview Road in the hours after O'Keefe's body was found.

"I sat with my family in shock and horror," McCabe said.

Jackson asked whether McCabe and others were allowed to discuss what took place without police present, leading to another contentious back-and-forth, but McCabe acceded.

However, she replied, "You're creating a scene that didn't happen."

She later explained, "Everybody was trying to figure out what had happened," discussing.

Jackson moved on to another purported change in McCabe's testimony, having to do with Read's broken taillight — shards found at the scene days later are part of the evidenced against her. Jackson asked if McCabe said she saw a crack in the taillight during the search for O'Keefe that morning.

"That's what he said I said," McCabe replied. "I'm telling you, I told him, 'It was cracked.'"

When Jackson asked if the investigator again "screwed it up," McCabe said, "You'd have to ask Trooper Proctor."

McCabe said that in another report she said the taillight was cracked and had pieces missing.

"In a state of shock, that was my description," she said. "I said it was cracked, I never said there was a crack in it."

Call and text records​

Jackson turned to reports listing the phone calls extracted from O'Keefe's phone and McCabe's. O'Keefe's phone showed calls from McCabe that her phone didn't, according to Jackson, who asked the witness if every call in question was deleted.

"I didn't understand that report, and I'm not an expert," McCabe replied.

She denied deleting the call logs when Jackson asked if McCabe "sanitized your phone because you didn't want the police to know" about incessant calls that morning.

McCabe did say she deleted, with investigators' permission, personal conversations she had with her daughters.

"Did you delete any phone calls?" Jackson asked.

"I do not recall deleting any phone calls at all. I would have no reason to delete anything," McCabe replied, denying deleting calls with any witnesses in the case.

Jackson asked McCabe about her a text her husband testified about sending a group chat with her and several others involved in the case. In it, he said, "Tell them the guy never went in the house," which he said was in reference to O'Keefe and a reporter covering the story that morning.

McCabe said she didn't understand her husband to be directing her to coordinate their story.

"John never went in the house. It wasn't a story, it was the truth. It is the truth," McCabe said.

"Just like when you said, 'I hit him,'" Jackson replied, referring to McCabe's insistence that Read admitted hitting O'Keefe at the scene.

"Yes," McCabe said.

Jackson dug deeper into what McCabe and Roberts did in the hours and days to come.

McCabe said that Roberts asked to collaborate on a timeline of the events that unfolded: "The two of us were trying to figure out what had happened with our friend."

Roberts was later interviewed by police at McCabe's home, with McCabe present, she confirmed. Two officers came over when Roberts was there and the officers talked.

McCabe denied listening to the conversation or directing Roberts' testimony.

Jackson asked about a text McCabe sent to her family's group chat, "She's telling them everything." McCabe replied that she was listening to the phone call and mortified her to hear personal details.

"I was horrified," she said.

Jackson pointed out that McCabe had previously given different testimony to investigators, to which McCabe said her memory had been jogged.

And the lawyer latched on to whether McCabe could really hear what Roberts was saying in her police interview — she'd previously said the voices were muffled.

"You can hear bits and pieces. Was I eavesdropping? No. Was there some big coverup story? No." McCabe said.

Jackson continued to press McCabe — the judge had already sustained an objection to his question on whether McCabe's previous comment about not hearing the interview was a lie.

"You consistently reported back to the group how Kerry Roberts was doing, didn't you?" Jackson said.

"I would update them," McCabe replied. "We were all trying to figure out what had happened to John."

Jackson closed out the day's cross-examination with questions on a few more topics, including a meeting between Roberts and Lank, the police investigator, on Jan. 30.

Jackson asked if McCabe sat with Lank's wife in the car for 45-60 minutes.

"Kerry [Roberts] dropped her daughter off, the wife came out," McCabe said. "Kerry is a talker. They started talking. A tragedy had happened the day before."

She disputed Jackson's characterization of the meeting as "off the books," saying it was just for Roberts dropping her daughter off at the home of a good friend, whose husband was a police officer in Canton.

McCabe did acknowledge initially denying the meeting when first asked about it by a state police investigator, then re-thinking it.

She also noted that they drove by the Fairview Road home where O'Keefe died on the way to Lank's house, and while Jackson said a report showed they stopped at the home, McCabe said they did not stop or pick up her sister.

Finally, Jackson listed the calls McCabe made to O'Keefe from 12:14 to 12:50 a.m. the morning of his death, citing his phone records, and noting the first two were picked up, but the last six weren't.

