OR KYRON HORMAN: Missing from Portland, OR - 4 June 2010 - Age 7

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Kyron's photo is shown age-progressed to 14 years. He was last seen at school on June 4, 2010. Kyron was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with "CSI" in green letters and a handprint graphic. He was also wearing black cargo pants, white socks, and black Sketchers sneakers with orange trim. Kyron may wear glasses.
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Kyron was last seen in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010. He usually rode the bus to Skyline Elementary School, where he was a second-grader. The school is in the 11500 block of Skyline Boulevard in a rural area in northwest Portland, about two miles from Kyron's home in the 15700 block of Sheltered Nook Road.

His stepmother, Terri Lynn Moulton Horman, stated she drove him to school because there was a science fair that day and Kyron wanted to set up his exhibit, a display about the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. They arrived shortly after 8:00 a.m. and dropped Kyron's coat and backpack off at his classroom.

A witness saw Terri and Kyron together at 8:15 p.m., in front of Kyron's exhibit. The bell rang at 8:45 a.m. and Terri says she left then. She said Kyron told her he was going to his classroom. He has never been heard from again.

Terri reported Kyron missing at 3:45 p.m., after he failed to arrive home at 3:30 p.m. as scheduled. No one reported having seen Kyron at the school after the 8:45 bell. His teacher marked him absent after classes began at 10:00 a.m.; she thought he was at a doctor's appointment.

Because so many hours had passed since he was last seen, police launched an extensive search immediately. Over the next few days they interviewed all the students and staff at Skyline Elementary School and searched the school, school grounds and the surrounding area. It was one of the largest searches in Oregon history.

Kyron's loved ones described him as timid and stated he would be unlikely to leave the school and go off on his own.

Less than two weeks after Kyron's disappearance, police stopped the search and announced they had upgraded his case from a simple missing child to a criminal investigation.

At the same time, they stated they didn't think Kyron had been abducted by a stranger. They focused on Terri, stating cellular phone records indicated she wasn't where she said she was on the day of her stepson's disappearance.

Investigators questioned Terri's friend, DeDe Spicher, about her possible knowledge of Kyron's disappearance. They searched her home and asked the public if they had seen Terri, her white pickup truck or Spicher on June 4 between 9:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Spicher stated knew nothing about Kyron's disappearance and she believed Terri was innocent of any wrongdoing.

Authorities have yet to name a suspect in Kyron's disappearance, in spite of their focus on his stepmother. Kaine speculated Terri caused the child's disappearance in an effort to hurt him, and suggested she may have had help from other individual. Both of Kyron's parents continue to hope that he is alive. His case remains unsolved.

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Calling home for an absence prior to the end of the school day was not a thing prior to his disappearance either. It was not required in Oregon at the time. It was only required that they be notified that their child had missed school within 24 hours.

This is from 2011.
Oregon schools will soon be required to notify parents before the end of the school day when a child is absent.

House Bill 3197 has been approved by the House and Senate and just needs to governor s signature to become law, which was expected.

Many school districts already have automated attendance notification systems, including Portland Public Schools.

Kyron s school, Skyline Elementary, was not using the system at the time of his disappearance. But all Portland schools are now required to use it.
Also, there is this regarding Kyron's sudden "absence" from school that day.

Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman's stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor's appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

According to sources, investigators believe Terri Horman was vague about which Friday she was referring to when she gave notice to the school Kyron would be gone and only after he was missing did she clarify that the doctor's appointment was on June 11, the Friday after the science fair.
Calling home for an absence prior to the end of the school day was not a thing prior to his disappearance either. It was not required in Oregon at the time. It was only required that they be notified that their child had missed school within 24 hours.
It's been a thing here since sometime during the 90's, and the notification was made by 10 AM, since by that time, it's considered absent rather than late.
Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman's stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor's appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

According to sources, investigators believe Terri Horman was vague about which Friday she was referring to when she gave notice to the school Kyron would be gone and only after he was missing did she clarify that the doctor's appointment was on June 11, the Friday after the science fair.
How does any of that make sense if what Terri wanted was for it to be believed that he disappeared from school?
True, there have not been any public statements made that Kyron was seen leaving the school.
Several people saw Kyron Horman leaving Skyline School with his stepmother the morning he disappeared, according to a newly released book.

Author Rebecca Morris' new book, "Boy Missing: The Search for Kyron Horman," claims Kyron's regular bus driver, along with a classmate and two of the classmate's family members witnessed Kyron walk through the school parking lot with Terri Horman and her infant daughter on June 4, 2010. The second grader was never seen again.
Several people saw Kyron Horman leaving Skyline School with his stepmother the morning he disappeared, according to a newly released book.

