Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The prosecution says the time for the search on "how long does it take for someone to die in the cold" was after he was found. The defense says it was before he died. So I guess we'll see now.
Okay so in other words you aren't sure BUT the pros says the time THEY have or show is wrong.... Right? Do you know how they explain that or would had defense not been granted access now to Verizon records? Does prosecution already have that and know and so D is chasing a dead end? But then WHY wouldn't P provide them if they had them and knew (discovery)...
Okay so in other words you aren't sure BUT the pros says the time THEY have or show is wrong.... Right? Do you know how they explain that or would had defense not been granted access now to Verizon records? Does prosecution already have that and know and so D is chasing a dead end? But then WHY wouldn't P provide them if they had them and knew (discovery)...

Good question. It seems the prosecution is on the lets railroad her wagon.
Good question. It seems the prosecution is on the lets railroad her wagon.
I know you think that and I do think she is overcharged for what they have, NOT that a man isn't dead. I am undecided and have watched some over the past months. I think I turned you onto STS Nation that had one feisty far from boring show on this one.

I am interested to see the Verizon time frame. I will say the fact the pros side fought such access doesn't look good.

By Ted Daniel, Boston 25 News
December 05, 2023 at 5:39 pm EST

BOSTON — Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey has called the federal probe into the handling of the Karen Read murder case “extraordinary” – but said he’s “unconcerned.”

25 Investigates broke the news Monday that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts is looking into the arrest and prosecution of Read, who’s accused of striking her Boston police officer boyfriend John O’Keefe with her Lexus SUV and leaving him to die in a snowstorm.

In a statement to 25 Investigates Tuesday, Morrissey wrote that his office has not seen and is not aware of any letter saying his office is a target in the federal probe.

“The US Attorney’s Office does not have jurisdiction over a state murder case, so this is an extraordinary step on their part,” Morrisey said in the emailed statement. “I am unconcerned because I have confidence in what we’ve done and what people have told us.”

“The NDAO has not seen and is not aware of any target letter in the matter,” he said.

25 Investigates revealed Monday that Morrissey sent a letter to the Department of Justice requesting that the federal probe of the Karen Read case be transferred out of Massachusetts because he is concerned about potential conflicts of interest.

Two sources – including a law enforcement source – told investigative reporter Ted Daniel that Morrissey sent the letter to the highest levels of the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. alleging Rachael Rollins, who was the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts when the federal probe began, held a personal grudge against him and his office.

A law enforcement source said Morrissey referenced public comments made by Rollins that are critical of him. Rollins resigned her position on May 19th following two scathing reports from government watchdog agencies accusing her of abusing her authority and committing multiple ethical violations.

25 Investigates attempted to reach out to Rollins but did not hear back.

On Tuesday, Morrissey told 25 Investigates: “There have been indications that the federal interest in the matter pre-dates the resignation of the last United States Attorney for Massachusetts on May 19, as federal authorities were issuing reports on her conduct.”

Morrissey also said that his office has reached out to the FBI and U.S. District Attorney inviting them to speak about the DA’s investigation – but he said they haven’t taken him up on the offer.

“There have been communications, over the course of several months and by a variety of people, including the District Attorney personally, addressed to both the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office, to encourage them to come and speak about what Norfolk DA’s Office murder investigation has revealed,” Morrissey said. “Federal authorities have not taken the NDAO up on the offer.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more information becomes available.
I've been thinking about this. In order to break a tail light hitting someone, you'd have to be going pretty fast and backwards. I've seen shows like Forensic Files that have lights breaking after hitting someone, but that was at a very high speed. There would also be a large bruise on the body, I'd assume.

Granted, he was probably wearing winter gear, but a sweater and a coat wouldn't protect you from such a hard hit.

What do you guys think?
I've been thinking about this. In order to break a tail light hitting someone, you'd have to be going pretty fast and backwards. I've seen shows like Forensic Files that have lights breaking after hitting someone, but that was at a very high speed. There would also be a large bruise on the body, I'd assume.

Granted, he was probably wearing winter gear, but a sweater and a coat wouldn't protect you from such a hard hit.

