Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The info re phone records and the extraction report of Jen's phone have me questioning the accuracy/reliability those sort of documents.
Re deleted calls, it doesn't make sense to me that those calls would have been made deliberately in the first place- I forgot how many there were but to me, they were within too short of a time frame to make any sense other than that they weren't made on purpose and so to me, it follows that the notion that they'd be deliberately deleted also doesn't make sense.
Re the extraction report of Jen's texts, it shows 6 texts in which two identical phrases are repeated and to me, the first and last don't make sense because although they're identical, the first shows having occurred at 2:27 and the last at 10:33.
I did note that under Source, one phrase shows Safari, the other, KnowldgeC.
(As for Origin as Unknown or Default, I haven't thought much about that yet, lol!)

I've since noted that Origin re the first and last texts is Unknown, and that both phrases have one Default and two Unknown.
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Yeah, that's not how time stamps work on individual tabs with multiple tabs open, Jennifer.
I know it is not the same but I got a text from my mom she was answering a group of us, one sis, one daughter and self. It had a time stamp of something like 2:30 a.m. and I did not see it until the next day and then I asked her what the heck she was doing up texting in the middle of the night! So not her, would never do such unless an emergency nor would she be up. I lived here not long ago for like a year and believe me she was in bed unlike self by a decent normal hour.

I get a response a few hours later that she was NOT UP and it was her dumb phone she guessed that finally sent it or some such or screwed it up. Tech is not perfect nor is service and if this mattered and what she was doing mattered in some case I would look like she was home and texting us at 2:30 a.m. and she was doing no such thing.

So I've heard this as the holy grail from a few of ya here, so what would be the reason she was searching It otherwise... Isn't the alternate theory he died in a fight in the home?

And then I could tell you what my phone was doing tonight and has been lately. And there's no stopping it and then I could not even shut it down which usually fixes it...

But I'm not saying one way or another here. I think ALL of it is overdone on both sides and a waste of resources, time, money, etc.

With Daybell on at the same time with three intentional murder this is a joke and mockery of our system in my opinion to have become such a huge thing and Karen a poster child. I am NOT saying justice or fairness doesn't matter but I AM saying it should not be to the point this is in what is nothing but a total p*ssing match between privileged people.
I can look at my history and it shows what time each search was done, no matter how many tabs I have open.
Well I lost all my tabs yesterday and went to look to restore them and find history and not a single chance of doing so or finding such. And there was one tab I REALLY needed and two more I need badly enough. I don't know what happened other than it is a tiny keyboard and Chromebook versus laptop and windows and gone it was and done for. It has its benefits but it has serious drawbacks as well. Tiny screen. Etc.

And it depends also on your browser and the investigator's ability to determine the accuracy. If this was true why wasn't it used and case dismissed way back when?
I know it is not the same but I got a text from my mom she was answering a group of us, one sis, one daughter and self. It had a time stamp of something like 2:30 a.m. and I did not see it until the next day and then I asked her what the heck she was doing up texting in the middle of the night! So not her, would never do such unless an emergency nor would she be up. I lived here not long ago for like a year and believe me she was in bed unlike self by a decent normal hour.

I get a response a few hours later that she was NOT UP and it was her dumb phone she guessed that finally sent it or some such or screwed it up. Tech is not perfect nor is service and if this mattered and what she was doing mattered in some case I would look like she was home and texting us at 2:30 a.m. and she was doing no such thing.

So I've heard this as the holy grail from a few of ya here, so what would be the reason she was searching It otherwise... Isn't the alternate theory he died in a fight in the home?

And then I could tell you what my phone was doing tonight and has been lately. And there's no stopping it and then I could not even shut it down which usually fixes it...

But I'm not saying one way or another here. I think ALL of it is overdone on both sides and a waste of resources, time, money, etc.

With Daybell on at the same time with three intentional murder this is a joke and mockery of our system in my opinion to have become such a huge thing and Karen a poster child. I am NOT saying justice or fairness doesn't matter but I AM saying it should not be to the point this is in what is nothing but a total p*ssing match between privileged people.


