LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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We're waiting for New Defense notice of appearance on the docket.
Should be imminent b/c Court has already put out traveling orders for RA to show up at Oct 31 hearing ... and he'll need representation in place.
If the hearing goes on and isn't delayed and no one is put on yet, they will have someone there on his behalf until would be my guess. Even if she puts someone on right away they won't be up to speed. This case is going to go on halt, it almost has to. What is the upcoming hearing for? If anything huge that needs prep, it likely will be delayed. He may attend with some representation and then they will delay it, or before hard to say. Just my guess.
Last night I watched a show that had the record of the events in chambers etc. I was too tired to get here to post it. It was of interest in and of itself and has nothing to do with my following comments. I would suggest reading it if you haven't.

They knew nothing of the leak of photos huh? And why does he say nothing of the suicide (alleged)? I guess their string of at least two guys to cover themselves (and put it at least two steps away from it couldn't be us thinking no one could ever figure it out) COULD have leaked or gotten out of hand on them on their own, but I seriously doubt it. First of all they HAD the photos. That ALONE is not keeping things secure.

Gull only sealed after the filing was already out there and seen also with details never shared before and some photos.

I don't know all the legal ins and outs on this BUT this was not the defense's first "mishiap" or "screw up". They had been WARNED before. I think this is a lot of bluster and if a higher court sides with him, watch out in this world., it has already gone too far down the path of doing such.

The suicided guy was questioned by cops no? Now he is dead. So he can't testify or say that was my statement and what I told them. That seems so very convenient to me. His suicide...

I just don't know any longer other than that all of this sh*t has come from and gone on by the defense. Maybe they have pulled all this because something really corrupt is going on and they truly care for and believe in the innocence of their client BUT I have a hard time believing that. An EXTREMELY hard time.

I do not believe a single word these men say. There is some battle going on here that imo has NOTHING to do with Allen himself. Yet it does ii another way imo. Don't have the time or energy to explain that right now.

The confessions. The confessions blew any case they may have had....

Again this team had been warned before and not taken to task...
Just so you know @Imamazed I wasn't suggesting YOU reading it in response to your link, I often am talking to all the group under a reply page and just saying f anyone has time, I found it worthwhile and related to what you linked so mentioned it. Sometimes I look at something I posted and wonder if it came across wrong. And when I say "you" under someone's post I often mean all interested. So anyhow, just clarifying.

When I happened to reread it as I came in tonight it sounded to ME at least as if I might have meant I'd read your link and told you go watch the other or read that document so just wanted to say I was just recommending to all in correlation with yours. Anywhooo maybe you didn't take it that way but if you did, it was not what I meant.
Me thinks Former Defense has option of appeal Court's decisions here; both the manner and decision to remove the Defense counsel(s) and the Court's decision to not conduct hearing to disqualify herself.

This is a technical observation, rather than an opinion so ... no frying pans, please.
I agree that I don't think her removing them takes away the chance to appeal or go to whoever or whatever it is they go to or can go to, any avenue that would be open to them. But they too should maybe have ethics violations reported with the Bar, DEPENDING on what the facts. And maybe even face loss of license DEPENDING. Maybe more is known than I know since last catching up and more out there than I now know but that's my opinion as of the other day or whenever it was.

I can actually see in a certain scenario RA being able to sue his own former defense attorneys if he had no knowledge and if they derailed his case...
Vindictive seems to pretty much sum up this entire case. A judge basically throws an unconvicted subject in a maximum security solitary cell. Then jets out of there. No one involved in this case seems to want to follow protocol/law.
You know I haven't agreed on the prison thing and what the defense claims was going on there and such and I am still in that space BUT this is a good point and I will admit that.
Not sure what a deer in rut has to do with this. It was February.
LOL. I also am in deer country and have to agree. I also said anyone being afraid on seeing a deer have to be city folk. On my property I took a walk on one of trails some years back toward even and I came across an entire family (minus dad) laying on the side of the trail. I saw my CAT one early morning play with a young deer (bigger than fawn, maybe yearling) or more so the deer was trying to play with her. I"ve seen deer my entire life but never my own property where I just got to encounter them. They are beautiful creatures. Of course a buck in rut may be a bit different but I missed that part or did not associate it to the murders happening in February as you did and so right.
I have seen it that the initials for the suicide victim are RF.

I believe the girls had their clothes on when he racked the bullet so it fell on the ground and he didn't realise. He probably directed them to disrobe at the same time as racking the bullet. It's poetic justice that is now part of the evidence to convict him as well as him not finding the phone either that was so incriminating for him. So I think the phone and the bullet were likely covered by the clothes. The ones that belonged to Abbey that he couldn't then fit on Libby. Anyway, wherever they were, both items were found at the crime scene and thankfully are his downfall.

