Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I'm assuming the trial is on tomorrow again. Is Proctor still being cross examined? Trial starts at 9am I assume. Can someone please leave a link for a feed other than CourTV? I'll be doing laundry.


By Matt Fortin • Published June 11, 2024 • Updated on June 11, 2024 at 8:33 pm​

Monday's testimony by Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor could not just have implications on Karen Read's ongoing murder trial, but potentially beyond.

Experts say that the investigator's vulgar text messages about Read could spell trouble for Proctor's credibility while testifying in other cases as well, including the pending Brian Walshe murder trial, for which he is the designated case officer — the same position that Proctor holds in the Read investigation.

Read denies the state's allegations that she killed her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe, in Canton in 2022, and her lawyers have depicted a large-scale coverup by law enforcement, which they say Proctor was part of. The prosecution has denied there was a coverup, calling the allegations "fanciful."

In a text conversation with friends that prosecutors had Proctor read from Monday, he referred to Read as a "whack job" and "c---," made fun of a medical condition she has and made a disparaging comment about her rear. Proctor said his comments were "unprofessional and regrettable," but said they "have zero impact on the facts and the evidence and the integrity of this investigation."

In another text chain with colleagues, Proctor made a joke about not being able to find naked photos of Read while going through her phone. Read's defense team hammered Proctor — and is expected to continue doing so when court returns Wednesday, on whether his text messages about the defendant reflected a bias.

"I think the testimony likely was fatal to the government's case," Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law and NBC10 Boston legal analyst Michael Coyne said. "The fact is, it does taint all law enforcement in this case."

Former Massachusetts State Trooper Todd McGhee explained Tuesday that the bombshell testimony could taint other cases, too, saying it was possible the situation could potentially put Proctor at risk for being included on what's called a Brady list, referring to a Supreme Court case.

Brady lists are typically used by prosecutors to determine whether they should consider officers unqualified to testify in a case over lack of credibility.

"Once that officer has been deemed as compromised, their integrity has been compromised, their name ends up on the list," McGhee said. "Once your name was on the Brady list, anytime you testify in a court of law, the opposing attorney is going to challenge your veracity.

"Effectively, you are of no real use in the court of law based on any investigative work you’ve conducted," McGhee continued.

Proctor, who works out of the Norfolk District Attorney's Office, is also the designated case officer for the Brian Walshe murder case.

Brian Walshe is charged with murdering and dismembering his wife, Ana Walshe, in their Cohasset home in early 2023. He's pleaded not guilty. The case is expected to be heard soon after the Read trial concludes.

Shira Diner, an instructor at the Defender Clinic at Boston University, believes these developments could impact Proctor's involvement at the Walshe trial.


More at link. ~Summer
I'd like to know opinions of the judge as formerly I was hearing from people here things like she is almost part of it but I think from the BITS I've seen she has ruled for the defense on many an occasion or against the prosecution.

No one mentions it.

Of course I haven't read all posts since last on to speak of a couple of nights ago and I dind't finish reading all then and haven't since but doubt it has been talked of. The only thing talked of for the most part is one sided. So opinion of her rulings on objections here and such? Didn't she make Proctor SAY his words in court for instance? Just as ONE example? Just asking for a fair look at the rulings in the trial thus far...

This case will not be a guilty verdict but will be hung in my opinion. Maybe an acquittal but more likely hung.

It's a crying shame since I believe she did it but speaking of did it they did it to themselves or some of them did.

And the colostomy bag is going to come back to haunt them. In watching some of Joe live this morning, how stupid are they... Or is Proctor... Ever heard of HIPPA...

By Matt Fortin • Published June 11, 2024 • Updated on June 11, 2024 at 8:33 pm​

Monday's testimony by Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor could not just have implications on Karen Read's ongoing murder trial, but potentially beyond.

Experts say that the investigator's vulgar text messages about Read could spell trouble for Proctor's credibility while testifying in other cases as well, including the pending Brian Walshe murder trial, for which he is the designated case officer — the same position that Proctor holds in the Read investigation.

Read denies the state's allegations that she killed her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe, in Canton in 2022, and her lawyers have depicted a large-scale coverup by law enforcement, which they say Proctor was part of. The prosecution has denied there was a coverup, calling the allegations "fanciful."

In a text conversation with friends that prosecutors had Proctor read from Monday, he referred to Read as a "whack job" and "c---," made fun of a medical condition she has and made a disparaging comment about her rear. Proctor said his comments were "unprofessional and regrettable," but said they "have zero impact on the facts and the evidence and the integrity of this investigation."

In another text chain with colleagues, Proctor made a joke about not being able to find naked photos of Read while going through her phone. Read's defense team hammered Proctor — and is expected to continue doing so when court returns Wednesday, on whether his text messages about the defendant reflected a bias.

"I think the testimony likely was fatal to the government's case," Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law and NBC10 Boston legal analyst Michael Coyne said. "The fact is, it does taint all law enforcement in this case."

