Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The evidence the prosecution is scoffing at, the Apple tracking, is being used by the prosecution as reliable in another case in Massachusetts. They were saying on Vinnie Politan last night that you can't use it as proof in one trial, and question the truth in another.

FWIW, this is the same evidence to show that Alex Murdaugh made 80 steps from his house while he was allegedly sleeping. It seems to me that this has been accepted evidence in trials. Including the other one Massachusetts. It seems that they have selectively chosen her trial to question the validity. Why this trial and not the other one?

Something stinks to high heaven here.
I agree they've raised many questions about a bunch including herself of cops and powers that be that drink and party and drive and the hosting homeowners etc.

What really though is the likelihood here?

She hit him most likely. She thought so herself the next day. That says a LOT. She didn't go into defense mode until she realized she was going to be seriously charged.. These are the telling things to me. I don't think she intended it and in an undrunken situation would it have happened, probably not. BOTH sides need to lay down and give it up and deal. They are all a bunch of cops, cop's girlfriends, public officials, homeowners that are someone hosting a party and all other cops and officials partying=hypocrites. She is, he was, and all of them are. They arrest all others every day for the same behavior. She did not mean to and boy regretted I am sure, but she needs to take a small lump of time and the other side needs to not make it the worst most serious thing EVER and as if it was intended.

I don't like EITHER side in this case.

Talk about wasted resources, time and $$$.

Lay down. Both sides. She needs to accept some time and they need to not make it a bigger thing than it was. Yes a man is dead but he was the cop and partying and why was she driving and they both didn't just go home?

I'm going to assume Karen and him cared about each other, partied and drank together and had their ups and downs. I would like to believe and think it likely that he would not want her overprosecuted and I am sure was drunk himself and the other side needs to lower and not make an example and bring out all the dirty laundry of cops, gfs, and officials to share and pull down ALL though probably deserved.

And the best thing that could come from it is they all straighten out their hypocritical ways afterwards.

They've put on a hell of a corruption kind of case but it came AFTER.

I have trouble with cases where I don't think they meant it. That cop in Mps too convicted yet the guy and what was pulled and going by him I don't think deserved charges. Potter.

I think Karen does deserve time and charges but I don't think she intended it. But who knows. In an argument, in a drunken state, no plan to then go to the party together, maybe she was angry.

He matters, he is dead and I am all victim generally but he was likely drunk, planning to party without her and couldn't get out of harm's way fast enough? Between her drinking and him and cops or officials hosting an after party, this is stupid for the sake of every single person.


I know the theory of someone else killing him. It is too much for me and too much and many different things that have to explained.
Yeah we will. As i said I don't think much of either side. Best I can do is say I doubt she had intent or wouldn't have hours later anyhow. Even the big shots hosting who never came out when there was a dead guy on their lawn... Oh yeah, I have heard it all and even linked a couple I knew you'd agree with and like.

It's a case of those in power covering for others in power or their significant others UNTIL one or more or all can maybe be thrown under the bus. Then watch them all scurry.

I don't know how it will turn out with the huge thing they are throwing but i believe she hit him and if she had been at the party and parked and they both went in he'd be alive.

It's a manslaughter or negligence homicide case though if anything.

It doesn't give intent or mean all were driving but give me a break, most were drinking, driving and partying after hours including Karen. Did she have just one at the bar?

This helluva an onslaught for defense may get her off. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think much of either side. They are all hypocrites.
Not sure. I did't watch it all, but a fair amount, and had it on to listen while doing other things, not sit and do nothing and watch. Isn't one of my top cases.

Some interesting sh*t and talk though in it.

I know she was communicating A LOT with Turtleboy and arranged some harassment of local people. She's in some deep :poop: for that, but I haven't heard much about it. This info came out a few weeks ago. How recent is this video.
I know she was communicating A LOT with Turtleboy and arranged some harassment of local people. She's in some deep :poop: for that, but I haven't heard much about it. This info came out a few weeks ago. How recent is this video.
Pretty sure it was live last night. Fairly certain. Although I was at the end of my being awake and was a bit desperate for something to watch. I BELIEVE it was live and new last night. Take a look, it will show. She's not shy that's for sure. I'm not totally in love with her or her channel but she is one that will GO THERE. She has talked about the Catholic priest thing, NYC, LI and more quite frankly and brutally honestly it would seem...