The lawyer pressed McCabe about an explanation McCabe previously gave investigators involving butt dials, noting that when someone butt dials someone else, the call goes to voicemail.

"There were also text messages I was sending," McCabe said.

Jackson's last questions, about the period of those final phone calls coinciding with the period when O'Keefe was fatally hurt, were objected to by the prosecution and sustained.
"In a state of shock, that was my description," she said. "I said it was cracked, I never said there was a crack in it."
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
This is from the first day of court. Is it even possible to hit 24mph in reverse.

Also, look at the pic I posted that shows from the mailbox to the fire hydrant. Look at where the fire hydrant is to the flag pole where they say he was found. Now look at how she would also have to have enough control, going that fast, in reverse, jump the curb and manage to do that with enough control and speed to not hit the fire hydrant.

By Matt Fortin, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 22, 2024 • Updated on May 22, 2024 at 5:47 pm​


Jennifer McCabe cross-examined on 'hos long to die in cold' search​

For the past three days of the trial, defense attorneys have been pointing out purported changes in McCabe's account about what happened over the past two years, conversations she has had about the case in group chats with witnesses and about her calling O'Keefe around the time he likely died.

“So according to you, you literally butt-dialed John O'Keefe’s phone six times in the span of 19 minutes. Is that right?," Read's attorney asked McCabe during cross-examination.

“I don’t remember making any of those calls, so my assumption is that I put my phone in my back pocket and that was it," she said.

Wednesday opened with continued cross-examination of McCabe by Jackson, who picked up with an intense line of questioning circling around her relationship with state police investigators and the timing of now-infamous Google searches made on her phone.

Jackson presented to the court data from a cell phone extraction of McCabe's phone, which showed a series of Google searches related to how long it would take for someone to die in the cold.

McCabe agreed that she searched the phrases "hos long to die in cold" and "how long ti die in cikd" at the request of Read when they found O'Keefe's body in the front lawn of the Albert home in the snow.

The contention came when Jackson alleged that McCabe made the search an additional time at 2:27 a.m. — hours before she, Read and another woman found O'Keefe outside in the cold. Jackson argued that the earlier Google search would have meant that McCabe knew O'Keefe was in the lawn — a claim McCabe vehemently denied. The report also showed that she deleted the disputed 2:27 a.m. search.

"I did not make that search at that time," McCabe said. "I never would have left John O'Keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that I loved."

McCabe said that she was actually researching a basketball team for her daughter at around 2:30 a.m., and left a tab open. She said that when Read asked her to look up how long to die in the cold when they found O'Keefe's body, she searched it from the same tab.

McCabe and Jackson spent the cross-examination sparring Wednesday morning — some lines of questioning elicited emotional responses from McCabe, and she often went back and forth with Jackson several times before satisfyingly his questioning.

She became particularly emotional while recounting harassment she says she and her family has been subjected to in relation to the case.

"I am a state witness that is being tortured because of lies," McCabe said. "It's a social media witch hunt."

That statement was in response to a line of questioning about a meeting in 2023 between Jennifer McCabe and Elizabeth Proctor, wife of lead investigator Michael Proctor. McCabe said she met with Elizabeth Proctor at the couple's home, but her husband was not home.

She said that they met to discuss the harassment they were both experiencing.

By Matt Fortin, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 22, 2024 • Updated on May 22, 2024 at 5:47 pm​


Kerry Roberts recounts the search for John O'Keefe​

After Jennifer McCabe took the stand for a third day, the Commonwealth called Kerry Roberts to testify.

Roberts called O'Keefe one of her closest friends, explaining that she knew him from high school and that her son was close friends with O'Keefe's nephew. Roberts' husband was also a good friend to O'Keefe.

Under direct examination by Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally, Roberts told the court that she woke up at 5 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2022, to Read calling her phone. When she picked up, she said that a frantic Read said, "John is dead! Kerry! Kerry!" and hung up.

The two got back on the phone, and Read explained to Roberts that she feared John was dead, and that he might have gotten hit by a plow, Roberts testified, adding that Read told her she drank a lot and couldn't remember anything.

Roberts started getting ready to help look for O'Keefe. She drove to Jennifer McCabe's house to meet Read and McCabe. The three women then go to O'Keefe's home on Meadows Avenue to ensure he wasn't anywhere in the house.