What do you guys think?
You know the case better. I assume (sometimes i find or sense you don't watch things or say so when I don't have time to but admit to such so just asking and some I do watch of course with little time and can tell you haven't, talking ALL cases. This one thought you are pretty invested in and so I'd think i have watched a lot and I have gotten the full gist of it and turned you onto the very feisty not dull STS show and guests on it a few months ago or a month ago or however long).

But I don't know all details or recall all. Isn't the tail light made to be a thing like some cop or something snuck in or did dirty and broke it to help with evidence against her that she hit him? I would agree generally you wouldn't think a human body at slow speed would break a tail light. BUT and I don't know the details here maybe it was already broke, cheap, vulnerable or whatever? Had she or him hit anything else that night in a drunken state? He was a cop, was he fit and built? Then yeah hitting the bone of or a man agaist some plastic tail light the way they make sh*t nowadays could crack, damage or break. If she was drunk enough to hit him, and then left, did she hit anything else or any of that or these questions. Again I know most but not every fine detail or recall them IF I ever heard these details.

I'd need more detail on the tail light and more and it may be out there, I just don't know it.

I've said it before and will again I think if anything she is overcharged bu that isn't illegal and in many cases victims are upset as stiffer charges aren't filed and prosecutors etc do so or deal as they worry about a jury or their chance of conviction and proving the higher charges so often such isn't done, it doesn't mean it isn't deserved so comparing that or blaming is apples to oranges. This is one they simple went for what they can on it. Plus they can always changes it before it gets there or even when it gets there. At least that is what can be done where I am more familiar with.

I don't now. But in the STS show, a few things in ALL of it hit harder than others or rang true. And I think she definitely did do this. That's where I was left. She admitted to it and even believed it initially. Am I right on that?

As far as the sh*t going on above that got posted today, I read it and don't quite get who is who. It sounds like on one had one way and on the other hand another way.

I come back to she may be overcharged but only because others in the identical circumstances get deals or lesser charges from the start and should they?

And the thing is the overall deal is wrong. These are cops etc. out to a bar with most all drinking and driving and with some even their spouse or other is drinking and they have them drive as their spouse would risk more jobwise etc. if something happened and they weer driving. Then headed for a party etc. while the same bunch arrests others for it every day as total hypocrites.

MOST people in most local communities of a certain era (not my mom or dad) can identify. I can tell you where our local cops drank. And more. Most can tell of one getting another off of a DUI or domestic and sh*t like that too. And even so , I understood it and liked most but it really depends doesn't it if they are helping you or being hypocrites, etc. What were she and her bf? Drinking, driving and drunk, do I have it right? And he a cop. Again you know the case better.

I will say again I think she is overcharged BUT if she is, there are a he77 of a lot of others in this nation that should be free and not on the sentences they ae. Intent probablly (HOPEFULLY) was not there but the hitting, the drunkeness, the other was all there.

You know the case better than I but I got a good side of both arguments with the show I turned you onto but correct me on what I am wrong on which I could be and you may never before this or after have me say this that you know more and correct me lol. But seriously. Doing my best to recall it all but I didn't watch from early days and I am almost betting you knew nothing of it either until some TV thing or show hit, etc.
My take on the light. I don't have the insight into the entire case however. The taillight being broken. From what I understand. There were not fragments at the scene. But I remember pieces being fit exactly together. So that didn't make cheese. And complete contradiction.And I also recall, If she hit something, There would be evidence on her taillight. Fibers, Animal hair, Etc. There wasn't. This is from my best recollection.
My take on the light. I don't have the insight into the entire case however. The taillight being broken. From what I understand. There were not fragments at the scene. But I remember pieces being fit exactly together. So that didn't make cheese. And complete contradiction.And I also recall, If she hit something, There would be evidence on her taillight. Fibers, Animal hair, Etc. There wasn't. This is from my best recollection.
I remember hearing something like that, however, I think there is a good argument and basis on the reverse side but of course I don't recall what all it was. Of course I don't. Story of my life these days. I think I have stuffed in too many cases for far too long and no info sticks in any more as I try to retain the ones that are in there and more long term of mine like Morphew, Daybell, etc. and even those have so much info, it spills over and I forget some over time lol.