Defense, prosecutors in Karen Read case ask judge to push back start of trial​

The prosecution and Karen Read's defense attorneys have not agreed on much, but they filed a joint motion Friday seeking to push back her murder trial.

Friday's motion, filed by Norfolk County Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally and defense attorney David Yannetti, asks the court to move a hearing from Feb. 15 to March 12 — the date the trial was set to start. Yannetti said in a separate affidavit that Read was waiving her speedy trial rights to facilitate the change.

It was not immediately clear whether the motion had been approved by a judge.

The motion stated that both sides took part in a conference call last month with the U.S. Attorney's Office for Massachusetts, which said it would produce information for both parties that has not yet been received

"Assuming this information is received prior to February 15, 2024, the parties will still need time to assess the information, to potentially conduct further investigation and to modify their arguments for the hearing on the defendant's motions. Given that the hearing date is only one week away, the parties believe there is not enough time to do the proper investigation and/or preparation for the motion hearing on that date," the joint motion read.

DNA evidence links Karen Read's car to death of police officer, prosecutors say​

Prosecutors in the Karen Read case say that they have DNA evidence recovered from a broken tail light that implicates Read in the murder of police officer and boyfriend John O'Keefe.

In court documents, prosecutors said that DNA recovered from a broken tail light matches O'Keefe's and that the tail light is the same material from Karen Read's car.

They also found that broken tail light material in the victim's clothing.

Human hair on Read's car is still undergoing testing.

A trial in Read's case has been scheduled for March 12, 2024.

Prosecutors: DNA evidence links Karen Read to death of boyfriend​

Prosecutors say in new court filings that they have DNA evidence linking her vehicle to the death of her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O’Keefe.

They allege O’Keefe’s DNA was found on broken pieces of tail light from Read’s car. They also say forensic investigating revealed microscopic pieces of the taillight in O’Keefe’s clothing.

Read is accused of backing over O’Keefe outside a home in Canton in January of 2022 and leaving him to die in a snowstorm. Her lawyers argue he was beaten in the home and attacked by a dog, which prosecutors deny.
They have made one he77 of an effort to turn this into corruption and framing of Read but I don't buy it. Gottal give it to the defense though for the lying b.s. effort and getting it to the public and possible jurors.

I believe entirely in corrupt cops and systems and that they exist sadly more places then we know. I think it is disgusting that they and court officials etc. drink and drive and party while they arrest others for the same.

I've said it before and do believe they maybe have overcharged her. But I truly doubt all the other b.s. Are there questionable things? No doubt. Or that they can make into things and have? Yes of course.

In the beginning she had no doubts she did this and did not question it.

Both sides need to KNOCK it the HE77 off. She needs to accept some responsibility and SOME time. They need to quit trying to get her as if she is the worst murderer in the world. Or alternatiely they can both continue and air every single bit of dirty laundry all sides have and keep at it and tie up the courts and cost more.

They have put on a good show and really showed some b.s. and dirty laundry of others that does help the show seem more real or likely but I don't buy she dropped him off both drunk and di dnot hit him and then later someone else at the party accidentally fought with or killed him and they decided to frame her. I mean just THINK about that. And why? And all it would entail. And how many.

She struck her own boyfriend. And she knows it imo. And always has.

Hell though the defense and her have put up one hell of a turning of the tables as goes on nowadays. It is why people in power better be keepin their sh*t clean.

Like these two also should have. A cop and his gf drinking and driving past mild inebriaton but it's okay for them right?

How'd that turn out?

I'm sure those connections were great and appreciated when not turned against them/her. We won't get arrested if I drive, my bf is a cop.

I don't think she wanted him gone for life but i do think she hit him. And I think she knows that and always has.

Jmo of course.

The other story is far too out there and fantastical although I CAN believe some corruption and sh*t in general of course she or some could tell on. Now she tries to use it. Just as corrupt as an average citizen sitting at a bar that would never drive after drinking that watches these two and their friends do exactly that as THEY are untouchable.

But ya know, just make a deal. Both sides are totally overboard and out of line. She needs to do some time and she'd better be smart and do so. They need to not make it the worst of the worst. And maybe she deserves far more, who knows but where it stands and what they have and so on, make an effing deal. Problem is if she is going to accept NO TIME I wouldn't deal with her either.

I have seen many convincing arguments and shows on this that are on her side with a lot of sh*t about the other officials and people that night and the investigation. I do think they are typical somewaht corrupt protect our own officials and cops but I still think she hit him.

