PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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What next? This entire case takes some real train of thought to follow. Been saying all along this is way bigger than we know and wasn't so sure either that connections in this century long powerful family don't go even higher than South Carolna...

The cases are completely different but it is like Daybell in how hard to follow and the number of strange deaths that surround these people. I think Daybell goes farther than we know too and more people than we will ever know were part of things...

The part I don't quite follow here is the Bahamas drug bust. No names are mentioned but I assume that is then the case where the witness was killed and charges were dropped against TWO Boulwares but not others...? Hmmm.

Do we really think there aren't other "big" heads/people involved in something that ran from the Bahamas, Florida, South Carolina...? Now granted Alex Murdaugh is not mentioned here nor Murdaugh mentioned in the later things where Boulware was but we go from other Murdaughs back in the 50s (who also are not mentioned in the later drug things) to Alex owning Moselle which was owned by Boulware and we know they are looking into this house, transfers, Boulware and Murdaugh... So confusing but... And Alex allegedly having a major drug problem and also people around their family that had mysterious deaths on rural roads, etc. as the witness did in Florida with Boulware...

I am going to stop there as this is as hard to follow, more so, than Daybell and I will get mixed up but this thing is huge and in various directions. We have bank presidents and such stepping down already...

And then the bunch allegedly headed to New York on the boat from Miami.... Hmmm. Drugs or a little human smuggling there going on... If we weren't seeing facts come and connections in this case, there are people that would say something this big could never go on, much less for that long...

MORE ABOUT THAT INCIDENT from that article linked above:
(& by the way, that pedestrian accident happened in front of The Wonder Bar, about 500 feet from our house on Mexico Beach, We were not there at the time but remember reading about it in the Tallahassee newspaper & seeing it on local tv. )


Panama City Attorney E.J. Lewis and a man known as “Red” (identified as William O. Lane) were sought in connection with the bust.

Charged with conspiracy to possess and distribute 34,000 pounds of marijuana and conspiracy to import marijuana into the United States were:

  • William Raymond Phillips (55) of Carrabelle, FL (Former Attorney); Indicted later in 1985/1986 for Operation Cancer.
  • Sarah J. Wyatt (32) of Carrabelle, FL
  • Sandra G. Clark (30) of Carrabelle, FL
  • Franklin C. Branch (34) of Eastpoint
  • Saxby C. Chaplin (29) of Frogmore
  • Richard M. Harriott (27) of Frogmore
  • Barrett Boulware of Allendale
Barrett Boulware’s father was also charged. Branch was the captain of Boulware’s boat, the Jeannine Anne.


April 1983: Franklin C. Branch, the star witness in the case against the Boulwares was killed in an apparent vehicle vs. pedestrian incident in Tallahassee, Fla. According to the Tallahassee Democrat (below), Branch was on his way to a bar one night in St. Joe Beach when he “he “walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle.”

The article noted that Branch was “scheduled to testify in a drug trial at the time of his death.”


1983: Charges were dropped against both of the Boulwares “after a key government witness was killed when he stepped in front of a car.

Four others were convicted.


May 1983: U.S. District Judge Falcon B. Hawkins barred federal government from re-indicting Barrett Boulware and his father, stating “the grand jury could not present the same charges against Boulware to a grand jury a second time.”

See an article in the Columbia Record below for more details.

MORE ABOUT THAT INCIDENT from that article linked above:
(& by the way, that pedestrian accident happened in front of The Wonder Bar, about 500 feet from our house on Mexico Beach, We were not there at the time but remember reading about it in the Tallahassee newspaper & seeing it on local tv. )

View attachment 13975

Panama City Attorney E.J. Lewis and a man known as “Red” (identified as William O. Lane) were sought in connection with the bust.

