Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Well yes, because that's exactly what I've been saying all along. It's obvious because of the time stamp not being inverted. If they had "accidently" sent them an inverted video, ALL of it would be inverted.
I agree with your premise.

Now do you agree with my premise that even though the video was altered into a mirror image it still doesn't show me that anyone tampered with the SUV's tail light?
I agree with your premise.

Now do you agree with my premise that even though the video was altered into a mirror image it still doesn't show me that anyone tampered with the SUV's tail light?
It doesn't BUT it shows like they are hanging out on the driver's side, which is basically a lie. Now, why would they present an inverted video but go through all the trouble if editing the time stamps through the entire thing of it meant nothing? What are they hiding to go through that? Why not just present the inverted video with the time stamps also inverted and then try to pass it off as accidental?
It doesn't BUT it shows like they are hanging out on the driver's side, which is basically a lie. Now, why would they present an inverted video but go through all the trouble if editing the time stamps through the entire thing of it meant nothing? What are they hiding to go through that? Why not just present the inverted video with the time stamps also inverted and then try to pass it off as accidental?
I think we are finally at about 99% agreement. Lets not worry about that last 1%. Thank you very much.
I think we are finally at about 99% agreement. Lets not worry about that last 1%. Thank you very much.
It just makes no sense that they did it for no reason. It also makes no sense that it was accidental. Again, at the very least, it shows major, intentional deception. I guess you would have to ask them what they were hiding and why they went through the effort to try to cover it up.
It just makes no sense that they did it for no reason. It also makes no sense that it was accidental. Again, at the very least, it shows major, intentional deception. I guess you would have to ask them what they were hiding and why they went through the effort to try to cover it up.
I just want to say thank you for having a discussion with me about this case. I still haven't figured out the why yet and I may never figure it out. But at least we tried, right.
I just want to say thank you for having a discussion with me about this case. I still haven't figured out the why yet and I may never figure it out. But at least we tried, right.
Like I've said all along, the prosecution has done more things to convince me of her possible innocence than the defense has. It's been one thing after another with them that add more questions that answers. They have done nothing but raise reasonable doubt to me with at their deceptiveness. There is no good reason why they would submit that video that way for whatever their reason actually was. They can't claim it was accidental with the work they put into it to make it appear it was actually that way.

Just curious, what would you think their reason was? I'm pretty sure we agree it was definitely intentional.
Like I've said all along, the prosecution has done more things to convince me of her possible innocence than the defense has. It's been one thing after another with them that add more questions that answers. They have done nothing but raise reasonable doubt to me with at their deceptiveness. There is no good reason why they would submit that video that way for whatever their reason actually was. They can't claim it was accidental with the work they put into it to make it appear it was actually that way.

Just curious, what would you think their reason was? I'm pretty sure we agree it was definitely intentional.
I don't have a reason why the video was intentionally inverted. It makes no sense to me at all.
Moral of the story - if it was "accidentally" inverted the time stamps would be inverted also

The question then becomes why did they do that if it meant nothing? Why invert the video and then go though the terrible of editing the time stamp?

Because they wanted to change the perspective of which taillight they were looking at. The missing video may show someone hitting the taillight with something.

Well yes, because that's exactly what I've been saying all along. It's obvious because of the time stamp not being inverted. If they had "accidently" sent them an inverted video, ALL of it would be inverted.

Also, people are magically teleported in and out of the video. That's the only logical answer. If they had walked to or away from the places they were, it would've tripped the motion detector. So the motion detector excuse is malarkey. The two minute and 42 second gap means that nobody walked into the framing of the camera?
Because they wanted to change the perspective of which taillight they were looking at. The missing video may show someone hitting the taillight with something.

Also, people are magically teleported in and out of the video. That's the only logical answer. If they had walked to or away from the places they were, it would've tripped the motion detector. So the motion detector excuse is malarkey. The two minute and 42 second gap means that nobody walked into the framing of the camera?
Yes. Motion detectors don't start recording when the motion stops like at the beginning and they don't magically quit in the middle of motion that is happening while it's detecting motion in the frame. It works be different if those people had walked off frame and then reentered but some of it is DURING motion.
I don't have a reason why the video was intentionally inverted. It makes no sense to me at all.

So then, as a juror, you'd have to discuss the why question. I think what I said above is a valid idea. Even if the jurors can't agree on why. The fact that it was manipulated should let the jurors know that this was deliberately done and all of the prosecutions evidence is very suspect. I'd consider throwing out all of the prosecutions evidence based on that.
I agree with your premise.

Now do you agree with my premise that even though the video was altered into a mirror image it still doesn't show me that anyone tampered with the SUV's tail light?

It doesn't show that, I agree. However, the missing footage would probably tell us a lot more. You can do an awful lot in two minutes and 42 seconds. I don't buy, for a second, that nobody was moving in the camera's framing area during that time span. Again, it was intentionally faked. We know that because of the inversion and time stamp. It really doesn't matter so much as why, as it was done.
I'm assuming the trial is on tomorrow again. Is Proctor still being cross examined? Trial starts at 9am I assume. Can someone please leave a link for a feed other than CourTV? I'll be doing laundry.
I'm assuming the trial is on tomorrow again. Is Proctor still being cross examined? Trial starts at 9am I assume. Can someone please leave a link for a feed other than CourTV? I'll be doing laundry.
It will be another day that I will only be able to glance. Info on what's going on will be MUCH appreciated!
It doesn't show that, I agree. However, the missing footage would probably tell us a lot more. You can do an awful lot in two minutes and 42 seconds. I don't buy, for a second, that nobody was moving in the camera's framing area during that time span. Again, it was intentionally faked. We know that because of the inversion and time stamp. It really doesn't matter so much as why, as it was done.
Yes. It's the fact that they intentionally did it for ANY reason should give everyone pause into everything they did.
Plus, those texts. How did he get this much hatred for a lady that he testified to that he had never met before? THAT right there tells me this is how he normally operates since he can feel so comfortable in texting such vile things about somebody he has never met.
Live. Good discussion. And in no way is it on the State's side.

And don't think I have kept up here or read all posts because I have not.

Sharing, most here would like it or maybe a rewatch would be better as there's been much of interest so far that you won't catch unless rewatching or backing up but still on at the moment.


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