I guess if she'd went with him to the party or they'd have went home no one could have "framed" this against her and she'd have seen any fight etc. But no, allegedly later well after the fact such was claimed by her and they all took his body outside, all in cahoots, framed her, planted tail light evidence and so on.

No way. Could I believe in corruption and framing? You bet. In this farfetched and ridiculously made up oan coincidental and ideal scenario to fit the facts against her and where she dropped him adn taht she DID drop him, etc.? NO WAY.

Is she some cold blooded murderer? No, I don't think so. She does deserve some real time though. I don't mean county jail for six months either. He as a cop she was a gf and they were publicly out and drinking and driving and drinking to excess. That was a CHOICE and apparently they thought selves invincible. Didn't turn out that way did it? As the rest of the later party people also did and likely did on a regular basis. Bunch of total hypocrites.
They have made one he77 of an effort to turn this into corruption and framing of Read but I don't buy it. Gottal give it to the defense though for the lying b.s. effort and getting it to the public and possible jurors.

I believe entirely in corrupt cops and systems and that they exist sadly more places then we know. I think it is disgusting that they and court officials etc. drink and drive and party while they arrest others for the same.

I've said it before and do believe they maybe have overcharged her. But I truly doubt all the other b.s. Are there questionable things? No doubt. Or that they can make into things and have? Yes of course.

In the beginning she had no doubts she did this and did not question it.

Both sides need to KNOCK it the HE77 off. She needs to accept some responsibility and SOME time. They need to quit trying to get her as if she is the worst murderer in the world. Or alternatiely they can both continue and air every single bit of dirty laundry all sides have and keep at it and tie up the courts and cost more.

They have put on a good show and really showed some b.s. and dirty laundry of others that does help the show seem more real or likely but I don't buy she dropped him off both drunk and di dnot hit him and then later someone else at the party accidentally fought with or killed him and they decided to frame her. I mean just THINK about that. And why? And all it would entail. And how many.

She struck her own boyfriend. And she knows it imo. And always has.

Hell though the defense and her have put up one hell of a turning of the tables as goes on nowadays. It is why people in power better be keepin their sh*t clean.

Like these two also should have. A cop and his gf drinking and driving past mild inebriaton but it's okay for them right?

How'd that turn out?

I'm sure those connections were great and appreciated when not turned against them/her. We won't get arrested if I drive, my bf is a cop.

I don't think she wanted him gone for life but i do think she hit him. And I think she knows that and always has.

Jmo of course.

The other story is far too out there and fantastical although I CAN believe some corruption and sh*t in general of course she or some could tell on. Now she tries to use it. Just as corrupt as an average citizen sitting at a bar that would never drive after drinking that watches these two and their friends do exactly that as THEY are untouchable.

But ya know, just make a deal. Both sides are totally overboard and out of line. She needs to do some time and she'd better be smart and do so. They need to not make it the worst of the worst. And maybe she deserves far more, who knows but where it stands and what they have and so on, make an effing deal. Problem is if she is going to accept NO TIME I wouldn't deal with her either.

I have seen many convincing arguments and shows on this that are on her side with a lot of sh*t about the other officials and people that night and the investigation. I do think they are typical somewaht corrupt protect our own officials and cops but I still think she hit him.

I guess if she'd went with him to the party or they'd have went home no one could have "framed" this against her and she'd have seen any fight etc. But no, allegedly later well after the fact such was claimed by her and they all took his body outside, all in cahoots, framed her, planted tail light evidence and so on.

No way. Could I believe in corruption and framing? You bet. In this farfetched and ridiculously made up oan coincidental and ideal scenario to fit the facts against her and where she dropped him adn taht she DID drop him, etc.? NO WAY.

Is she some cold blooded murderer? No, I don't think so. She does deserve some real time though. I don't mean county jail for six months either. He as a cop she was a gf and they were publicly out and drinking and driving and drinking to excess. That was a CHOICE and apparently they thought selves invincible. Didn't turn out that way did it? As the rest of the later party people also did and likely did on a regular basis. Bunch of total hypocrites.
The charges against Karen Read are part of a long history of corruption. IMO, she is being framed & it's appalling to our justice system.

For an intense deep dive I suggest the following link.
The charges against Karen Read are part of a long history of corruption. IMO, she is being framed & it's appalling to our justice system.

For an intense deep dive I suggest the following link.
It is good to hear an opinion of someone else and it means something that it comes from you as well. Nice to see you.

