OR KYRON HORMAN: Missing from Portland, OR - 4 June 2010 - Age 7

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Kyron's photo is shown age-progressed to 14 years. He was last seen at school on June 4, 2010. Kyron was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with "CSI" in green letters and a handprint graphic. He was also wearing black cargo pants, white socks, and black Sketchers sneakers with orange trim. Kyron may wear glasses.
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Kyron was last seen in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010. He usually rode the bus to Skyline Elementary School, where he was a second-grader. The school is in the 11500 block of Skyline Boulevard in a rural area in northwest Portland, about two miles from Kyron's home in the 15700 block of Sheltered Nook Road.

His stepmother, Terri Lynn Moulton Horman, stated she drove him to school because there was a science fair that day and Kyron wanted to set up his exhibit, a display about the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. They arrived shortly after 8:00 a.m. and dropped Kyron's coat and backpack off at his classroom.

A witness saw Terri and Kyron together at 8:15 p.m., in front of Kyron's exhibit. The bell rang at 8:45 a.m. and Terri says she left then. She said Kyron told her he was going to his classroom. He has never been heard from again.

Terri reported Kyron missing at 3:45 p.m., after he failed to arrive home at 3:30 p.m. as scheduled. No one reported having seen Kyron at the school after the 8:45 bell. His teacher marked him absent after classes began at 10:00 a.m.; she thought he was at a doctor's appointment.

Because so many hours had passed since he was last seen, police launched an extensive search immediately. Over the next few days they interviewed all the students and staff at Skyline Elementary School and searched the school, school grounds and the surrounding area. It was one of the largest searches in Oregon history.

Kyron's loved ones described him as timid and stated he would be unlikely to leave the school and go off on his own.

Less than two weeks after Kyron's disappearance, police stopped the search and announced they had upgraded his case from a simple missing child to a criminal investigation.

At the same time, they stated they didn't think Kyron had been abducted by a stranger. They focused on Terri, stating cellular phone records indicated she wasn't where she said she was on the day of her stepson's disappearance.

Investigators questioned Terri's friend, DeDe Spicher, about her possible knowledge of Kyron's disappearance. They searched her home and asked the public if they had seen Terri, her white pickup truck or Spicher on June 4 between 9:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Spicher stated knew nothing about Kyron's disappearance and she believed Terri was innocent of any wrongdoing.

Authorities have yet to name a suspect in Kyron's disappearance, in spite of their focus on his stepmother. Kaine speculated Terri caused the child's disappearance in an effort to hurt him, and suggested she may have had help from other individual. Both of Kyron's parents continue to hope that he is alive. His case remains unsolved.

NCMEC - NamUs - Charley Project -
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13 years ago, Kyron Horman disappeared. The Portland boy has never been found​

Sunday marks 13 years since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in Northwest Portland. Kyron was a second grader when he vanished on June 4, 2010. He has not been seen or heard from since.

"I really didn't think we'd be here 13 years later," said Desiree Young, Kyron's biological mother. "I’m committed to Kyron and making sure that we find answers and we can bring him justice. I pray that we get to bring him home."

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said the case remains open and active. “Investigators are using advances in software, digital forensics, and geospatial technology to support and advance their work,” the sheriff’s office said in a written statement.

On Friday, Young met with law enforcement including the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office and FBI to discuss the 13-year-old case.

"We’re just looking at it with fresh eyes to see if there’s a way we can move it forward in some fashion," said Young.

A $50,000 reward is available for information leading to the resolution of Kyron’s disappearance. The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office is encouraging people to share information about Kyron's disappearance by calling the sheriff's office tipline at 503-988-0560, emailing MCSOTipLine@mcso.us, or contacting the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) tipline at 1-800-THE-LOST, or by providing an online tip at the NCMEC CyberTipLine.

Well, I'm so very disappointed that the school didn't alert to the absence, I mean, there's just no acceptable excuse for that, and try to imagine had they...
Anyway, it appears to me that he abducted from the school.
Yeah, nothing can change these disappearances that have already occurred but I see no excuse these days for schools, nursing homes, day cares, etc. not to have cameras. All it does is help bad acts go on by bad people to not have them and if nothing bad is occurring, then it shouldn't be a big deal. Just like body cams on cops.

So do you think he was abducted by someone he knew or a stranger who just happened to be bold enough to come into a school and pick a child and manage to leave with him silently, etc.?

By someone he knew I am of course including the stepmother but it can also be a teacher,janitor, aide or other staff member, another parent, etc. And how is it that no one noticed no matter which scenario is the case? Did he go with quietly?
Yeah, nothing can change these disappearances that have already occurred but I see no excuse these days for schools, nursing homes, day cares, etc. not to have cameras. All it does is help bad acts go on by bad people to not have them and if nothing bad is occurring, then it shouldn't be a big deal.
Yeah, for me, it's an expectation that all those places would have cameras, I mean, I'm really surprised when I hear that they didn't.
In this case, I can only imagine how absence notification could have impacted the investigation.

So do you think he was abducted by someone he knew or a stranger who just happened to be bold enough to come into a school and pick a child and manage to leave with him silently, etc.?

By someone he knew I am of course including the stepmother but it can also be a teacher,janitor, aide or other staff member, another parent, etc. And how is it that no one noticed no matter which scenario is the case? Did he go with quietly?
Well, unless I'm mistaken, all I know is that the last known sighting of him was inside the school. In other words, no one saw him leave the school.
Yeah, for me, it's an expectation that all those places would have cameras, I mean, I'm really surprised when I hear that they didn't.
In this case, I can only imagine how absence notification could have impacted the investigation.