Charged with conspiracy to possess and distribute 34,000 pounds of marijuana and conspiracy to import marijuana into the United States were:

  • William Raymond Phillips (55) of Carrabelle, FL (Former Attorney); Indicted later in 1985/1986 for Operation Cancer.
  • Sarah J. Wyatt (32) of Carrabelle, FL
  • Sandra G. Clark (30) of Carrabelle, FL
  • Franklin C. Branch (34) of Eastpoint
  • Saxby C. Chaplin (29) of Frogmore
  • Richard M. Harriott (27) of Frogmore
  • Barrett Boulware of Allendale
Barrett Boulware’s father was also charged. Branch was the captain of Boulware’s boat, the Jeannine Anne.

View attachment 13976

April 1983: Franklin C. Branch, the star witness in the case against the Boulwares was killed in an apparent vehicle vs. pedestrian incident in Tallahassee, Fla. According to the Tallahassee Democrat (below), Branch was on his way to a bar one night in St. Joe Beach when he “he “walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle.”

The article noted that Branch was “scheduled to testify in a drug trial at the time of his death.”

View attachment 13977

1983: Charges were dropped against both of the Boulwares “after a key government witness was killed when he stepped in front of a car.

Four others were convicted.

View attachment 13978

May 1983: U.S. District Judge Falcon B. Hawkins barred federal government from re-indicting Barrett Boulware and his father, stating “the grand jury could not present the same charges against Boulware to a grand jury a second time.”

See an article in the Columbia Record below for more details.

View attachment 13979
By your house wow.

I am trying to put it all together... So there are several things here in '83 although in different months... Arguing a tax evasion case supposedly involving a plan and drug smuggling, dropping of charges against Boulwares and not re-indicting, and the star witness killed... I don't have them in the right order but hmmmm...
Listing for Moselle Property

It is not known what Moselle’s appraised value is, but according to an online listing — that wasn’t available at the time this story originally published Monday morning — the property is listed at $3.9 million by Crosby Land Company in Walterboro.

There are buyers but The sale of the property cannot go through until a lien attached to it — in connection with a wrongful death lawsuit against disgraced Hampton County attorney Alex Murdaugh — gets withdrawn.

Listing for Moselle Property

It is not known what Moselle’s appraised value is, but according to an online listing — that wasn’t available at the time this story originally published Monday morning — the property is listed at $3.9 million by Crosby Land Company in Walterboro.

There are buyers but The sale of the property cannot go through until a lien attached to it — in connection with a wrongful death lawsuit against disgraced Hampton County attorney Alex Murdaugh — gets withdrawn.

I'd suggest that any wanna be buyers run away fast!
Listing for Moselle Property

It is not known what Moselle’s appraised value is, but according to an online listing — that wasn’t available at the time this story originally published Monday morning — the property is listed at $3.9 million by Crosby Land Company in Walterboro.

There are buyers but The sale of the property cannot go through until a lien attached to it — in connection with a wrongful death lawsuit against disgraced Hampton County attorney Alex Murdaugh — gets withdrawn.

Gets withdrawn is an odd term. It should have to be satisfied I would think and a buyer could satisfy it and the price be lowered if necessary.

If I were the buyer, I'm not sure I'd trust the paperwork to be executed without trickery, hard to know who knows who around there yet, so many names are hinted at or coming out.

Maybe some big wig from that drug smuggling ring will buy it.
Gets withdrawn is an odd term. It should have to be satisfied I would think and a buyer could satisfy it and the price be lowered if necessary.

If I were the buyer, I'm not sure I'd trust the paperwork to be executed without trickery, hard to know who knows who around there yet, so many names are hinted at or coming out.

Maybe some big wig from that drug smuggling ring will buy it.
They won't know the amount until after a settlement is reached. The amount of the lien could easily get to above the 3.9 million asking price, if I am understanding the issue correctly. The buyer then would technically owe the difference even after paying for the property.
They won't know the amount until after a settlement is reached. The amount of the lien could easily get to above the 3.9 million asking price, if I am understanding the issue correctly. The buyer then would technically owe the difference even after paying for the property.
I figured it was a current lien or judgment, not one they didn't know the amount of that is pending. Didn't have time to read the link when I said that.