I don't know if I will get the chance to watch the above, but hope to at some point.

I have watched a lot on this, plenty in fact, and linked at several here from at least two different sources and the latest one is all in the direction you are talking, with all of the reasons for it, solid, valid ones. So it isn't like it isn't like I haven't looked at it that way nor heard all the reasons. I even know of the recent ruling of releasing communications between agencies.

I'd even say there is is plenty to be torn in either way on like a 50/50 possibility and that's one reason I think both sides should give and dispose of this with a deal but it is too far gone where neither is going to imo.

I also think there's much that was done wrong, things that weren't done, and people who weren't questioned and should have been and more, and yes, some corrupt ones more than likely in this.

I also think every cop or official or power that is/was that went to this party that night and drove, if having drank all night should be fired and charged with DUI but that's not going to happen. Including her, but of course she is charged, with worse.

This certainly isn't one I can weight to a high percent, it is far more in the middle area but since much is kind of even, it comes down to for me, that early on, she thought she did hit him and she never really thought otherwise, was cooperative I believe, until she found out how harshly she was going to be charged. I also find the other scenario pretty out there quite honestly, what was the reason, and it would take a whole lot of people keeping mouths shut and having no problem framing someone they I wouldn't think had any reason or wish to see framed? I don't know. A fight. Placing him outside, where she would have dropped him off or making that fit, etc., etc., etc. It is quite a leap to me whereas a simple accident with someone also drunk who actually dropped him off and then she did go to leave AND that she thought she DID DO, or believed, makes a whole lot more sense.

Now from thereon and what went on and has went on, yeah, and what they've done since and so on, a lot of wrong and questionable. I am talking more as to what I believe truly happened than I am about whether they have a case, should have a case, or developed the case in any honest way and so forth. And I think she hit him. They've blown it though, and the investigation, and yes, there is a lot of corrupt, and because they blew it they should throw it out or deal but there will be no deal, there may have been back when had they not went after her far more seriously than she expected. That too is fact is it not? That's when it all changed on her part/defense. That to me can't be ignored.

So yeah, I can say they blew any justice and need to throw it out AND yes, they need to be investigated many of them and be out of jobs. Not because she didn't do it, accidentally of course, but because of what they did since and the corruption some have in their jobs in general.

Tell me this, what was their beef with her, that they set out from the start to frame her if you believe she did not accidentally hit him? Why frame HER? I guess I haven't heard this part or don't recall, but wasn't she one of them at least in the sense she was his partner right up until then and they knew her as his loved one and considered the both of them friends, at least to some buddies in the dept. and others? Did they have a beef with her that night and then a fight and beef with John too and someone killed him? Forgive me if I have his name wrong, think I have it right, but he is hardly even mentioned.

The fact you think this holds a lot of weight with me. And I sure don't know.

And there is a ton they have shown about this investigation and people in power. I don't disagree with that ONE BIT. And house needs to be cleaned big time. I don't disagree with that either.

I guess I am more at what more likely happened and she didn't dispute until later and I do feel she hit him.

HOWEVER, there are a lot of things with all that has resulted that need to be looked at. Okay defense claims a fight at the party, John beat up or killed or whatever then dumped outside to fit her hitting him and her being then framed. Well I guess all partygoers and far more need to be talked to and this claimed scenario seriously looked into and the whys, the who and more.

I don't know.

What I do know is at a level I'd say also she and him felt immune as many in the system do with their "buddies" as to they can drink, drive and party and even drink in public showing the rest of society they don't have to worry. That is corrupt too on a level isn't it? It goes on most everywhere USA. I'm sure they felt if anything happened or a pullover, theky'd know the cop or whoever and the ticket would go away and so on. Well actually there'd be no ticket. That isn't perhaps at a level of a framing of someone who hit no one (which I am not convinced of that she didn't) but it is the same kind of thing where they are part of the bunch and expert to be immune and they love it when they are but not when they are not. He was hit and he was theirs and she wasn't...

I think she expected not such severe charges and to cooperate and be treated as one of them BUT this was their guy dead, she was but a gf and they were idiots to overcharge it... Probably expected to be treated like the son of the coach in KC, the AG in SD or have some help but she KILLED one of theirs and she was not the COP, she was not the AG and she was not connected.