Muddy and bloody I am sure he was. He could have got some off in the creek but no way could he have got it all off.
Won't the bullet have his fingerprints on it too?
Now THAT makes sense to me doing that with the gun to get them to disrobe. I always figured i was to get them to follow an order or to control them. I'm not sure where I'm at with the redressing though, that is still open for me. Defense said he did but then it is the defense and their own version of things so I don't buy it and prosecution, I think wisely, did not come back with proving every point individually wrong and sharing evidence with the public as the defense did.

As far as a fingerprint that would be big home run. I've heard both (recently) that the bullet was lodged in the ground and in another show it was said it was basically buried (not deep down I take it). I have also heard it was found by someone else (not LE) the next day and some other show the podcaster couldn't remember for sure but it was days after. Both though said found by someone other than LE.
I don't agree either. They took a bullet and racked it thru RA's gun and it made the same marks as found on the bullet at the crime scene. That's how they matched it to him. It is for his defense to argue why it doesn't match. Can't wait to hear how they dismiss it.
Yes this is an easier than some (like DNA) logical thing one can understand and SEE how it definitely does for CERTAIN not exclude him, I mean his gun didn't not make those same marks nor did it make different marks nor an additional mark. It is common sense. I don't know how these people can get on these shows and claim otherwise. Some I've seen may be people that have just heard the B.S. by defense experts and some maybe ARE defense experts. And personally I think news and more are putting out ONE side of it way too much and now many more are calling it junk science because they are listening to this sh*t and these "experts".
Just so you know @Imamazed I wasn't suggesting YOU reading it in response to your link, I often am talking to all the group under a reply page and just saying f anyone has time, I found it worthwhile and related to what you linked so mentioned it. Sometimes I look at something I posted and wonder if it came across wrong. And when I say "you" under someone's post I often mean all interested. So anyhow, just clarifying.

Court appoints Attorney Robert Scremin and Attorney William S. Lebrato as Contract Public Defenders to represent the defendant. Counsel ordered to enter their appearances as Public Defenders on behalf of the Defendant.
We have New Defense Counsel announced by the Court
I don't know why this did not put in your entire post when I hit reply on it. Odd.

So he has attorneys. Don't know what the 10/31 hearing is for but if anything more than minor, I'd expect them to ask for a delay and be granted one.

Of other interest, that's just great (not), some media messed up and lost us media coverage. Apparently THAT news got lost with all the other hullabaloo going on with other things.

Does anyone which NEWS source screwed up, went against rules and lost coverage for us all and WHAT they filmed??
I don't know why this did not put in your entire post when I hit reply on it. Odd.

So he has attorneys. Don't know what the 10/31 hearing is for but if anything more than minor, I'd expect them to ask for a delay and be granted one.

Of other interest, that's just great (not), some media messed up and lost us media coverage. Apparently THAT news got lost with all the other hullabaloo going on with other things.

Does anyone which NEWS source screwed up, went against rules and lost coverage for us all and WHAT they filmed??
Oh I see what I did. It was someone else who posted the court record and you were responding. I'm pretty wiped.
He. Has. A. Manbun. I'm sorry. I just personally cannot take manbuns on attorneys seriously. Call me judgmental because I am. :)
how ya doin' judgemental?

i can't find the link where just a few years ago ... he looked totally wall-street.

it's a covid bun, perhaps.

covid made men go ... earthy.

my guy still looks like a caveman.
I don't think it matters who the suicidee is but you ask "what else do they have" as evidence. I will list what IMO I think they may have in addition to the bullet and the video and audio evidence.

1. Cat hairs. (Didn't they dig up his cat?)
2. His confession he was there at the right times.
3. Video of his car coming and going past the Hoosier store.
4. The jacket and clothes he wore.
5. A souvenir he took from the CS, possibly an article of clothing.
6. His phone data. (Checking a stock ticker plus location data )
7. Recorded confessions to his wife and mother.
8. The Kline connection, setting up the meeting etc.

I think his best bet is a plea deal.
Good guesses and I would add that I think or maybe hope there may be photographs...His whole picture thing with the family and working at stores that did photo development AND IF he was in somehow with Kline or shared the dropbox where pedos share pictures and more... Some people think he was "framing the girls" and may have taken pics. Maybe also more than one souvenir I'd say POSSIBLY... I also think although she may have done nothing intentional to hurt him that the wife if she talked with them may well have given info about the day and other things that may hurt him if she was honest... I don't have any reason to have a seriously bad opinion of her which I have always struggled with with Asa Heuerman. Although if she hasn't "left" him my opinion goes down... Last I knew she hadn't.

