AMBER Alert KESHAUN WILLIAMS: Missing from Cleveland, OH - 17 June 2023 - Age 15

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‘Come home’: Mom speaks out after Amber Alert issued for teen last seen at CLE party​

Cleveland police say they’re investigating the disappearance of a 15-year-old boy as a possible abduction.

Police issued an Amber Alert just after 2 p.m. Saturday for Keshaun Williams.

The Cleveland Division of Police first issued a missing person alert Saturday morning for Williams. Williams, who also goes by Kee, was reported missing on June 20.

Williams’ mother Sherice Snowden spoke with FOX 8 Saturday afternoon regarding her missing child.

“I’m nervous, I’m fragile, I’m frantic,” Snowden said. “My child has never been away from me longer, he’s never been gone from home this long ever. This is hard — the not knowing where my child is. Not knowing if someone has him, if he’s not safe.”

Snowden said Williams first went missing after attending a house party on June 17 on Gertrude Ave. She says his location went off at Washington Park, but the SIM card was removed from his phone. Police later said he might have been kidnapped on June 23.

“Keshaun never misses church on Sunday,” Snowden said. “He never misses boxing practice. Always going to come home to eat, because he loves to eat. He would have text me; he would have called me.”

Police originally believed Keshaun may have been traveling in a black Jeep SUV with persons unknown, but confirmed late Saturday night the vehicle was not involved.

“This child is very loved, very loved, and were not letting up,” his mother said. “And I want my son to know if you see this I am not mad at you. When I see you, I’m going to hug you and hold you so tight. I want you to come home. Please if you see this Keshaun do not be scared. I promise you I just want you back home.”

MEDIA - KESHAUN WILLIAMS: Missing from Cleveland, OH - 17 June 2023 - Age 15
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‘This could be one of your kids’: Cleveland mother pleads for safe return 10 months after her son was reported missing​

It has been nearly 10 months since Keshaun Williams was reported missing, and his mother pleaded again Thursday for his safe return.

Authorities and the Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults are offering a $22,500 reward for information about the Cleveland teenager. Police, along with the U.S. marshals, have searched several homes for him, with no success.

'There is a family out there who is hurting,' Police continue search for teen last seen in June of 2023​

Cleveland Missing hosted a press conference Thursday morning to provide an update on a teen who went missing in June 2023.

"There is a family out there who is hurting and we need to help," Newburgh Heights Police Chief John Majoy said. "When I say we, I don't mean Cleveland Missing. I don't mean law enforcement. I mean everybody who is watching this, who sees this, to know that we all need to come together to try and find Keshaun and bring him home to his mom."

To try and help find him, authorities have increased the reward money being offered to $22,500 in Nov. 2023.

The Amber Alert remains active.

Anyone with information about his whereabouts is asked to call Cleveland Police at 216-623-5400. You can also contact the U.S. Marshals Service at 1-866-4-WANTED. Tips can be anonymous.

You can receive the $22,500 anonymously, according to Majoy.

‘Every day is a rollercoaster’ for the mother of missing teen Keshaun Williams​

This is a special interview from Cleveland Documenters, Signal Cleveland and WOVU 95.9 FM.

I’m Gennifer Harding-Gosnell from Signal Cleveland. Sixteen-year-old Keshaun Williams went missing on June 17, 2023, after attending a party in Cleveland’s Broadway-Slavic Village neighborhood. That night, Keshaun called his mother to say he was on his way home.

He never returned.

Earlier this month, the Williams family held a press conference to give updates on the nearly year-long search. His mother, Sherice Snowden, pleaded with the public for more information about the night her son went missing and for his safe return.

Cleveland Documenter Marvetta Rutherford recently sat down with Sherice Snowden to talk about the day Keshaun went missing and what she has learned about searching for her missing child since then.

Marvetta: Would you please, for our listeners, tell us about the last day that you saw your son?

Sherice: Well, the last day was, I didn’t know this is gonna be my last day, let’s start there. Just like every morning we had breakfast together. I braided his hair for him. He was excited about going to a party that night. I kept close contact with him because I wanted to know where his whereabouts were going to be as far as the party. I made a couple of runs, got back home. He was outside. He called to let me know he was outside. After that, didn’t hear from him for a while. It got close to curfew. Got a phone call from him, and I told him to get home, it was past curfew, and he told me that he would be on his way home. That’s the last time I heard from him.

Marvetta: So he was at a party or some sort of function in the Slavic Village area?

Sherice: I’m not aware – I wasn’t aware of actually where the party would be because I did make him aware that I wanted him to share the address with me. So, without my knowing, he went to party.