One could go another way on this, she decided not to attend the party for some reason and she dropped or dumped him off and was drunk too and could have well hit him intentionally and they were arguing. They could have not went out, not went to the party, went home, stayed home and not been a part of this bunch to begin with. I don't mean that as blame, I mean it as theya re of the same circle and when it helped them out, it was probably great.

I don't know. I don't deny the clear corruption, I don't know that I buy something else happened to him and they set out to frame her for something she didn't do I guess dials it more in. Once they knew she did it I believe they used any corrupt means or some may have to shore up their case ONCE she later started fight it. That's more what I mean or where I lean.

I don't have any defense of those that were doing wrong here at all. Many of them were that night just with the drinking and driving including this couple.

I'm open though, I certainly am not a hundred percent or even 70 but the sticking factor for me is all of it in the beginning when most likely that part was all the simple facts and she thought she did it as well. That's a big part of my sticking point.

And I think he and her too thought themselves to be somewhat elite and protected at that local buddy buddy cop level and local official level... Immune. And she found out otherwise when it comes to when something happens amongst them all... and one of theirs is dead.

I'd welcome your input if I have any of it wrong. Even though I don't get much time, I love case discussions and do not get enough.

I don't disagree one bit on what some of this bunch has done with regard to making this case. I do think though she hit him. Otherwise I'd like to see anything that even hints at some fight at a party that night, taking his dead body outside and framing her and why anyone had it in for him... I mean they could have FRAMED ANYONE, not his gf and taken him elsewhere and of course so many would have to be in on that part and silent. So why'd they have it in for both him and her?

NICE TO SEE YOU and even more tickled to see you on a case.

I don't know if I can come up with the way to put it here. But they need to yes, drop the case, they blew it. Personally I think they have it right early on but Even IF she did it when you have corrupt people that things can be found out about, it doesn't work and they need to clean house I agree. I agree with all of that. It makes me think of so many cases and people and when it happens amongst those all feeling special immunity because of who they are from the local cop on up to the party hosts and something happens, then that's when things go south. Nope I don't have the words, I wish I did, to explain what I mean right now.

I really don't disagree with most any of it, other than I do think she hit him. Otherwise I'd like to see things turn to explaining some fight and why happening at the party and the framing and why and so on and all the partygoers present have to speak to that whether it is ludicrous and never happened or yes they saw it. There's nothing is far as I've ever seen to indicate that is true?

Anyhow it gets the brain going and did, and I have watched a lot but it doesn't mean I retain it all as not a top case of mine but love discussion. Is there anything that would be my one big question to indicate a fight that night that killed him and people hauling him outside to the area she dropped him off? I'd like to look at that angle. Where does that come from other than supposition for a defense?

I believe in the corruption. I believe they tried to make their case as to what likely really did happen in not the right way. I detest all of that. I don't know that I believe she didn't hit him. House definitely needs to be cleaned and if they were still together and he alive that would include them imo, special enough you can drink and drive with what you feel to be immunity. At a lower level of course by far than serious corruption but he was a cop, did he ever do any of what is alleged here, stick with the others.... Frame anyone. Help make a case they KNOW the perp did it by not the best means. Listen to those above that said do this or that...

Kind of like some Hollywood cases to me or cases with people in power whether little local power up to bigger power... Oftentimes everyone in them, even the victims, aren't saints. None of us are but here we have cops and powers framing their buddy's gf who they also partied with, also allegedly beating up cop buddy and killing him and so on...

Who is who in this. Was HE, the victim, the type that would have joined in this framing of someone? Seriously. He was one of them and a cop. His gf accidentally killed him, they went up in arms and they overdid it imo. She felt somewhat immune, her bf certainly did but when it came down to it, of course she wasn't and they STUPIDLY decided to make a big example of her and overcharge her when she could tell some dirty probably local secrets just to begin with...

I guess what it boils down to for me is I believe most of it and they need to take out most but I do believe she hit him. That's really what I mean. They had something happen that wouldn't be ignored by the public, in a yard or close by of someone major as the homeownern/party hosts with a cop who died, hit by his gf. When cronies have something happen, bigger scale Murdaugh, then all worry their shi*t will come out.

I'm talking more about what really happened. I'd like to hear any reason for the alternative theory the defense put up.

And I have to wonder if some other cop was found dead that night and there was a fight at this party would the victim have been part of the bunch framing his gf....?

I guess that's part of it for me.

Sorry I've rambled. I don' do this one much but you got me thinking about it and was tickled to see you. It is John isn't it for the name? If it was another couple, would he have helped do this same thing? Save whoever beat his BUDDY up at a party and blame the buddy's gf? And frame her?

