PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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Scott 'Reisch has mentioned this case a couple of times now and it sounds like one he will be talking about and covering as it unfolds, although not much is known yet. I think his coverage will be interesting because he is an attorney and here is this influential 100+ year old family law firm and a family with influence/power, etc. Plunder is also covering it or it looks like it will be one she covers as it continues. She has some posts about it and a video or two. In fact, that is how I first became aware of it..

Anyhow, if it is one that has grabbed your attention, those are two channel holders who will likely cover it as it goes on.
He had returned from ... hunting? :rolleyes:
No kidding. I assume on the property? Yet I read in some article that his alibi was ironclad. Or some such. Well how so? Was someone with him? To me that is not necessary solid or ironclad. Was there a phone trail? Again, the phone could be there or with someone else. HOW is hunting a solid alibi? Unless of course it was elsewhere maybe in another state? I have no idea, other than it has been said he was hunting, no further info that I have seen on where, his alibi, how confirmed, etc.
Well here is an article with a lot in it I have seen nowhere else. I would take it as pretty solid as it is all about arrests, tickets, charges, bond, bond conditions, etc. which there are I assume records for. Much of interest in here.

It is a bit odd to me to talk about a murder victim negatively as he was killed/victim, but this case is a bit unusual and these seem to be facts.

Much in this article as to not learning lessons and different traffic violations, boating violations, etc., drinking and so on.

Just for one, when charged with a BUI (which I assume is boating under the influence) and getting bond, how does a judge give no condition that the person charged is NOT TO DRINK ALCOHOL? In fact as you read, you will see he had only one condition of bond and then that was removed.

Well here is an article with a lot in it I have seen nowhere else. I would take it as pretty solid as it is all about arrests, tickets, charges, bond, bond conditions, etc. which there are I assume records for. Much of interest in here.

It is a bit odd to me to talk about a murder victim negatively as he was killed/victim, but this case is a bit unusual and these seem to be facts.

Much in this article as to not learning lessons and different traffic violations, boating violations, etc., drinking and so on.

Just for one, when charged with a BUI (which I assume is boating under the influence) and getting bond, how does a judge give no condition that the person charged is NOT TO DRINK ALCOHOL? In fact as you read, you will see he had only one condition of bond and then that was removed.

$$$ and connections is how that usually gets dropped
$$$ and connections is how that usually gets dropped
Yep. And I will go one step further with that. Those with power or influence and willing to wield it that way often have favors they have done for others through the years who may be in trouble and then when they are facing something, those others, whether they be cops, judges, just people, need to return the favor and if they don't, well let's just say they all sometimes have something on the other so they are kind of in a pickle or beholden...
Yep. And I will go one step further with that. Those with power or influence and willing to wield it that way often have favors they have done for others through the years who may be in trouble and then when they are facing something, those others, whether they be cops, judges, just people, need to return the favor and if they don't, well let's just say they all sometimes have something on the other so they are kind of in a pickle or beholden...
thats part of the "connections" part
thats part of the "connections" part
Yep. Just was adding some more detail to it of why sometimes. Someone can be influential and keep their nose clean but then others are that scratch my back, I'll scratch yours types for lack of a better way of putting it...

Not sure whether one should get too excited over this. Sounds like it could be checking out a tip where with many cases they say they check about all out, and many are nothing. On the other hand, it sounds like a number of SLED vehicles and a fairly big response. Not sure why there would be another crime site unless they think it is a weapon dump in the swamp or the bodies were moved or something.

It could be something though. And two miles with a 1700 acre property could still be on it or very near the property. It depends on how the acreage lays out but one square mile is 640 acres.

This article and others I keep hearing of a number of suspicious deaths surrounding this family in the past and yet most of what is said is just about the one death in the boating accident...
Well here is an article with a lot in it I have seen nowhere else. I would take it as pretty solid as it is all about arrests, tickets, charges, bond, bond conditions, etc. which there are I assume records for. Much of interest in here.

It is a bit odd to me to talk about a murder victim negatively as he was killed/victim, but this case is a bit unusual and these seem to be facts.

Much in this article as to not learning lessons and different traffic violations, boating violations, etc., drinking and so on.

Just for one, when charged with a BUI (which I assume is boating under the influence) and getting bond, how does a judge give no condition that the person charged is NOT TO DRINK ALCOHOL? In fact as you read, you will see he had only one condition of bond and then that was removed.

Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith
Ohhh. I saw just a bit about this one in one article but not with this detail. The one I saw only said it was ruled a hit and run, etc. and never said how any Murtaugh was connected. I figured they meant it was just that maybe Solicitor Murtaugh got it ruled a hit and run whether for his own or someone else's sake, family or friend. This article says a LOT more.
The random thought crossed my mind out of nowhere as to hunting at 10 at night?? Funny that never occurred to me before. I think of most hunting in daylight and now don't get me wrong, I know even in the midwest of certain animals that are hunted at night and seasons for it, like raccoons or bobcats for instance (or at least used to be, not sure now) but most hunting is daylight for safety and necessity as are seasons. It certainly is not as common as for instance, deer hunting, in my neck of the woods, all daylight hours and only in season.