Marvetta: OK. And when you stopped hearing from him, what were your actions at the time?

Sherice: I got where I got concerned. I mean, he’s missed curfew before, but never this long without any contact. Usually we keep in contact by texting or calling, so definitely got worried. But I didn’t think he wouldn’t be coming back. So the next day is like “OK, maybe he’s gonna come home, he fell asleep or something.” But I just went straight to the police because it was just odd, I felt odd. … His phone just kept going to voicemail. I mean, kids, they want their phone charged ’cause they love their phone. So by the phone being dead, it just instantly sent a red flag.

Marvetta: And so what has been your interaction with the Cleveland Police Department since June 17 of 2023?

Sherice: I’ve had calls, interactions with police. And I don’t know if people are aware of that, you do, you do have a role to play as far as giving them leads or anything that matters. So I’m very involved with the case because you know these things could not be presented to them or it can be overlooked. So you know, as far as when you’re going to go about searching for your kids or anything you can think of, because I feel like you should let them know.

Marvetta Tell me, Sherice, what steps have you taken in a proactive way to find out exactly what happened that particular night?

Sherice: The thing about the party is who’s going to say they were at the party with a kid being missing, first of all. So with that being said, getting to talk to kids that are going to state they were actually at the party was very unlikely. Oh, we were there. Oh, we wasn’t there. Oh, we left, or we left early. So, talking to someone who can actually say they were there and being clear with a lead is kind of up in the air.

Marvetta: Is there anything that you want to share with us about this journey? Anything that you feel that the public needs to know about Keshaun?

Sherice: Any possible information matters. Small, big, little – if you’ve seen him in passing, if you’ve seen him the day before, the day after. Any encounter that you may have had, it’s important to know. You know, they may have been saying he doesn’t want to come home. That’s here nor there. He’s a child. He’s an adolescent. He has to be with supervised parents. It’s sickening that people would maybe possibly hoard any information that can lead us to finding him. At the end of the day, he’s still an underage minor. He should not be out there alone with grownups. They have nothing in common, number one. No matter what people think we’re speculating they should, I just feel like I should know something about whereabouts. I don’t believe that my child would go this long without even contacting me or anybody. This is like a ‘without-a-trace’ like situation, just strange. Footage, proof of footage, a picture, video. You know they video things that are unnecessary. I mean record, if you see him, take a picture.

Marvetta: You have gone out to find out if there was any validity to those leads. Anything you want to share with us about that?

Sherice: Please stop giving false leads, please. They deter us from really finding out what it is.

Marvetta: I know that Keshaun is your only child. But I wanted to know the input and/or help that you’ve been getting from other family members. I know that his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Williams, has been an integral part. Share with us how your family has helped you during this time.

Sherice: My family has been a great support. His grandmother, Mary Williams –she’s an activist. She’s been thoroughly investigating this as well, and she works closely with the police as well. She has done engagements as far as going to talk to the juvenile kids. Ministering, she’s done ministry work so she’s very savvy and hands on with this. My cousin Shireen Fountain is an activist as well. She is a part of my team. As far as my other family members, we have formed a group message, we exchange information, checking on each other because this right here is just showing me how to be more in tune and in touch with my family members. So this was like a, this was very, a time to bring everybody together.

Marvetta: Just going to work on a day-to-day basis has to be a tumultuous situation for you. Tell us a little bit about that and the support that you’ve gotten in that respect as well.

Sherice: Every day is a roller coaster. That means you’re not going to know the ride is going to be scary or fun. Or there’s no normalcy. It’s not normalcy because there’s … my child’s not in my life. He’s not with me, I’m not seeing him every day so that normalcy went out the window that day, he never came back.

Marvetta: Are you working currently?

Sherice: As much as I can. I have to stay afloat, but working is not a main priority, but I do have to, you know, follow through with the engagements that I have to go for with. Well, it’s been very rocky but you know, I do have FMLA and there’s, you know, my job has been very understanding.

I want everyone to take this seriously. Even if he supposedly ran away doesn’t matter. Every mother should know, be able to assess their kids and know their whereabouts. So this has to stop, and it can get started with parents being advocates for their kids.

So he purposely did not give the mom the location of this party after she says she asked him.

I'm thinking possible od.

Author: Ryan Haidet, Candice Hare
Published: 5:00 AM EDT June 17, 2024
Updated: 6:01 AM EDT June 17, 2024

CLEVELAND — On June 17, 2023, 15-year-old Keshaun Williams went missing in Cleveland.