I also THINK it has been said that the TV show on this has a lot of falsehoods which hasn't helped anything.

I sure don't know but it's a tough one.

One thing that bothers me and I think is big is if I have it right, this entire story only came about later and when she found she was going to be charged so seriously, etc. Right? Initially she believed she did hit him. This is a huge red flag to me and where was all this other info and story then?

Good point about the fibers, is that a fact that there were none? I can say I know this to be true at least with like deer hits. I worked in insurance related and many a company was told the insured was lying as there will be deer hair and there are ways to tell but that's a big one. I won't share them all as there's enough fraud lol but it is true. I am not as SURE on a low speed impact of a clothed human. A deer is hair overall and on the outside of the body. We never had someone hit a garage door and lie and say they hit a human instead lol so I don't know.

Did you watch the STS show on this one that I put up awhile back? It is NOT dull. Very feisty with good arguments on both sides from the guests. It is a tough one because both sides of it can be argued pretty darned well. There was a woman on it that was irritating as all get out as she wouldn't shut up and let the other guests speak at times but even with that, it was quite interesting and she did have good points.

In the end, I felt Read to be guilty after a good debate of all on both sides and hearing it all. I do think they are making an example of her and overcharging. I'm not saying that's the right take or position but on listening to it all, I did think she hit him and the facts fit with the prosecution and the defense story doesn't cut it and again came later when needed. BUT it is a good one and one that people can buy of police parties, corruption, special treatment, framing, etc. A juror or two or even more may buy it. Especially with the fact there are some things that add to it. For one, she and her partner were engaging in such and she is/was guilty of a DUI herself that night.

She claimed about four drinks when video footage shows at least nine. And that's just what is known and if none were had before after or not seen and so on, nor the strength, don't know or recall on that.

Here we are with another mess of a case but is it? There's a lot of a blizzard created for special defense effects and to save her but prosecution felt the case strong before that happened and it still would be. And now we are seeing interference and connections and b.s.

I have no problem believing in corruption and I believe there is a lot of it, however, I also think that is used these days when it had nothing to do with an actual crime. It's unfortunate to say the least. These recent posts one can also see now there are connections, politics and infighting going on and calling in of other departments, higher ups, etc. imo.

So their claim was he was in a fight no? Or was beat up, died and he was dumped and she framed? What about the autopsy? If I recall, there's just too much to believe and too many excuses on her side.

And anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but she felt guilty and was willing to face things until they made this into a far more serious charging than most would face. It's even possible she hit him intentionally in a drunken fit of anger and then regretted it and took off but not provable. A fight and his death and framing is far less provable. Burden however is on prosecution and they felt they have ample. I think it overcharged at second degree murder but MAYBE they have reasons or evidence of why it isn't. Defense in any case sure won't share that part if so so we wouldn't know.

Defense has done a great job of getting what is likely a false story out into the public and making this case seem like at least a 50/50 of which version is true but when you get down to it and behind all the smoke or swirling sn*w from the blizzard, IF I recall, the proof isn't there on the defense part and it all came afterwards. Again defense doesn't have to meet the burden of proof but if they are going to give an alternate theory as to reasonable doubt or even total innocence, it has to hold water or it doesn't meet the bar imo.

Tough one though and I think most jurors would have a problem finding her guilty of second degree murder also unless there is something we don't know about and I think them charging her with such brought on all of the rest here. Every state's laws are different but I can't imagine this fitting that charge. A man is dead and don't get me wrong, she isn't innocent, she was arguably and probably even provably to a strong degree intoxicated and should not have been driving. So was he.

What are the tox results? Probably only taken on him as she wouldn't have been til at least the next day right? I'm not and never blame the victim but just asking and wondering about his motor skills and recognition also and speed to get out of the way of a car? For that reason too, I think it makes it overcharged. A pedestrian is vulnerable but that doesn't mean you should run out into traffic or not get out of the way of the path of a car or give it wide berth...