How long ago was that?
I know it is not the same but I got a text from my mom she was answering a group of us, one sis, one daughter and self. It had a time stamp of something like 2:30 a.m. and I did not see it until the next day and then I asked her what the heck she was doing up texting in the middle of the night! So not her, would never do such unless an emergency nor would she be up. I lived here not long ago for like a year and believe me she was in bed unlike self by a decent normal hour.

I get a response a few hours later that she was NOT UP and it was her dumb phone she guessed that finally sent it or some such or screwed it up. Tech is not perfect nor is service and if this mattered and what she was doing mattered in some case I would look like she was home and texting us at 2:30 a.m. and she was doing no such thing.

So I've heard this as the holy grail from a few of ya here, so what would be the reason she was searching It otherwise... Isn't the alternate theory he died in a fight in the home?
I agree; the only way in which that search makes sense is that Read implored Jen at the scene to make it.
You mention a personal experience related to phone records and I'm reminded of the defense issue of the fact that nobody came out of the house, that nobody saw or heard anything. Well, for me, it's a non-issue based on personal experience, also. Indeed, my husband and I were leaving out of the house one morning- still dark but clear weather, that is, no blizzard conditions- and it wasn't until we opened our front door that we were made aware of at least 3 or 4 firetrucks- one directly in front of our house- on our street with the firemen in the process fighting a housefire at the house adjacent to our immediate neighbor. A fire hydrant was to our right and since the fire was to our left, there were also water hoses in the street stretching from there to the fire. (Needless to say, we nor none of our neighbors on either side of the street were able to leave our driveways anytime soon. (Lol!)
So, yes, all of the trucks had flashing lights but we didn't see them before we were approached our front door and could see red lights faintly flickering though the window curtains) but what surprised us the most that we hadn't heard the firetruck engines running- and were considerably loud- until we opened the door.
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How long ago was that?
Like one to two weeks ago!! We are trying to coordinate a plan of her, my eldest sister and my daughter (the one who lives here) and I with the two coming up to visit and I took a day off or (to create a four day off) in June. I seriously was worried because I could not figure out why my mom would be up at 2:30 and texting. NEVER. I asked her what the heck and she said she was NOT UP and it was her dumb phone. She had other problems with it just prior and had to have another person from the bunch of us text her response as her phone wouldn't cooperate.

If you are thinking this was years back, it was NOT and she lives right in the city, NO reception problem as do I in mine.
I agree; the only way in which that search makes sense is that Read implored Jen at the scene to make it.
You mention a personal experience related to phone records and I'm reminded of the defense issue of the fact that nobody came out of the house, that nobody saw or heard anything. Well, for me, it's a non-issue based on personal experience, also. Indeed, my husband and I were leaving out of the house one morning- still dark but clear weather, that is, no blizzard conditions- and it wasn't until we opened our front door that we were made aware of at least 3 or 4 firetrucks- one directly in front of our house- on our street with the firemen in the process fighting a housefire at the house adjacent to our immediate neighbor. A fire hydrant was to our right and since the fire was to our left, there were also water hoses in the street stretching from there to the fire. (Needless to say, we nor none of our neighbors on either side of the street were able to leave our driveways anytime soon. (Lol!)
So, yes, all of the trucks had flashing lights but we didn't see them before we were approached our front door and could see red lights faintly flickering though the window curtains) but what surprised us the most that we hadn't heard the firetruck engines running- and were considerably loud- until we opened the door.
I feel the same re Read wanted her to look and was hysterical and panicked he may be dead and it took late.

Your story reminds me of a similar one.

We were living at the home my ex owned (first we lived in mine for some years, then I rented mine out and we moved to his) and it was along a busy state highway on one side house wasn't near the road but that side was bedrooms and it was kind of one of those homes not underground exactly but built into a hill and only windows n the bedroom where high small ones you could not look out or even see out when standing. Private that way for windows. New Year's Eve. We never went anywhere but did drink some and make some appetizers, long ago, not sure. It is winter of course. WI.

