Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


ER doctor who treated John O'Keefe testifies​

After O'Keefe's niece and nephew concluded their testimony, Dr. Justin Rice, an emergency medicine physician at South Shore Health took the stand. He previously worked at Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton for over a decade.

Rice treated O'Keefe when he was brought to Good Samaritan Hospital on Jan. 29, 2022, after he was found in the snow outside of the Albert home on Fairview Road.

"He was unresponsive and intubated, as in, with a breathing tube into his airway via his mouth," Rice said, describing O'Keefe's condition when he arrived at the hospital's emergency room. "He would have had CPR in progress, and also someone would have been ventilating his lungs..."

Rice said O'Keefe arrived in cardiac arrest, meaning his heart was not pumping blood and had no electrical activity of its own. He said his initial body temperature was low, about 80 degrees, which is consistent with hypothermia.

He said O'Keefe's time of death was 7:50 a.m.

Rice also said O'Keefe had abrasions or scratches on his right forearm.

The emergency room doctor said he also treated Read later that same morning.

She arrived at the hospital around 7:51 a.m. for a Section 12, an involuntary hospitalization for a mental health concern.

On cross-examination from defense attorney Elizabeth Little, Rice said he didn't recall treating Read or ordering her bloodwork.

He was asked if a firefighter ever approached him on Jan. 29, 2022, with information indicating that O'Keefe had been struck by a motor vehicle. Rice said he did not recall anyone telling him directly that the victim had been involved in a car accident.

"I think that on my note it says per EMS report, so one of the medics, as in one of the folks on the ambulance that brought Mr. O'Keefe in, as I recall it said something to the effect of 'Per EMS report, the patient may have been struck by a vehicle.'"

Little then showed Rice the report, which did not include any reference to the fact that O'Keefe might have been struck by a motor vehicle.

"In fact, there is no mention of a vehicle whatsoever, correct?" Little asked.

"That's correct," Rice replied.

Asked if he observed O'Keefe's injuries when he arrived at the hospital, Rice said he did observe scratches and abrasions on his right arm and a laceration above his eyelid. He had no injuries to his shoulders, chest, torso, back, ribs, hips, knees, shins, ankles or feet.

"From the neck down he did not have a single broken bone, right? You certainly didn't notate in your report that he had any broken bones, correct?" Little asked

"No, I did not," Rice replied.

But Rice said his focus at the time was in trying to revive O'Keefe, and not on every single detail of his injuries.

Court adjourned for lunch around 12:50 p.m. and is scheduled to resume at 1:30 p.m. Testimony is expected to continue until 4:30 p.m.

By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


Second doctor takes the stand after lunch break​

Dr. Garrey Faller, the chief pathologist and laboratory medical director at Good Samaritan Hospital, was the first witness to take the stand after the lunch break.

Lally asked several questions about blood alcohol testing, and the typical protocols that are in place.

The defense then questioned Faller on the methodology used in hospitals to test for alcohol, pointing out that it is different than the testing used in forensic labs. In the hospital, the blood is separated and the serum portion tested, while forensic labs test whole blood.

The defense also asked if there were things that could affect the accuracy of hospital testing. Faller said that was possible, but the machines account for those factors.

"Our machine would flag that and we would have some information that a result may not be valid, and sometimes we will report a result with a disclaimer or sometimes if those levels are so high we won’t report them at all. But in this case there were no flags," Faller said.

Forensic scientist testifies about blood alcohol testing​

The next witness was Nicholas Roberts, who worked at the Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab in the toxicology unit at the time of the investigation. The prosecution began by asking him about his work on Read's case, including converting the lab results from the hospital, which was provided as a serum test, into a blood alcohol content reading as understood in law enforcement.

Roberts explained how he goes about calculations to determine blood alcohol content, which after a process called retrograde extrapolation, a method that takes into account factors like the time of the last drink, the time of the incident and the time blood testing was done, is provided in a range to account for differences between individuals.

During cross-examination, the defense stressed the point that those calculations could be different if any piece of information, such as time of last drink, was not accurate. However in redirect, Lally had Roberts clarify that the difference would have to concern hours of time in between to have significant impact on the calculation.

