LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I feel so sorry for the families of the victims having to put up with all this BS and shenanigans.
I agree. The show I started the other day and am finishing now posed a question too of where the guy wondered if A and L's family think and are strong on Allen being the perp. They don't know anything that way but it is a good question... The families as we know have always in almost any public appearance backed LE. For me though most of the times they were on with Doug Carter (state) at Crime Con etc.

And yes, this entire mess it is starting to seem on both sides I can't imagine the families... It would probably be reasonable also to think news media is leaving messages and calling to try to get their take on it all...

I will also say this, there is a VERY good chance the photos and such in the defense filing they had never seen before. We didn't. And understood why. AND the leaked photos as well IF they have seen them they certain could, you know darned well that was the intent of sending them out that some irresponsible podcaster or media outlet WOULD PUBLISH them. Imo.
I don't agree either. They took a bullet and racked it thru RA's gun and it made the same marks as found on the bullet at the crime scene. That's how they matched it to him. It is for his defense to argue why it doesn't match. Can't wait to hear how they dismiss it.

Racking a bullet in a gun is far, far and away from a bullet match. Vinnie Politan had people talking about that. How it shouldn't be used to identify a weapon because it's such weak evidence. People here are treating it like a bullet match, and it's not. Did they find the same brand of bullet at RA's house? That I don't know. If they did then it's strong for the prosecution, if they didn't, it looks good for the defense.
Racking a bullet in a gun is far, far and away from a bullet match. Vinnie Politan had people talking about that. How it shouldn't be used to identify a weapon because it's such weak evidence. People here are treating it like a bullet match, and it's not. Did they find the same brand of bullet at RA's house? That I don't know. If they did then it's strong for the prosecution, if they didn't, it looks good for the defense.
So why shouldn't it be used? Can you explain what those people are saying and why it isn't the same as fired casings? The bullet surely isn't important but the identical markings should be.
So why shouldn't it be used? Can you explain what those people are saying and why it isn't the same as fired casings? The bullet surely isn't important but the identical markings should be.
If it hasn't gone through the barrel, it won't have the same kind of markings as just ejection markings. Ejection markings aren't as accurate as barrel markings so it's more that instead of it being a "match" it's more accurate to say that it can't be excluded.

It definitely can and should be used.
Good guesses and I would add that I think or maybe hope there may be photographs...His whole picture thing with the family and working at stores that did photo development AND IF he was in somehow with Kline or shared the dropbox where pedos share pictures and more... Some people think he was "framing the girls" and may have taken pics. Maybe also more than one souvenir I'd say POSSIBLY... I also think although she may have done nothing intentional to hurt him that the wife if she talked with them may well have given info about the day and other things that may hurt him if she was honest... I don't have any reason to have a seriously bad opinion of her which I have always struggled with with Asa Heuerman. Although if she hasn't "left" him my opinion goes down... Last I knew she hadn't.

But that wouldn't be from the search it would be from interview.

I just keep centering on how bad they want that warrant and results thrown out. I can't get it out of my head. Yes, the bullet is enough REAL evidence but they call it junk science and to say that on one hand but be so worried about it if there isn't anything else they found then they protest too hard. OR they know it isn't junk science. I can't even understand why media is centering it seems to me on people saying that other than they want to keep all controversy going just as they do with the O thing.

People may think the defense have all the discovery and they do I imagine and so there is no other evidence that was found BUT they are NOT going to put anything in their filing that goes against Allen and the prosecution unlike defense doesn't TALK or SHARE. And the defense has went ALL out with the crazy O filing AND probably picture leaks etc. It is just a suspicion and I can't shake it. I am not great at it but feel I have some good instincts in some cases or have (not in personal life apparently or I go against my instinct like in choice of a hub, not sure what I do) and it isn't always right by a long shot but I just can't shake this. HOWEVER it also could just be a mixture of that and HOPE they have such.