But that wouldn't be from the search it would be from interview.

I just keep centering on how bad they want that warrant and results thrown out. I can't get it out of my head. Yes, the bullet is enough REAL evidence but they call it junk science and to say that on one hand but be so worried about it if there isn't anything else they found then they protest too hard. OR they know it isn't junk science. I can't even understand why media is centering it seems to me on people saying that other than they want to keep all controversy going just as they do with the O thing.

People may think the defense have all the discovery and they do I imagine and so there is no other evidence that was found BUT they are NOT going to put anything in their filing that goes against Allen and the prosecution unlike defense doesn't TALK or SHARE. And the defense has went ALL out with the crazy O filing AND probably picture leaks etc. It is just a suspicion and I can't shake it. I am not great at it but feel I have some good instincts in some cases or have (not in personal life apparently or I go against my instinct like in choice of a hub, not sure what I do) and it isn't always right by a long shot but I just can't shake this. HOWEVER it also could just be a mixture of that and HOPE they have such.

I though even have to admit this case is a mess at the moment and I like some others here also can't shake the feeling that there is something else going on in the undercurrents in this case and we don't know what it is. I am watching the remainder of what I linked the other day with defense filing against Gull where they read it all and I should have mentioned other than just reading that doc it then goes on and THESE people (who I have never WATCHED before) are largely on the defense side in this and I think @Cousin Dupree and @Olenna and some others may find well worth a watch. They have matched some dates and things to Gull and more if one goes past the reading of the filing and it is not dull but not OUT THERE either, very tuned into facts, documents but some good discussion on it. One thing just for instance is an email by Gull that makes one wonder and another is this judge never gets her stuff onto the docket in a timely manner but there's more. I don't know enough but am starting to wonder a bit more about the judge.

They also make a point of saying Allen may well be guilty (or not as well) but how all this may wreck the case or make it on appeal be retried. So THIS is not my normal cup of tea but because generally most know I do not like MOST defense attorneys in MOST cases but it covered some interesting sh*t.

I did not know they atttached 1000s of pages of attachments to their Franks motion and endless hours of recording or some such and she hasn't ruled, she put out a filing while they were having the show that she wasn't issuing a decision because it was going to take the court time to go through ALL this overload of pages and recordings attached to and sent with their motion.

And they are talking of protocol or law and what she hasn't followed so @RoundPeg may be interested in it too. But they do touch on the other side too and the defense's behavior.

I don't know if the woman is an attorney or they both are but she seems to know her stuff or some anyhow. Pretty sure she must be an atty for her knowledge but they aren't dry and dull.I f

I didn't subscribe the other night but I just did. They truly seem to be on the truth of all and for the girls and I figure it wouldn't hurt me to hear a more defense type channel. I have watched Scott Reisch for a long time and like him very much but it can be a bit dry imo but great at keeping a clean channel and his mods etc. are great at keeping out trolls AND he covers a lot of trials live in a bit safer chat and place than like Law and Crime. Those chats on cases are CRAZY and full of trolls and nuts maybe just too known and full of tons of people. Anywhooo,Scott's videos have not popped up for me i months, I don't know if somehow a YT thing has me unsubscribed or he has something going ton and isn't doing his channel much. He was established and a big following and had his weekly live one could count on etc. and recorded not live ones a person could count on too.

I am wandering so I will stop. I just try to catch up (I am nowhere close) and then give thoughts that I have I have had no time for as they lead me there in a reply. Pretty sure most people know that by now lol.
So funny/not funny to see that today Gull wiped everything old Defense filed yesterday off her public Docket, provided HER version in an Order on the Docket, removed Old Defense appearance on the Docket and entered an order for the New Defense Counsels.

Rozzi better get busy with his emergency Appeals, b/c Gull has pulled anchor and this new ship roster is taking off.
Yeah I am starting to hear some stuff but not going to have time to digest it. See my previous post. To add to the channel I am watching, they are talking dates, an oral ruling versus the written order, etc. This was a day or two ago but they have some of what you have been talking of as it hit as they were having the show but maybe not all if anything just hit on the records. The guy says Gull is creating an appellate nightmare... Woman is a bit more covering BOTH sides BUT still is pointing out all the things on Gull more so I'd say.

Only show I've watched of theirs and I am fairly impressed. And name of show IS defense diaries and I'd have likely never clicked in if they didn't come up the other day or night with a new document which WAS the defense filing against Gull and I wanted to hear it and they read it.

And YES they are on YT and they do get money. But you can tell channels that PUT IN THE WORK AND TIME. Many good ones out there.

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