Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Alysha Palumbo • Published June 10, 2024 • Updated 6 mins ago​


Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor takes the stand​

Proctor took the stand and began recounting his response to the scene of 34 Fairview Road on the day of O'Keefe's death. He said he and Bukhenik went to the home of Matthew and Jennifer McCabe and interviewed them there, along with Brian Albert. They then went to Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton in an attempt to interview Read, but she had already been released several hours earlier.

He also testified about viewing O'Keefe's body, and examining the injuries he had suffered. He also spoke of several items of O'Keefe's clothing that were in the room, including one of his sneakers. He also retrieved O'Keefe's phone.

From the hospital, Proctor said they traveled to Read's parents' home in Dighton to speak with Read, who was at that location. He said Read's SUV was parked in the driveway when they arrived.

Proctor also testified about how Read's SUV was towed to the Canton Police Department sallyport for further investigation. Asked by Lally if he had any contact with the rear taillight, he said he and Bukhenik "never touched that vehicle."

Lally played video of the SUV in the sallyport, then asked Proctor to display the vehicle's broken taillight in court.

Shown another picture of the taillight, Proctor said, "as you can see, large pieces of it are missing."

Proctor described subsequent trips to the scene, explaining, "as the snow started to melt, more evidence started to present itself."

He and another trooper also went to O'Keefe's home on Meadows Avenue to document some of what was there, and to look at Ring camera video showing the driveway, he said. Lally played that video, which was played previously in the trial as well, showing Read pulling out of her garage the morning O'Keefe's body was found, and coming close to and possibly coming into contact with O'Keefe's SUV.

Proctor said he wanted to document whether there was any damage to the SUV, and after watching the video be played, said there was no indication of snow coming off the vehicle when Read's SUV stopped next to it, nor, when Read's SUV puilled away, any "red pieces of taillight which would show up in contrast in the white snow."

As Read's SUV pulls away in the video, Proctor said, he was able to see inconsistent lighting — "there's a gap right there," he said.

Lally showed further images of O'Keefe's vehicle, which didn't have any damage.

Lally asked Proctor to display pieces of broken taillight that were found outside the Fairview Road in the following days, in the grass between the home's flagpole and the fire hydrant.

The motion-activated Ring camera at O'Keefe's home didn't have a recording of her returning home that night, Proctor noted. He inquired with Ring about whether a video might have been deleted, but never received video where he anticipated one might have been.

Cannone sustained an objection from the defense about what Proctor heard from Ring employees about any "digital footprint" that might have been left by a video that was deleted.

The prosecution's questioning turned to Proctor's relationship with some witnesses in the case — the defense has claimed, as they argued Read was framed, that the investigator is close with some members of the Albert family.

Proctor noted that Julie Albert, the wife of Chris Albert, is friends with his sister, Courtney, whom he is very close with.

"On occasion, they would be over at my sister's house or at my parents' backyard, Julie and Chris and their kid Colin, and I would happen to be there," Proctor said.

He grew up in Canton and graduated high school there, he testified, but didn't go to school with witnesses in the case, and said there was a large age gap between him and Chris and Julie Albert, and with Colin as well. He characterized them as acquaintances.

By Marc Fortier, Asher Klein and Alysha Palumbo • Published June 10, 2024 • Updated 6 mins ago​


Proctor questioned about text messages involving Karen Read case​

At that point, Cannone called for a lunch break. When Proctor returned, the line of questioning continued, delving into several conversations he had about the case as it developed.

"I explained the connection with my sister to the Albert family" to Bukhenik, his supervisor, and others at state police, Proctor said. He testified Monday that the connection had "absolutely zero impact on this investigation."

At Lally's prompting, Proctor read through a text conversation he had with a group of friends he'd known since childhood.


I don't think there will be a lot of text details in any MSM report. ~Summer
We're big boys and girls here and nearly anything can be posted. We can all decide for ourselves with what to do with it.

I love seeing what others see.
Really? Personally I don't like an anything goes policy on sources. Too easy for people to alter photos and just make things up.
Okay. If you guys have been doing it this way don't change anything on my account. I can ignore sources I don't find believable or reliable.

That Turtleboy guy seems to be inserting himself into this case by harassing witness's. I don't care for that. But that's just me.
Yeah, he is less than ideal. However, he has press credentials and attends the trial each day. I guess if we limit it, would we also need to define MSM so it is clear???

I think they're trying to head them off at the pass.

Okay. If you guys have been doing it this way don't change anything on my account. I can ignore sources I don't find believable or reliable.

That Turtleboy guy seems to be inserting himself into this case by harassing witness's. I don't care for that. But that's just me.

There are a few things that bother me about him. His nickname doesn't sound professional. He organized the harassment of witness', and seems to see nothing from the other sides' perspective. I can understand that, though, because they don't have much.

His constant repetition of "He's a Boston Cop" Doesn't look good either. IMO, that's saying he'll take care of it.
What are the rules for posting twitter/x links? Is it MSM only or anybody?

News sources are preferred.

That being said, we're NOT going to get into policing who is MSM and who isn't, and who is credentialed or not, and who is trustworthy or not. That is up to each person to consider for themselves. (I do encourage everyone to do their own checking because a blue verified check means nothing anymore.)

We don't want random people's Twitter postings all over, necessarily. However, if they're covering a case (with good facts from court for instance, and not full of opinion or speculation) then that's fine.
News sources are preferred.

That being said, we're NOT going to get into policing who is MSM and who isn't, and who is credentialed or not, and who is trustworthy or not. That is up to each person to consider for themselves. (I do encourage everyone to do their own checking because a blue verified check means nothing anymore.)

We don't want random people's Twitter postings all over, necessarily. However, if they're covering a case (with good facts from court for instance, and not full of opinion or speculation) then that's fine.
Sorry. My mistake.
I think they're trying to head them off at the pass.

There are a few things that bother me about him. His nickname doesn't sound professional. He organized the harassment of witness', and seems to see nothing from the other sides' perspective. I can understand that, though, because they don't have much.

His constant repetition of "He's a Boston Cop" Doesn't look good either. IMO, that's saying he'll take care of it.
The prosecution had no choice but to air all of Trooper Proctor's dirty laundry in their case in chief. However, those text messages have obviously had such an extremely negative impact that I don't see them being able to overcome it.
Here's a link to an article that gives a good rundown of the text message testimony.

Here's a link to an article that gives a good rundown of the text message testimony.

"In a different thread, Proctor made a comment about Yannetti, writing, after having to stop processing Read's phone upon finding protected communication between her and her attorney, that he was going through "his r------- client's phone. No nudes so far. I hate that man, I truly hate him."

The comment was "a distasteful joke," Proctor explained, adding later that he was not looking for nude pictures but "location data text communications … more evidence contained within the phone."

Kinda hard to say you weren't looking for nudes when you state yourself you were looking for nudes. Duh.
Here's a link to an article that gives a good rundown of the text message testimony.

What a bunch of BS from Proctor. If I was on the jury, I'd hold out for not guilty. However, I don't think anyone will hold out for guilty. Proctor must think the jurors are morons with his feeble attempts at explaining his :poop:

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