Again I am staying for the moment on overcharged. But guilty of a lesser charge. BUT I sure don't know I'm right by a long shot, jmo so far.

Updated: 6:35 AM EST Jan 5, 2024
Todd Kazakiewich

DEDHAM, Mass. —
A hearing is scheduled for Friday in the case of Karen Read, the Massachusetts woman charged in connection with the death of her boyfriend outside a Canton home.

Read's defense team wants letters between the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office and federal authorities made public, according to the Boston Globe.

They said prosecutors have not fully established that an exemption applies, however, the state has filed a motion to seal the letters.

Read is charged with second degree murder in the death of her boyfriend, Boston police officer John O'Keefe.

Prosecutors said she backed into O'Keefe with her sport utility vehicle outside a Canton home in January 2022. Read's lawyers claim law enforcement is conspiring to protect O'Keefe's true killers.

Read's lawyers said the letters contain communications between District Attorney Michael Morrissey's office, the U.S. Attorney's office for the District of Massachusetts and the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility, the Globe reported.

Read has pleaded not guilty and is free on bail. Her trial is scheduled to begin in March.

A hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m.
You've probably seen her before @Cousin Dupree as she is a talking head as I call them, she was on Court TV just the other night about this case. First of all it is interesting to hear she said things on there that were cut and she fills that in on her show. She also disagreed with Coffendoffer and has a bit to say about that. Anyhow she leans towards defense and give her 30 minutes and then decide if you want to watch the rest. I've only watched her a few times so don't have an opinion yet but I know you'll like her, at least in this one.

She calls herself a recovering attorney lol. Gave up lawyering after doing a ton of the Catholic scandal cases. She's from NY, Long Island in fact. Pretty feisty, a bit full of herself but it was a good show.

She talks of the scratches on his arm for one and said she has done tons of vehicle accident cases and that they aren't from a vehicle. Goes over the case and points out things that I'm sure you already know like how the dog was rehomed and more.

The only down side is it is two hours but like I said, give it 1/2 an hour and then decide whether to keep watching. I did. And I have no time lol.

She sees no way there won't be reasonable doubt in this case for jurors and with that I have to agree.

I'm not sold on her innocence but I don't think they can prove their case and particularly for the charge they leveled. Not without doubt.

I think both sides are in a pickle, or let's say a Mexican standoff, and neither is going to back down and they'd be wise to make a deal on this one. I am generally anti deal making but there certainly is no intent that can be proven here and there's a ton of issues. She didn't help herself when this occurred and honestly the entire thing is disgusting in that every officer or public official at that party who drank and drove should have OWIs etc. This is not an uncommon thing where many of us live and even on he state and federal level where they can do and get away with what the rest of the public never would.

My problem here is she was guilty and admitted it and only did that turn when she found she was going to be seriously charged, is that not correct? That's my sticking point. You know it better than I do but I've seen quite a bit.

Even then though I have always said they are overcharging her. Cases without intent are the toughest imo but in things like drunken driving and partying all night, there is serious negligence and the lack of concern for the safety of others. So it should be charged but also depends on evidence.

If she had hit some car at high speed and there was a young mom and two kids in it on the way home, would anyone not think she deserved charges? Of course they wouldn't.

But that's not what happened and the investigation left much to be desired and the evidence well...

I don't know. And I do think they have a case but I think defense is going to come back with enough at it that 12 jurors are unlikely to agree. I think the State better get real. BUT again, they do have a case and MAY be able to put on a good enough one to squeak out a win, anything can happen, but I think it unlikely to get 12 yeses.

I don't know. Anyhow, here's the link.

You've probably seen her before @Cousin Dupree as she is a talking head as I call them, she was on Court TV just the other night about this case. First of all it is interesting to hear she said things on there that were cut and she fills that in on her show. She also disagreed with Coffendoffer and has a bit to say about that. Anyhow she leans towards defense and give her 30 minutes and then decide if you want to watch the rest. I've only watched her a few times so don't have an opinion yet but I know you'll like her, at least in this one.

