MO LISA IRWIN: Missing from Kansas City, MO - 3 Oct 2011 - Age 10 months

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Lisa was last seen at her home in the 3600 block of North Lister Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri on October 3, 2011. Her mother, Deborah Bradley, put her to bed in her crib with her pacifier, blanket and some toys.

Deborah last saw her daughter at either 6:40 or 10:30 p.m. (Accounts differ.) That evening, she was also caring for the Lisa's two older half-brothers, who were asleep in another room. She later admitted she'd been drinking wine that night and had gotten drunk. She was also taking prescription medication for anxiety.

Lisa's father, Jeremy Irwin, an electrician, came home from work at approximately 4:00 the next morning and they discovered Lisa was gone. Several lights in the house were on, Lisa's bedroom window was open, the front door was unlocked and three cellular phones were reportedly missing.

Lisa's parents called 911 to report her disappearance shortly at 4:00 a.m. An extensive search of the immediate area turned up no sign of the baby.

Authorities stated Lisa's mother and father were less than cooperative with the investigation, something Deborah and Jeremy denied. They were engaged to be married at the time of Lisa's disappearance, although Deborah was still legally married to another man, and had a six-year-old son by him.

Deborah and her husband had been separated for about four years by 2010, and he was serving in the Army. Her husband stated he didn't believe Deborah would have harmed Lisa or been involved in her disappearance.

Three different witnesses saw a man walking down the road about three miles from Lisa's home at approximately 4:00 a.m. that night, carrying a baby dressed only in a diaper. It's unclear whether the sightings are connected to Lisa's case.

Authorities haven't named any suspects in the child's disappearance. Her parents have stated they believe she was abducted from her home late on October 3 or early on October 4, possibly by a person who wanted to raise a baby. Lisa's case remains unsolved.

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Lisa has a birthmark on her right outer thigh. Two of her bottom teeth had erupted by the time of her disappearance, and she had a small bug bite under her left ear. Her nickname is Pumpkin Pie. She was last known to be wearing purple pants and a purple shirt with kittens on it.

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If my gate was found open a lot, I would be creeped out by it. Thankfully, I have a camera back there now, but I sure didn’t when Lisa went missing. I don’t know if I knew of anybody that had cameras then, other than a few businesses.
There were none around here before that time, but there sure were shortly after. Many of us were talking of installing them when all of the petty theft was going on and our gates being opened.

Ours wasn't a lot, just 2-3 and at first we blamed the kids possibly doing it and their answer was that if it was them, they would be smart enough to close it because of our dogs. I couldn't argue that one with them because they sure loved their dogs. It was probably only 1-3 weeks before the baby went missing that it happened last.
There also could have very easily been a great number of neighbors that told him about their gates being left open. He talked to many of us. He was one that people didn't mind talking to because he did his job well and didn't film for those that didn't want to be on film. That is very likely why he got some of the stories he did get that others didn't.
Personally, I think anything odd should be mentioned. It might have nothing to do with Lisa’s disappearance, then again it might. I don’t know if it was Spellman, but one of the talking heads thought the dog was released so it wouldn’t bark.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the info from Spellman isn't that the dog was released, it's that Tanko took it.

I might add that Spellman questioned the credibility of that info.
I also add that I do give him credit for that, lol.
Another thought on Jersey and Dane's excuse that they went hunting - how were they doing their hunting? Both were convicted felons that were not allowed to possess weapons.
Nobody stated that. It was just an implied possiblilty.
No, Hurt told Spellman that her neighbor told her that Tanko took the dog.
Btw, I've since seen the video clip where Hurt said that it was Monday morning that her dog was "stolen out of her yard", so why Spellman reported that it was the same day Lisa disappeared, I don't know.
Spellman also spoke to the neighbor but in that clip, the neighbor is only talking about a dog running around and following somebody- I don't know who.
Also, she said she didn't know Tanko and had never seen him before.
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Another thought on Jersey and Dane's excuse that they went hunting - how were they doing their hunting? Both were convicted felons that were not allowed to possess weapons.
I know you said they went hunting but I haven't come across any info that Tanko went hunting, much less with Dane.
I don't remember which neighbor it was but I recall one having said that a week or so prior, they said Tanko told them that he had a warrant and so that situation sounds to me like what Tanko was talking about when he said in the MK piece that he'd "absconded" and that Megyn had told LE that he was working at the Watson's.
Remember? He said it was why they broke up. And I think it also may have been why he drove the van up into the yard.
The thing is, all of this occurred prior to Lisa's disappearance so that Tanko already had a reason to lay low.
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I know you said they went hunting but I haven't come across any info that Tanko went hunting, much less with Dane.
I don't remember which neighbor it was but I recall one having said that a week or so prior, they said Tanko told them that he had a warrant and so that situation sounds to me like what Tanko was talking about when he said in the MK piece that he'd "absconded" and that Megyn had told LE that he was working at the Watson's.
Remember? He said it was why they broke up. And I think it also may have been why he drove the van up into the yard.
The thing is, all of this occurred prior to Lisa's disappearance so that Tanko already had a reason to lay low.
That was what was reported at the time by multiple outlets of their excuse of why they were gone and was in an official press conference by LE at the time. I can't help that most news agencies wipe stories on a schedule. It was news all over at the time.

He did have a warrant and that is why LE was going around asking people, including me, if anybody had seen him lately. Probably in Sept, but could have been in August. I don't remember exactly when because it didn't mean anything at the time because I had only seen him walking around occasionally while we were out walking.

He was supposed to be "laying low" during all of that, yet he was still breaking into houses and vehicles and stealing vehicles and spitting on people and starting fights at the bar. All during the time he had warrants for his arrest.

