LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Very frustrating. I was reading on X this morning and so many interpretations. I try to find different sources because there is no way one person is getting it word for word. Agh.
I know the best I've found and I'm staying there. More or less done with news. If I have to read something for no time to get even a glimpse of a recap, I will but that's it. If I have to watch all after verdict one day, I will for not being able to keep up with Tom's for instance. I've accepted it may come to that to get the truest version but some of it may be afterit is over for me. Shall see.

The coverage is all over the place and not impressed,

And I know I'm beating a dead drum or however, it goes... Horse? But Gull has done a REAL disservice here to everyone and not just us but the families, the defendant, to all as it's difficult to know what the true picture is.

I didn't watch much Tom last night so am behind but last I knew he is keeping up with almost every question and answer but is really tiring and also unsure if he's decided to see it out or not. And I mean one can SEE the tired.

I hope everyone can see that I can be anti-Gull LOL.

She also is not seemingly shutting the D down from inserting false facts into questions and basically testifying themselves...But perhaps the P isn't objecting enough to such either.

It may backfire I guess for the D not a good look for those who realize what they're doing...

I hope I never see another trail covered in this way or should I say NOT covered, recorded, tweeted, or anything. No matter how things turn out, I'll never change my tune on that or Gull's decisions with that. It's a really bad look especially with what has gone on here and the doubts and things people try to make into a big conspiracy, why would you do that... It just adds ot such thoughts and distrust.

Well that's my take at the moment and I'm really pushing it for time here and need to get moving.
So I what exactly is your thought of him being there to school being out? I mean that's been speculated for sure yes. Do you think he was looking for any girl? Two girls? Certain age? Or was waiting for ones he could trap at the end of the bridge who actually went onto the bridge? That last part I believe his plan was to walk across when they were cornered and chase whoever down the hill. I do tend to think he knew and intended on these two but no way to be sure of that... Do you think if two of the four girls had separated and crossed the bridge, they'd have been the ones he'd have went after...?

I figure there's a good chance he knew school was out BUT I also was thinking for some reason his daughter was about Kelsi's age and in high school herself so then of course he'd have known. Recently though I saw she was a young adult and now wonder which is correct.
My thought about school was just that if he was looking for a minor, then with school out, he'd probably think it's likely that minors would be out there.
I do think he was well aware of young people crossing that bridge and the it may very well have been the scenario he was watching out for but since there was no one else on the trail, I think he may have abducted them regardless from the trail side of the creek.
Wasn't it Lori Vallow Daybell's trial where the previous day's transcripts could be purchased? I think Nate and other outlets split the cost.

Are the transcripts available in Delphi?
I dont' know that it was purchased...? Maybe. But yes, the court would put it out after making sure it was okay to be put out. Like nothing that should have been not in there in there, etc. meaning side bars and such. And probably playing safe as to media and jury, it would at first be almost two days later sometimes I think and as it got into the swing of things generally a day later or that evening.

Gull could CERTAINLY have done something like that. OR reporters could type but only Tweet out at lunch, etc. and so on.
My thought about school was just that if he was looking for a minor, then with school out, he'd probably think it's likely that minors would be out there.
I do think he was well aware of young people crossing that bridge and the it may very well have been the scenario he was watching out for but since there was no one else on the trail, I think he may have abducted them regardless from the trail side of the creek.
The day off is certainly plausible and it was a nice day and all knew it was likely to be, etc. and a day off. It sounds almost like a rite of passage some of have made me it sound hat a kid crosses that bridge at some age... WE know Abby's mother forbid her to ever do so but there she was doing it at 13...I'm torn on whether he was looking for any girl/girls... I tend to think he was after them but it's just a gut instinct. And I tend to think somehow, not sure how, he knew they were going or going to try to be allowed to go. I do think his intent was to trap on the bridge with no way for the prey to come back as he was coming towards them and the intent was to go down the hill whether they were the intended ones or whether it would have been any young girl who went to the bridge...

The day off is certainly plausible and it was a nice day and all knew it was likely to be, etc. and a day off. It sounds almost like a rite of passage some of have made me it sound hat a kid crosses that bridge at some age... WE know Abby's mother forbid her to ever do so but there she was doing it at 13...I'm torn on whether he was looking for any girl/girls... I tend to think he was after them but it's just a gut instinct. And I tend to think somehow, not sure how, he knew they were going or going to try to be allowed to go. I do think his intent was to trap on the bridge with no way for the prey to come back as he was coming towards them and the intent was to go down the hill whether they were the intended ones or whether it would have been any young girl who went to the bridge...

I think the only indication that he may have known they'd be there is that he'd arrived shortly before they did but apart from that, I just don't know of any evidence that he did know and I'm all the time marveling at coincidence and so those two reasons (mainly, no evidence) are why I think the timing is merely coincidental.
Ok basically getting ready for the showing of the Holeman interviews on Monday, I have found this article that has a transcript of one of them, the one that preceded the arrest. The nasty detective swore at him. AFAICS RA deserved it. RA admitted several important facts in this interview that gave them probable cause for the arrest.