She calls herself a recovering attorney lol. Gave up lawyering after doing a ton of the Catholic scandal cases. She's from NY, Long Island in fact. Pretty feisty, a bit full of herself but it was a good show.

She talks of the scratches on his arm for one and said she has done tons of vehicle accident cases and that they aren't from a vehicle. Goes over the case and points out things that I'm sure you already know like how the dog was rehomed and more.

The only down side is it is two hours but like I said, give it 1/2 an hour and then decide whether to keep watching. I did. And I have no time lol.

She sees no way there won't be reasonable doubt in this case for jurors and with that I have to agree.

I'm not sold on her innocence but I don't think they can prove their case and particularly for the charge they leveled. Not without doubt.

I think both sides are in a pickle, or let's say a Mexican standoff, and neither is going to back down and they'd be wise to make a deal on this one. I am generally anti deal making but there certainly is no intent that can be proven here and there's a ton of issues. She didn't help herself when this occurred and honestly the entire thing is disgusting in that every officer or public official at that party who drank and drove should have OWIs etc. This is not an uncommon thing where many of us live and even on he state and federal level where they can do and get away with what the rest of the public never would.

My problem here is she was guilty and admitted it and only did that turn when she found she was going to be seriously charged, is that not correct? That's my sticking point. You know it better than I do but I've seen quite a bit.

Even then though I have always said they are overcharging her. Cases without intent are the toughest imo but in things like drunken driving and partying all night, there is serious negligence and the lack of concern for the safety of others. So it should be charged but also depends on evidence.

If she had hit some car at high speed and there was a young mom and two kids in it on the way home, would anyone not think she deserved charges? Of course they wouldn't.

But that's not what happened and the investigation left much to be desired and the evidence well...

I don't know. And I do think they have a case but I think defense is going to come back with enough at it that 12 jurors are unlikely to agree. I think the State better get real. BUT again, they do have a case and MAY be able to put on a good enough one to squeak out a win, anything can happen, but I think it unlikely to get 12 yeses.

I don't know. Anyhow, here's the link.

I'll watch that tomorrow, probably. It's football day today. Thanks
I'll watch that tomorrow, probably. It's football day today. Thanks
Well yeah, Packers beat the Bears later this afternoon. Oldest two teams in the NFL and THE game of the day.

Normally I work every weekend but my schedule is all screwed up since the holidays and it will still be another two weeks before it straightens out so I have like ONE day off each week until then and have to manage to get as much done in that one day as necesssary and that' today but I am NEVER off on a Sunday and come he77 or high water I am going to have that game on.

I am positive you will think her video worth the watch and like her so check it out.

By Abby Patkin
updated on January 18, 2024

A lawyer for Karen Read on Thursday pushed to unseal communication between the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office and federal authorities, alleging that the letters portray the DA as the target of a federal investigation.

Prosecutors previously filed a motion to seal several letters between Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey’s office and federal officials, who are reportedly probing the state’s investigation in the Read case. However, lawyers for the Mansfield woman want the letters made publicly accessible.

Speaking in court Thursday, defense attorney David Yannetti alleged that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts confirmed the existence of an ongoing federal investigation while speaking with the defense and prosecutors the day prior.

“It is clear from those letters that District Attorney Morrissey is well aware that he’s the target of a federal investigation as a result of his conduct in this case,” Yannetti argued. “Those letters prove that he knew. He knew that, even before the U.S. Attorney ever confirmed that there even was an investigation.”

Yannetti also suggested that federal authorities may soon release information from their investigation to the defense and prosecution. The U.S. Attorney’s Office previously declined to publicly confirm or deny the existence of a federal investigation into the Read case.

“In connection with this matter, at no time has the U.S. Attorney’s Office named any person or entity as a target of an investigation, to anyone,” the office said in an emailed statement Thursday.

The Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office likewise offered a sharp rebuttal.

“No part of the communication with the office of the United States Attorney yesterday, or at any point, has indicated that the Norfolk District Attorney or any member of this office is the target of the federal investigation,” the DA’s office said in an emailed statement. “Mr. Yannetti misrepresented that completely.”