Monday now marks one year since his disappearance, which also sparked an Ohio Amber Alert as authorities and his family continue to search for answers.

“Please, whoever my child is with, please return my child," his mother said during a press conference back in April. "He is underage. He has no business being out here without his parent. This is crazy. It’s not safe. It’s not cool. If anybody knows something, please come forward today. Keshaun, if you’re watching this, I love you. I’m going to find you and I’m going to get you home safe.”

She added that "somebody knows something" when asking for anybody with information to reach out to police.


Newburg Heights Police Chief John Majoy has chaired the Northeast Ohio Amber Alert Committee since 2014. In that time he says they've issued 36 Amber Alerts -- 35 of which have been successful. All that remains is the one issued for Keshaun.

"This one is basically an outlier in contrast to the other ones," Chief Majoy said. "In other words, the longest one we had prior to that went on for maybe four or five days. For one to go on for a year, it is definitely extraordinary."

Chief Majoy says the Amber Alert has remained active because doing so continues to highlight that Keshaun may be in danger.

"I think the key is that under the circumstances you know there are scours of missing persons," Chief Majoy says. "In Northeast Ohio, at any given moment, there are 400 missing persons including children and we want to give attention to all of those, but the ones with the Amber Alerts -- those are the ones that have pointed that the child is in danger, they’re in jeopardy of physical harm to themselves things like that."

A reward of $22,500 has been offered for information in the case. Tipsters are asked to call 1-866-4-WANTED.

Keshaun is described as 5'7" tall and weighs 130 pounds with brown eyes. He was last seen wearing black jogging pants and a T-shirt.
Some disturbing comments here or not well said or written.

This is Cleveland and 35 of 36 Amber Alerts have been resolved successfully except for this one. Says nothing about how many missing kids, people or unsolved cases does it.

Then in the other pararaph even though sure they mean scores, not scours, of missing persons, at any given moment there are 400 missing including kids and they want to pay attn to those but the one switch Amber Alerts are the ones the child is in danger, say what?? Amber Alert restrictions and regulations do not mean one with one is in more danger than someone without one first of all. then what is this "in jeopardy of physical harm to themselves" that sounds like suicide, very poor choice of words.

In most states, the rules are a vehicle descriptions, child and clothing description, suspect description, it does not require proving they are in more danger than a two year old who has been missing for five days and went missing outside in freezing weather or one that an neighbor may have abducted who is a sex offender or etc., etc., etc. In my opinion he is trying to pander that Keshaun was given an Amber Alert meaning they DO take this seriously as he is one of only THIRTY-SIX all of which were successful. First off, that's a low number and second off I havent' seen where they have found out SH*T.

I was pleased not long ago to find out our state's Amber requirements aren't as stringent as some.

But that's another story.

Every bit of this Chief's remarks are far from well thought out. And yes, other missing people could be in worse danger or JUST as bad of danger.

Not a word about progress. Just that it is an outlier, he is an outlier and yes, he is in that he got an Amber Alert but what good have they done with it...? I think that came from pressure.

No answers at all and not a single word about progress. Smdh.

I responded separately because my response isn't at you @Summer_Breeze but at the Chief, etc. I know you know that but trying to make it a habit in general to do that. Most do know that I think but in case anyone doesn't.

Case of missing teen Keshaun Williams who vanished in June of 2023: Cleveland police, US Marshals to give update at 12 p.m. Wednesday​

It has been nearly 16 months since Keshaun Williams went missing in Cleveland on June 17, 2023. Keshaun, who was 15 years old at the time of his disappearance, then became the focus of an Ohio Amber Alert with reward money offered in the case.

Now, for the first time in months, we're expecting an update "pertaining to the status of the investigation" at 12 p.m. Wednesday as the Cleveland Division of Police and the U.S. Marshals Office hold a joint press conference.

Cleveland authorities give update in case of missing teen Keshaun Williams: Reward money increased to $27,500 as Ohio Amber Alert remains active​

It has been nearly 16 months since Keshaun Williams went missing in Cleveland on June 17, 2023. Keshaun, who was 15 years old at the time of his disappearance, then became the focus of an Ohio Amber Alert with reward money offered in the case.

Now, for the first time in months, authorities provided an update "pertaining to the status of the investigation" as the Cleveland Division of Police and the U.S. Marshals Office held a joint press conference Wednesday afternoon.

The Amber Alert remains in effect.


First, reward money in the case has been increased to $27,500. That money will be given to anybody with information that can help police resolve the case.

Second, authorities revealed that a recent tip reported in the last few weeks involves a vehicle connected to Keshaun's disappearance.