We sleep somewhat in, tired, up late and get up and day off and not alert and no side of that house had windows to speak of out that side. I think there was one in my office a former bedroom (worked out of the home at the time) and I don't know if I walked in there or one of us when outside where one could see to that side across the lawn--I think I walked into my office to get something and saw it and there were all sorts of emergency vehicles on New Year's Day that morning.... I mean TONS, flashing lights, looked like SWAT team as well and parked along our north property line on the road and the other side of the road. Road closed. NEVER had a clue. Never heard a thing nor woke up. It was also a concrete block house. Ugly imo. Not so bad inside when I got hint o open it up but I digress.

Now perhaps they showed up without sirens, not sure. But you could NOT miss their presence and they weren't in hiding when we noticed and woke up and first saw it, etc.

We were like WTH??? Texted a few people that we figured might know, listened to scanners or been out and about and heard, etc.

It turned out that the hub had lost it in a domestic I believe with his wife and she had locked herself in a bathroom and called 911, this was also an older couple, probably my age now but I was younger then, this is quite some time ago now. No kids at home, just an older couple. I never knew them but hadn't lived out there for long. Not sure don't think my ex did either even though he'd lived there a fair amount of time.

The way it turned out she lived but he committed suicide. It was horrible. Then the place ended up having an auction and that's another story. Bought some things at it, it was right across the road.

Not sure of any point here but your story reminded me of it. NO we never went out to look, NO we never crossed the street, NO we never left the house, NO we didn't get in a vehicle and drive up or by to look closer. We never interfered and would not have.. Well my ex is the type he may have been out doing a looky loo but I wasn't and so we did not. We also had no idea what was going on or what it was about. It looked SERIOUS and we just waited. And tried to find out if anyone knew. We were also worried, we had no idea what, where, they were worried about and handling and were right alongside our property line/road side on that side.

It was QUITE the thing for there. This was a town but not a town. Like an unincorporated nothing any longer there years ago had a bar maybe and something, sign still up but it is NOT a town. Not a SINGLE business. Just a few homes. Rural.

Only about seven miles away though FROM town of 8,000. Sort of and kind of same area but not exactly that I grew up in. Such things did NOT happen.

Happy New Year's anyhow. Wow was it something else. And they were there all day basically.

I can't always do it but I try not to assume why someone would or would not do something but I do judge it in some cases. I personally would NEVER go out into a crime scene or some investigation or approach cops or anything else if something was going up. I do not follow fire trucks nor have to get in my car to see where they may have ended up if passing my home, same with cops, etc. I normally do not even inquire but this day we did try to find out if any friends, neighbors, etc. knew what was up because it was SCARY. Again SWAT was there. I can't recall all or maybe don't know the point it was at when we first noticed it but not sure he was dead yet and may have seen SWAT, not even sure. I just know we knew a the SWAT team was there not sure if hunkered behind vehicles parked on our side or if I saw a vehicle that I knew to be SWAT or how we knew but we knew there was the SWAT team there. This is basically on and in our yard on that side, the border with the road.

So lol ong arse post and story but I hadn't thought of this in years and when you told yours, I can do identify with it because of this experience. I totally GET IT.
And it wasn't the info from a data dump that would be far more accurate.
Lol never said it was but it had a very wrong time. Where everyone considers such things infallible and golden proof. What did her phone say when sent for time? I know what mine said when received. And where was it in all the hours in between....
Lol never said it was but it had a very wrong time. Where everyone considers such things infallible and golden proof. What did her phone say when sent for time? I know what mine said when received. And where was it in all the hours in between....
So her texts, multiple "butt dials" (this family sure has a problem with butt dials all at the same time frame. Yeah right) and searches that all mysteriously were deleted were ALL done at a different time other than the data dumps say there were and ALL of those were "mysteriously" deleted?
So her texts, multiple "butt dials" (this family sure has a problem with butt dials all at the same time frame. Yeah right) and searches that all mysteriously were deleted were ALL done at a different time other than the data dumps say there were and ALL of those were "mysteriously" deleted?
yeah definitely weird. I don't think I ever addressed that or said otherwise. they surely are. I see it though a bit differently and not that Karen didn't hit him though and not that he was killed in some fight in the home and a dog was involved...