Joshua Levy, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, wrote a letter to Judge Beverly Cannone last week to say his office does not object to the letters’ disclosure. Cannone took the matter under advisement.

According to Yannetti, the communication between the DA’s office and federal authorities is “powerful evidence” that will support a separate defense motion for sanctions against Morrissey, as well as a request to disqualify his office from continuing to prosecute Read’s controversial case. Yannetti did not argue that motion Thursday, nor did he argue another pending motion to dismiss the case against Read.

By Abby Patkin
updated on January 18, 2024

A lawyer for Karen Read on Thursday pushed to unseal communication between the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office and federal authorities, alleging that the letters portray the DA as the target of a federal investigation.

Prosecutors previously filed a motion to seal several letters between Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey’s office and federal officials, who are reportedly probing the state’s investigation in the Read case. However, lawyers for the Mansfield woman want the letters made publicly accessible.

Speaking in court Thursday, defense attorney David Yannetti alleged that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts confirmed the existence of an ongoing federal investigation while speaking with the defense and prosecutors the day prior.

“It is clear from those letters that District Attorney Morrissey is well aware that he’s the target of a federal investigation as a result of his conduct in this case,” Yannetti argued. “Those letters prove that he knew. He knew that, even before the U.S. Attorney ever confirmed that there even was an investigation.”

Yannetti also suggested that federal authorities may soon release information from their investigation to the defense and prosecution. The U.S. Attorney’s Office previously declined to publicly confirm or deny the existence of a federal investigation into the Read case.

“In connection with this matter, at no time has the U.S. Attorney’s Office named any person or entity as a target of an investigation, to anyone,” the office said in an emailed statement Thursday.

The Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office likewise offered a sharp rebuttal.

“No part of the communication with the office of the United States Attorney yesterday, or at any point, has indicated that the Norfolk District Attorney or any member of this office is the target of the federal investigation,” the DA’s office said in an emailed statement. “Mr. Yannetti misrepresented that completely.”

Joshua Levy, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, wrote a letter to Judge Beverly Cannone last week to say his office does not object to the letters’ disclosure. Cannone took the matter under advisement.

According to Yannetti, the communication between the DA’s office and federal authorities is “powerful evidence” that will support a separate defense motion for sanctions against Morrissey, as well as a request to disqualify his office from continuing to prosecute Read’s controversial case. Yannetti did not argue that motion Thursday, nor did he argue another pending motion to dismiss the case against Read.
Yannetti also suggested that federal authorities may soon release information from their investigation to the defense and prosecution. The U.S. Attorney’s Office previously declined to publicly confirm or deny the existence of a federal investigation into the Read case.

“In connection with this matter, at no time has the U.S. Attorney’s Office named any person or entity as a target of an investigation, to anyone,” the office said in an emailed statement Thursday.

The Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office likewise offered a sharp rebuttal.

“No part of the communication with the office of the United States Attorney yesterday, or at any point, has indicated that the Norfolk District Attorney or any member of this office is the target of the federal investigation,” the DA’s office said in an emailed statement. “Mr. Yannetti misrepresented that completely.”

I'm not sold on a conspiracy nor her innocence. By a long shot. They've done a good job of creating a lot of doubt though. They need to deal on this one and clear the loss of more time, money and b.s. for both sides. Both need to give. Jmo.

I of course am not 100 percent but the defense theory takes far too much to believe. Every single person in a vehicle that night and drinking heavily should be in jail for DUI at minimum. Including Karen Read. Such a shining example drinking and drunk and driving LE and officials set for their communities. They feel immune. Well, they have a big mess here due to that don't they.
The evidence the prosecution is scoffing at, the Apple tracking, is being used by the prosecution as reliable in another case in Massachusetts. They were saying on Vinnie Politan last night that you can't use it as proof in one trial, and question the truth in another.

FWIW, this is the same evidence to show that Alex Murdaugh made 80 steps from his house while he was allegedly sleeping. It seems to me that this has been accepted evidence in trials. Including the other one Massachusetts. It seems that they have selectively chosen her trial to question the validity. Why this trial and not the other one?

Something stinks to high heaven here.

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