“We have reason to believe he was last seen walking away from the party and entering a dark-colored SUV with a group of juvenile males," according to Deputy U.S. Marshal Piccoli. "Early on there was information that was released that a black Jeep was involved and was a suspect vehicle. That had been vetted and is not accurate, however, this new information regarding this dark-colored SUV is accurate and we believe it to be true.”


“There is people out here who know what happened to Keshaun, and I pray that you come forth and give the information that you have," his grandmother said during Wednesday's press conference. "I’m not asking you if you have it, I know people have it. We’re just prayerfully asking you to come forth. I do a lot of work in this community, I help a lot of people and I want people to understand that my mission is pure. I’m out here to help the young people who need help, and so I’m asking the same people and people in the community to help my family in getting the information that we need for Keshaun.”

She said it has been “very painful” since Keshaun disappeared.

“I miss that big, wet kiss he gives me every time I drop him off at home," she continued. "I miss that. I miss him. I’m just prayerfully asking that somebody come forth with more information to really, really put this thing to an end so our family can get closure for it. We’ve been going through it for over 16 months. It’s a long time.”

‘Accurate’ Tip Received in Case of 15-Year-Old Who Vanished From Party in 2023

Ohio and federal officials held a press conference Wednesday in the case of a 15-year-old boy who vanished last year.

Keshaun Williams was last seen in Cleveland in June 2023. Deputy U.S. Marshal Piccoli revealed that a tip they received within the past few weeks concerned a vehicle linked to Williams’ disappearance, according to WKYC.

Williams possibly went missing during a party. The teen was the subject of an AMBER Alert as authorities believe he was abducted, according to

“We have reason to believe he was last seen walking away from the party and entering a dark-colored SUV with a group of juvenile males,” Piccoli said. “Early on, there was information that was released that a black Jeep was involved and was a suspect vehicle. That had been vetted and is not accurate, however, this new information regarding this dark-colored SUV is accurate and we believe it to be true.”

A $27,500 reward is being offered for information in this case. Piccoli also said that some tips suggested Williams was not in the Cleveland area, but they ruled this out as their investigation remains focused on the Cleveland area.

“We’ve received numerous amounts of information and tips since his disappearance, and we’ve vetted every single one of them thoroughly, and none of them are accurate. So no, he has not been seen,” he said, per

Piccoli also mentioned that the owners of the home where Williams was last seen are cooperating with the ongoing investigation.

Search for vehicles in Cuyahoga River connected to missing teen Keshaun Williams​

State and local authorities are in an industrial area near the Cuyahoga River as part of a search connected to missing teenager Keshaun Williams.

The search is focused on the riverbank near Jefferson Avenue and West Third Street for clues about his case.

President of Cleveland Missing John Majoy said this morning that a search and recovery operation is underway for two submerged vehicles.

Divers are being lowered into the water via tow truck, according to a News 5 journalist at the scene.

What appears to be a black Jeep was seen being pulled out of the river.

It is unknown what was inside the vehicle, the top of which was covered in netting.

A second vehicle was pulled a short time later.

Police sent a statement calling this search a "training exercise" to recover two vehicles from the river. Police also said the vehicles will be towed to a police impound lot for identification and possible evidence.


Keshaun Williams case: Cleveland Police say ‘investigation ongoing’ after 2 Jeeps pulled from Cuyahoga River​

Two dark-colored Jeeps were pulled from the Cuyahoga River in Tremont Tuesday, in what was first described as a search for clues in the case of missing teenager Keshaun Williams.

Later Tuesday, Cleveland Police released a statement refuting the connection to the Keshaun Williams' case, writing in part:

On October 29, 2024, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, in collaboration with the Southwest Emergency Response Dive Team, the Westshore Dive Team, and Rich’s Towing, conducted a training exercise. This exercise was planned weeks in advance, requiring permits to temporarily halt vessel traffic on the Cuyahoga River and coordination among multiple agencies for the recovery of two vehicles. Our Division ensured that detectives were present for the exercise.

The vehicles were successfully recovered during the training and have been towed to our police impound lot for further investigation.

We have become aware of unauthorized statements linking the vehicle recoveries and training exercise to the missing person case of Keshaun Williams. At this time, we cannot confirm whether these vehicles are related to this specific case, which is why our investigation is ongoing. We were informed of the vehicles by another agency, and their recovery was part of the training exercise. Our officers were present out of an abundance of caution.