after ingesting a ton on Daybell in the last day or two I left this one for last as it just gives me the striking contrast of the sheer waste this case is in either direction as compared to something like that and resources. I see liars on all sides in this one. for various reasons though of each.

imo it was all protecting their own at first and that included Karen most likely... at FIRST.
yeah definitely weird. I don't think I ever addressed that or said otherwise. they surely are. I see it though a bit differently and not that Karen didn't hit him though and not that he was killed in some fight in the home and a dog was involved...

after ingesting a ton on Daybell in the last day or two I left this one for last as it just gives me the striking contrast of the sheer waste this case is in either direction as compared to something like that and resources. I see liars on all sides in this one. for various reasons though of each.

imo it was all protecting their own at first and that included Karen most likely... at FIRST.
No. It's not "weird". It's deliberate.
I feel the same re Read wanted her to look and was hysterical and panicked he may be dead and it took late.
Well, Read had woke up Kerry (and her husband) that morn about 5am by repeatedly screaming over the phone that John was dead (and then hung up! Can you imagine it from Kerry's perspective? If that isn't a wth moment, I don't know what is.)
Anyway, it sounds to me like Read knew that he should be dead. (Temps had been- and continued to be- below freezing.)

Your story reminds me of a similar one.

We were living at the home my ex owned (first we lived in mine for some years, then I rented mine out and we moved to his) and it was along a busy state highway on one side house wasn't near the road but that side was bedrooms and it was kind of one of those homes not underground exactly but built into a hill and only windows n the bedroom where high small ones you could not look out or even see out when standing. Private that way for windows. New Year's Eve. We never went anywhere but did drink some and make some appetizers, long ago, not sure. It is winter of course. WI.

We sleep somewhat in, tired, up late and get up and day off and not alert and no side of that house had windows to speak of out that side. I think there was one in my office a former bedroom (worked out of the home at the time) and I don't know if I walked in there or one of us when outside where one could see to that side across the lawn--I think I walked into my office to get something and saw it and there were all sorts of emergency vehicles on New Year's Day that morning.... I mean TONS, flashing lights, looked like SWAT team as well and parked along our north property line on the road and the other side of the road. Road closed. NEVER had a clue. Never heard a thing nor woke up. It was also a concrete block house. Ugly imo. Not so bad inside when I got hint o open it up but I digress.

Now perhaps they showed up without sirens, not sure. But you could NOT miss their presence and they weren't in hiding when we noticed and woke up and first saw it, etc.

We were like WTH??? Texted a few people that we figured might know, listened to scanners or been out and about and heard, etc.

It turned out that the hub had lost it in a domestic I believe with his wife and she had locked herself in a bathroom and called 911, this was also an older couple, probably my age now but I was younger then, this is quite some time ago now. No kids at home, just an older couple. I never knew them but hadn't lived out there for long. Not sure don't think my ex did either even though he'd lived there a fair amount of time.

The way it turned out she lived but he committed suicide. It was horrible. Then the place ended up having an auction and that's another story. Bought some things at it, it was right across the road.

Not sure of any point here but your story reminded me of it. NO we never went out to look, NO we never crossed the street, NO we never left the house, NO we didn't get in a vehicle and drive up or by to look closer. We never interfered and would not have.. Well my ex is the type he may have been out doing a looky loo but I wasn't and so we did not. We also had no idea what was going on or what it was about. It looked SERIOUS and we just waited. And tried to find out if anyone knew. We were also worried, we had no idea what, where, they were worried about and handling and were right alongside our property line/road side on that side.

It was QUITE the thing for there. This was a town but not a town. Like an unincorporated nothing any longer there years ago had a bar maybe and something, sign still up but it is NOT a town. Not a SINGLE business. Just a few homes. Rural.

Only about seven miles away though FROM town of 8,000. Sort of and kind of same area but not exactly that I grew up in. Such things did NOT happen.

Happy New Year's anyhow. Wow was it something else. And they were there all day basically.