At a certain point, no one will buy it if it is over the appraised value in total. And who would buy it with the lien unknown?
I figured it was a current lien or judgment, not one they didn't know the amount of that is pending. Didn't have time to read the link when I said that.

At a certain point, no one will buy it if it is over the appraised value in total. And who would buy it with the lien unknown?
They haven't gone to trial yet (?) with it to have an exact lien amount to add on it.
I figured it was a current lien or judgment, not one they didn't know the amount of that is pending. Didn't have time to read the link when I said that.

At a certain point, no one will buy it if it is over the appraised value in total. And who would buy it with the lien unknown?
it's much more complicated than just a lien against it, it seems. Why anybody would be interested in this mess is beyond me.

it's much more complicated than just a lien against it, it seems. Why anybody would be interested in this mess is beyond me.

Yeah, I had read most of this before. It's kind of what I meant. And it's a bit much to sort out and keep track of.

First, I don't see how the house can be up for sale at all when all of these things are not sorted out. Second, why would the Beaches withdraw any lien? Their daughter was killed and they have a total right to their lawsuit.

So then John, the brother of Alex, is pers. rep. of Maggie's estate which is hokey in itself (there was talk of that) and Alex is the "heir" and he is complaining he needs to be able to sell it to settle her estate?? Well, first of all, Alex is the one who LIKELY murdered her and WHERE are the charges for that, it was insinuated they were coming shortly awhile ago... Crime Talk even said that and they generally don't go into much for rumors... To heck with John, he would be clearly doing it for Alex's sake who would use or hide it for himself.

And then the corrupt bank who is part of his schemes wants their mortgage money?? It also appears the mortgage was due and they loaned Alex more money on the home... I'd sure like to see that loan application as I doubt it is truthful.

The bank fired a "key" guy and I think hopes that will save the rest of them...? It says in the article you posted it is a family owned bank and corrupt and in Murdaugh's schemes going back a long time...

The nerve of these people, it is just like Alex, do they really think they have a legal claim or that it would be a fair one? But then with what they have gotten away with in that area for years, they may have someone in the system that will help them again, let's hope not. I think they are so full of it and feel so invincible even with Alex in jail and much coming out they think this will work... Any SC judge or anyone that allows such a thing would be stupid and I would hope of course this can't go anywhere...

I don't see how this house can be sold at all, I read the whole thing, does it say who listed it? I'm going to have to guess the brother of Alex?

If this would go in a way that is wrong again, America is watching this time, it isn't just some SC thing they can shove under the rug any longer...

And this really has to make one wonder who the two interested buyers are that would even consider this home with this going on... You can about bet it is something shady yet again...

So I am guessing John has it for sale, has interest and offers and is whining he can't sell it with these "roadblocks". It is becoming apparent Alex is not the only one in this dynasty who turned out corrupt... The drug smuggling goes back to the other generation or it appears to as the father and the Boulware etc. had connections, etc.

I thought Vallow/Daybell was hard to follow until learning players, ex-husbands, two Melanies, numbers of suspicious deaths, etc. This is going to beat that in being convoluted...

When one takes this apart with the house, if I have it right:

The house shouldn't and wouldn't be up for sale at all--it is Alex and his brother doing it and trying to pull another one or get around that he is going down and done for. The house isn't and should be up for sale and it shouldn't be legal but who knows...

I guess it can be up for sale but he is barred from selling it and that is what he is whining about. Well tough and I would say it means nothing because he can't. So take that out of the equation.

The bank also, tough sh*t. There are things to be sorted out and probably pending in court but they corruptly maneuvered with Alex in many things and likely on the house as well and they should be out of the equation.

A judge appointed lawyers to look into Alex's assets and what was going on, etc. All should be on hold and appears to be.

So in a nutshell, the bank doesn't want to lose their money and Alex is still trying to scheme to get some, it is probably the reason or one he killed his wife but an idiot decided to list it for sale.