There are dog hunters that do things like raccoon and bobcats at night, not sure the season. Anyone have a clue about South Carolina? And what is hunted and/or can be at night and what the seasons for such are? The victims were found by a dog kennel. Dad was allegedly out hunting (late hours to me to hunt). Were they all hunting together and the mom and son had come back. Did they lose a dog so dad stayed back? Was dad even hunting on their own property or gone somewhere hunting and got back at ten or so?

Why are even little details so non-existent in this case? Is something in season there right now that he was hunting late? Heck we don't even know were they alone on the property? Was anyone staying with them or visiting or over for dinner? Was anyone hunting with dad, a group? Where was the other son, was he part of the "family" time at the lodge as well?

Strange. Imo.
*(pr alert, imo)

Richard Alexander “Alex” Murdaugh, 53, discovered their bodies upon getting home from work. Just after 10 p.m., he dialed 911. The distraught father then called two of his brothers.

The Murdaugh family, long known in the region as something of an institution, had more recently became the subject of suspicion and scorn in the aftermath of Mallory Beach’s death. Paul Murdaugh was apparently bullied and threatened over his real or perceived role in Beach’s death.

“You hear of all this talk on social media with regard to Paul, but I don’t know of anybody that would truly be an enemy or would truly want to harm them.”
As to rumor or things confirmed, not sure MSM is any better than any source these days. It has been stated in various news articles that he was hunting, now he was working? Does he work as perhaps a hunting guide? I thought he was an attorney. Maybe he has a part time gig. Pretty industrious to hold two jobs considering the alleged wealth, admirable.

I guess it is in the a.m. they figure they were killed again with a narrow time frame coming from something or somewhere and dad was not home until late p.m. and found them. Do part-time prosecutors work until 10 p.m. or are the courts there open that late? Or again was he a hunting guide? Not at the family, but at the media for the various versions of the story which completely conflict.

This article quotes another news publication as to two different firearms used. As of yesterday LE would NOT confirm this but it has been reported plenty. To my knowledge though, LE will not confirm this is true so... Were there at least two?

Some news orgs said father was said to be a POI, others say nope, not the case.

It may be easily not noticed, but I find it truly interesting dad was never elected but was a part time prosecutor. I don't want to say that smacks as nepotism but it does. If it is like it is here, D.A.'s are elected, assistant D.A.s are hired. I know of no father and son together in a prosecutor's office, mother/son, husband, wife, etc. There are some in different offices which many in the public do not like nor trust when that is seen. Not saying it does not occur but I would think most lean towards not having such a thing occur or questions arise claiming nepotism right in a public office, etc. Part time too. I wonder how much he worked or what hours. He was not home from work until 10 p.m.

Some say there are indications of ties to the boating accident, others do not assume nor go there. News orgs I mean again.

His brothers went on Good Morning America?? Gee in most cases family is asked to be quiet and not affect the investigation/case. This is a family of prosecutors, they would not know that? And pointing towards SM threats? The threats may be true but how many cases do we know of someone threatened someone on SM who was not related to the actual case and area where they traveled and went to their second home (and actually knew where it was and that they would be there) and actually killed them? And killed the mother too... Sorry, but I think that's a real reach and very unlikely, I'm betting it is way closer to home than that. He is probably grieving but why would a family want to point in the direction of some strangers on the internet in the event a more likely or real perp is not looked at by LE? Or were they people from the area that were on the internet threatening Paul?

Paul was not even questioned at the scene of the boat crash? A recusal occurred because of ties/connections but still Paul was never given any bond conditions except not leaving the state and that was lifted, NOT even a no drink condition. I don't think I have ever seen a crime where the crime is under the influence that there is not an automatic NO DRINK given by the judge for a bond condition. I have seen it even in cases where drink was not part of the charge/related necessarily!

The Beach attorney alleges LE tried to improperly influence the investigation so seems like that attorney is saying the cops are dirty in that area too or on someone's payroll. Then "reportedly" there is an investigation going on whether several members of the Murdaugh family obstructed justice in the boating incident. Is there one going on or not?

Smh, smdh. What does one say. You can't even trust the news on this for one thing as it has been totally opposing in some publications. With LE sharing and confirming nothing, what is the family doing on GMA nationally pointing in any direction or sharing anything? What is the actual purpose of going on the show? I can't really think of a legitimate reason tied to finding the perp(s) or getting justice nor a wise one. I mean they certainly know and have LE, professionals they know and probably their own probably high powered family attorney on retainer giving advice. Were they not advised by investigators to NOT do that, try not to affect the investigation as most families are?