I though even have to admit this case is a mess at the moment and I like some others here also can't shake the feeling that there is something else going on in the undercurrents in this case and we don't know what it is. I am watching the remainder of what I linked the other day with defense filing against Gull where they read it all and I should have mentioned other than just reading that doc it then goes on and THESE people (who I have never WATCHED before) are largely on the defense side in this and I think @Cousin Dupree and @Olenna and some others may find well worth a watch. They have matched some dates and things to Gull and more if one goes past the reading of the filing and it is not dull but not OUT THERE either, very tuned into facts, documents but some good discussion on it. One thing just for instance is an email by Gull that makes one wonder and another is this judge never gets her stuff onto the docket in a timely manner but there's more. I don't know enough but am starting to wonder a bit more about the judge.

They also make a point of saying Allen may well be guilty (or not as well) but how all this may wreck the case or make it on appeal be retried. So THIS is not my normal cup of tea but because generally most know I do not like MOST defense attorneys in MOST cases but it covered some interesting sh*t.

I did not know they atttached 1000s of pages of attachments to their Franks motion and endless hours of recording or some such and she hasn't ruled, she put out a filing while they were having the show that she wasn't issuing a decision because it was going to take the court time to go through ALL this overload of pages and recordings attached to and sent with their motion.

And they are talking of protocol or law and what she hasn't followed so @RoundPeg may be interested in it too. But they do touch on the other side too and the defense's behavior.

I don't know if the woman is an attorney or they both are but she seems to know her stuff or some anyhow. Pretty sure she must be an atty for her knowledge but they aren't dry and dull.I f

I didn't subscribe the other night but I just did. They truly seem to be on the truth of all and for the girls and I figure it wouldn't hurt me to hear a more defense type channel. I have watched Scott Reisch for a long time and like him very much but it can be a bit dry imo but great at keeping a clean channel and his mods etc. are great at keeping out trolls AND he covers a lot of trials live in a bit safer chat and place than like Law and Crime. Those chats on cases are CRAZY and full of trolls and nuts maybe just too known and full of tons of people. Anywhooo,Scott's videos have not popped up for me i months, I don't know if somehow a YT thing has me unsubscribed or he has something going ton and isn't doing his channel much. He was established and a big following and had his weekly live one could count on etc. and recorded not live ones a person could count on too.

I am wandering so I will stop. I just try to catch up (I am nowhere close) and then give thoughts that I have I have had no time for as they lead me there in a reply. Pretty sure most people know that by now lol.
What SHOW are ye talkin' 'bout, that you think Cuz & I should watch Gran? (name of show or linky linky?)
What are we going to do if new defense calls the same prison foul? Food for thought.
I am guessing first they'd have to have some facts and reasons of their own since they haven't been there, present, or on the case. I guess they could just try to pick p the other defense's case but they haven't been there, talked to Allen, etc. YET I imagine anyhow. I also doubt seriously if they go there to see Allen or check for themselves, they won't see any such thing, we KNOW the guards have been told to take the patches off and more changes IF all true have likely went on. OR a lot of it was NEVER TRUE so what are they going to have that is of their OWN personal knowledge?

if they find he same or check out the facts and say so then we have two more people who see or believe the same which would likely add weight at least for me DEPENDING on WHAT they have and WHY they think so, etc.

I assume you mean like a foul prison and not a foul like a "foul ball". Hard to be sure. As in he shouldn't have been sent there and that's a "foul" that was made in this case? I'm thinking though you mean the prison is a "foul" place.

I am always open to changing my opinion, may not do it easily but I go back and forth depending on what comes out my meter goes up and down. I am NOT open in Morphew and freely admit it, well it would take a LOT.

But you said "we" so what do you mean there? What are we going to do? About what exactly? Do you mean as far as how it affects the case? That it means there are Os? That the case would be done for?

I admit I am not following, I figured you directed it at me (despite the "we") because I was not buying into all the defense claims even BEFORE the O stuff.

What can we do if you mean it another way? We have no power. We can yell online which to my knowledge is about all any of us can do or do do. Call the senator, the governor, the clerk in Carroll County?

I guess I am just unclear on what you mean or are asking so I answered anything I can figure your question means.

And I'm not being a smartarse or anything, I truly don't know which thing you meant nor who "we" are. The people here? The entire public? You and I?

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