The other part is these two buyers are part of it or another doing the part of acting like a buyer and the bidding of the Murdaughs as part of the same scheme or they are idiots.

The thing is it took me thinking about this and reading this and time to figure that all out and I'm not sure I'm right but to me, the simple version of an article about it:

Things are in flux and in legal process and Alex and his brothers and the bank can't have it or their money and probably never will be allowed it. Period. Idiot put it up for sale and thinks he can whine or get a judge to let him sell it. Idiot. Buyers, idiots. (This is assuming John Murdaugh listed it and it sounds like it...)

The Beaches have a claim to protect and the right to do so and the assets and movement or shady acquirement or disposal of them is being looked into. No one is going to allow the sale any time soon I would hope and they shouldn't and if they do, it will be to directly benefit the people defrauded and with current lawsuits as well. It isn't enough to even be a drop in the bucket of what is owed people by Alex Murdaugh and his cohorts.
So much going on here and just catching up here a bit today but my mom, who doesn't follow crime, just told me she just saw something on the news about a staged scene with the Murdaugh murders... No time to ask more but we on the rare occasion when there is a minute I tell her about something and she will have seen it on the news and Murdaugh was one through the months... I was here when that crime first happened...

South Carolina Judge Agreed To Let Alex Murdaugh Hide Settlement, Deposition Of Alleged Co-Conspirator Shows​

One month after recusing herself from presiding over matters involving a 2019 boat crash case connected to the powerful Murdaugh family, S.C. fourteenth circuit judge Carmen Mullen knowingly signed off on a highly irregular death settlement connected to Alex Murdaugh. Mullen’s purported signature on this secret settlement allowed Murdaugh to hide his assets from the family of the teenager who was killed in that same crash, according to testimony from Chad Westendorf – an alleged co-conspirator in the scheme to steal $4.3 million from the family of the woman who helped raise Murdaugh’s two sons.

Solicitor, lawyer file complaints against SC Judge Mullen for her role in Murdaugh case

Read more at:

South Carolina Judge Agreed To Let Alex Murdaugh Hide Settlement, Deposition Of Alleged Co-Conspirator Shows​

One month after recusing herself from presiding over matters involving a 2019 boat crash case connected to the powerful Murdaugh family, S.C. fourteenth circuit judge Carmen Mullen knowingly signed off on a highly irregular death settlement connected to Alex Murdaugh. Mullen’s purported signature on this secret settlement allowed Murdaugh to hide his assets from the family of the teenager who was killed in that same crash, according to testimony from Chad Westendorf – an alleged co-conspirator in the scheme to steal $4.3 million from the family of the woman who helped raise Murdaugh’s two sons.

Solicitor, lawyer file complaints against SC Judge Mullen for her role in Murdaugh case

Read more at:
How do you even trust attorneys or judges on hearing these things... These people are horrid what they did to families who had already suffered deaths (and at whose hands) and then defrauded them as well on top of it.
Alex Murdaugh’s lawyers sue Richland County jail chief to stop release of more phone calls

Recordings of Murdaugh’s conversations were aired on internet site and a podcast, Murdaugh Murders. The organization said it had obtained the recordings by means of a Freedom of Information request.

The release to the public of taped inmate telephone calls, as unprecedented as that is, appears to be legal under South Carolina’s Freedom of Information Act, said Jay Bender, a Columbia attorney who has long been one of the state’s foremost media lawyers. Bender has represented the S.C. Press Association and McClatchy newspapers in media cases over the years. “It’s very creative that they (FITSNews) made the request. My thought is that inmates know their telephone conversations are being recorded, so the inmate would have no expectation of privacy with respect to the content of the calls, and since tapes that are in the possession of a public body are public records, they are public,” Bender said. “If you and I are ever in jail, we just have to remember that our conversations are being recorded, and in South Carolina, conversations recorded by a public body are subject to disclosure — it ain’t going to be private,” Bender added.