Well, unless I'm mistaken, all I know is that the last known sighting of him was inside the school. In other words, no one saw him leave the school.
True, there have not been any public statements made that Kyron was seen leaving the school.
Yeah, for me, it's an expectation that all those places would have cameras, I mean, I'm really surprised when I hear that they didn't.
In this case, I can only imagine how absence notification could have impacted the investigation.

Well, unless I'm mistaken, all I know is that the last known sighting of him was inside the school. In other words, no one saw him leave the school.
I've never known of a school to have cameras and to my knowledge they don't today either. I'd be interested to hear from others if their schools do.

In fact it is the very places you'd think of course would have them that don't seem to.

Odd that not a soul or camera saw him after the school. Of course this was years ago but still this is a CITY, there had to be some cameras... Does this mean he something was done to him at school, outside the school, he was put in a car, hidden in the school or what... Not an individual who saw him in or out of the school with anyone either or leaving on his own? Kind of rhetorical, I'm pretty sure none of these things exist, at least not that we've been told...
I've never known of a school to have cameras and to my knowledge they don't today either. I'd be interested to hear from others if their schools do.
Almost all schools these days have cameras. All of our schools here have them. They're not in classrooms, but they're at entrances, hallways, and parking lots. I'd be shocked if a city the size of Portland wasn't the same.

I was curious, so I found these:

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost 80% of elementary schools have security cameras as part of their security system. This number rises to about 94% for high schools.

This shows that though over 90% had cameras in 2020, that number was only about 60% in 2010.
Grizz has another part to this one. Don't know how she does it. She stays way up on the current trials, etc. as well and cases and does great coverage.

I haven't gotten a chance to watch any of these on Kyron but I know she does a good show. Don't know that there is anything new in them but she gets docs, she does good research, etc. AND if nothing else, it will bring attention back on this case. I think I only posted one other so apparently there is another part as there are three now.

Posting for others that have time to watch.

Almost all schools these days have cameras. All of our schools here have them. They're not in classrooms, but they're at entrances, hallways, and parking lots. I'd be shocked if a city the size of Portland wasn't the same.

I was curious, so I found these:

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost 80% of elementary schools have security cameras as part of their security system. This number rises to about 94% for high schools.

This shows that though over 90% had cameras in 2020, that number was only about 60% in 2010.
Wow, that is interesting. You couldn't have proven it by me. Of course we always do have that thing of who knows where they are and who doesn't. I mean if say an SO janitor or a molesting teacher knows where they are placed then that isn't serving their purpose. I know you teach so no offense to teachers but we have seen plenty of such cases. Most cases involve teenagers that come to mind right off but just saying...

I AM pretty certain there were no cameras in this case at the school were there? Seems to me there wasn't. Or we aren't told if there were?

I also think of that other case with that boy we have on here, can't think of the name right now, who left school, older boy? They did I think have a sighting of him somewhere but again he left without anyone either being aware, reporting it, etc. or some such... This one was a year or so ago, more recent...

I am HUGE on privacy but believe when out of one's own house of COURSE nothing is private and there SHOULD be cameras. Of course with limits, not in a lavatory stall or anything crazy like that but on streets, in schools, restaurants, nursing homes, you name it.
I AM pretty certain there were no cameras in this case at the school were there? Seems to me there wasn't. Or we aren't told if there were?
No, there were no cameras at the time. They added them the summer after he disappeared.

Before Kyron disappeared June 4, the brick school in rural Portland had no surveillance system -- like other schools in the district. Now it has cameras panning the exterior and one camera inside in the main hall, Shelby said.
No, there were no cameras at the time. They added them the summer after he disappeared.

Before Kyron disappeared June 4, the brick school in rural Portland had no surveillance system -- like other schools in the district. Now it has cameras panning the exterior and one camera inside in the main hall, Shelby said.
yeah that matches what I recall, I didn't think so.

I personally don't feel that's great coverage though, even what they have now if that's all they have.
yeah that matches what I recall, I didn't think so.

I personally don't feel that's great coverage though, even what they have now if that's all they have.
It’s very probably been upgraded since then. In the last few years alone, we’ve gone from a few cameras to dozens. Looks like Portland passed a bond in 2020 that allowed them to upgrade security as well.
I've never known of a school to have cameras and to my knowledge they don't today either. I'd be interested to hear from others if their schools do.
Well I'm not surprised that the school didn't have cameras at the time; I do recall finding it stunning that -was it 2009?- that a convience store didn't have cameras. (Jessica Heeringa case.) But no, in this case at that time, I don't find the no-camera circumstance at all surprising.
Anyway, it's the no-notification-of-absence circumstance for which I'd expect to find an explanation.
Well I'm not surprised that the school didn't have cameras at the time; I do recall finding it stunning that -was it 2009?- that a convience store didn't have cameras. (Jessica Heeringa case.) But no, in this case at that time, I don't find the no-camera circumstance at all surprising.
Anyway, it's the no-notification-of-absence circumstance for which I'd expect to find an explanation.
Definitely. And especially at his age. What was their explanation? I can't recall if there was one.
Well, I haven't been able to find any info as to how that happened, which I find inexplicable considering the consequence!
I agree.

Typically a call would go out to the parent on record as a contact. Would that be the stepmother or the family number? Did she or someone receive one or was one not actually made?

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