Former Massachusetts State Trooper Todd McGhee explained Tuesday that the bombshell testimony could taint other cases, too, saying it was possible the situation could potentially put Proctor at risk for being included on what's called a Brady list, referring to a Supreme Court case.

Brady lists are typically used by prosecutors to determine whether they should consider officers unqualified to testify in a case over lack of credibility.

"Once that officer has been deemed as compromised, their integrity has been compromised, their name ends up on the list," McGhee said. "Once your name was on the Brady list, anytime you testify in a court of law, the opposing attorney is going to challenge your veracity.

"Effectively, you are of no real use in the court of law based on any investigative work you’ve conducted," McGhee continued.

Proctor, who works out of the Norfolk District Attorney's Office, is also the designated case officer for the Brian Walshe murder case.

Brian Walshe is charged with murdering and dismembering his wife, Ana Walshe, in their Cohasset home in early 2023. He's pleaded not guilty. The case is expected to be heard soon after the Read trial concludes.

Shira Diner, an instructor at the Defender Clinic at Boston University, believes these developments could impact Proctor's involvement at the Walshe trial.


More at link. ~Summer
Seems very called for.

More testimony about Michael Proctor's text messages​

Proctor returned to the stand shortly after 9 a.m. Wednesday, with defense attorney Alan Jackson continuing to cross examine him.

Before court started for the day, Judge Beverly Cannone announced that one of the jurors had dropped out for a personal reason. No further details were shared.

Jackson began the proceedings by attempting to have a hard copy of Proctor's text messages introduced into evidence. Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally objected, leading to an immediate sidebar with Cannone.

Following the sidebar, several packets containing printed versions of Proctor's text exchanges were entered into evidence.

Proctor resumed his testimony shortly before 9:30 a.m., testifying about a group text thread with nine of his high school friends about the Read investigation. The state trooper acknowledged that he did not think that text thread would ever become public.

The text exchange, Jackson said, took place on Jan. 29, 2022 at 10:52 p.m., the day of O'Keefe's death. Proctor acknowledged that he revealed details about the investigation, including the name of the victim, 16 hours after the incident.

At 10:56 a.m., a friend of Proctor's texted that "I'm sure the owner of the house will receive some [expletive]."

Proctor answered with one word: "Nope." He then followed up that text by saying, "He's a Boston cop too."

"The fact of the matter is you hadn't been to the crime scene... you hadn't been inside the home, you had questioned a grand total of three percipient witnesses at this point, and two of the three were named McCabe and one of the three was named Albert, Jackson said. "And it's against that backdrop that you wrote "Nope, the homeowner's not going to get any [expletive] because he's a cop."

"That's not what I meant by that," Proctor replied.

Additional texts from Proctor were shown where he wrote, "She waffled him. I looked at his body at the hospital," referring to O'Keefe. "He was banged up." Proctor later explained that by waffling he meant he had been hit by a car.

Jackson attempted to show that before he had even been to the crime scene or entered the house, Proctor believed he had the case solved.

"Did you in your mind have this case wrapped up? Was it cut and dry in your mind?" Jackson asked.

"Yes," Proctor replied.

Proctor then explained to his friends in the text thread that he believed Read hit O'Keefe with her car. But he said in another text that it would be difficult to prove it was intentional.

"But I assume you guys are out to make it cut and dried, since it involves cops," one of Proctor's friends then wrote.

"Something stinks," another chimed in.

"Yeah, but there will be some serious charges brought on the girl," Proctor replied.

As the text exchange was read, Read could be seen smiling broadly.

Jackson then read another text from one of Proctor's friends, who said, "She hot at least?"

"From all accounts he didn't do a thing wrong. She's a whack job [expletive]," Proctor replied. He then added, "Yeah, she's a babe. Weird Fall River accent, though. No ass."

"No ass. Now you're talking about her body, her physique," Jackson said. "Think that's appropriate?"

"Absolutely not," Proctor replied.

One of his friends then texted that Read was going to "skate," or go free.

"Zero chance she skates," Proctor replied. "She's f*#$(d."

On Feb. 2, 2022, one of Proctor's friends texted, "Is that chick a smoke?"

Proctor wrote "Eh" and then "Nutbag," followed by a disparaging remark about a medical condition that Read suffers from.

Jackson then pointed out that Read had undergone 10 different surgeries years earlier and suffered from serious gastrointestinal medical issues.

"At this point, Ms. Read was just reduced to a punchline to you, wasn't she?" Jackson said, a statement that was quickly objected to by Lally and sustained by the judge.

Proctor called the text exchanges "juvenile and regrettable," but said they did not in any way impact his investigation into O'Keefe's death.

Jackson then turned to Proctor's relationship with the Albert and McCabe families. Proctor testified during a prior proceeding that he didn't know them. He testified Wednesday that he has "little to no relationship" with Chris and Julie Albert.

"I don't know the McCabes. I don't have a relationship with the Alberts," Proctor said. "I know some of them -- Julie and Chris... and Colin."

The way I interpreted 'relationships' was basically like being friends, or you know, frequent communications. That's how I interpreted it," he added.