That's where my problem lies. It doesn't like with whether there is corruption amongst a lot here, to still doesn't mean it isn't what happened...

I just think she did it. Unintentionally. I'd hope.
Tell me this, what was their beef with her, that they set out from the start to frame her if you believe she did not accidentally hit him? Why frame HER? I guess I haven't heard this part or don't recall, but wasn't she one of them at least in the sense she was his partner right up until then and they knew her as his loved one and considered the both of them friends, at least to some buddies in the dept. and others? Did they have a beef with her that night and then a fight and beef with John too and someone killed him? Forgive me if I have his name wrong, think I have it right, but he is hardly even mentioned.
There was no beef with Karen necessarily. From digging it appears that Jen McCabe instigated the false stories and tried to cover for what happened in her home that night. I also don't believe she realized that Karen was educated and financially able to legally defend herself.

The snowplow driver is a big witness because his story confirms that John's body was not in the location he was found in for as long as what has been mentioned in witness statements.

The link you posted above from Attorney Melanie Little is a great video as well. It shows how evidence against Karen had to have been placed there after the fact.
There was no beef with Karen necessarily. From digging it appears that Jen McCabe instigated the false stories and tried to cover for what happened in her home that night. I also don't believe she realized that Karen was educated and financially able to legally defend herself.

The snowplow driver is a big witness because his story confirms that John's body was not in the location he was found in for as long as what has been mentioned in witness statements.

The link you posted above from Attorney Melanie Little is a great video as well. It shows how evidence against Karen had to have been placed there after the fact.
Yeah the plow driver is another thing to defiitely think about. This is where hearing testimony about when, what said, seeing direct and cross of him AND all on either side and being able to judge credibility would come in handy, as well as dates, tying all together and a lot more.

So if they didn't have a beef with her necessarily of any kind and something happened and they are all this corrupt and to go this far as time has went on, why not frame someone NOT his gf, someone they feel a criminal or lower than selves anyhow...? Why her? Why hurt her and then when she thought she did it and felt awful go after her with a vengeance? Why not claim he never made it into the home and put his body somewhere blocks away and plant something against some local unliked ex con or troublemaker or like he'd been somewhere else even...? You'd think they would want this so far away from this home or the thought of someone in their own bunch ro happening in their yard and so on. And again if so corrupt they'd do such framing with no beef at Karen, hen why wouldn't they be able to frame someone else and not harm someone they knew and the victim arguably loved?

Thinking she wasn't smart or wouldn't have the money to mount a defense is of interest to me but that again tells me she was cared less about, they had a beef with her as we are putting it or framed one of, arguably, their own, no? And cared less. And it may have worked had they just left it I think how Karen expected it to go by owning it initially but no they went at her as if having a big beef and wanting to take her down. Do I have that wrong?

Yeah I'm not a solid Melanie Little lover, her personality is a bit new to me BUT I've watched several but not another one for awhile and she sure does make some very good points. I also shared it and say this to show I have seen and watched people who are totally sold on that this is corrupt and such AND I don't deny there's a bunch of bad people here who are abusing their positions and more, I don't disbelieve that. I just think she likely did hit him and because they are like a dog with a bone with this probably because they do know she did, but did not expect you can't be all righteous when the other side can show your own sh*t does stink. That's the problem with abuse of power and position. When you charge somone who maybe really did something and ARE doing right but then get too righteous and overcharge and forget this person knows shi*t about you and so do others, then you are in a pickle yourself.

So I agree and disagree but of course I don't KNOW. None of us do. They have definitely went corrupt in this case I pretty much do believe that no doubt. I do tend to believe though that she hit him. Unintentionally MOST likely.

If the victim could only talk...

And again, I don't know. I don't disagree with the dirty and the way they fought this and did this once she didn't just go along like a lamb to slaughter...

For me though there has to be an added element, they had a chance to get her and wanted to get her or again why even have him or news finding him dead near this house...Why would they want that kind of news and want to get HER if she never did it? These are as many now say corrupt cops corrupt agencies and people in power and they could have easily framed someone else and not Karen. It's this kind of thing that doesn't wash...For me.

I would like to see witnesses and see cross examinations on both sides. I believe a I think you know and most do, all riald and cases should be open and live streamed, etc. This is a perfect example of why.