Read mentioned the taillight on her Lexus SUV, Roberts said, who testified that she noticed there was a small piece missing. Roberts said that Read asked, "Do you think I hit him?"

Roberts, Read and McCabe search through O'Keefe's home, and without any luck, proceed to Fairview Road in the same car.

As their car approached the home, Roberts said that Read spotted O'Keefe in the snow and started kicking the door to get out. She ran over to what Roberts only described as a "mound of snow," which at some point she realized was the shape of a body.

Roberts uncovered snow from O'Keefe's face, she said. She attempted CPR chest compressions, while Read gave him mouth-to-mouth, and McCabe called 911. She remembered Read panicking and running around the scene, asking if she hit him and whether he was dead.

O'Keefe was put into an ambulance by paramedics and taken to the hospital. Roberts called some of his family members, including his parents.

After the lunch break, she described going to the hospital and learning that O'Keefe had died, crying as she recalled the moment. Roberts also described the injuries she saw, including scratches on his forearm. She drove home with the O'Keefe family, with heavy snow falling.

Lally jumped ahead, asking about investigators cloning the information on her phone and McCabe's, so they could access information that was on it, and then about one of the police investigators, Canton Police Lt. Michael Lank, whose daughter is friends with Roberts' daughter.

Roberts, her daughter and Jennifer McCabe went to the Lanks' house on Jan. 30, she testified, to drop her daughter off. Lank's wife got into the backseat to check in, Rogers said, estimating that they likely ended up talking for a while.

Their conversation had come up in McCabe's testimony.

By Matt Fortin, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 22, 2024 • Updated on May 22, 2024 at 5:47 pm​


Sullivan sisters discuss Aruba trip​

Lally's questions for both Laura and Marietta Sullivan centered around a large New Year's group trip to Aruba over that Laura Sullivan organized.

On the trip, Read accused O'Keefe of kissing Marietta Sullivan, causing apparent tension. Both women's testimony prompted warnings to the jury from Judge Beverly Cannone, who said they were only to use the information to help understand what was in people's minds at the time, not to weigh Read's guilt.

"He said, 'Well, apparently I made out with your sister the other night, according to Karen,'" Laura Sullivan recalled.

She and O'Keefe were close — he was the godfather to her son, whose father was his best friend and a fellow Boston police officer, but who died by suicide while Sullivan was still pregnant.

Marietta Sullivan, who is 10 years younger than Laura, testified that her whole family became close with O'Keefe over the ensuing years: "he was similar to a big brother to me."

She recalled seeing a "glassy-eyed" and stumbling O'Keefe at their hotel on New Year's Eve and giving him a hug as she said hello. Moments after they split up, she heard a voice yell across the lobby, "Who the f--- was that?"

O'Keefe, Sullivan recalled, told a woman, "Calm down, that's Laura's little sister," and Sullivan walked up to introduce herself.

"I said, 'Hi, nice to meet you.' That's when Ms. Read's head snapped up, and she very loudly said to go f--- myself across the lobby. And I said, 'Yeah? F--- you too,'" Sullivan said.

O'Keefe and Read didn't make many appearances with the rest of the group during the rest of the roughly weeklong group trip, Laura Sullivan said, though she said that, on their way out, Read approached her and tried to make it right.

"Karen grabbed me and she said, 'Hey, I'm sorry, I thought I saw something that I didn't and I would like to pay for some of your sister's room,'" adding that she replied that paying wasn't necessary, an apology would do.

Defense attorney David Yannetti only had a few questions for each sister: whether they were at the bar with Read and O'Keefe or the Fairview Road before O'Keefe died (they weren't) and whether they were interviewed Feb. 8 by state police investigator Michael Proctor (they were).

By Matt Fortin, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 22, 2024 • Updated on May 22, 2024 at 5:47 pm​


Jennifer McCabe cross-examined on 'hos long to die in cold' search​

For the past three days of the trial, defense attorneys have been pointing out purported changes in McCabe's account about what happened over the past two years, conversations she has had about the case in group chats with witnesses and about her calling O'Keefe around the time he likely died.

“So according to you, you literally butt-dialed John O'Keefe’s phone six times in the span of 19 minutes. Is that right?," Read's attorney asked McCabe during cross-examination.

“I don’t remember making any of those calls, so my assumption is that I put my phone in my back pocket and that was it," she said.

