Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Every single one of them seemed to give no thought about driving around drunk. They ALL were in their invincible cop world and all felt uncomfortably comfortable in doing so. They knew none of them out their family's would get ticketed
EXACTLY. We can agree on that 100 percent. And that includes her imo. Their kids (the host family), their buddies, ALL of them invincible. UNTIL something happened to one...
EXACTLY. We can agree on that 100 percent. And that includes her imo. Their kids (the host family), their buddies, ALL of them invincible. UNTIL something happened to one...
THIS--THIS exactly is my problem with the entire case. I don't like any of them. Great to be one of them or a good ol' boy or even a new boy cop or their buddies, etc. and you think yourself immune UNTIL something happens that had to have been caused BY ONE OF YOU, HER OR THEM OR SOMEONE in that invincible group....
No one saw Read and John part ways, just that the vehicle had been out front for a certain amount of time, nobody got out nor had John returned texts or calls since shortly before having arrived at the house.
Yeah it is far from clear if this was before or after, I think more likely before and the ones who are somewhat honest admit to being drunk or having their fair share... What it DOES do is place her there and the vehicle while she didn't even remember leaving the Waterfall or being with him after that.... Per testimony of course.... Yet almost all saw HER in the vehcile in the driver's seat...
Even after a cop goes to her house and there is a broken taillight and STILL nobody even takes the slightest inclination to even look for taillight pieces near where he laid??? None of them?
If you're referring to the officer who did the welfare check that morn, that was John's house (Read was always there only part-time, just saying) and he was only there for that reason.
Yes AND nobody saw a broken taillight at that time either.
I haven't formed an opinion on this entirely but I would say why would they? They were all drunk. The ones seeing the vehicle, correct me if wrong, were not cops. Emu said trained people. Uhm wasn't it the woman and her brother and his friend and so on that saw it? Are they cops? Also we are talking tail light cover or bulb? Seriously asking, is that known? And where do the 40 some pieces come from?
Even after a cop goes to her house and there is a broken taillight and STILL nobody even takes the slightest inclination to even look for taillight pieces near where he laid??? None of them?
Too busy worrying about their donuts and getting some. It is winter. It is cold out there They want their java and donuts. The one show I linked a couple of days ago the two LE on it make no bones about tearing apart the incompetence here and lack of training and so on. They go at such pretty good. They don't, however, believe the defense conspiracy thing, but they DO however, think prosecution is failing in their case so far. Don't know if anyone watched it but it is very fair and talks of both sides and very much mirrors my opinion and it made me feel I'm not off base as I came to my opinion on my own.
I don't know what you mean "all the cops and family members"...
It wasn't Read's vehicle that was at the scene at 6am, it was Robert's.
Well I will admit to being lost on this part. Are we talking of the black SUV and those who testified about it or gave statements? Not a one of them was a cop I don't believe. And now the 6 am. thing I'm entirely lost. No one has to fill me in, just saying since I am lost and so reserving my opinion on this one.
Even after a cop goes to her house and there is a broken taillight and STILL nobody even takes the slightest inclination to even look for taillight pieces near where he laid??? None of them?
SO it IS BROKEN? Yeah they aren't the most competent bunch, no argument there. Did this cop even tell the others and they think oh duh, we should look or they do nothing without being told...

You know the type, it is not in my job description or no one told me to so I didn't... IF of course TRUE.
Question--does this jury have an option of finding guilty on a lesser charge? I'm guessing not as the P has went full force sticking to the highest one but am wondering?
That will be discussed during sentencing instructions after both sides have rested. However, she could be charged with manslaughter which is lesser than murder in the second degree.
I don't know what you mean "all the cops and family members"...
It wasn't Read's vehicle that was at the scene at 6am, it was Robert's.
don't they have dash cam footage of a broken taillight on her car? Why would it matter where is was parked at 6am? They have her mentioning a broken taillight, they have evidence of a broken taillight, they have a dead body of her boyfriend in their yard and yet none of them even think to look for pieces of a broken taillight? There is absolutely no way to justify this. None. It doesn't matter where her car was parked at 6am for this to be an issue that none of them that were supposedly investigating this to overlook.
So a cop decides to stay home with the kids and let his wife go out in a snow storm to find a missing cop??? Oh, come on!
If you're referring to Jen's husband, he wasn't/isn't a cop. (In fact, the only people at the house that night who were LE were the homeowner and a friend of his.
Anyway, the scenario was that he (Matt McCabe) was about to go out with his wife to another man's house- a man whom John mentioned earlier he might meet up with but then Read showed up in their front yard screaming her head off and so yeah, at that point, he "let" his wife go with Read and his concern at that point was just that he thought a broke taillight meant that the light was out.
I agree they are far from great. And totally unable in the same imcompetence to pull off a murder, a plan and a huge conspiracy such as the defense claims.
but just because you don't like her, that doesn't mean that she should be charged for murder in something that they bungled so badly, does it? These guys were supposedly trained to notice detail linked to a possibly crime.
That will be discussed during sentencing instructions after both sides have rested. However, she could be charged with manslaughter which is lesser than murder in the second degree.
Thanks for that info. Might be different state, different rules but I'd think it would be a choice on verdict, not sentencing--as to guilty of what charge or level of charge. Our case had two choices, first degree or second. They added second and I kind of wish they hadn't as that's what was found and I think if no choice the jury would not have let him go and would have went for first rather than one down. Also would have been a risk though and worrisome too.
don't they have dash cam footage of a broken taillight on her car? Why would it matter where is was parked at 6am? They have her mentioning a broken taillight, they have evidence of a broken taillight, they have a dead body of her boyfriend in their yard and yet none of them even think to look for pieces of a broken taillight? There is absolutely no way to justify this. None. It doesn't matter where her car was parked at 6am for this to be an issue that none of them that were supposedly investigating this to overlook.
Jennifer McCabe stated in her testimony that Karen said she had a broken tail light and they looked at it. Karen's car was in John's driveway at the time. Where is the Ring video from this? Is the Commonwealth not showing it because it doesn't exist? :thinking:
don't they have dash cam footage of a broken taillight on her car? Why would it matter where is was parked at 6am? They have her mentioning a broken taillight, they have evidence of a broken taillight, they have a dead body of her boyfriend in their yard and yet none of them even think to look for pieces of a broken taillight? There is absolutely no way to justify this. None. It doesn't matter where her car was parked at 6am for this to be an issue that none of them that were supposedly investigating this to overlook.
So she even acknowledged the broken tail light....

Most employees these days in any field take any initiative or think to do so. Someone forgot to say Hey Chuck, go here, to this spot and look for pieces of a tail light. So Chuck didn't. Tail lights were not in his job description and no one specifically ordered him to do so.

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