Proctor said he stands by his earlier testimony that he didn't have relationships with the Albert family, saying he knew some of them but wasn't close with them.

Jackson also asked about Proctor's sister, Courtney, who he considers his best friend and is very good friends with Julie Albert. Proctor testified that he has been at his parents' house at the same time that Julie, Chris and Colin Albert were there.

He said he wouldn't consider himself a close friend of Julie Albert's, but they both had each other's numbers in their cell phones.

Jackson then referenced several texts, including one sent on Feb. 24, 2022, when Julie Albert texted Proctor about a ski trip his sister was going on. And on Jan. 19, 2022, he texted with his sister about whether Julie Albert might be able to babysit for his son.

But when Proctor interviewed Julie Albert as part of his investigation into O'Keefe's death on Feb. 10, 2022, he acknowledged he never mentioned his relationship with Julie, Chris or Colin Albert in any report he drafted.

Jackson also asked about phone conversations Proctor had with Julie Albert and a text message exchange he had with his sister about that conversation. He then asked if the Alberts were treated like witnesses in a murder investigation or more like friends.

"Absolutely not," Proctor replied, in response to the friends remark.

Jackson also pointed out that Proctor updated his sister about the progress of the O'Keefe investigation, even mentioning that Julie and Chris Albert were involved. He also told his sister not to say a word to anyone.

They also went over a series of texts between Proctor and his sister where they talked about Julie Albert saying she wanted to get him "a thank you gift." Proctor said he replied that she should get his wife a gift instead.

During the course of the investigation, Jackson said there were dozens of calls between Proctor's sister and Julie Albert.

"Were you using Courtney, your sister, as an intermediary between you and Julie Albert?" Jackson asked.

"Absolutely not," Proctor said. He also said he made no concerted effort to keep Colin Albert's name out of the investigation.

"Colin Albert was not at the home. He left at approximately 12:10 a.m. before anyone from the Waterfall (Bar & Grill) had arrived back there."

Jackson then entered handwritten notes from Proctor about an interview he conducted with a witness who said Colin Albert was at the home on the night of O'Keefe's death. But his official report on the incident excluded Colin Albert's name.

"Yes, because he arrived later in the evening," Proctor replied.

When he finally did interview Colin Albert, Proctor acknowledged that he and another trooper conducted the interview. He testified that he took Colin Albert and Allie McCabe's word about the time that they left 34 Fairview Road.
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I've got a decent feed. I'm using my cellphone and ear pieces. Once in awhile it stops, and then says you are unmuted. Then I can hear again. When I come here it closes the feed. They're on break now and I'll be going back to catch up on people's posts

Proctor said he never checked info from McCabe's mother Jennifer's Life360 app on her phone or canvassed the area around the McCabe home for any surveillance video that might have confirmed when Allie McCabe returned home that night. He acknowledged that one Canton police officer mentioned that there was a gas station in the area that might have surveillance footage.

Jackson also focused on the fact that Proctor did not immediately interview many of the people who were in the 34 Fairview Road home where O'Keefe's body was found until seven months or more after the incident.

At one point, Jackson asked Proctor if he is still the case agent in charge of the Read case, and he said he is.

Jackson also asked about his interview with ATF agent Brian Higgins on Feb. 10, 2022, where Higgins told the investigator he was engaged in a flirtatious relationship over text messages with Read, and they had kissed on one occasion.

Proctor said Higgins provided him with some text messages from his phone showing at least a portion of the text exchange between him and Read. Jackson also asked about a text Higgins sent to O'Keefe that night asking if he was going to the party at the Albert home on Fairview Road after the Waterfall Bar & Grill.

Proctor acknowledged he never sought a search warrant for Higgins' phone.

"Typically we don't get witnesses phones, sir," he said.

Jackson also asked Proctor about the medical examiner's ruling that O'Keefe's cause of death was "undetermined."

In a text exchange with another police officer regarding that ruling, Proctor said, "Of course it's undetermined. She's a whack job." But Proctor said he couldn't recall if he was referring to the medical examiner or someone else.

Proctor was also asked by Jackson about sharing identity of witnesses he was going to interview with Canton Police Officer Kevin Albert, the brother of witnesses Brian and Chris Albert. The Canton Police Department had already removed itself from the case due to the potential for a conflict of interest.

He also testified that he continued to work with Kevin Albert on a cold case together, went to the same gym and occasionally socialized. Five months into the Read investigation, on July 19, 2022, he acknowledged that they went out drinking together.

After a night of drinking, Kevin Albert left his badge in Proctor's cruiser and reportedly couldn't find his gun.

"Found your badge in my cruiser this morning," Proctor texted Albert the next morning.

Albert told him to leave it in his mailbox, and then said, "Did I take my gun?" and included a wincing face emoji.

Jackson then asked if Proctor was drinking and driving in his cruiser. Proctor said they were working on a cold case, stopped for dinner and had a few beers, and then he dropped Albert off.

The next day, Albert texted Proctor, "It's bad!! I was hung over for sure today!! Couple tonight to make me feel Good."

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