I can't always do it but I try not to assume why someone would or would not do something but I do judge it in some cases. I personally would NEVER go out into a crime scene or some investigation or approach cops or anything else if something was going up. I do not follow fire trucks nor have to get in my car to see where they may have ended up if passing my home, same with cops, etc. I normally do not even inquire but this day we did try to find out if any friends, neighbors, etc. knew what was up because it was SCARY. Again SWAT was there. I can't recall all or maybe don't know the point it was at when we first noticed it but not sure he was dead yet and may have seen SWAT, not even sure. I just know we knew a the SWAT team was there not sure if hunkered behind vehicles parked on our side or if I saw a vehicle that I knew to be SWAT or how we knew but we knew there was the SWAT team there. This is basically on and in our yard on that side, the border with the road.

So lol ong arse post and story but I hadn't thought of this in years and when you told yours, I can do identify with it because of this experience. I totally GET IT.
How awful!

Well, it was explained in court that in this circumstance, there wasn't a reason to use sirens- there was no traffic- and in my story, I don't believe they did- nor would I expect they would have- come into our neighborhood at that hour of the morn with sirens blaring, lol!
Btw, I forgot to mention that it didn't appear to us that any our neighbors were even up (we would have already been up for the better part of an hour), including the lady who lived between us and the house on fire!
Well, Read had woke up Kerry (and her husband) that morn about 5am by repeatedly screaming over the phone that John was dead (and then hung up! Can you imagine it from Kerry's perspective? If that isn't a wth moment, I don't know what is.)
Anyway, it sounds to me like Read knew that he should be dead. (Temps had been- and continued to be- below freezing.)

How awful!

Well, it was explained in court that in this circumstance, there wasn't a reason to use sirens- there was no traffic- and in my story, I don't believe they did- nor would I expect they would have- come into our neighborhood at that hour of the morn with sirens blaring, lol!
Btw, I forgot to mention that it didn't appear to us that any our neighbors were even up (we would have already been up for the better part of an hour), including the lady who lived between us and the house on fire!
They nearly always cut the sirens after turning off the main road when they come through our neighborhood.
No. It's not "weird". It's deliberate.
Maybe. Like I said I never talked of it.

This case is not going to end up in conviction but I'm not sure it will end in acquittal either but maybe. And I've spent not one moment on it since whenever before my posts today to the last time were, probably all week. I am not emotional about it and not all that overboard interested quite honestly. I think they are all on both sides a bunch of "special" feeling people and that turns me off from the get go, the types that do not have to live by or abide by the same rules of others.

SHE killed him imo. And all the rest has been a battle as it was realized this was not going to be able to be kept within their circle/their ranks. And then those special ones and these friends, turn on each other. That's MY opinion.

WHO did Karen call for help and to GO WITH HER?

To be honest, the entire case disgusts me for the most part.

And I don't like to EVER judge victims but sometimes... They should have JUST stayed HOME but nope, they felt immune.

I do have a HUGE problem with this one being just so important and made SOOOO important compared to many out there.

And you as well as I do agree often on the specialness, good ol' boys, and more on that order. Well Karen and the deceased ALSO felt immune enough to go out and get plastered and she either does remember or she doesn't, which is it at what time...

All justice matters and all victims do but this one sure is not up there with most to me.

It would NEVER take place for me over Daybell where two children and a wife ended up murdered and none of them chose to go out drinking and were a cop and his gf.

SORRY, not usually that judgmental and I'm no perfect person that NEVER in my life did but I think GOD I don't and never had anything happen and as a COP or if I had had something happen like my EX, I would NEVER EVER do so again.

Yes the whole butt dialing parting bunch is lying but SO is she and ALL OF THEM WERE DOING THE SAME THINGS. ALL PART of the SAME BUNCH. WHERE was he headed and WHERE did she TAKE HIM? To their house. The only issue is that when sh*t hits the fan all scramble to protect selves and if news or others find out etc. then they can't cover up and all have to cover their own drunken or whatever butts.

Imo Karen was hysterical because she KNEW. She KNEW.

All that heartedness just said by me, I almost don't care. They all should go down but if none do, or her, I don't really give a flying sh*t. I'm beyond caring about certain kinds of special people cases and he sheer waste and corrupt and nothing shall ever change it. I am not wasting my energy or feelings on it. While I may sound like I care and heated lol, I really don't.