Generally we try to believe LE is not sharing anything because they have to protect an investigation and of course that is what is said and often true, we come to find out when eventual charges come, but to listen to this stuff or read it, one would think in this case not the tiniest bit of info is given because if they commit to something or the public hears it, they can't change the facts, obstruct justice or have evidence disappear or have LE improperly influence the investigation.

Long, long post, sorry but every bit of it comes directly from this article and the little that doesn't comes from articles of other news orgs, and then just my opinion of those stated remarks and reaction to it.

There are probably family members grieving the two lost loved ones or some may be more than others and pehraps all truly are, and grandpa's loss shortly thereafter as well. I sympathize and feel for those as deeply as they felt for the family of the Beach girl/her loss. And perhaps they did/do.
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Not that I think he had anything to do with anything but have we heard where
Stephen Smith
And this one, yesterday and still today I did not dare remark on. It is so maddening and so every much could be said or discussed.

Did Smith's mother even get a response or help from the State with her allegations of the corruption? Does it go so deep and they are so powerful the State won't even step up or look into it? This one would also likely qualify as a hate crime, if there was a time to say that and yell about it, now would be the time, it has been a big focus in some cases this past year or so. The timing is also right to question the State again and insist on an investigation with the Murdaughs being in the spotlight again.

The maid??

He spit on and slapped his girlfriend before he crashed? What a sweetheart.

Paul and his mother were not named in the civil suit? I don't understand that whatsoever. And they are the two dead. Paul was responsible. He was over 18, why was he not named? Even if he had no assets, you still name them and a judgment can still be assessed can't it?

There is so much in this article one could go on about. It sounds like a movie it is so disgusting that such things could and do still go on nowadays. Times are changing though, if too slowly but they are, and some in power fail to realize it... Cameras, internet, the ability to spread the word fast... Such can bring very unwanted focus. I think of the Guillen case in that respect. It took awhile for the family to get there and it be realized they were not going to go away and get the notice and public and others to join but they did.. And naturally people are scared to speak up when power or corruption is involved...

No injuries except the head and he was hit by a semi truck mirror? I don't think I would ever NOT notice a semi. That sounds so ridiculous. How are you EVER hit by a vehicle and only have head injuries? Honestly there seems to be no intelligence even here, just assurance and cockiness that the power and connections run so deep that even questioning or writing the State will result in no questioning or second look with anything relating to this family.

Again, I am simply going off this news article, I had no opinion nor much knowledge of the Murdaughs until now. And this article is a doozy sof if anyone has not read it in full, they should.

Okay. Enough out of me. One of those days. I need to break from it.
Not that I think he had anything to do with anything but have we heard where

And this one, yesterday and still today I did not dare remark on. It is so maddening and so every much could be said or discussed.

Did Smith's mother even get a response or help from the State with her allegations of the corruption? Does it go so deep and they are so powerful the State won't even step up or look into it? This one would also likely qualify as a hate crime, if there was a time to say that and yell about it, now would be the time, it has been a big focus in some cases this past year or so. The timing is also right to question the State again and insist on an investigation with the Murdaughs being in the spotlight again.

The maid??

He spit on and slapped his girlfriend before he crashed? What a sweetheart.

Paul and his mother were not named in the civil suit? I don't understand that whatsoever. And they are the two dead. Paul was responsible. He was over 18, why was he not named? Even if he had no assets, you still name them and a judgment can still be assessed can't it?

There is so much in this article one could go on about. It sounds like a movie it is so disgusting that such things could and do still go on nowadays. Times are changing though, if too slowly but they are, and some in power fail to realize it... Cameras, internet, the ability to spread the word fast... Such can bring very unwanted focus. I think of the Guillen case in that respect. It took awhile for the family to get there and it be realized they were not going to go away and get the notice and public and others to join but they did.. And naturally people are scared to speak up when power or corruption is involved...

No injuries except the head and he was hit by a semi truck mirror? I don't think I would ever NOT notice a semi. That sounds so ridiculous. How are you EVER hit by a vehicle and only have head injuries? Honestly there seems to be no intelligence even here, just assurance and cockiness that the power and connections run so deep that even questioning or writing the State will result in no questioning or second look with anything relating to this family.

Again, I am simply going off this news article, I had no opinion nor much knowledge of the Murdaughs until now. And this article is a doozy sof if anyone has not read it in full, they should.