Megan states they broke up because she didn't like his "getting back" to his criminal element. So much for "laying low", eh? H

He had been working for Denny all summer, so I'm not sure what your point is on that.
It's also very important that Megan told LE he was working at Denny's because it links it all together of not long before the witness sees a man with a baby going to Denny's housej, Denny's next door neighbor notices that the water was off at Denny's - Jersey's responsibility. The phone call that was made from the stolen phones went to Megan's phone. That call was made not long after the witness saw the man with a baby walk into Denny's yard. Megan had been staying in the townhouse directly behind Denny's yard. Whether Jersey thought she was still there is what we don't know, but it sure is hinky that Dane supposedly had her phone and both Dane and Jersey are both accounted for that night but both of them, that supposedly don't know each other, are both unemployed, and are unaccounted for for over a week starting right then.
That was what was reported at the time by multiple outlets of their excuse of why they were gone and was in an official press conference by LE at the time. I can't help that most news agencies wipe stories on a schedule. It was news all over at the time.

He did have a warrant and that is why LE was going around asking people, including me, if anybody had seen him lately. Probably in Sept, but could have been in August. I don't remember exactly when because it didn't mean anything at the time because I had only seen him walking around occasionally while we were out walking.

He was supposed to be "laying low" during all of that, yet he was still breaking into houses and vehicles and stealing vehicles and spitting on people and starting fights at the bar. All during the time he had warrants for his arrest.

Megan states they broke up because she didn't like his "getting back" to his criminal element. So much for "laying low", eh? H

He had been working for Denny all summer, so I'm not sure what your point is on that.
I'm imagining that Tanko wouldn't have felt comfortable at the Watson's once he knew LE knew they could find him there.
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It's also very important that Megan told LE he was working at Denny's because it links it all together of not long before the witness sees a man with a baby going to Denny's housej, Denny's next door neighbor notices that the water was off at Denny's - Jersey's responsibility. The phone call that was made from the stolen phones went to Megan's phone. That call was made not long after the witness saw the man with a baby walk into Denny's yard. Megan had been staying in the townhouse directly behind Denny's yard. Whether Jersey thought she was still there is what we don't know, but it sure is hinky that Dane supposedly had her phone and both Dane and Jersey are both accounted for that night but both of them, that supposedly don't know each other, are both unemployed, and are unaccounted for for over a week starting right then.
The thing about the call for me is that it could have been made by anyone who used the number to reach another person and besides that, I'm considering that the timeframe of Lisa's abduction could be even more earlier, that is, before that call.
I'm imagining that Tanko wouldn't have felt comfortable at the Watson's once he knew LE knew they could find there.
He wasn't. He took off. She told them that when she was questioned about the phone call is my understanding. He did not show back up after that. IF she did tell them that before hand, then you theory is bogus since he was definitely seen the days immediately before, working there.
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Him having warrants out also did not stop him from walking around all over and being seen everywhere. He knew they were low level warrants and the north side of KC has very little to no actual patrol action so they weren't actively "looking" for him as in searching for him. They would have stopped him only if they had randomly ran across him or he was caught in another crime.
The thing about the call for me is that it could have been made by anyone who used the number to reach another person and besides that, I'm considering that the timeframe of Lisa's abduction could be even more earlier, that is, before that call.
but JERSEY is the one that was responsible for Watson's yard that night while they were out of town so he was in the immediate area at the correct time frame, no matter if it was a bit before or after. He would know her number and somebody was seen going into Watson's yard carrying a baby. If not Jersey, it was somebody that knew him and Megan's number. Not too many would fit that. Seems pretty easy to narrow that down, plus he admitted to having the phones to Cyndi Short. He knows, at the very least.
He wasn't. He took off. She told them that when she was questioned about the phone call is my understanding. He did not show back up after that. IF she did tell them that before hand, then you theory is bogus since he was definitely seen the days immediately before, working there.
Well he's not invisible, lol.
Seriously, the info re Tanko hunting with Dane is what's sounding bogus to me. You know, Spellman said (Ep. 2) Tanko was arrested "days" after Lisa's disappearance while info re Dane is that he was available and did have contact with LE.
Well he's not invisible, lol.
Seriously, the info re Tanko hunting with Dane is what's sounding bogus to me. You know, Spellman said (Ep. 2) Tanko was arrested "days" after Lisa's disappearance while info re Dane is that he was available and did have contact with LE.
Nobody said they were hunting together. Yes, "days" later after he came back from "hunting" and yes, news media at the time stated both Dane and Jersey told them they were hunting and that's why LE couldn't make contact with either of them.

Jersey was arrested and officially charged with tampering on 11/15 and the address he gave as his address he was living at was one of the houses he was also charged with breaking into and is just about 5-6 houses up from Baby Lisa's house. If I remember correctly, the van he was caught in was stolen from the neighborhood just east of where he was squatting at the abandoned house.
I know you said they went hunting but I haven't come across any info that Tanko went hunting, much less with Dane.
I don't remember which neighbor it was but I recall one having said that a week or so prior, they said Tanko told them that he had a warrant and so that situation sounds to me like what Tanko was talking about when he said in the MK piece that he'd "absconded" and that Megyn had told LE that he was working at the Watson's.
Remember? He said it was why they broke up. And I think it also may have been why he drove the van up into the yard.
The thing is, all of this occurred prior to Lisa's disappearance so that Tanko already had a reason to lay low.
Im not sure why you are having such a hard time finding that info since I was able to find at least two articles that mentioned it in just a couple of minutes.

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