Author Rebecca Morris' new book, "Boy Missing: The Search for Kyron Horman," claims Kyron's regular bus driver, along with a classmate and two of the classmate's family members witnessed Kyron walk through the school parking lot with Terri Horman and her infant daughter on June 4, 2010. The second grader was never seen again.
I said I was going to get this book and read it and I never did. I've always wondered if someone reported to police that they saw him leave the school and police were keeping it under wraps.
Here are some quotes about Kyron leaving the school from the book. Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.
I'll add more if I find more.

"Someone thought they'd seen a second adult with Terri in her truck. Others said the truck wasn't parked in the school lot as Terri had said; it was up a gravel road on the west side of the school." (p76)

"Kyron had reportedly been seen by a student and an adult as he left the south entrance of the school with his stepmother. Terri and Kyron weren't holding hands, but they were walking out together with Kayla. The sheriff later backtracked on the statement, leaving Desiree and Tony confused." (p77) -- Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.

"The bombshell was that Kyron was seen leaving the school with Terri. The MCSO had said it a couple of weeks before, then retracted it. Now it was confirmed. Kyron's regular bus driver, plus Kyron's friend Carson and Carson's sister and grandmother, had all seen Kyron leaving the school on June 4 with Terri. It was true. Kyron, Kayla, and Terri had walked through the parking lot at 8:50 a.m. on June 4. They were not holding hands, but bus driver said, but they were walking together. Terri had not parked in the school parking lot, where she said she had, but on a gravel road on the far-west side of the school where the elevation of the school building and grounds partly concealed the white truck." (p200)
Some more interesting things from the book.

Terri did a load of Kyron's laundry the evening he disappeared, including his jacket and his backpack. (p33)

Infamous picture taken at 8:45 am. Teri left at 8:50 am. 9:12 she was on surveillance leaving a Fred Meyer in Hillsboro (approximately 11 minutes / 5.5 miles from school). 9:50 she was on surveillance leaving Fred Meyer in Beaverton (approximately 12-15 minutes / 4.7 miles east of other FM)
***Cameras showed Terri driving and daughter in child seat in back. Due to the angle, it was impossible to tell if anyone else was in the vehicle and if Kyron's booster seat was empty. (p57) She intentionally parked far away from the entrances. (p58)

She bought Motrin and other unspecified grocery items. None of the items were ever found. (p58)

"At 10 a.m. Kyron was marked absent by his teacher, Miss Porter. The school office was told it was an excused absence. That's because Terri had sent the teacher an email days before saying she was taking him to a doctor's appointment. That's why his backpack and jacket were left in the classroom. He wouldn't be gone all day. Later, Terri said it was a mistake. It was the following Friday Kyron had a doctor's appointment. She insisted she had left Kyron at school." (p59)

Terri said she arrived at 24 Hour Fitness at 11:39 am. However the gym clocked her in at 12:20 pm. She left her daughter and the childcare center for a few minutes, and left at 12:42 pm. She did not work out. Arrived home at 1pm and posted on Facebook at 1:21 pm. No other errands could be confirmed between 9:50 am and 12:20 pm. She said she was "driving around". (p60)

Kaine said he usually drove his truck and Terri drove the car. She said she wanted to use the truck that day to bring Kyron's science fair project home. But she obviously left the school without it. And the exhibits were scheduled to stay at the school into the next week. (p237)

Terri failed two polygraphs and walked out of a third. They were all administered by different LE agencies. (p317)

DeDe Spicher, a friend of Terri's, was unaccounted for at work after leaving "abruptly" around 11:30 am. She returned 90 minutes later. (p239) In 2012, she was deposed and questioned. She refused to talk, citing her 5th amendment rights 142 times. (p370)

LE Flyer released that showed the truck, Terri, and DeDe.
How does any of that make sense if what Terri wanted was for it to be believed that he disappeared from school?
For just what it did, that no one would raise any alarm too quickly? Because they thought, oh that's right, I think stepmom said he had an appt. and we didn't expect he would be here. It bought time. Sounds like a pretty relaxed school in such respects... No cameras, notification, etc.
Several people saw Kyron Horman leaving Skyline School with his stepmother the morning he disappeared, according to a newly released book.

Author Rebecca Morris' new book, "Boy Missing: The Search for Kyron Horman," claims Kyron's regular bus driver, along with a classmate and two of the classmate's family members witnessed Kyron walk through the school parking lot with Terri Horman and her infant daughter on June 4, 2010. The second grader was never seen again.
It shouldn't surprise anyone to know that for me, it is the stepmom. I knew the stuff about being seen leaving with her, etc. but forget over time and silence if it was confirmed or just something someone said and whether or not they can verify it/could confirm it, etc.
To me, it's contradictory, and I think it's info from "sources" that adds to the confusion, lol!
It appears to me that the teacher's understanding of why he wasn't in school isn't associated with his disappearance.
Personally I think they have their suspect but don't feel/didn't feel they have enough to risk charging for their one time, and know more than we do that probably lends even more than we know to her being responsible. I suspect you won't agree but that's okay. and hoping you are okay with my feeling darned right it is her.