Okay. Enough out of me. One of those days. I need to break from it.
The semis I have been around, their mirrors are way up there

Professional Truck Driver Crossed Arms Standing Stock Photo (Edit Now)  1543212515
The semis I have been around, their mirrors are way up there

View attachment 11665
View attachment 11666
Professional Truck Driver Crossed Arms Standing Stock Photo (Edit Now)  1543212515
Awesome that you posted pics because it shows how ridiculous this conclusion is. That's exactly what I mean. I am not unfamiliar with semis either, way back, I scheduled pickups, watched them load or unload as well if incoming with supplies or parts and leave. It makes no sense and is not even a smart cover-up/conclusion. I can't decide if the one/those that "came to" this conclusion is/are flat out stupid or someone wanted to thumb their nose and conclude something so obviously false and so sure of their power and flex it that it was like "see, to the family, who even wrote the state over the bs and this conclusion was so patently and obviously false it was like see, you can point that out but our power is so deep, not even the state will take a look... Probably stupidity, I would hate to think it could be that deep to involve one of our 50 states to that depth but I for one don't doubt it... The things already being said in this case and prior deaths relating and said outright in even mainstream media... Wow... Weinstein is convicted. Ghislaine is in jail. Cosby. More. Let's keep seeing it slowly go the right way finally with power and privilege... And anyone protecting such go down as well. IF, of course, it is deserved.... I really don't know here but boy if all is true then yes you betcha, take 'em down.
A state grand jury, under the authority of the S.C. Attorney General, is investigating whether there was obstruction of justice in the aftermath of the 2019 boat crash that implicated Paul Murdaugh and killed 19-year-old Mallory Beach, according to sources with knowledge of the case.

Meanwhile, the 14th Circuit Solicitor’s Office, which recused itself from the boat crash investigation because of its ties to the Murdaugh family, has not said it would do the same for the investigation into the June 7 murders of Paul Murdaugh and his mother, Maggie.

On Friday, the Solicitor’s Office released a letter to The Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette saying Alex Murdaugh, Paul’s father and Maggie’s husband, was an authorized volunteer for the office and was not paid for his work.

Other updates in the murder investigation: Police obtained a warrant and searched Paul Murdaugh’s apartment in Columbia, sources told The State newspaper.

Note to readers: This story, originally published in The State on April 5, 2019, tells the story of the four-generation Murdaugh family, their powerhouse law firm and the successive Murdaughs who served as elected chief prosecutors for 85 years for a five-county region in South Carolina’s Low Country. It also tells of the tragic death of Mallory Beach while in a boat Paul Murdaugh allegedly was driving.

The night 19-year-old Mallory Beach died in a boat crash near Beaufort, South Carolina, investigators arrived at the hospital to interview two teens suspected of driving the boat while drunk.

The father and grandfather of one suspect suddenly showed up, telling officers they were lawyers. They stopped all interviews and prevented the teens from taking any sobriety tests.

The father and grandfather weren’t average citizens. They were members of one of the most powerful legal families in South Carolina. They were the Murdaughs.

Alex Murdaugh’s son, 19-year-old Paul Murdaugh, is a possible driver, police reports show. A video posted to social media appears to show him driving at some point that night. Connor Cook, 19, was also named as a possible driver. The case is now being investigated by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Paul Murdaugh’s father and grandfather, former chief prosecutor Randolph Murdaugh III, are the ones who went to the hospital that night and prevented the teens from cooperating with law enforcement, according to DNR Capt. Robert McCullough.

Paul Murdaugh has since retained two high-profile criminal lawyers — Jim Griffin and Sen. Dick Harpootlian, D-Richland, both of Columbia. Connor Cook has retained attorney Joe McCulloch of Columbia. None of them will comment.

“It has been 38 days since the fatal boat crash and no charges have been filed ...,” said the weekly Hampton County Guardian in a front page story this week. The Guardian’s stories to date have noted “no one has stepped forward to claim responsibility as the driver of the boat.”

Some kind of action should have been taken, said Laura Hudson, executive director of the S.C. Crime Victims’ Council.

The case would normally be prosecuted by the 14th Circuit, where three generations of Murdaughs were chief prosecutors for 85 years. But Solicitor Duffie Stone has requested that the case be handled by the state Attorney General’s Office or another solicitor because two members of the Murdaugh family — Alex Murdaugh and Murdaugh III — still work for Stone’s office as part-time prosecutors. If DNR decides to bring criminal charges, S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson will decide whether his office will prosecute or whether to give the case to another solicitor’s office.

Even so, in rural Hampton County and beyond, people question whether anyone in the boat will be held accountable for Mallory Beach’s death. Many have taken to social media about the incident, pointing to the Murdaugh family’s long history and sharing conspiracy theories about them.

It marks the second time that this small, rural community is left to wonder what really happened to one of its young people and whether justice will be served.

The case of 19-year-old Stephen Smith is often mentioned in the same sentence on social media. In July 2015, the young man’s body was found in the middle of a Hampton County roadway with his head bashed in. Investigators reported he was the victim of a hit-and-run accident, despite police reports showing no evidence that ever took place.

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