Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Here's a link to an article that gives a good rundown of the text message testimony.

The graph of how everyone is connected is too hard for me to understand.
Here's three images of the main people involved. Hope this helps a little more.



Also, Bukhenik kind of paints himself into a corner that I hope the jury caught onto by saying that the cameras are motion activated. If that were the case, the car would not just "appear". There is motion required for it to get there that would have been recorded. Again, it "might" not mean much except just yet another layer of deception at the very least.
Not so with my cameras, vehcles just appear once they have entered the view, voila, there it is and their first movement is missed, that's the part that is triggering when it simply appears or that's the way it seems to work for me. And with any movement it also depends on how sensitive you have the settings set. if you keep them ultra sensitive you are going to see every wind driven raindrop and more and then they are going off every second for hours on end with notifications.
@Ranch here's mre background on the FBI's involvement.

That inverted footage made it appear that nobody was near and lurking around the "broken" taillight. I had noticed it looked as if he exited the vehicle from the passenger side but at that time I hadn't realized it was him actually getting out of the driver's side. Doesn't that paint an entirely different picture than what actually happened? No way that was accidental, then add that the time stamps were not inverted. They also painted themselves into a corner by stating the cameras were motion activated yet it starts was after the car is in the bay and not as it's entering. How did it get there in a way that required no motion? Also the people in the video suddenly levitate to a new place while in frame that motion detecting would catch.
That inverted footage made it appear that nobody was near and lurking around the "broken" taillight. I had noticed it looked as if he exited the vehicle from the passenger side but at that time I hadn't realized it was him actually getting out of the driver's side. Doesn't that paint an entirely different picture than what actually happened? No way that was accidental, then add that the time stamps were not inverted. They also painted themselves into a corner by stating the cameras were motion activated yet it starts was after the car is in the bay and not as it's entering. How did it get there in a way that required no motion? Also the people in the video suddenly levitate to a new place while in frame that motion detecting would catch.
In my opinion that police bay video is of such poor quality that you can't get any useful information from it. Whether you un invert it or not. A delay from when motion is detected to camera being on makes sense to me.
Okay. If you guys have been doing it this way don't change anything on my account. I can ignore sources I don't find believable or reliable.

That Turtleboy guy seems to be inserting himself into this case by harassing witness's. I don't care for that. But that's just me.
Turtleboy has imo a very bad rep and well deserved. Of course some out there think he's great.. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't say I prefer we be able to share as we wish and not be policed, we are all adults as to choosing what is credible or not and which source is and if one stops one, then where does it end? I find this entire case thread extremely biased and one sided but I guess that's how most feel. And so I tire of it and stay out of it and only check occasionally and have developed no overall interest in it whatsoever for the most part. I have bias in other cases I guess but I'd say for other reasons than those here and I do agree the investigation isn't the best I've seen.

Imo if we all need to be babysat then it isn't the site for me. The guy I guess is covering the trial although he sure is no unbiased reporter giving fair and accurate coverage from all sides. He is an inflammatory SM person. And it's not the first case he's been involved in or walks the line as to interference or worse...
"In a different thread, Proctor made a comment about Yannetti, writing, after having to stop processing Read's phone upon finding protected communication between her and her attorney, that he was going through "his r------- client's phone. No nudes so far. I hate that man, I truly hate him."

The comment was "a distasteful joke," Proctor explained, adding later that he was not looking for nude pictures but "location data text communications … more evidence contained within the phone."

Kinda hard to say you weren't looking for nudes when you state yourself you were looking for nudes. Duh.
No mention though that he stopped going through it due to privileged communications? Huh, I thought he was the type that of course all would say he continued but seems to not say that in the texts.

At least mention both sides, I mean you don't have to, but that's a positive, at least that part. Shows NOT going against the rules. Lots of bad choices but doubt ever expected having his texts read.
They may well have destroyed this case, we shall find out with the verdict, but my opinion won't change that she did it, just that the failed and with what defenses are pulling nowadays, you had better be a very clean cop or trooper, DA, etc. Some are still on the learning curve clearly.
Turtleboy has imo a very bad rep and well deserved. Of course some out there think he's great.. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't say I prefer we be able to share as we wish and not be policed, we are all adults as to choosing what is credible or not and which source is and if one stops one, then where does it end? I find this entire case thread extremely biased and one sided but I guess that's how most feel. And so I tire of it and stay out of it and only check occasionally and have developed no overall interest in it whatsoever for the most part. I have bias in other cases I guess but I'd say for other reasons than those here and I do agree the investigation isn't the best I've seen.

Imo if we all need to be babysat then it isn't the site for me. The guy I guess is covering the trial although he sure is no unbiased reporter giving fair and accurate coverage from all sides. He is an inflammatory SM person. And it's not the first case he's been involved in or walks the line as to interference or worse...
I agree that we don't need a baby sitter or to be policed. But I'll be honest that I will not take very much time out of my day to verify what some social media person has posted is real or true.

Maybe I'll just cherry pick them and the ones that go with the way I feel get my okay and the ones that don't get ignored.
In my opinion that police bay video is of such poor quality that you can't get any useful information from it. Whether you un invert it or not. A delay from when motion is detected to camera being on makes sense to me.
If the delay was the case, it would have happened more consistently. It also would have picked up at least part of the car entering the bay, not start after the vehicle has totally entered and parked. It also wouldn't stop in mid movement of people moving.
Here's three images of the main people involved. Hope this helps a little more.



This would be pretty typical in any area. Small ones particularly. This pat doesn't phase me a bit. And of course all know each other and were connected, that's why they were invited. Many areas are like this, not unusual to me.
The garage video was manipulated on purpose. Had it been a mistake the time stamps would be reversed as well

So who manipulated the video? Who asked them to manipulate the video, and why.
If the delay was the case, it would have happened more consistently. It also would have picked up at least part of the car entering the bay, not start after the vehicle has totally entered and parked. It also wouldn't stop in mid movement of people moving.
Okay. I'm not a camera expert so my idea be wrong.

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