I mean another way to do it would have been to place him somewhere a walk away to look as though he was drunk and fell in the water or died of exposure, etc. and framed no one. I believe he was hit by her and was where he was. And I am not saying the plow driver is lying but Id like to hear all the testimony openly and cross without b.s. crooked rules on what is excluded, by perhaps a corrupt judge, to be able to see and hear for ourselves the witness.

Here is a serious question, not an opinion at all. I honestly don't know. I have watched a ton and as you know Melanie Little's most of which I watched. She has had several more I haevn't or haven't had time to. I first posted one of STS Nation that was REALLY good, even the emu said so, it was a really heated debate and while that can be looked at as sensational, great points were made by both sides or people I should say with opinions on both sides. So I know it pretty well and the arguments.

BUT this I don't recall or know if I knew or heard or not. So let's just say there's a fight at the party and John ends up dead s the defense argument is and Karen was framed. She did not go in, did not attend and dropped him off at this party right? I mean the theories would mean one side would say he never made it into the party because she hit him on leaving and the other side says LATER that he did make it into the party and there was a fight, he was placed outside to frame her, etc. WHO saw her drop him off and where??? To know where to place him?? This is not me with an opinion, I am seriously asking?

Another thing is simply that why would everyone at this party necessarily want to protect the person who really killed John in a fight and frame Karen?

I do agree with a lot of things. Home should have been searched, all talked to and interviewed if not interrogated in short order with no excuses as to who they "are" and so on.

One final thing is corrupt isn't always corrupt against the wrong perp. And LE often goes harder at someone who hurts or kills their brother in blue and that's what happened here imo. I think there is a good chance that it isn't that she didn't do it, it is that she did and killed one of "theirs". Hard to understand on the flip side why they wouldn't go at the party guest who killed him in a fight just as hard... Instead of Karen... 'they want justice for their brother in blue and heir buddy right...? Corrupt or not. They use that power to get the one they feel DID IT or KNOW DID IT.

I don't know if I'm making much sense here but hope you get what I mean...

I dn't doubt corrupt, abuse of power, not doing things by the book as they should and so on. They have it in for her because she DID DO IT. That makes more sense to me.

Interesting to discuss and I truly enjoy discussing cases. And I surely don't know just like all, have my opinion.. Just trying to show some of the things that form mine or questions I have.
There was no beef with Karen necessarily. From digging it appears that Jen McCabe instigated the false stories and tried to cover for what happened in her home that night. I also don't believe she realized that Karen was educated and financially able to legally defend herself.

The snowplow driver is a big witness because his story confirms that John's body was not in the location he was found in for as long as what has been mentioned in witness statements.

The link you posted above from Attorney Melanie Little is a great video as well. It shows how evidence against Karen had to have been placed there after the fact.

Yeah, evidence planting seemed very possible to me from the beginning. The Perry Mason moment will be when the search for "How long does it take for a body to die in sub freezing temps" or whatever the exact was. If it was before the body was discovered their case is dead.
Yeah, evidence planting seemed very possible to me from the beginning. The Perry Mason moment will be when the search for "How long does it take for a body to die in sub freezing temps" or whatever the exact was. If it was before the body was discovered their case is dead.
Yes! His blood was still wet when he was found so there is no way he was there all night in the worst snowstorm that area had ever seen.
Yes! His blood was still wet when he was found so there is no way he was there all night in the worst snowstorm that area had ever seen.
who said his blood was still wet? fill me in if you would. you mean like still FLOWING and bleeding?

also to many this was not what we\'d consider a huge sn*wstorm was it and depending on the hour as well?

not meant to argue at all, truly asking.

truthfully I am tickled to see you and discuss a case with you. i'm not sold on anything other than what i've shared and I have watched a LOT. change my mind! you probably could. emu can't lol.
who said his blood was still wet? fill me in if you would. you mean like still FLOWING and bleeding?

also to many this was not what we\'d consider a huge sn*wstorm was it and depending on the hour as well?

not meant to argue at all, truly asking.

truthfully I am tickled to see you and discuss a case with you. i'm not sold on anything other than what i've shared and I have watched a LOT. change my mind! you probably could. emu can't lol.
Karen jumped out of the car and immediately started doing CPR on John. When the EMT arrived she had his 'fresh' blood all over her. She first stated that he must have been hit by a snowplow driver.

Not one of the officers who lived in the residence where John died in front of came out of their home that day.

It was a nor'easter so, yes it was blizzard like conditions.

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