There are too many things to explain per stepmom. I don't believe in too many coincidences or too many things to have to be explained.

We don't know all that cops do but even without that, it is the stepmom imo. I have thought so long before this recent talking of the case here, long before and every time it comes up and have to fresh memory on it, I still know it is my opinion which means even if I can't recall all facts, I formed it for a valid reason.. Just can't recall every detail until looking again.
Here are some quotes about Kyron leaving the school from the book. Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.
I'll add more if I find more.
That's very much appreciated. Thank you!

Here are some quotes about Kyron leaving the school from the book. Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.
I'll add more if I find more.

"Someone thought they'd seen a second adult with Terri in her truck.
I don't know how that particular "someone" would recognize Terri's truck as Terri's but to my knowledge, there's no evidence of any other adult with Terri (other that that from some "someone", lol!)
Bottomline? Unreliable.

Others said the truck wasn't parked in the school lot as Terri had said; it was up a gravel road on the west side of the school." (p76)
It doesn't make any sense to me that Terri parked there.
If I were to consider any one of these "others" statements as credible, then I'd think there must have been another truck.

"Kyron had reportedly been seen by a student and an adult as he left the south entrance of the school with his stepmother. Terri and Kyron weren't holding hands, but they were walking out together with Kayla. The sheriff later backtracked on the statement, leaving Desiree and Tony confused." (p77) -- Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.
Well, LE's entire approach to the investigation has left me confused, to say the least, lol!
Anyway, according to Terri, (and if I'm correctly correlating this particular circumstance), the adult was the school secretary...and it wasn't exactly "at the entrance" but near that second floor landing near the office. (Intriguing that the sheriff would "backtrack" on that one.)

"The bombshell was that Kyron was seen leaving the school with Terri. The MCSO had said it a couple of weeks before, then retracted it. Now it was confirmed. Kyron's regular bus driver, plus Kyron's friend Carson and Carson's sister and grandmother, had all seen Kyron leaving the school on June 4 with Terri. It was true. Kyron, Kayla, and Terri had walked through the parking lot at 8:50 a.m. on June 4. They were not holding hands, but bus driver said, but they were walking together. Terri had not parked in the school parking lot, where she said she had, but on a gravel road on the far-west side of the school where the elevation of the school building and grounds partly concealed the white truck." (p200)
(Bombshell? Is that Nancy Grace I hear? Lol!)
A retracted statement is now "confirmed"? By whom and how? (Still not enough context to properly analyze, imo.)

One other thing, I don't understand differentiating the bus driver as "regular". Is he not the same bus driver from that afternoon?
I don't know how that particular "someone" would recognize Terri's truck as Terri's but to my knowledge, there's no evidence of any other adult with Terri (other that that from some "someone", lol!)
Later in the book LE says they don't believe anyone else was in the truck. Like you said, unreliable. They said if the person really did see anyone in the truck, it was probably Terri. Not a second person.

It doesn't make any sense to me that Terri parked there.
If I were to consider any one of these "others" statements as credible, then I'd think there must have been another truck.
I think it was later established that she DID park there. @Kimster posted some pictures of the area on page 2. It is believed she parked there because it was NOT in the main parking lot (fewer people) and harder to see.

Well, LE's entire approach to the investigation has left me confused, to say the least, lol!
Anyway, according to Terri, (and if I'm correctly correlating this particular circumstance), the adult was the school secretary...and it wasn't exactly "at the entrance" but near that second floor landing near the office. (Intriguing that the sheriff would "backtrack" on that one.)
I think they just weren't ready to release that info at the time? Who knows. But no it was a different adult (grandparent of another student). I don't remember anything about a secretary seeing him. There was a bit about the top of the stairs... Terri said she stood at the top of the stairs and watched him walk into his classroom.

(Bombshell? Is that Nancy Grace I hear? Lol!)
A retracted statement is now "confirmed"? By whom and how? (Still not enough context to properly analyze, imo.)

One other thing, I don't understand differentiating the bus driver as "regular". Is he not the same bus driver from that afternoon?
I guess they re-interviewed the witnesses and considered them to be reliable? No cameras in this case makes it extremely frustrating.

The book does have a lot of details. However, I concede that it was written with cooperation and input mostly from Desiree. Which...there's nothing wrong with. BUT clearly Desiree feels she knows exactly what happened to Kyron. I've gone back and forth a bit, and I'm still not 100% convinced, but I'm definitely on the side of the fence that Terri did it. There's just too much, IMO. But even now a few thoughts or questions could pull me back to the other side, or at least on the fence.

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