‘You’re going down for this’ Allen defense claims police were abusive during interview

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen is escorted Oct. 31, 2023, in the Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi, Indiana. (WISH Photo)

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen is escorted Oct. 31, 2023, in the Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi, Indiana. (WISH Photo)
by: Jason Ronimous
Posted: Apr 15, 2024 / 05:09 PM EST / Updated: Apr 15, 2024 / 05:13 PM EST
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Attorneys for the man accused in the Delphi killings filed a motion Monday to suppress Richard Allen’s second statement to police.
Richard Allen is charged for the murders of 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German.

According to Allen, there were issues with the second interrogation conducted by Indiana State Police investigator Jerry Holeman.
The defense has accused Holeman of creating a ruse in order to get Allen to the State Police Post in West Lafayette in order to interrogate and arrest Allen.
One of Allen’s vehicles was seized by the State Police in October of 2022, and Allen and his wife called the State Police to inquire as to when they could get the vehicle back. Allen and his attorneys allege the State Police arranged a meeting to pick up the vehicle, and in turn used the meeting as an additional interrogation and used it to facilitate his arrest. The car was never returned to Allen or his wife.
Instead of returning the vehicle, Jerry Holeman said he wanted to clear up a few things with Allen and requested Allen to follow him to the interrogation room without his wife.
Allen’s attorneys say this interrogation was videotaped, but that the first portion of the video was missing, including any reading of Miranda rights, and confirming that the suspect is free to leave, if the suspect is indeed free to leave.
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The defense claims that Allen was never read his Miranda rights and that he was placed in a “tiny, confined room without windows,” with the door shut.


During the interrogation, Allen says that Jerry Holeman said things like “sit tight” and “hang on one second”, leading Allen to believe he was not free to leave.
Allen’s attorneys claim that during this interrogation, Holeman became abusive and lied about evidence the state had.
According to the motion, Holeman told Allen “We have experts that say that’s you on the bridge and
that’s your voice on the video,” “Experts are saying that’s you on the video” and “Experts are
saying you said “Down the Hill.”
The defense also said Holeman told Allen that witnesses saw a gun in his pocket and “I’m not lying to you
about anything. Everything I’m telling you is fact. The experts say you said ‘go down the hill’.”
Allen says Holeman became more aggressive, used profanity and ‘barked’ at Allen, saying “the prosecutor and the other investigators…they want to see you…lock you up and throwaway the key,” “If you don’t tell me, you’re going down for this.”
Allen’s attorneys allege that Holeman conducted an accusatory interrogation instead of an exploratory interrogation, as the prosecution claimed.


Richard Allen claims the following exchanges took place in the October 2022 interrogation:
Jerry Holeman: You’re going to drag your (expletive) wife and your daughter through this because you’re too (expletive) bullheaded to get out in front of this and admit you made a mistake. And whatever the
(expletive) happened out there we’ll never (expletive) know because you’re too big of a (expletive) (inaudible). The evidence clearly indicates you are involved in this.
Rick Allen: No.
Jerry Holeman: It (expletive) does.
Rick Allen: It doesn’t. I’m telling you that there is no way that a bullet from my gun was
used in these murders.
Jerry Holeman: And I’m telling you that we had this (expletive) round on February 14, 2017, and it’s been secured in a (expletive) laboratory, and we’ve tested other guns…
Rick Allen: You could have taken it from somewhere else then, because it’s not
Jerry Holeman: I did not take it from somewhere else. It was logged in. It was taken. It was photographed. You think we (expletive) took a round and threw it down by the dead girl’s foot? This ain’t (expletive) TV.
This is realistic.
Rick Allen: I’m telling you I can’t explain something that…
Jerry Holeman: And I’m telling you that (expletive) analysts explain it. You can’t get past
Jerry Holeman: I’m not on video
Rick Allen: Neither am I.
Jerry Holeman: Four or five witnesses didn’t see me out there.
Rick Allen: Me either.
Jerry Holeman: My round out of my gun wasn’t 6 inches away from a dead girl.
Rick Allen: Mine neither.
Jerry Holeman: I don’t think you’re a bad person.
Rick Allen: What kind of good person kills two people?
Rick Allen: You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done to my wife. You want to (expletive) with me,
(expletive) with me but you leave my wife out of this. (Expletive.) Leave me out of this.
Jerry Holeman: No. You’re involved in this. Your (expletive) round is there Rick.
Rick Allen: No. It’s not.
Jerry Holeman: You’re guilty of something. You’re guilty and I know it.


Allen’s attorneys say he was handcuffed and arrested hours later and are requesting that the court suppress all statements made by Allen in the interrogation on Oct. 26, 2022 and find that Holeman and the State Police violated his constitutional rights.


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