I am heated over why I don't bother or such a case is the last I give a **** about of the ones I follow and I never intended to follow this one for those very reasons but ended up SOMEWHAT doing so.
I also cared for some it is a pet case and I love everyone here and so I gave it a chance. And even initially came in to share YT videos of good creators that agree with them. Meaning kdg and emu.

But I honestly have tried but really don't care.

Whether she goes free or not, whether the rest of them get taken out of position or drink again and hold a party and something happens, well they'd better watch out as NOW all know about them ALL. If Karen has another drunken incident, same.

I don't KNOW it but the logical and sensible and sure thing is she killed him, I didn't at first think intentionally but after hearing more I am not so sure. Would she have intentionally done so sober? Not sure. But drunk? Well...

And I don't know where you have MISSED that I agree on an a LOT including the inept investigation and people abusing their positions.

She killed him. There was no FIGHT in the HOME. And framing. Jmo.

And what a freaking waste of resources and neither side can lay down, beyond ridiculous.

Karen Read, ANY of them?? I could spit in disgust. With all parties. OWN it and get it over with. ALL OF THEM.

Not long ago someone tried to make this party sound like some minor get together with only a few and not drinking, etc.... Uh huh.
Well, Read had woke up Kerry (and her husband) that morn about 5am by repeatedly screaming over the phone that John was dead (and then hung up! Can you imagine it from Kerry's perspective? If that isn't a wth moment, I don't know what is.)
Anyway, it sounds to me like Read knew that he should be dead. (Temps had been- and continued to be- below freezing.)

How awful!

Well, it was explained in court that in this circumstance, there wasn't a reason to use sirens- there was no traffic- and in my story, I don't believe they did- nor would I expect they would have- come into our neighborhood at that hour of the morn with sirens blaring, lol!
Btw, I forgot to mention that it didn't appear to us that any our neighbors were even up (we would have already been up for the better part of an hour), including the lady who lived between us and the house on fire!
yes, before the whole PR campaign that people then learned of the case in some cases, she admitted to it and knew it. until she found out she was going to be charged. that's the way I first knew it.
her hysteria alone is enough but then there is more. she knew, she probably regretted, and she HOPED in a panic he survived or something could still be done.

I agree that no sirens may be used in many a circumstance, if they face no traffic or intersections, or in my story, I'd think initially it may have been silent because SWAT was brought, he was in the home with her yet and she in danger. in THIS case, why would they if dead. also in our case, it would have been in the early morning hours and not a lot of traffic on the road most likely either and they were in the country.

clearly in a post before this one, this case actually irritates me. I tried to explain it and not even sure myself of all the reasons but do know some of them and said as much but it does. I just find it ridiculous and a waste on all sides. everyone in it almost should tuck their tail between their legs and fanny, quit, learn a lesson and go live a better behaved and quieter and smart life and learn their lesson imo. won't happen of course.

yes for no one to notice a home on fire and even someone closer than you just shows how someone can NOT see nor notice something big. with a fire i'd think there should have been sirens though right up to arriving so neighbors DID realize and know and be aware. I have a lot of experience with fire truck arrivals here (due to false fire alarms pulled ALL of the time0 and I also hear them from work as they are nearby and they run the sirens to arrival imo. AT least in town they do.

I'm listening to Nate on Daybell as I wrote my last few post here. Comparing the cases make me irritated with this one I think is part of it for me. Or this one and MOST other cases.
Like one to two weeks ago!! We are trying to coordinate a plan of her, my eldest sister and my daughter (the one who lives here) and I with the two coming up to visit and I took a day off or (to create a four day off) in June. I seriously was worried because I could not figure out why my mom would be up at 2:30 and texting. NEVER. I asked her what the heck and she said she was NOT UP and it was her dumb phone. She had other problems with it just prior and had to have another person from the bunch of us text her response as her phone wouldn't cooperate.

If you are thinking this was years back, it was NOT and she lives right in the city, NO reception problem as do I in mine.

What her phone said, and what the official records are, most likely are different. I think the phone companies is more exact. Anyway, she deleted it. Why?

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