Wednesday opened with continued cross-examination of McCabe by Jackson, who picked up with an intense line of questioning circling around her relationship with state police investigators and the timing of now-infamous Google searches made on her phone.

Jackson presented to the court data from a cell phone extraction of McCabe's phone, which showed a series of Google searches related to how long it would take for someone to die in the cold.

McCabe agreed that she searched the phrases "hos long to die in cold" and "how long ti die in cikd" at the request of Read when they found O'Keefe's body in the front lawn of the Albert home in the snow.

The contention came when Jackson alleged that McCabe made the search an additional time at 2:27 a.m. — hours before she, Read and another woman found O'Keefe outside in the cold. Jackson argued that the earlier Google search would have meant that McCabe knew O'Keefe was in the lawn — a claim McCabe vehemently denied. The report also showed that she deleted the disputed 2:27 a.m. search.

"I did not make that search at that time," McCabe said. "I never would have left John O'Keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that I loved."

McCabe said that she was actually researching a basketball team for her daughter at around 2:30 a.m., and left a tab open. She said that when Read asked her to look up how long to die in the cold when they found O'Keefe's body, she searched it from the same tab.

McCabe and Jackson spent the cross-examination sparring Wednesday morning — some lines of questioning elicited emotional responses from McCabe, and she often went back and forth with Jackson several times before satisfyingly his questioning.

She became particularly emotional while recounting harassment she says she and her family has been subjected to in relation to the case.

"I am a state witness that is being tortured because of lies," McCabe said. "It's a social media witch hunt."

That statement was in response to a line of questioning about a meeting in 2023 between Jennifer McCabe and Elizabeth Proctor, wife of lead investigator Michael Proctor. McCabe said she met with Elizabeth Proctor at the couple's home, but her husband was not home.

She said that they met to discuss the harassment they were both experiencing.
Yeah, that's not how time stamps work on individual tabs with multiple tabs open, Jennifer.

By Matt Fortin, Asher Klein and Munashe Kwangwari • Published May 22, 2024 • Updated on May 22, 2024 at 5:47 pm​


Jennifer McCabe cross-examined on 'hos long to die in cold' search​

For the past three days of the trial, defense attorneys have been pointing out purported changes in McCabe's account about what happened over the past two years, conversations she has had about the case in group chats with witnesses and about her calling O'Keefe around the time he likely died.

“So according to you, you literally butt-dialed John O'Keefe’s phone six times in the span of 19 minutes. Is that right?," Read's attorney asked McCabe during cross-examination.

“I don’t remember making any of those calls, so my assumption is that I put my phone in my back pocket and that was it," she said.

Wednesday opened with continued cross-examination of McCabe by Jackson, who picked up with an intense line of questioning circling around her relationship with state police investigators and the timing of now-infamous Google searches made on her phone.

Jackson presented to the court data from a cell phone extraction of McCabe's phone, which showed a series of Google searches related to how long it would take for someone to die in the cold.

McCabe agreed that she searched the phrases "hos long to die in cold" and "how long ti die in cikd" at the request of Read when they found O'Keefe's body in the front lawn of the Albert home in the snow.

The contention came when Jackson alleged that McCabe made the search an additional time at 2:27 a.m. — hours before she, Read and another woman found O'Keefe outside in the cold. Jackson argued that the earlier Google search would have meant that McCabe knew O'Keefe was in the lawn — a claim McCabe vehemently denied. The report also showed that she deleted the disputed 2:27 a.m. search.

"I did not make that search at that time," McCabe said. "I never would have left John O'Keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that I loved."

McCabe said that she was actually researching a basketball team for her daughter at around 2:30 a.m., and left a tab open. She said that when Read asked her to look up how long to die in the cold when they found O'Keefe's body, she searched it from the same tab.

McCabe and Jackson spent the cross-examination sparring Wednesday morning — some lines of questioning elicited emotional responses from McCabe, and she often went back and forth with Jackson several times before satisfyingly his questioning.

She became particularly emotional while recounting harassment she says she and her family has been subjected to in relation to the case.

"I am a state witness that is being tortured because of lies," McCabe said. "It's a social media witch hunt."

That statement was in response to a line of questioning about a meeting in 2023 between Jennifer McCabe and Elizabeth Proctor, wife of lead investigator Michael Proctor. McCabe said she met with Elizabeth Proctor at the couple's home, but her husband was not home.

She said that they met to discuss the harassment they were both experiencing.

If you had been truthful from the get go you never would have been bothered.

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