Though inmates are told all phone calls are recorded and monitored, inmates are “not informed that recordings of these calls will be provided to the public,” the lawsuit said. It has long been known that law enforcement has the right to tape record any and all inmate telephone calls made from a jail or prison. It is not uncommon for prosecutors to play recordings in court before a jury to support criminal charges against an inmate. Inmates are warned that all recordings are recorded. However, it is often rare that jails or prisons release such recordings to the news media.

The only measures that could stop inmates’ phone calls from being released to the public would be an amendment to South Carolina’s public records law stopping the disclosure, or a ruling from the federal court preempting the public record law and stopping release of the tapes, Bender said. “Inmates have always known their conversations are recorded, and only the dumb ones said stuff that got them in trouble,” he said.

Read more at:
Alex Murdaugh’s lawyers sue Richland County jail chief to stop release of more phone calls

Recordings of Murdaugh’s conversations were aired on internet site and a podcast, Murdaugh Murders. The organization said it had obtained the recordings by means of a Freedom of Information request.

The release to the public of taped inmate telephone calls, as unprecedented as that is, appears to be legal under South Carolina’s Freedom of Information Act, said Jay Bender, a Columbia attorney who has long been one of the state’s foremost media lawyers. Bender has represented the S.C. Press Association and McClatchy newspapers in media cases over the years. “It’s very creative that they (FITSNews) made the request. My thought is that inmates know their telephone conversations are being recorded, so the inmate would have no expectation of privacy with respect to the content of the calls, and since tapes that are in the possession of a public body are public records, they are public,” Bender said. “If you and I are ever in jail, we just have to remember that our conversations are being recorded, and in South Carolina, conversations recorded by a public body are subject to disclosure — it ain’t going to be private,” Bender added.

Though inmates are told all phone calls are recorded and monitored, inmates are “not informed that recordings of these calls will be provided to the public,” the lawsuit said. It has long been known that law enforcement has the right to tape record any and all inmate telephone calls made from a jail or prison. It is not uncommon for prosecutors to play recordings in court before a jury to support criminal charges against an inmate. Inmates are warned that all recordings are recorded. However, it is often rare that jails or prisons release such recordings to the news media.

The only measures that could stop inmates’ phone calls from being released to the public would be an amendment to South Carolina’s public records law stopping the disclosure, or a ruling from the federal court preempting the public record law and stopping release of the tapes, Bender said. “Inmates have always known their conversations are recorded, and only the dumb ones said stuff that got them in trouble,” he said.

Read more at:

Sue over it? He should know the laws he is an attorney. It's almost funny...

According to a letter posted in an online forum Thursday, the South Carolina Supreme Court’s Commission on Judicial Conduct was first asked to investigate allegations of misconduct against fourteenth circuit court judge Carmen Mullen at least three years ago.

The letter, dated Feb. 25, 2022, and signed by first judicial circuit solicitor David Pascoe, was posted by an unknown user named “TequilaRed1” to a Reddit board devoted to Murdaugh-related news.

Pascoe, who is perhaps best known for his prosecutorial work in public corruption, appears to have sent the letter to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, which handles complaints against attorneys and judges.

A quick recap on the Mullen situation: On Tuesday, FITSNews was first to report that sworn testimony from an alleged co-conspirator of disgraced Hampton County attorney Alex Murdaugh indicated that Mullen was allegedly told about — and allegedly agreed to — a plan to delay the required filing of documents in a $4.3 million wrongful death suit in which Murdaugh was the sole defendant.

The reason Mullen was allegedly given for the delay was the publicity surrounding a fatal boat crash involving Murdaugh’s son Paul more than two months earlier.

Shortly before this alleged incident, Mullen had recused herself from presiding over all matters related to the boat crash, ostensibly because of her relationship to the influential Murdaugh family.

But she apparently saw no such conflict of interest in approving the secret settlement.

Murdaugh made London Times

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It says the FB group was created two years ago. That's interesting if it means on this particular case only. I don't do FB s didn't go any farther to look.

The London times huh? I wonder why now and what triggered that. Just pulling world news and it hit their radar recently maybe...

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