By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


Canton public works superintendent testifies​

Next up was Michael Trotta, superintendent of the Canton Department of Public Works. Lally began a line of questioning about the Public Works schedule the night of Jan. 28, 2022, and overnight into Jan 29, 2022, when it began storming.

Trotta described how many Public Works trucks they would typically have on the road, and read from a report indicating what trucks were scheduled and at one time they were expected to report to work. He was also asked to describe what types of trucks would have been on the route that went by 34 Fairview.

During cross-examination, the defense asked Trotta about his interactions with Trooper Michael Proctor during the State Police Investigation.

Canton information systems manager discusses surveillance footage​

The final witness of the day was Louis Jutras, the manager of information systems for the town of Canton. Jutras discussed surveillance footage he provided to State Police during the course of the investigation. He was initially contacted in February 2022. Investigators were concerned with two periods of time - from 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Jan. 29, and from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. on the same day.

He explained how they aimed to have the raw footage stored for about 30 days per location, though more active locations may fill up sooner and less active ones may have a slightly longer timeframe.

Jutras testified that he provided the video to investigators in the timeframe requested, but did not sit and watch it in its entirety.

"I watched it from the timeframe to see that we had information and that it was physically available," he told the court.

During cross-examination he explained that when he received a follow up request from State Police to provide the footage to the defense later in the investigation, the raw footage was no longer available in the system.

Jutras also testified that the GPS tracking available in the town's Public Works trucks was not working properly during the snowstorm on the night in question. This was not unusual, according to Jutras, who said sometimes the connection needs to be reestablished because of changes on the server.
Lol I've never compared Read with Arias. Tell me why. Not that if I did I might not find similarities. I only brought up Arias as you mentioned hoping I one day get to watch THIS trial and I said with Arias that I one I got to watch years after the fact and didn't follow before that. No time to think about that right now but curious as to the similarities you see.

I was not interested in this case and I still really am not for the most part. Once I start one though or heard some, I'll I guess stay mostly up on the thread at least but it isn't one that I gravitate or run to. There's a lot about it that makes it that way for me and it just isn't something I'd normally follow or at least not follow FIRST. Maybe had I know from day one of his death/murder but I don't think most did outside of the area there. Not THEN.

Yeah, the dog. ALL of it honestly. I'll class it a bit less crazy than the O theory in Delphi but still a lot to believe. Do I believe they may have known things, discussed things, covered that they did? Now THAT I can believe. Where it falls down entirely for me is their alternative theory about what really happened per the defense. Nope.

Daybell and my interest. Lol. Well let me tell you, many start out as I said, that I either saw from the start or saw something about it. Daybell had I not seen from the start, and came into years in or heard of, I may not have followed. I followed because there were MISSING kids and it was becoming a big story and no one new where these poor children were. Sometimes back when I had more time it also could just be on top of that that the cases I already was into were quiet and not much going on, I don't recall but it was about the missing kids... And then shortly after that, Lori was sounding like a nutcase and we were all if you read he first pages of that thread before we knew ANYTHING AT ALL we were like WHAT??? And it kept coming. WAsn't complicated then, it was two missing kids many of us thought or hoped might be alive and hidden due to custody, divorce, something...

I have fallen into many cases over missing children and regretted such in many because then I am invested. More common ones are a missing infant to toddler to 5 year old or some such (and older). You want to see and pass the word and give it activity hoping they get found and quickly but then shortly after if not seeing the signs quickly, one finds out a parent or a parent's bf or some such murdered them and then often comes horrible details of abuse and more and I REGRET looking at them but I am not going to bail on the child or the case at that point because I've invested in it. That's how it happens sometimes.

In Daybell, sh*t just kept COMING and it became quite the twisted and far from dull thing. HOWEVER, would I have gravitated towards it finding out in the middle when I knew nothing of it, probably not. You know that recent one, the Ruby Frank and whatever the other woman's name is who were SM people with huge followings who disciplined or abused their children most felt in wrong ways were caught out, that hit YT Big and I had no interest in following it at all. I know the basics and saw a bit here and there but really didn't want to follow it. I'd say it is one not like Daybell but a bit in some ways but no child died. And I don't think Daybell would be as I've said my kind of thing but I started out on it and then man, you couldn't make this stuff up and when other cases were going nowhere I was following, there that one was ALWAYS with something new.