It’s important to note that while these vehicles could potentially be connected to Keshaun’s case, they could also relate to another crime or may not be linked to any violent crime at all. Speculating about a connection at this stage would be premature. The Cleveland Division of Police (CDP) is committed to investigating thoroughly before making any assertions, as it is crucial to provide information that can be definitively verified. This compassionate approach is intentional; we want to avoid giving false hope that could further traumatize the families and friends of missing persons or crime victims.

We urge our partners—both law enforcement agencies and the media—to disseminate accurate information following this compassionate approach as well.

For verified information regarding these cases, please contact our Public Information Officer.

Both the investigation into the recovered vehicles and Keshaun’s case remain ongoing.

Full statement from Cleveland Division of Police

Vehicles pulled from Cuyahoga River are not linked to Keshaun Williams case, police say​

A Cleveland police spokesperson on Thursday released new details on two SUVs pulled from the Cuyahoga River earlier this week.

Both of the Jeep SUVs lifted from the water on Tuesday were stolen, and one was used in a shooting into a residence, according to Sgt. Wilfredo Diaz. They’re still being searched for evidence.

There is currently a $27,500 reward for information on Williams’ disappearance.

Grandmother speaks out as missing Cleveland teen Keshaun Williams turns 17​

Keshaun Williams just missed his 17th birthday with his family this past Monday.

The teen has now been missing for 542 days.

Cleveland Police and U.S. Marshals are still tracking down every lead to find him.

19 Investigates spoke with Keshaun’s grandmother on his birthday and found she is still holding out hope.

“Every single day, I think about him. Sometimes I’m smiling. Sometimes I’m laughing, and sometimes I’m crying,” said Mary Williams, Keshaun’s grandmother.

She does her best to find a way to live with the pain as she waits for answers.

“And I feel him, he’s with me. He’s with me in spirit. I feel like he’s with me in spirit,” she said.

It’s the second birthday without him home.

Keshaun was just 15 years old when he vanished after going to a party in Slavic Village in June 2023, setting off an Amber Alert for a possible abduction.

“But it’s been like hopeful and then sad and then hopeful again, and then disappointed,” Williams said.

Cleveland Police and U.S. Marshals have scoured entire neighborhoods, fields and abandoned houses looking for the missing teen.

Williams is trying to stay optimistic now with additional federal resources on Keshaun’s case.

But she wasn’t happy with how it was handled by local police in the beginning.

“If the Cleveland Police had done the job that they should have done and taken this serious [sic], I don’t think we would be here today talking about this. And so somewhere they dropped the ball and it was the attitude of-- I mean, I don’t think it was taken serious [sic],” Williams said.

Williams believes somebody knows something and whatever happened, they won’t get away with it.

“But my hope has been that they will catch whoever the people are, whatever the perpetrators are, and they will bring this case to a close. And the people who are responsible will be brought to justice. That’s been my hope the whole time,” she said.

For now, she’s leaning on her faith and hoping Keshaun will make it home to go back to church with her on youth Sundays.

We reached out to Cleveland Police for the latest on his case.

They say they continue to investigate and have no updates at this time.

As search for Keshaun Williams continues, data shows disturbing trends regarding missing Cleveland children​

Data discovered by 3News Investigates reveals children in Northeast Ohio go missing at a disproportionate rate compared to adult victims. With heightened access to the internet and predatory online behavior more prevalent than ever, experts say today's youngest generations face unprecedented risks.

But the state of Ohio's newly formed missing persons group is getting closer to making recommendations on how to improve the system, including how victims and their families can receive more effective care.

Just the mention of Keshaun's name makes his grandmothers, Alona Miles and Mary Williams, glow and beam with pride. They quickly recall how affectionate and energetic Keshaun has always been.

"He's very compassionate," Miles says proudly. "Always hugging us, kissing us. He's very compassionate."

He was just 15 years young the last time his family saw him more than 20 months ago.

"I miss that face. It's like, 'Wow, he was just such a loving kid,'" Mary Williams says, with both love and frustration.

"It's very emotional. Like, it's sucking the life out of us," Miles tearfully confessed. "It's the not knowing, and it's the why."

Keshaun Williams is in his family's heart every day, but next to happy memories, emotion burns there too.

"People know what happened to him," Miles insisted. "It pains me that ... nobody want(s) to say nothing."

Their pain is joined by defiance in the face of long odds, and resistance against the idea that any family should have to face this type of pain.

"It's like this is the new norm," Williams says as she shakes her head. "No, this is not the new norm! This is what we're allowing to take place. We should be in an outrage about this."

Even with each passing day, Keshaun's grandmothers still hold hope, including hope that families in the future won't have to endure an experience like theirs.

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