I'm not sure how you pick what you follow but we all have our things I guess. I tend to gravitate not only (quite a few more of other kinds) to missing children. I want them found and even if we are not blasting it out there from here on SM, the more interest the better I feel to hope they are found quickly. I don't do FB and such but if I did I'd be sharing it. And then I end up usually finding out it is a murder by a family or close person and abuse with horrid details and I regret it but then like I said I am stuck. HOWEVER if one starts out with a headline that a baby was beaten to death and they know such immediately, I KNOW not to go near it because the child isn't missing and I do NOT need to know the details and nothing will save that child.

In generally I don't go towards famous or Hollywood type cases, and I don't got to mass shootings generally whether a mall, a school, a bar. DO I know OF such? Yes. Have I followed some? Yes. However, they get very political and special interest groups and all sorts of sh*t plays in. Yet I care like about the race cases and then I do end up following. I did so with Arbery. I did with George Floyd and Chauvin, etc. And more. Quite a few actually.

I don't do a lot of old missing cases, but the reason is because there is no new news on them and what can you keep talking about unless you go over the old facts which has been done over and over. Again it isn't that I don't care. And I do follow many. Maura Murray, Jon Benet, Madeline McCann, many missing adults that I followed when they went missing, but the ones way back like the 70s or earlier, not so much as I never followed crime or those at the outset. However in the years I did not work, when talk was slow, I'd go into some that got revived conversations going and such.

And I've watched some Hollywood ones and so forth. I just don't gravitate towards the types mentioned and if little time, it is certain types. I can GET interested in about any. A pet one of mine is Suzanne Morphew. Some years back it was Kelsey Berreth. Both Colorado cases and not children but women. Echo Lloyid, still missing. Tons and tons. Since being here, I'd say I had time then and followed almost every new case.

Old cases matter and I try to go in when these days, so impressive, so many unidentifieds are being identified as it is impressive but just following one with no news there just isn't much to talk about. I guess when I had time it was any new case at all... I was trying to keep my mind off very hard other things any free moment when I didn't work.

Okay. Each day when I finish another LONG work day, I generally have one very long post somewhere just to I guess destress and change modes... This one is it tonight. Lol.

So what is it that grabs you for cases?
Like you, it's different for each case but I think those that grab me the most are probably those in which I believe innocent people are accused.
Go back to murdaugh with the exact same type of data from his phone. It showed him doing all those steps at the time of the murders when he claimed he wasn't there.
Alex wasn't dead. This is a dead man's phone. And I don't have time to go refresh or look but what I recall is not number of steps but for instance his being down at the kennels when claiming to be at the house or such things on that order. I don't think it tracked each step he took.

A bit overloaded and leaving soon and maybe I'm taking things to literally or something and missing it.

The thing is, let's even say the defense ridiculous story is true, how does the phone thing make sense there either? It doesn't.

I also don't know how anyone makes a spreadsheet when I'd assume evidence was born out to the public except for perhaps what defense put out there or was ti filed and this was taken from a certified and accurate court document?
Again, they had the exact same kind of data extracted from murdaugh s phone. MANY of them have the technology. Mine does and it's far from new.
Not a clue. Obviously. Doesn't jive for me but then don't know much about it. I think of cases where they argue what the pings mean and otherwise and so I guess I'm not taking any of it from one side as accurate as I don't know enough.
To me, the only way that search makes sense is that it was made after John was found.
Read also asked a FF/paramedic about how long before someone without a coat would be dead.
(It was on the way to the psycho ward, lol!)

I haven't heard anyone say John was hit at 12:25 but anyway, Nagel and the two other occupants in the truck all testified that Read's SUV was still there when they pulled away.
And Brian Higgins finished testifying that he was parked in front of 34 Fairview Road at the same time Karen and Ryan pulled up however the only two people who corroborate that is Jennifer and Matthew McCabe.
IT Manager says the video disc turned over to Defense is not the same disc (as he gave Trooper Proctor) :eek:

Correct! He didn't give Proctor a disc rather he gave him a link to a shared file of the video. That disc cannot be admitted into evidence now. IF Proctor testifies I'll be surprised. It's his investigation that is tainted and now everyone sees it.

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